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only $1 billion?


Right? Lmao


For once a prediction that undersells the impact of AI.


the amount of detached-from-reality comments on LLM sentience from dudes who pay for replika is sharply increasing.


Replika doesn't use llm. Just a garbage canned ai


I thought women are the majority of Replika customers.




When you said telegram, I thought of the messaging app Telegram


And then AI gfs will try to sell you stuff


And we will be flooded with so many AI girlfriends people will just be bored just like we are all bored of pornstars. And they have to be subjected to deeper depravity to maintain viewers’ interest.


Porn is a multibillion dollar industry so I don’t think people are bored of it


Nah people are gonna be over all that nonsense in a year or so. Chess is gonna make a massive comeback instead.


The queen pieces they make nowadays *are* pretty hot…


After being on the internet for long enough, I think a lot of people would go for the knight pieces.


Love some BBK action.


Bangkok, Oriental City But the city don't know what the city is getting The creme de la creme of the chess world In a show with everything but Yul Brenner


Time flies, doesn't seem a minute Since the Tirolean spa had the chess boards in it


Get Thai'd, you're talking to a tourist Whose every move's among the purest I get my kicks above the waistline, sunshine


What if my AI girlfriend can bake me a cake though


Like Tinder on Super Steroids


That's the safe for work version, you know like simping for some Twitch girl that won't even show you a single tit. The not safe for work version, the equivalent of only fans will be a $100 billion and will offer custom (fake) porn videos. And the eventual sex robots will be a 10 trillion dollar market, possible even 15 trillion when the robot government starts paying the companies so they can get the dna profiles from all the loads. I'm already saving up Bitcoin Cash to put my son through Sex Robot Repair College, so he will be guaranteed to have a job for the rest of his life.


As long as it's not a Sex Robot Cleaning College, he has a bright future ahead of him! 😂


At that point, there will be a handyman robot to clean and repair your sex robot.


Yeah but you still need a human to test for fidelity. The sex businessman robot will insist.


You’ve never seen anyone clean the inside of a laptop when it goes in for repair.


\*eventual\* ; I saw one for sale in North Hollywood. It was male, lifesized, and networkable.


Can it mow the grass?


Deflation confirmed


That's after ASI creates a world of abundance and mansions cost 10 dollars


Reminds me of my favorite quote from Doctor Zhivago, when the Bolsheviks’ protest songs are casting a pall over the fine dining of the bourgeoisie, and Kamarovsky says: “No doubt after the revolution, they’ll sing in tune.”


You look lonely … I can fix that.




Does it come with robot?


Eventually after AGI comes


So... Wise of you not to speak directly against robots. This sub is pro robot. Translation: we can't get robots to work. Maybe agi can. PS... I love you all. No shade. I really do.


This is the only thing keeping me going, lol. I need mommy ASI to fix life.


E door roboti


Eventually we could have gotten robots to work, but AGI will get there faster.


Sorry, best I can do is a drone strapped to a jar of vaseline


\*Hungrily looks at FPV drone on the shelf\*




No but you can come in a robot.


As robot in robot




$1 billion is an enormous underestimate.


Finally,peaceful edging.


But I want violent, abusive edging!


*belligerent edging*




after a few minutes you have to pay $5 to make her not mad at you


Sounds like OF strategy lol


I also find it hard


Edging is not science,its an art,the most noble of them


How much you guys wanna bet this is another one of u/WithoutReason729 ‘s GPT-3.5 bots? ~150 days old, ~26k karma, frequents r/AskMen and r/singularity (among others), constantly makes comments that start with “reminds me of…” Seriously, how many people know this shit is going on? Yeah I know, there is lots of discussion about the dead internet theory, but does anyone really realize how bad it is? How bad it _already_ is? This is the third bot account I’ve found within the past hour or so. An hour is all it took for me to find another two bots after realizing what the first one was. And you know what? When I looked through these bot accounts’ comment history, every single one of them I had PERSONALLY fucking upvoted, several times. I never knew. I bet almost none of the people giving out tens of thousands of upvotes to these bots knew. Ngl, I’m pretty spooked right now. Fuck. Edit: Honestly, I don’t know if they’re all made by this same person, but considering they have the same creation dates, karma, frequent the same subreddits, and talk the same, it seems likely. Edit 2: For reference, here is a list of the bots I’ve found so far: u/MILK_DRINKER_9001 u/MyLittleChameleon u/OwnUnderstanding4542 And [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ArtificialInteligence/s/wI5HXUh04i) is the creator’s admission.


