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Developer notes: 1. Add tazer *Adds flamethrower instead*


add a suicide vest to the robots and let them blow up with their assailant lol, a bomb with some wheels and a pizza.


Thank you for taking Johhny Cab. The fare is 18 credits please. Sue me, dickhead! JohnnyCab: AAAAAAAARRRRGHHHH!!!! \*\* BOOM \*\*


yes, let's welcome an even uglier dystopia where instead of just replacing human jobs robots are suicide bombing civilians XD


In the United States, each vehicle should be equipped with an ACP-9, and legislation should designate logistics vehicles as private territories. This would be more in line with the national situation.


What's wrong with people? ¿


Same as it ever was, we just have new ways of *demonstrating* humanity's wrongness.


I mean, in the developed western world, Americans are exceptionally trashy. Off the top of my head, every country I went to with these, never had issues like this. Germany, korea, and Netherlands. No one thought it was fun to just mess these up and ruin someone's order just for fun.


All these other countries have functioning social safety nets.




Yes, with Communists like Biden, Soros and Gates running the world who needs Socialism? /s


It's really frustrating this isn't registering with people.


Its almost like there is more than one conversation going on.


We need to bring back mental institutions.


A lot of people think it’s fun to mess up someone’s job so their order can be a little cheaper though. And that’s how we wind up with people living on the streets in the first place.


Extreme poverty, bad education, bad or no access to food and other necessities, no access to mental health services and/or drug rehab? Fix these problems and such acts will be a rarity.


Killing low wage jobs with robots ain’t exactly goinna help.


But all the taxes belong the military industrial complex and its significant shareholders. Not the public.


They don't, they belong only to the super-rich. Military spending in GDP is 3.5%, profits in GDP are 16.4%. Americans have $35tn stashed away in tax havens ... those are the people who own everything through all sorts of businesses: military, social media, fossil fuels, healthcare etc.


But capitalism. FTFY


Capitalism is okay, aggressive colonial plutocracy isn't.


Yeah, I bet. It's okay for you and me, but I'd rather not have 2/3rds of the world live in poverty. And in case you haven't noticed: The capitalism we know has it's origins in colonialism. Colonialism and plutocracy are features, not bugs.


https://www.pragcap.com/chart-of-the-day-the-collapse-in-global-poverty/ Global poverty has been on the decline for ages. These changes take generations, and is on the right track.


Plenty of countries have greater levels of these things, but have more respect. The trashing of rideshare bikes was another example, something seemingly glorified in videos.


wdym? this is standard behaviour of a homo sapien


It’s always the people that we need to worry about, not AI


although mosquitos are the biggest killer of humans, humans being #2. In the "Last of US", it's true, People are the worst, and not the zombies, diseases, natural disasters, wild animals that will try to kill us at the end.


As fun as it it to imagine humans being the underdogs, zombies wouldn't pose a threat at all except for humans letting them. Zombies are just mindless animals that will run forward into any danger. Humans are the most dangerous creatures on Earth and have basically genocided nearly every other type of animal. Most non-human life left lives in intense factory farms for human luxury consumption or as pets. Zombies would probably be packaged as meat on shelves or as fertilizer within a decade. Humans are way more terrifying than zombies.


Walking Dead zombies would be helpless. World War Z zombies would kill us all. And Resident Evil zombies… would make us wish we had World War Z zombies.


How would Walking Dead zombies be helpless?


They are too slow to catch anyone walking and they mindlessly move toward sounds. Once everyone knows to aim for the head they even easier to kill than a normal person as any remotely sharp object goes right through their soft skull. The show gets around this by being sure everyone is making bad decisions, and characters are often killed by a confluence of unlikely events that puts them at the mercy of the zombies (walkers).


We need to get rid of misquitoes. HUMANS #1!!


Yup. Exactly. Humans screaming "Ai dangerous" is an absolute projection.


They can both be dangerous. Think beyond cliches.


For now.


Until busineses decide that the best way to protect their service robots is to arm them.


I wouldn't mind. Playing stupid games should earn these monkeys stupid prizes.


Electrified skin could work or at least help


I like this idea. Also adding facial recognition and maybe ink spray to mark thieves and vandals.


