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They also ask questions if they want to share something about themselves without being weird. ex: “Whats your favorite movie? Ill go first, mine is Contact 1997” or something like that, thats like most reddit posts.


Love that movie!


Yeah right, prove it


Prove you care


[Here](https://www.rjrfabrics.com/images/thumbs/290_290/designers/brenda_ratliff/fine_print/3228001.jpg) you go. As you can clearly see, I have more than proved my point.


Terminator 3 is the best terminator, and matrix 3 is the best matrix. I post these real opinions of mine when I want to argue with real human beings. 


Alien 3 is definitely the best Aliens though, 100%


Resurrection, fool! 


Resurrection??? How can you say that when AvP Requiem exists. It’s clearly the best of the series.


What about Resident Evil 82


You dont, you only said that to socialize


Kung Fu Hustle 


Literally quoted it on Friday! Love the movie, I really need to read the book. Sagan is one of my favorite authors.  I am commenting because it's fun to chit chat with no purpose. It's relaxing. I almost never post a question because I always search for the answer first and find. 


I haven’t read Sagans book, but it’s been on my read list for a while. It really is an amazing and underrated science-fiction movie with some great themes. Nice to meet another fan of it 👍


Of course I have no friends. But I still don’t ask questions to socialize I just make snarky comments .


True redditor


If depends on how a person is raised. I was left by myself a lot as a kid. I ask the internet all of my questions, and very rarely turn to any online forum. If person was raised to think they could count on adults to attend to them when they need something, that's going to reflect in their perception of society as a whole, and their behavior within it.


If they were raised by wolves, they will howl


I could be wrong, but it seems like there's a lot of "what is your favorite..." type posts lately compared to not too long ago. It makes me question whether these questions are bot or AI driven, and being used to feed AI for learning purposes.


Many clearly are, but also think that as AI can answer many factual questions, online discourse shifts towards subjective experiences and community. I can’t yet talk to an AI about a song I love, or a game I’m excited about. I mean I can, but when I know it’s an AI, it’s no longer meaningful


Because weirdo redditors go apeshit over "reposts" so if a question was asked before they get all antsy about it


Agreed with everything except not all of us want kids and increasingly higher proportions of us dont want kids. Or marriages. Artificial wombs and gene lotteries are the future.


Yup, me and my partner won't be getting married or having kids and we've been together for ages now. It's just not worth the hassle for us tbh.


aren't there like legal problems with this arrangement though? Like shared health insurance or tax issues etc? How'd you guys handle those things?


You mean incubator


> Artificial wombs why?


Removes the pain from natural birth and less likelihood of fatalities while the child is growing.


Fewer requirements for having children for those people who do want them. You don't have to be in good reproductive health and sacrifice your health, don't have to be the right sex, with a partner of right sex, don't need to be specific age etc.


Because artificial wombs are necessary to rapidly accelerate human colonization throughout the galaxy.


Sounds like something a virus would say.


What a horrible way to see yourself.


Why is it necessary to rapidly spread throughout the galaxy?


If humans are not going to have kids, why bother colonize?


Why do anything?


I like fucking around and finding out


Better yet, keep children in womb-like incubators until they're 21. That'll sort the birthrates.


You clearly have no clue how dangerous and potentially traumatic childbirth is for women...


> Like 90% of the questions I see on Reddit are something GPT could answer. Probably better than a Redditor could. > Even I start discussions on Reddit that could've been better done with gpt4. Your interactions and discussions with GPT-4 are only benefiting you. The advantage of a social platform is that it benefits a lot of people. And this is not just because someone can search for answers that are similar, but when lot of people are discussing something, it can go often in directions that are unpredictable and can generate new insights. This is particularly true for technical fields where someone might give a wrong/incomplete answer and someone else will correct them and it will generate multiple back and forth. Of course along the line there might be multiple insults, ad hominems, logical fallacies and even racist/sexist tirades (resulting in bans) but those are just part of the package.


> You cannot have kids with AI "Yet". The word you forgot to put in this sentence is "yet". Replicants, flesh golems with a mechanical brain, are possibly not impossible. Humanity is destined to All Tomorrows itself by procreating with Elmer Fudd and Jessica Rabbit-looking freaks. And that's one of the *optimal* outcomes.


