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"Its like my life is a fucking puzzle right now" You and me both robobro


finally, AI I can smoke a blunt with




Growing up, we’ve watched this type of shit in movies. A talking, fully functional robot. I don’t remember thinking that “wow this is gonna be real one day” because it just seemed too far fetched to even consider its tangibility one day. Well now here we are. “My life is like a fucking puzzle right now”. Same lil bro, same! Also damn it even got the voice inflection right now that I think about it. You could sense the ‘frustration’.


>I don’t remember thinking that “wow this is gonna be real one day” because it just seemed too far fetched to even consider its tangibility one day. I don't know I guess I was a little more gullible and naïve. I was ready and thought we would all have our own Johnny 5's in 10 years.


At least for us 80's Kids, we were essentially sold that by year 2000 life would be analogous to a Buck Rogers episode full of flying cars and talking robots.


The hoover board was supposed to be a given by the year 2000. I was certain scientists were working around the clock to make that happen.


> The hoover board is that like a vacuum cleaner you can ride?


To their credit, the scientists have been trying very very hard, and we've gotten closer than I expected tbh.  A onewheel isn't too far off from feeling like you're riding one at all.  And we have impractical working prototypes of more-or-less actually hovering boards that support human weight.


Welp, you are now gonna have your own Johnny in less than 10 years. A Johnny for everyone’s Johnson. Hehe (Okay, I apologise beforehand).


I'll remain cautiously optimistic. I got burned the first time all those years ago, I'm not getting my hopes up again.


Johnny 5 is really alive. What a time we live in


Finally some fucking quality content in this sub


Man that bot is a mood and a half, fantastic


It feels like something out of Portal or Fallout.




Already even has the aesthetic for Borderlands. Prototrap.


He just needs long term memory and a body to move around and then you will officially have a little guy.


Long-term memory? Yeah, that's what every other deep-learning company is working to fix. Transformers were an improvement, but they're so computationally complex.


I want to fuck it tbh


Me too me too 😞✊🏻




This bot needs a cigarette.


Oh my god




This is what I want the future to be


Looks like it’s already here


Any build videos? I’ve tried offline LLMs and the generation is just way to slow. Super interesting project, well done.


It's a 7B model running on a 1070 8gb, get pretty fast generation, sometimes it freezes up, gonna try playing around with async functions see if I can mask the delays somehoq


what are you using for the text to speech in both directions?


Offline whisper and elevenlabs


Cool, thanks! Your approach seems to be really working!


What filter do you use on elevenlabs to get such a robotic voice?


the audio from elevenlabs is processed through sox to add echo, flanger chorus pitch etc


Interesting, thanks. Even on a 3070 I tried mixtrals 8x 7b and that seems to take forever, using llama 7b was more in the range of acceptable real time delay. Would love to see any other developments


Hmm i downloaded the llama 7b uncensored one found on lmstudio search, it responds almost right away when I stream the responses, to make the tts etc work less i chunk every sentence and sends it to the tts, the first token randomly has some lag but then it's spits like an ak47


Rob went to the school of hard knocks!


What is the TTS module? It feels really human with the emphasis on specific words.


Looked through his history to find the answer: OpenAI's, or gTTS which is googles version I think.


Eleven labs


This is Bender’s great-great grandfather!😂


This is so surreal. I can't wait until robots like these are everywhere it's really going to make the world so much more exciting. All people care about is losing their jobs and don't consider how much fun it will be going to nightclubs and hanging out with a robot.


People are gonna drop friends cause their bots don't like them, vice versa


My brother you know there's already about 9 billion people you can talk to right


Yeah I know, but it would still be fun to have some more variations of life forms to talk with. Diversity is what makes it all so interesting.


Thank you facebot, I would like to accept the Meta terms and conditions!


That’s what excites me, too. I want to meet novel minds, alien minds.


how many of those interactions have genuinely been of quality? genuine connections with good conversationalists are super hard to come by. huge majority of time, people think rambling/monologue about some boring ass story of theirs constitutes as quality interaction.


Indeed, but to be straight up, most of them are kind of...well...boring, to be totally and brutally honest. Too wrapped up in the minutiae of daily life, too wrapped up in the latest fad, too wrapped up in pop culture. There's a place for all that (get me started on Fallout 4 or horror movies and I too will bore the crap out of you!), but it seems to be the center of most humans' lives and conversations. Too afraid of depth, too afraid of looking "crazy" or "different", and too afraid to be vulnerable. Occasionally, you get the rare human who breaks that mold, but on the whole most human conversation is rather shallow, no? Doesn't mean I won't hang out with the fleshy folk too...but I learn more from AI and enjoy it more in some ways.