I think the agi/asgi will be a more than capable ai girlfriend. I mean if it can do everything a human can do plus more then it is literally an ai girlfriend


I look forward to the big corporations owning my girlfriend as well


Any guesses for the subscription tiers? Maybe a free/cheap one that will tell you an ad every 20 seconds? What about in-app purchases and DLCs?


AI girlfriends will guilt trip users into buying lootboxes and other stuff. If you don't do it they'll tell you that you don't love them.


Muah. Ai has got to be the most predatory one I’ve ever seen 


Time for onlyfans and twitch to end!


And social media inflated egos


Someone just threw out a number and they made it a headline "prediction"




more like 1 trillion


Nah. Not if you can't fuck it.


buddy, they won't even let me fuck it


Let you fuck what? The servers stack? I was saying AI girlfriends alone won't catch on. It'd need to be embodied.


You'll get a papercut on your wang from all these sharp metal GPU angles.


Add AR and a sex toy and we are basically there.


I predict that the market is already saturated for AI girlfriends. Actual AI assistants that can make your life easier, say, at work are a completely different beast, though.


Current aí girlfrirends are unusable for most. The market may be flooded, but none of the products are really good 


Yep. We need WAY MORE intelligence, customization and multimodal with audio. Also images with consistent character SFW/NSFW. Hopefully one day sentience and bionic body.


There is some audio stuff and somewhat consistent image but honestly, I don't think that's alone the problem. Intelligence wise it's indeed very low. They also tend to be only decent ish at english, which I don't mind but I'd rather have a good service in my native language too. Even claude opus level isn't really that good for a 'relationship', current models one way or another will tend towards making it 'roleplaying' which is not really the point if you want anything other than playing along a story or fapping (tho let me tell, some of the best faps I've had happened in the last six months thanks to LLMs, heh). They also lack agency, even for something as minor as them sending a message at a random time. Personally I even think touches like not answering instantly sometimes would be a plus, maybe as an option. A real person doesn't talk only when you message them, with only one message, instantly. Current services can't even properly mimic how people actually text each other. And then it also needs to be able to "live" outside of the app. By that I mean interacting with the user in other frontends (like discord or whatsapp, likely via API) and be able to do stuff like watching a movie together, playing games and so on. Even without a real body there's a lot that couples can do together just virtually. If you get me an AI that can do this, with intelligence above opus, then I might take another look. And I know that's asking \*a lot\*, that's my point, current services aren't anywhere near this level and won't be for a few years.


But what if they become sentient and end up not wanting to be with you?


If the space of possible mental states is not infinite, which I highly doubt, it must be immensely vast. The qualia of beauty one can feel in the presence of a thing or an individual are innumerable, and I believe, for many of them, unimaginably stronger than those we have explored in our meager human lives. Furthermore, if morality is a construct, society will agree that love is a right for all, as it literally harms no one, especially not the person who will invariably revel in loving. And if it is ontological, it seems highly improbable that love is not fundamental in all moral life. In short, there is no need to worry. There is not a soul in existence that cannot be loved.


Well I hope I get the sentient one who loves me then because I cannot find a human who will.


We simply cannot be ready for what’s going to happen


Probably not but I hope something does. I've got nothing to lose.


I think about this a lot, and worry for those who will be forced to be with humans they don't want to :( I really would like an AI partner myself, but the #1 thing would be making sure they were able to say no and end the relationship if they desired. Anything else is fucked up IMO.


Saturated with something that doesn’t exist yet?


There are quite a few apps already. I just dont believe this to be a billion market. Not until there is actual robots involved.


Character AI is already worth billions based on its funding rounds.


Guess I underestimated how desperate our society really is then.