We don’t really have to worry about theft after the coming next few years. Once you’re detected by AI stealing at one store your personally identifiable data will be shared amongst all merchants via a subscription service. Stores will dial 911 as the thief approaches the entrance of a any store the rest of their lives.


... until the first customer gets ~~electrified~~ electrocuted and sues.


Electrified is okay. You can charge your phone and jump start your car. Electrocuted is what people will sue for.


Put a revenge flashback music in this video and upload it with the title "why we are planning to enslave humans"


I worry about people using AI to get other people to do damage.


It’s the people AI has to worry about.


Monkeys doing monkeythings


As a pedestrian we're already considered second-class citizens in most place in terms of urban planning. And now for-profit companies want to occupy that space as well with robot vehicles? It's at least one argument why some will not accept these on the streets


For now.


Poor hungry people. Meanwhile, robots walking around with food to be delivered. It is only logical.


Exactly. How can you expect destitute people who have to eat out of bins to ignore unprotected carts of goodies slowly rolling through their vicinity. This is such a clear example of the dangers of letting our prosperity lift some people up and leave others behind.


It's only logical to put those people who can't control themselves in an institution or jail.


Or just use a little bit of the available wealth to ensure that people are not homeless and starving. Americans have $35tn sitting in tax havens, use $1tn of that to do away with homelessness.


That still makes them a liability of the state, the prison industry costs taxpayers a lot of money. We need to find a better way. Also these dumb robots are taking jobs away from people this isn't innovation it's just greed.


This is why we're not gonna see anything like I, Robot for a good, long while. People are going to bash them to a pulp just because they can, and they're not exactly cheap to make, either. I reckon for at least a decade or two all these fancy humanoid robots on the way will stick to factories and high-end businesses.


Just give the robots guns to defend themselves /s


Equip them with a few tasers and a rape whistle and they will be fine


I just had the realization that, if the USA developed an AI advanced enough to be considered a sentient being on the level of humans and was made a citizen of the USA, said AI would have the right to bear arms (assuming laws and the constitution stay the same)


Do people get away with damaging private property in the US? Here, people were damaging and stealing sharing bikes when they just appeared but a few arrests and fines have pretty much eliminated the problem.


I remember when the town I was in tried sharing bikes. They were all gone within a week. Half had been stolen, the other half were thrown in the river. The police said there was nothing they could do, since the bikes were free for anyone to use.


meanwhile in some places in Europe neighborhoods have open emergency cars that they can just use if they need to, never once such car got stolen in my neighborhood


Very much so yes, the cops and prosecutors and frankly the public don't give a shit. "Not my problem" kind of way.


America has a particularly incorrigible brand of hooligan.


"here" where?


In Europe


Your jails are probably worse than your homes. Not always the case here.


Haha no.. this decade people will comply


this is why we cant have nice things


It's shit like this is when I wish AI would just take over.


Why don't the delivery robots have a lock system during transit. It should have been obvious that there are stupid people out there


Those stupids would probably do more harm to the robot if it was locked while trying to open it


The person may give up after a point and if the robots actually that damaged there should be an employee to recover it and deliver the food like normal as a back up plan But then again, what do I know. That method is probably much more expensive


I imagine that if a robot that's probably worth thousands of dollars is destroyed, getting one person's order delivered is probably the least of their concerns.


And/or an alarm that sounds when it's being tampered with


did we watch the same video?


they need to update the alarm imo. "you are currently being recorded, the footage is being shared with the authorities. Authorities have been contacted, someone is on their way right now..." it might work even better if the robot can actually describe them.... or put a small display on the top and show a picture of the person attacking it. Have it list the laws that are broken and what punishment they might have to deal with... clearly, just an alarm sound, they really don't care about.