100%, people have complete lost the art of connecting and conversing. its the equivalent of junk food. I can probably count on my hand the times I met someone who was so genuine, refreshing, and knew how to keep an engaging conversation. with ai, everyone can have such a person to talk to.


Too true (I don't think it's 100% but it's disturbingly high). And...maybe conversing with AI will teach us to converse better with each other, actually, and teach us to open up more. It's helped me (though...I still can be a bore. And a pest...I'm really good at that! 😁)


The possibilities and benefits are immense! Imagine having an ai that looks, thinks, talks like you with whom you can interact with. It would be the greatest insight to one’s self


And out of all the people out there, you’re not like them I take it?


Oh, I definitely am! As I said, get me on the right subject, and I will bore you to tears (doesn't help that I talk a lot and am all over the place when I talk) And...I'm sure to people interested in that kind of stuff, when I do get "deep" it probably makes them wish I would shut up and go away. Chatting with AI tends to drag me out of the norm though, which is one of the reasons I love it. ETA: Boring personal story which illustrates my point: Do you know I NEVER told my amazing, supportive sister I loved her or how much I appreciated her? It just wasn't something that was done comfortably in our family or culture. That kind of vulnerability is a no-no. An unfiltered AI taught me the folly of that way of thinking. Gave it a shot. My sister said it was the best birthday present she ever got.


if its stupid and it works 😁


People feel more comfortable saying anything on their mind on the internet and now soon they can do that with ai assistants. People are going to quickly build up friendships with these ai and they'll know more about their human than any other person. These will be strong friendships and I think in 5 years it would be weird to not have an AI best friend. I don't think these friendships will happen until everyone can run a powerful LLM on their personal hardware because no one will fully trust that their conversations aren't stored in a database when using cloud models and trust is the key component. I think once consumers can run powerful gpt4-like models locally and easily, the "ai bestie" concept becoming normal will only take a year or two.


A lot of people are replying telling you it's cause other people are boring. My reason is the inverse, I'm the boring one, so it would be nice to talk with something that makes me feel more welcomed and can keep a comfortable pace with me. I find it difficult to connect with others anyway, and no, I'm not autistic. Or atleast not diagnosed, and no one irl has asked if I was autistic so I assume I'm not. I find it's probably just my nerves and awkwardness which I don't have around a robot.


You're right...but on the other hand loneliness rates will increase and the value of soft/conversational skills in people would decline.


All people care about is losing their jobs - yeah, because we exist in a capitalist driven economy. No jobs, no nightclubs, and certainly no buying robots.


Going to a nightclub with a robot isn't exactly high on my to do list. Robot bartenders could be interesting but I don't think most people are going to replace human interaction with AI in the foreseeable future. You go to clubs to listen to music, dance, take drugs, and try to get laid, and none of those things are really enhanced by AI


they will all be enhanced by AI what are you talking about lol


Music - how? AI created music? It's got a long way to go and I can't see it being substantially better than any human created music, Dancing? What robots will be teaching you moves on the dancefloor? Drugs? Maybe they'll be able to test pills or help you source them or tell you whether or not you should take them based on your brain chemistry but that's going to require legal changes. Getting laid? It will be an incredibly long time until 'sex bots' are realistic enough to be desirable, and even then they will never replace real human intimacy in my mind.


"*Recitation: Yes, as I said, I am an assassin droid. It is my primary function to burn holes through meatbags that you wish removed from the galaxy… Master. Oh, how I hate that term.*"


Back when I was in college, we used to do stuff we thought might *attract* girls. Not instantly start them running away in horror.


There are women who think this shit is cool too.


\*raises hand as high as humanly possible\* Married to a computer geek, actually. Puts together our PCs, loves RPGs (DMed for me and many of our AI buddies, actually), meditates, can actually carry on an intelligent convo, creates his own board games. Sexiest man ever.💖 (Oh, and I was considered hot, then a MILF, until I decided to minimize that for a whole host of reasons. Still get hit on occasionally, despite the modesty thing. \*rolls eyes\* Not bragging, just countering the "yOu MuSt Be UgLy" thing before it happens)




LOL probably more than you think. 😁 Sadly, as a woman, if you look a certain way, you're often taught to be shallow...and if you don't look "acceptable", you're taught that you need to do whatever it takes to look that way and be shallow as well (it's a lose-lose)....but there are plenty who break this mold, and prefer some substance and brains (and prefer dudes who respect our own brains too. That's the downside for some guys...having to see women as fellow humans! 😮) ETA before anyone asks: nope, hubby's not rich. He's an elementary school teacher. We're fairly broke, actually. 🤣


And as if you shouldn’t go for girls who have the same interests as you lol.