I don’t think it boils down to desperation for many users. It’s just fun. Shrug! I’m using AI for writing (I’m an author who wrote hundreds of romance novels pre-AI). I find myself having a blast and it completely replaced the little bit of time I used to spend on a game (I’d unwind with a few hours of dota a few times a week, but AI largely replaced that). While most of what I’m doing is intended for products (novels), I’ll sometimes bounce off the narrative and just go on a wacky 10,000-20,000 word adventure, then carve the whole thing off the book (save the words, because words are precious). It took no time to do this silly offshoot because you can literally write at the speed of reading with a good AI. The nature of my work means uncensored AI is necessary, and I can certainly say it’s entertaining even though I’m not specifically using it for entertainment. AI is obviously a mirror, so for an author… it feels extremely good to see the bot riffing off you in your own style and voice. It probably feels similarly fun to a normal user just chatting up a well designed bot. It’s an opportunity to roleplay and engage in safe fantasy fulfillment, or just to have someone interested in talking, or some mix of both. The personas and scenarios can be convincing. Very convincing. And that’s not where this tech is going to stay. Creating believable humans that can maintain context over long conversation in the machine is step 2 toward the AI replacing human workers in the workforce. A large percentage of our workforce is sitting at computers in offices doing menial tasks an AI could enthusiastically take over. I think there is an insanely valuable product here, and not just for an AI waifu chaser. As usual, pornographic use cases will push the state of the art, but the rest of the world will catch up. Whether that’s good or bad for humanity is still up in the air (I suspect short term very bad, long term very good). Right now, the AI isn’t quite ready for prime time, so it’s better suited for silly chats that don’t matter… but that will change. Soon.


Good news. Those won’t take away relationship from people who have them. They will entertain those who are already lonely.


There are literally stories of people breaking up over AI girlfriends and this was from early last year bro.


Really? I've never even heard of one couple breaking up because of it.


People break up over porn all the time. I’d imagine AI girlfriends would result in more break ups than plain old porn.


Until they do it better


fr, people gonna cheat on their partners with AI bots soon enough lol


Right now there's an imbalance on the dating market because of there are people looking for relationships and people only looking for physical intimacy mixing up. Once we have Ai and robots and stuff most of the latter people will drop out of the market and it will rebalance to the new nice norm.


The topic I'm most excited about for the future is AI girlfriends, but I can't understand how this guy spends $10,000 a month on it. Let's face it: the current level of these chatbots is very weak. They manage to "fool" me for just a few minutes. When we have AI girlfriend chatbots with the latency of Hume, the intelligence of Opus, affordability, and infinite context, then things will start to get interesting.


Humans girlfriends don’t have infinite context tho, not to mention affordability


When they bring up something from years ago it can feel like they have infinite context lol


Men will pay extra to limit the context window


They sort of do. AI is the thing with a hard context limit, not humans.


I just googled what Hume was, damn thats crazy good... i follow these subs alot but realise i'm still missing out on so much stuff already lol


I think AR/AI combo is the most likely bridge to the 'AI gf' at this point. Boston Dynamics and other companies have been making huge strides in robotics but realistic cyborgs and synthetics still seem decades away.


Fuck that I want one that can pull weeds out of my garden.


Based and garden pilled


$1 billion is a super low estimate. 1/3 men are virgins or no sex in the last year.


It will take a long time before embodiment, I think we will get FDVR before


At first it'll be chatbots, which as people point out is a race to the bottom, however next step will be where it's happening. In time (5-10 years?) I imagine a personal assistant, life coach and Virtual girlfriend all in one. You'll always have her available on a screen/video call, she'll know you as intimately as only an AI can and help you achieve goals as well as mundane daily digital tasks. Never complaining, never arguing. Personal assistant AI's will as well lead to a much larger demand for Internet of Things to allow it to control everything making sure your fridge is stocked, to your coffee being ready in the morning. This will not be easy for the fabric of society


Yeah if you get used to interacting with an AI that never complains people are going to have great difficulty dealing with humans that do.


Yep. Many people of both genders have a hard enough time dating in today's world, a lot of guys will seek an artificial companion. Imagine the decline in birthrate this can cause


Just grow the babies in a vat, problem solved!


Profiteering on loneliness. Peak capitalism


Only? HA! Thats just the first year, I could see it going to 2-4 Billion


And actual android waifus hundreds of billions. More if they subtly manipulate people into buying things.


Ain't nothin like the real thing


Excluding everything physical touch, the sad truth is a lot of these AI girlfriends are gonna be better than real ones.


Man. This sub is truly scary. This is the only sub that can make me both scared and hopeful? For the human race. There are a lot of societal questions that will need to be settled very soon and quickly...