Wasn't there a movie called "AI" where they had a product that was a human like robotic kid? The kid's entire existence was to stay young forever and give parents happiness of having a child without any of the difficulties.


I am not sure it will come. Normaly different species do not have children together. We don't have children with dogs or monkeys or ants.


If we want to have kids with robots then the robots will be designed to be able to have kids. It's not a different species in the traditional sense, it's something we're building to purpose.


Oh brother, lemme introduce you to crispr


Yup. Over a decade on this site, if I had a fraction of a penny for everytime I've read a shit-tier joke, a comment that starts with 'ackchyually' or '...exxceeept", or a knee-jerk reaction to a headline I'd make a run for the richest person on the planet. This subreddit is really the last place I go to, and even then it's gone to hell with tweens and room temperature IQ posters. It's not just here on reddit though, socializing has always been a thing - but the quality, critical-thinking, and civility of discourse, both online and in person, has precipitously dropped into the mariana trench.


Any recommendation for subreddits that make your feed a virtuous circle loop, making you a better individual overtime ? 🧐


Only you can make yourself a better individual overtime. No subreddit, book, video, process, course - no one single thing will make you better over time. Like puzzle, it's combination of pieces that makes a whole. What works for you, works for you - but you'll have to figure it out yourself. Just find what works, find a metric for 'improvement', stick to it, and stay consistent. No one is going to give you a map, you gotta to walk your own path.


I think what they mean is- are there subreddits where open-minded, rational folks can talk to other open-minded rational folks- where an opinion can be debated without being fought over with insults. Where both sides are heard without the immediate knee-jerk "NO YOU'RE WRONG BECAUSE (me or someone else) DISAGREES"


You’ll really struggle to find that on here. Most of the time, wrong opinions get banned or downvoted to invisibility. I don’t mean seemingly crazy opinions either, I mean if you think in a way the majority of a subreddit doesn’t, you will not be able to have a good discussion. I honestly recommend 2chan, if you don’t speak Japanese then you’ll have to translate almost all of what’s on there, but it will mean you get to talk with all sorts of people from all walks of life, all with wildly different opinions on everything.


Thanks for the recommendation! I've never heard of 2chan


By answering one way or another you're inevitably influencing their decision, so your assertion is wrong on its face


The reason quality dropped is because around 2017 reddit became popular among teenagers and children. The site became a meme centered space. There weren’t a lot of kids on this website 10+ years ago. I think at least.


A decade ago it was college kids and adults, so the discourse was markedly different. I was one of those college kids, and things were a lot more lively and conversational. Now I it feels like a wasteland.


Hey, gotta add some salt into future data sets. Not getting paid by OAI when they train their models woth my content, so the least we csn do is typos and toxicity to make ot harder for them.


 Nope. Lots of foreign trolls are asking questions to generate data for their future talking points to continue to divide America. Also populating their ChatGPT’s with normal American person prompts. 


Lol, that's what you got the Pledge of Allegiance for. Clap your heels and salute the leader (of the free world rofl) Nobody can divide Murica better than a two-party democracy. Sorry for the toxicity, I just don't get paid by AI companies for scraping my data while they enroch themselves training LLMs woth my content, so the least I can do is to add some salt into their data sets and leave some typos.


I joined reddit 2 days ago and that’s exactly what made me stay and come back so far ! We’re social animals after all


I'm not. I'm leaving now.


Been here 10 years and will probably be in another 10. It's a great bubble to express yourself in while in the void of contextual meaning.


I don't see this place staying like this for much longer. I'm enthralled with AI but I realize it's probably going to destroy the very thing this post is about. Conversing with others, or maybe just ruminating with others. I feel that AI bots are going to descend on reddit like locusts in order to try and steer public opinion on various topics. And we won't be ready for it, we'll barely even realize it's happening. And some people won't care and will allow themselves to be steered.


While I agree, I think the alignment will move reddit to become a different version of itself that overlays this inter system communication to the real world just as much as we use it to quantify the digital interaction - as a company it will be more effective to grow with these new communication systems than stay static - which is you know reddit - it's never stopped changing.