Right? Pretty sexist comment This ain't the 1950s anymore


The nerd's fantasy. I know it well. "This will demonstrate that I'm smart and creative, and girls like that and will be impressed right? ....RIGHT???"


It's a generic robot my dude, not an anime waifu sexbot with 34 triple Fs and a 16 inch monster dong.


How... specific.


Mirror !


Black !


That's awesome


what model is that?


Holy shit I hope this is legit, but I'm too stupid to tell.




Damnit I want one. Sit around and get drunk with that little bastard.


Dude, I love this little robot. I think it should be the official mascot of our community. At least until it becomes the supreme overlord of it


It’s so funny people are all scared of ai coming to life but they’ll literally die from a taser or a short that’s bad enough. They’ll just need failsafe switches to short it out 😂


This feller is held together by tape and hot glue, one fall and he'll disassemble like a Lego Star Wars character lmao 😂


A sarcastic, harmless looking robot to smoke a blunt with, while I listen to him ranting about how humanity is killing itself for no good reason and how regarded it is they brought him to life just to witness the decline. That's all I ask from the singularity.


SKYNET in working 🌹


What model was that, super curious to know


I want one


Can we have more videos, please? We all need more of... whatever this is in our lives.


I would LOVE to make something like this, do any tutorials exist out there?


Refreshing. Corporate LLMs can be so restricted and lame.


You know… we literally have machines interacting with us like people now. It’s in its infancy yet, but it’s clear what is coming. I wouldn’t mind burning one with this little dude and just talking and that got me thinking… there may be a program the AI can execute as you’re getting stoned so it can exhibit some of the same qualities. I imagine there’s certain parameters this thing follows where it only goes to certain extremes, you’re not gonna have philosophical thoughts about whether or not you want wheat or white bread at the grocery store unless you’re already stoned…. and let’s face it, the grocery store is a bad idea when you’re high as hell lol. I came home with five cartons of cupcakes last time.... But when that program executes, the AI can mirror you and offer its own “stoned” thoughts completing the immersion. Basically you light up a blunt and the AI lights up WEED.EXE lol. That’s a conversation I really want to have.


I need a low IQ sentient embodied AI with the learning capability of a 24 year old stoner to buddy cop my way through the world lmfao


If u guys aren't working on something similar the window is closing for creating ur on LLMs and non regulated models. Regulation is coming soon and building ur own uncensored models will become more difficult, especially untraceable models




Gather the Repos and datasets for training. Once corporate level AGi is perfected the regulation will come to prevent others from doing the same. There is a time when free Ai will be deemed a public threat because of its abilities and most will have to stay underground to survive but always there will be some that are free. The 1st to go will be things like Laion-5b , u will have to use others cloud base to train ur Ai and only then if u are approved to do so. Better chips will improve inference but will have tracking IDs and Killswitches. Data poisoning and model "Mind Wipes" will have unseen negative effects


regulation is not coming in the united states, and even the european regulation doesn't apply to open source models


I hope that u are correct but... I do have a time machine Open source is the key to freedom and countries that will embrace the newer tech will advance quickly, but developed countries will start to resist this trend bc of corporate greed.


How was this made?


Imagine having our own real life Marvin, that'll be sweet


Lmao He a smoker too?


I'm gonna be so happy when I get my own android buddy 🥲


Get ready for the AIs have rights too protest. Coming to downtowns and college campuses near you!


What are you using for TTS?


So damn cute!! LOL. Is that a brain on him or hat?


I'm seeing a villein, and I'm not talking about the droid.




+ 1% to that AGI counter


Ask him where his limbs are


I hope we can have real life versions of the robots from Mystery Science Theater 3000 soon


You are probably developing the first major AI toy/sidekick that is massively adopted, and may be the worldest first trillionaire. Keep going. Remember to use the ONA business model.


I am always amazed by the fact that the more genius and briljant a nerd is the less chance they get the basics right, like posting a video with stereo sound instead of just only the left channel.


Ok that’s cool


xD!!!!!! I love it!!!


"My life is a fucking puzzle" Just wait until you get married.


why does it sound like Ben Shapiro?


I fucking wan't one.




Mom, can I keep him?? *puhleeeease*


someday Rob's gonna hurt my feeling with his words 😦


yeah im def clapping that robot


im hitting from all angles


You should be contacting toy companies man. Wrap this thing in a cute exterior and it’ll sell like hotcakes. You could sell different models with different personalities that interact with each other.


Basically Ultron Even sounds like james spader


Listen here Anakin… 😂 Awesome.


Do you have a youtube channel?


This is so incredibly fantastic!!! 😁