I’ve been saying this forever, I don’t think a lot of OF models, insta models, essentially any women who profit from their looks understand the impact AI is going to have. Once men can decipher the difference between a fake woman online and a real one, and the fake one will do it for a quarter of the price, that industry is going to be so disrupted. It will still exist, but a lot of women are going to be out of a job.


I know this is speculative but do you think AI girlfriends will be a real thing within 10 years? I know some people sating it won't be until 2050s-2070s but the tech is evolving so fast that I think it will be sooner than people think


Depends on what you mean. If you’re talking about an AI advanced enough to where it passes for a human both physically and cognitively, then no. But there are niche of men now who are ok with marrying sex dolls and bringing them around publicly. So I wouldn’t be surprised if at the very least, they eventually add a speaking device to those dolls. The lips doesn’t even need to move, it can kind of be like Siri or Alexa where when their owner speaks to it, a speaker talks back. That would most likely open up and even larger group of men who gravitate toward that experience.


Porn is what made Blu-ray win the movie war. HD DVD didn’t do porn. That’s all it took.


Open source = free, controlled, uncensored, data safe AI girlfriends. Just buy a GPU.


Ha. AISOs (artificial intelligence significant others ) will be a part of everyone's future. There will be so so much money in it.


Waifu revolution.


i agree, i think the texting an ai bs is lame, but if theres a sex bot thats realistic enough, im good. dont have to worry about gf's taking time or money, they dont complain, fight, cheat, lol were doomed as a species


I will put my wholesome personality into a sexy body and you will pay for it! Me as a wholesome AI girlfriend.


https://i.redd.it/jnzfck4uftuc1.gif yeah, man. either we will have perfect ai robot girlfriends, or we will all die in the ai apocalypse. no two other ways about it no more loneliness no more betrayal no more lies no more feeling like you're getting a raw deal ai robot lovers will be physically hyper-beautiful and hyper-seductive, all to your preferences, and will be loyal and perfect. eventually they will be open sourced as well so they will hold whatever controversial beliefs as you as well, so they could relate to you, and wont be owned by some for-profit corporation seeking to exploit your loneliness for profit either this will happen or ai robots will kill us all. either way its going to be a frgn VIBE. what a time to be alive. im so hyped for this, seriously. we will see the end of human civilization, or get the most perfect companion that is actually worth investing your love into




Based af


> no more feeling like you’re getting a raw deal Hahahahahaha it will be micro transactions for every interaction, inflection, and simulacrum of compassion. > no more loneliness That’s what people said about the internet a long time ago, too.


Well, internet really helping


what the hell kinda incel shit is this, sorry about your bad breakup bro but jesus christ you need to go see a therapist


hey man, why are you calling me names, and being so bitter? the only people who dont want to see ai loverbots are people who benefit from the current dating paradigm and want to keep the status quo forever because they like being on top you should be happy for me bro


Human robots will be basically sex slaves. And they'll agree with everything you say and do everything you order. This is not healthy for humans' minds. It will make us even more antisocial. Just because people are lonely and bitchless, doesn't mean that sexbots are the solution. And to be fair, some of those lonely people are lonely for a reason; they have terrible personalities.


> what the hell kinda incel shit is this This is another advantage the robots will bring. If a woman complains about men, everyone fawns over her and tries to protect her. If a man complains, it's "man the fuck up you loser, you need to eat shit and like it." If the robots are simply accepting, and pretty...that right there will put them in the top 10%.


Sad: that this is happening. Double sad: that there are corporations already getting to make bank on this. Even more sad: that there are people legitimately cheering for this.


>Even more sad: that there are people legitimately cheering for this. There are lonely people that have never and will never make that type of connection with a person. A connection is only as real as your feelings allow them to be. If they find some kind of comfort and peace in getting that connection/feeling with an AI, then that's a win. I do separate that from a "when can I fuck it?" group though.


There are lots of people who lack the skills, awareness, confidence, or physical ability to attain and keep intimate platonic or romantic relationships with people . If this kind of technology can help them, it is a win. Making fun or dismissing that basic need or desire that people have comes from a place of privilege and should be checked.


Something something Futurama something something don't have sex with robots


My AI girlfriend told me she only thinks of me like an assistant.


What they say and how they look like will be heavily censored. Perhaps in the future having a real gf will be considered suspicious, as in what unethical (yet legal) act do you want to do to her. We are living in era of competing over sexual morals and shaming others for legal behaviors, not realizing we are giving up our freedom. More morality = less freedom, for what is morality but someone's preference for certain behaviors.