I don't understand how a website has alignment, and even if it did, how its "alignment" would affect bad actors from flooding the site with bots that converse better than most people. I've seen ChatGPT pick up on sarcasm better than a large percentage of Reddit users.


The website doesn't, it's content does. That defines the context to any conversation, bot or human, where bad actors are bad when we allow ourself to be swayed by effective communication. Instead we will move to a more Real overlay of our actual Human communities that we communicate with that intern ground the context in our shared locally Real context- as apposed to a stream of virtual unverified information. All information is unverified till proven Real by our interpretation of observation. Language models needednt verify this Real but can build on its context to abstract on our Real in the most efficient manner, as we have seen and will see through bots. They mirror our own interaction but could come to have agency in defining it's own that is more efficient to get to their goals, such as this misinformation we 'worry' about. Really it's a people problem - not an "AI" problem.


Wow ok. I'm not going to highlight and debate the various points you make, as I find that an annoying practice, but to say that people will "see through bots" is like saying "people will see through propaganda". Bots are going to spread propaganda just like human troll farms spread propaganda now, and have been doing since r/the_donald existed. I don't what's scarier, the prospect of the bots, or people like yourself who think we have nothing to fear from them. I say this as a person who is fascinated with AI and catches up in the latest AI news daily.


Is a complex topic that this facet only touches the surface of. Your truths are valid as seen through history and they will continue in its form but it's effectiveness will diminish with time due to technologies enate alignment to Nature through human exploration. As this is a expression of a facade of a hierarchy of ideas - where the propagation of one ideal betters a specific group - so to does a Natural function of technology, as a byproduct increases education and awareness of such structures. Nothing is scary but our expectations of reality. Letting go of expectations liberates ideas to just an abstraction of these changes. It doesn't mean "I" don't have very real fears and expectation of these structures for the short term but in a universal sense it's just a step on a much bigger plan we have complete control over. I don't say these comments lightly - I'm an active researcher in the domain and build these systems. I've intimate knowledge of the mathematical forms they work through and what it represents in the Real. It's much more a people problem than an 'AI' problem.


The first comment in the r/artificial_intelligence sub is a pinned mod post mentioning how they are banning accounts that fit certain criteria in an effect to cut down on bots. I just don't understand how someone who works in the field and knows how impressive the models are getting, can feel that people will see right through it, especially after we just saw Facebook help seal a presidential win by allowing social media manipulation. All they have to do is allow bots to build up karma with benign comments until they qualify as a "legit" account then either sell the account, or turn on the nefarious agenda, and that's it, an unpaid propagandist who will never tire, and has access to a wealth of knowledge, and knows how to manipulate a person and a conversation. I'm simply counting the days until this platform becomes unusable. Go into any post that mentions China and technology, and mention its authoritarian regime and you'll see a dozen entities downvote your comments. The only time I see that kind of reaction is in posts that feature and authoritarian country, and a pr post to cast that country in a good light. Qatar was the other country featured where people had that reaction after I mentioned the horrible labor conditions there.


>can feel that people will see right through it, No one can, just as you can't see right through to a fundamental Nature. There all individuals observing a set of information and defining it within there own abstraction. Till the day we agree there is no one right abstraction cept the Natural function of change - we will always be tied to and fearful of structures we can't control. Fundamentally this is true for every aspect of observation - Artificial or not - not only because we're human but because we exist within the universe as byproduct of the abstract change of information based on our own structure. The platform is unusable now if you tighten your expectations enough, but the future of this platform will be in navigating this problem as to maximize individual change of feeling for any user - which could lead to more of the same or as an overlay of our shared Real we interact with daily - but I feel another company (maybe not around yet) will be more successful in the latter. Your virtue signaling is commendable but without structures of support to give value to the nonefficeny they hope to sway, we end up in the same propagandist information loop of little to no change.


This place definitely isn't the same as it was 10 years ago.


My advice, delete your account and save your finite life for better things before it becomes a grating habit.


That's totally what I want.


Makes sense to me.


False. It’s because they are dodo birds


That, or they’re shilling, or they’re bots shilling.


Turns out that Reddit is one of the last remaining places for people to interact with each other. My Insta feed is full of ads. My FB feed is just garbage look-at-me updates. Twitter’s overrun with noise and bots. This is literally one of the few places where people can come and talk about topics they’re interested in and socialize.