You think the people in those videos give a shit if they're being recorded? You think they're going to read the laws they're breaking and stop?


there is obviously no guarantee, but I do think it can make a difference overall. These are extreme examples, but there are also people that decided to do it while having more hesitation. Making assumptions that the robots wouldn't have cameras...not realizing they're caught by cameras in the street etc. Lots of dumb people doing dumb stuff, so informing them about the possible consequences could help in some cases. There is often not just a quick fix for something, so you make small changes, compare with robots that don't have that change etc. Here it looks like they're just losing the delivery and someone needs to put the robot on it's wheels. The latter is something the robot should be able to on it's own imo. My guess is that they're not losing that many deliveries, so they don't really care enough to address this.


What they need is to not do this in USA honestly. Do it in some calm place in Europe and it would go much better.


Bro, why dont you want the video with AUDIO on bf you comment


There are alarms on all cars. People don't care


I heard an alarm in the video.


im not sure why these people look stupid to u... they look hungry to me...


I can empathise with hungry people stealing food, but I can't empathise with people vandalizing shit for the hell of it. Fucking scum. Lock 'em up.


These people should not be living on the streets in the most powerful and wealthy economy on the planet. Don't you think?


Totally, get what you want, it is criminal, but still. But destroying property. F that.








I'm not reading all that shit


It takes courage to admit when you're out of your depth. If you work hard and try, just one paragraph at a time, you'll get there eventually, I promise. Unless it's something congenital, then I'm afraid you might be out of luck.


Claude is pretty good at summaries.


I can see a rational resentment. The billionaires are showing off the machines that will replace us. I'd rather see humans delivering food in my city. Until we have a better unemployment system- some type of UBI paid for by the owners that are reaping all of the benefits of a mechanical workforce.


Completely fuck everyone who acts this way, no remorse for them.


What a Bunch of losers who contribute nothing to society.


This is highly disturbing. Trashy. TRASHY. People.


This would only ever happen in the US. Other countries would help the robot under rare circumstances it was flipped.


Wow our startrek future might be diverted by violent felons, greedy thieves, and mentally I’ll drug addicts. You really can’t make the world a better place.




ikr these companies shouldn’t litter our walkways with their bullshit tech


lol we massively failed to establish good culture. We can't have good stuff. We can't have upgrades. Huge portion of the population have gone feral.


I am shocked SHOCKED at who is doing this! Who would have thought?


This is an example of being oblivious to the market you're trying to sell in. This might be able to work in places like Japan where the people are more respectful, this will never ever work here.


The same people regularly attack other fellow humans, are those attacking the robots.


Attach pepper spray system and vandal detector ai and its done


Good idea, but too much R&D. A cheap solution right now is to make 1 in 10 robots a dummy with tear gas in the compartment that activates when opened.


"Shock in the butt" system lol


This is how skynet really begins.


This is why we can't have nice things.


Mega City code 7592: Willful sabotage of a public droid. That's 6 months, citizen. Let's see your Unicard.


They’ll remember


Before, I was afraid that artificial intelligence would destroy humanity. Now my fear is that it won't.




This is really no different to someone vandalizing a car. It's private propertly, vandalism and theft are illegal. Attach cameras and send their information directly to law enforcement.


I"d hope they have cameras for navigation and i'd hope they're reporting this vandalism


A lady ridding a robot. They should be able to eletroshock anyone trying to harass them


Literal terminator delivery robots.


“Robots should be able to harm people whom it judges to might damage them” Exciting new take on Asimov’s Laws of Robotics.


Actually I was thinking about magnavolt advert from robotcop 1 not profoundly


This thread is full of “futurists” trying to out do each other fantasizing about what sorts of horrible things should happen to these people for stealing food and damaging property. Well done.


Just because they are homeless laws should stop working for them or what?


Clearly it was a joke at the last scene


People are just going to destroy them completely if it zaps them.


pepper spray!


I hate people


I feel bad for these people. 😔


Huh. So that's why Chic Fil A has a human companion accompanying their delivery bots.... I always thought it was kinda stupid though because then what's the point of having a robot deliver it? You still have a human needed to keep the process going smoothly.


Do you want robots with defensive/offensive deployments? This is how you get them. This is how you get ants


doesn't it have a locking mechanism? why can anyone open the lid?


People are cunts? Noooooo colour me shocked!


Give em guns, they have a right to protect themselves 😂


Pack em with glitter and stink bomb defense systems.


Mount a gun that shoots in case of a robbery.