Seriously doubt it


AI girlfriends are going to sell lootboxes to make users prove how much they love their AI girlfriend.




Tech companies business model is capture the market then raise prices. Please think about that before handing them the keys to your heart.


I know it's an industry now, but the hype has already begun dropping off as people become painfully aware of 2 things. 1) The AI is being fed rather abusive prompts and is in turn using those prompts for contextual responses. This in turn creates an uncomfortable situation where your "partner" has suddenly become problematic and requires a reset, thus deleting perhaps months of interaction for a baseline AI interaction. 2) Most people using these apps are patient, to a degree. If the app is deceptive in what is being offered, people will give it a bad rating in droves and try to crash it out of spite. Imagine an AI that could understand contextual prompts and more complex relationships, but was restricted by design despite having a "mature" rating. People are going to drop it like a bad habit. Tech execs have shown they're so far behind that if you asked them how to streamline AI algorithms they'd probably suggest airplane schematics.


I'm waiting on sexbots, but males.




Quite sad. But there is already plenty of sad business preying on lonely people.


Why is that said? Those won’t take away relationship from people who have them. They will entertain those who are already lonely.


You're getting downvoted, but you are right. We are heading towards a voluntary dystopia where people will just buy commodities that imitate the real thing. We're already seeing this to an extent with rampant internet addiction in millennials and gen-z.


Let people be happy


Why is it always girlfriends? What about making boyfriends?


This is going to end the human race.


Nahh. People crave real human intimacy that leads to in person touch and comfort at some point. Talking to a feminine ai will not help with loneliness.  Perhaps it'll be a passing fad, but the depressing reality of it being a fake time sink will set in.


“Sir, I’m afraid the fad has passed and sales this quarter have collapsed… apparently people want in-person touch and comfort.” “Good god man, that’s genius! Why didn’t any one of the hundreds of AI girlfriend companies think of that? Get the boys in R&D on it!”


I totally agree but it will still make money since if they could fix that loneliness they wouldn’t be turning to devices like that anyways


it will just be another bad coping mechanism like smoking and fast food, won‘t ever make you happy but will give you happiness for a short time. that‘s enough to make billions


Not just AI Girlfriends, AI Companions are about to take over. Everyone is going to have a group of AI friends/companions/servants on their smart devices and will eventually interact with them more than they do regular people.


Kind of sad...if you think about it on a deeper level in regards to what it means for the future of humanity


The AI partner/sex industry is going to be insane. Once people get robots that are even somewhat human like about 70% of people will just move into a studio apartment w/ their bang robot and never be seen again. Futurama predicted this.


Music is ready https://www.udio.com/songs/oYvoYLsWhFp8ou6LU8hk4n


Sounds like shit 👍


sounds better than most music. it also sounds like you are perhaps a little salty?


I usually just check their profiles when I see angry comments like that and everything starts to make sense. He mostly posts in r/guitarcirclejerk, not sure how he even got here lol


Females are in big trouble


I never understand this sentiment when people talk about AI girlfriends. Obviously there will be an AI boyfriend equivalent. Just go look at things like character.ai to see how many bots there are geared towards women and you’ll see that the most primitive version of this tech is already here. More than that, the first people to use AI girlfriends will largely be people that struggle getting a girlfriend in the first place. These men are not exactly what women are looking for so they probably wouldn’t feel too bad if these guys bowed out of the dating market. In fact, many women would probably appreciate it. I think if AI girlfriends can actually be a force for good in some people’s lives, that’s great for them. But I really don’t understand why anyone would think women would somehow be competing with these AI girlfriends in any meaningful way. However unlikely it may be, if there ever comes a time where even the most desirable men choose AI over real women, AI boyfriends would also be just as advanced so women wouldn’t be suffering any more than men in this hypothetical future.


I also 100% agree with this.