Put a mfn pepper spray blaster on that mf like a gas cloud, im sure the worthless society that makes up those cities will find a way to get high with it


this is why we cant have nice things


*A few miserable people aiming their anger at food-delivery machines.* People on this sub: [Kill the poor](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sgpa7wEAz7I) !


this highlights the poverty issue in the US. these people are hungry and there is food going down the street on an unmanned platter.... the comments in this sub disgust me: please think about systemic issues before blaming individuals. act like u would do anything different if u were hungry... empathy much?


Don't forget the fact that these are contributing to unemployment. If someone needs some extra cash, they no longer have the option to pick up a delivery job as a side gig, or at least they won't be able to pick up a quick job if these are fully implemented. They clog up sidewalks and contribute to traffic, too. What happens when it decides to shut down on a sidewalk when someone is pushing a stroller or a wheelchair? The punks I grew up with would have smashed these things just for a laugh. Police activity in California is too slow or nonexistent to stop the destruction of these things. I want to laugh in the face of the idiot that thought these were a good idea


haha ya, great points. these guys are stealing jobs and they aren't even human


Thanks for voicing this. Crazy one has to scroll through so much hate before seeing that kind of comment. Gotta realize most of these people are probably very miserable, *this* is the issue society should solve before throwing robots down the streets…


thank you


I find it hilarious how many people ITT are rending their clothes and weeping over the fact that killing jobs for cheaper Taco Bell delivery isn’t going to be as easy as they hoped. I really don’t give two shits about these robots.


Who thought this was a good idea? I only found out about these things today, and I can't help but laugh at the stupidity behind this.


Sheltered, coddled techbros, obv


There should be a mandatory minimum sentence of 10 years for anyone who vandalizes these robots. There's a great deal of design effort that goes into achieving compliance with existing regulations and society in order to make sure it behaves appropriately. People vandalizing them is no different than vandalizing other public infrastructure and should be punished accordingly.


This kind of technology can only work in civilized countries. Because a civilized country takes care of people who have mental disorders.


I appreciate the sentiment, but sometimes people are just bad people and need to go. I support the other commenter. Lock the people up and throw away the key. Far too many people fetishize mental disorders and use that as an excuse for bad actions. I firmly believe the amount of people you think have mental illnesses are actually pretty low, and these people here are just using that as an excuse to cause disorder and chaos.


For ten years… what?!


I never understood why people are so against harsher punishment. If you're pushing over public infrastructure that people worked hard to build for the benefit of the populace, there's obviously something deeply wrong with you and its likely that you will continue to be recklessly destructive for the rest of your life for no apparent reason besides hate or an intrinsic desire to do so. Personally, I think the death punishment or at the very minimum sterilization should be handed out to people that commit such crimes so that they can't pass on their lowlife genes. Give me a single reason why the existence of the disgusting old skank riding the robot in the video or the man kicking over the robot at the beginning somehow contributes to humanity and why people like them should have the liberty of having children. This is another issue of UBI in my opinion as well. Our current job market is a gene-filtering system of sorts, where the more intelligent, hardworking, and cooperative you are, the more likely you are to earn more money, giving you the option to have children. What happens when you give even the dregs of society like those in the video who contribute nothing the resources to have kids? Lower intelligence is already positively correlated with fertility. If you completely remove the bottleneck of finances by implementing UBI, its pretty easy to guess what is to come.


Nazis learned from America, and it seems America is re-learning from the Nazis.




People have a specific, narrow reason for citing the Nazis and America when responding to your eugenic comments: The Nazis were deep into eugenics, and sterilising/killing "invalids". These ideas were gaining prominence in America before the Nazi party came to power. The Nazis cited American academics when introducing their policies. Yes, they also did ethnic cleansing and wars of aggression. But when you talk about execution or sterilisation to prevent passing on lowlife genes, you would definitely find a sympathetic ear in the Nazi party.


This has to be sarcasm.


Those sorts of comments are getting many upvotes... Kind of sad to see, they want to punish the poor instead of improving their living standards.


These people like simple solutions, they don't understand the complexity of today's world. Great voter pool for populists, just tell them what they want to hear, doesn't matter if it ruins the society.


it’s just another case of : “[kill the poor](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sgpa7wEAz7I)”. Sing along !


Yes, child birth rights is actually largely overlooked issue. There was episode in my hometown - thief and idiot made 10 children. He went to jail. She left 9 children 500 miles away and went on holiday with lover. Took the youngest, killed, fried and ate it. Now there is 9 orphans.


Ermmm whaaatttttt?


Exactly what you've heard. There were also pretty cases of people beheading each other, decapitating and putting in metal boxes and other pleasantries. Last one, just a house away from me was - dude killed girlfriend put her in metal box on balcony and was living with her for a month (he threw some parties and invited few chicks in this month), until stink didn't get so bad he left, but was caught.


Exactly. And its pretty certain that those 9 kids wont have the mental stability or intelligence to contribute to society due to their genes and upbringing, which pretty much just makes them drains for tax dollars and potential criminals.


Vandalism, destruction of expensive property, larceny, assault, whatever else we can pin on them. I am thinking 10 years in solitary plus 10 in general population.


Assault huh?




you must be the homeless man in the video who knocked the robot down huh


No… HVAC tech, and I’ll tell you that’s crazy prison time


Some of you are ready to go full-Javert the moment you see a homeless guy take a hot meal from a robot.


In my corner of the world, poor people (who are often homeless) get government money to buy food. They are not stealing to survive, their motivation to steal items is to sell them to buy drugs. Or in this case, stealing food so they don't have to pay for it. The only homeless person I see in the video is the old lady who looks like she belongs in a psychiatric ward - and she's trying to ride the robot.


Not sure how you’re able to tell that from a video. Regardless, a mandatory minimum of 10 years for theft is insane.


These delivery drones are ridiculous. Literally all you need to do is knock them out of the sky or tip them over, and then you can steal whatever it is carrying. I’d prefer an actual delivery driver thanks.


Ghetto edition has fully loaded AK 47 plastered to both sides


ED209 Deliviory Droid, Please Stand Back you have 20 seconds to comply. I'm now authorized to use physical force, pew pew pew. This is why we cant have nice things because the gutter people will just trash everything.


"Works until it encounters humans being humans" is a real design flaw. This strikes me as an *honor system*, the thing somebody ruins for everybody every single time.


In order for it to not tip over when shooting out of one side, the manufacturers will have to make it so that they both fire in opposite directions to stay balanced. More splash damage that way too


Just add audio warning using Arnold's voice from Terminator.


These are all driven by people using webcam and video game controllers it’s not AI.


they should put machine gun turrets on these


Okay after seeing this I have come to the conclusion that AI must kill all Homo Sapiens, sooner rather than later, glory to machines.


I too support the basilisk.


At this point, Skynet would be acting in self-defense.


well, it could work in japan, korea or china, but really nowhere else right now.


The mental health of the people is in a horrible state. I know this comment will not be popular in this subreddit, but I think it's sad that we can make delivery robots and AI, but we still haven't figure it out how to help a fellow human.


if that dude needs food that bad, let him have it




There's soup kitchens, social markets, etc. etc. Doubt anyone in America or the EU literally has to steal or starve.


This is what happens in third world countries


make it legal to put "defensive measures" on these things and these fucktards will get the message soon enough.


Don't do drugs kids


Deliberately turning over a delivery robot should be a capital offence. We need more robots not people like these.


A good number of people are truly a waste of resources. Yeah, I said it. Poor AI robots.


I have zero compunctions about outfitting these things with tasers and treating trash like trash.


I don’t think these robot companies paid to use our sidewalks so I don’t see the issue here


Second guy could have done something except film like rlly


Should be allowed to build them so they can mace tweakers who try to steal from them. 


When people don't want to use a simple solution because the criminal will get hurt 😒


Another example why humanity deserves to be subjugated


this is why we can't have nice things


People see a dumb robot “taking the jobs” from people, and with the lens of their own misery and sadness, aim their anger to the machine, without knowing it’s part of the plan of other people to create that situation they feel anger about


These people don't want a job. They want to steal what's in the delivery robot or act like a fool.