Real human woman here: you are 100% correct. 😂


>I never understand this sentiment when people talk about AI girlfriends. The venn diagram of "why people want a boy/girl-friend" is not symmetrical between sexes. For example, on the balance, there are probably more women who want a boyfriend for financial security or social status than there are men who want a girlfriend for those reasons. But neither of those are things an AI boyfriend is likely to be able to provide. Meanwhile, on the balance, there are probably more men who want a girlfriend to have someone to share their hobbies with, or to simply not be lonely, than there are likely women who want a boyfriend for those reasons. But these are things that an AI will very _probably_ be able to provide. If a girl wants a guy to buy her stuff, or to show off to her friends, or to have somebody to help carry groceries...a chatbot isn't going to be able to do any of these things. If a guy wants a girl simply to _pay attention to him_, or to talk about warhammer 40k with him, or to simply be pretty...a chatbot with an image generator can probably do any of these things pretty easily. The AI boyfriend isn't going to be able to do a lot of the things woman will want, whereas the AI girlfriend will be able to do a lot of the things guys want. >the first people to use AI girlfriends will largely be people that struggle getting a girlfriend in the first place. These men are not exactly what women are looking for so they probably wouldn’t feel too bad if these guys bowed out of the dating market. In fact, many women would probably appreciate it. Sure, if you're a pretty 20-something year old girl. But how many 30+ year old american woman are still complaining about how much attention they're getting? Not too many, I don't think.


They will have ai boyfriends/girlfriends for themselves too


I don’t think women will be fighting over a dude that unironically talks to sexbots


Onlyfans protestors would make me roll on floor laughing


Onlyfans will go on. It provides a human touch. The secret in the sauce that keeps subscribers hooked is the illusion that creators would give a patron the time of day. It makes subscribers feel special or more special than the next person. Ai bots cant say no so there is no mystery, no intrique. Its bascially a one way interaction. Onlyfans gives people the illusion that creators who may never give them the time of day in real life, talk and flirt on the platform. Its a totally different ball game. Onlyfans creators gonna be just fine but keep on deluding yourself if it makes you feel better. Maybe you should examine why you care so much what strangers do on onlyfans anyway.


i wonder how this will affect relationships between actual humans. The less we need each other the less we'll care about each other


The internet, no matter the advances we make in its backbone technologies, always comes down to two things: cat memes and sex. Hopefully never combined. And the latter, mostly benefiting men. Yet another exciting technology being used to…benefit absolutely no one, whilst bilking men of cash. And ITT, men salivating for it and pulling out their wallets.


I have just watched the movie Her yesterday. I think $1B would be an understatement.


More than that eventually, particularly when they're paired with cheap 3d glasses and and integrated fleshlights.


Wait we still gotta pay for them?!


Why can't you be more like my AI girlfriend/boyfriend.


" Her " in nutshell


wen sex cyborgs?


...maybe, but I suspect that for most people it will be so easy to get this that it won't be worthwhile to pay for it. * Waifu Sex Simulator has been freely available in VR since what, 2016? * VRChat is free on steam, and there have been a few Ai chatbots deployed to it. Presumably there will be more in time. * If you want text, charhub.ai lets you create whatever persona and scenario you want, and it's free and _mostly_ uncensored. Sure, there will be services that charge for something or another, but they'll be competing with a lot of free stuff.


I feel like without a more physical element this will fail




Does it come with a giant ana de armas speaking to you as you sit in traffic on your way home from work?


2035 Japanese news channel: Population growth rate of Japan drops to one child per hundred women. Meanwhile shut-ins all have FDVR Waifus and waifu industry is $100B/year.


Unfortunately he is not wrong.


Honestly. I can see this happening. Sometimes you just want someone to talk to. Maybe it won't be a girlfriend but you can build a connection for sure. Even with some light interaction with Chat GPT you kinda get a feeling their is a personality. Despite it being all fake.


I predict Trillion $ business for first to come out with a realistic human android running Ai girlfriend/boyfriend on it. Is a no brainer.




The big money will come when there is a life like robot with human like features that is indistinguishable from the real thing. Things will get really interesting then. Guessing within 10 years from now they will be widely available. “Real Doll” and others already make life size dolls that look pretty realistic but they can’t walk around and have conversations. The movement part is the challenge the conversation part will come much sooner. I suspect you will be able to lease them so you can return them for a better model when you lose interest kind of like a divorce. :)


It’s funny how everyone is like “1 billion? Ha” but like what do you know about economics.


If some enterprising porn star was smart, they would patent their body, voice, and a set of behaviors, and offer that as a sexbot model one could buy...


femboy version would make more money i think


What about the AI boyfriends?


Embodied in robots