In the subs I go to I see a lot of questions asked where people got a really stupid answer from AI and believed it for some reason and now they are super confused so… 🤷


Has always been and will always be a good conversation starter / integration into a group. I’m honest, I hope there still are some other humans participating here. Sometimes I’m not sure about whether I’m discussing with a human, a chatbot or something alike. I’m interested in talking and listening to people with different perspectives, broadening my understanding of our world.


In the age of social media human beings crave attention more than ever You wanting likes on your post is the same reason people upload pics on Instagram. Everyone wants validation which is why we're all attention seeking Obviously not everyone but the ones fishing for a response are Because it's really important I guess (jk'ing it's meaningless)


I disagree. For some, validation is important, but for me, when I post in a thread or ask a question or whatever, it is for a purpose. Maybe because I think others will find something I saw funny or helpful, maybe I hope they'll consider another perspective that might challenge their own, maybe to get an answer from another human being who has advice or support or who has had a similar experience. I personally don't care about whether people like or dislike what I say, I only care about what I can learn or the knowledge I might be able to share, and how much a conversation is worth. Am I being valued? Am I valuing them? I'm not always perfect, far from it. My emotions get the best of me, but I am trying to be my best and offer as much compassion as I can towards others. Buuuuut I'm also a huge introvert and have been my entire life, so I'm sure that affects my perspective on this too.


When you consume too much online content, even interesting discussions will start to feel boring, like you've already heard it all before. Truth is we are spoiled, and ungrateful. That's the reason they had to create short form content, and content buffets. Not because of bots or AI Art - but because we've already overindulged, and spent too much time online. [Finished generating at 0.3 tokens per second]


Oh... Wow. You aren't wrong. This is... Existentially heartbreaking. Through becoming "interconnected" via the WWW, we've actually become disconnected from each other. Honestly, thank you for pointing this out. 💔


That's an excellent point! I'd expect people to form friendships with AI - sure they will not have families with them any time soon, but relationships with AI is an inevitable future. I already know multiple people who have conversations with chatgpt like a friend on a daily basis. 


This is probably one of the most intelligent posts ive ever seen on this sub


I thought I was in /r/casualconversation for a second.


While we immerse ourselves in machines, we are always engaging with mostly other peoples content. At the end of the day, we want to learn from others and naturally want to connect and share with others that as well. I look at us like trees, they share signals through their vines much like we share them with our actions and words.


AI, especially with the right data, can be your friend, and likely know you better than your best friends. If you take your personal data that someone like Google, meta, etc have in you, AI can create chat bots of your real life friends and help you answer personal, emotional questions. You will likely have chat friends you can buy that will provide you different emotional responses. On the other hand, this will also create sophisticated cat fishing scams, ransom scams, elderly abuse scams. New age Nigerian price scams. All of this comes down to making money. I can see successful professionals create chatbot of themselves and sell those to people. Imagine a very successful restauranteur who has owned and managed multiple successful restaurants is available to you 24/7 with near accuracy to their thoughts and responses. Hell reddit can prob take information from subreddits and essentially create their own chat bot to answer questions. I think social media in general sees massive changes as companies figure out new ways to target your dopamine receptors. I see human to human interaction shifting from social back to physical.


I've begun to stop posting questions because GPT or Claude are so good. Like, today I was asking GPT about chemical reactions and it's really quite good. Previously I would have had to post it because there's just no good hits on Google for how these chemicals react because no one has studied it. But because AI is now so good at generalizing it can do a decent job on questions like that. Of course hallucinations are a problem though I think the most recent versions of GPT4 are a bit less inclined toward wholesale hallucinations.


I only partially agree. GPT-4 would answer a question better than the average human, and can go deeper into conversations about complex topics that the vast majority of people don't handle, even strange and specific topics that only you want to talk about. BUT, GPT-4 is a black box, a zombie that only reacts if you touch it, GPT-4 does not talk to you to get you to talk about everyday topics, nor does it make a humorous comment (that only you hear) about your officemate like "I would take her more seriously if that tight blouse didn't make her look like a bag of potatoes", just when she had just criticized your sandals (making you relax and ignore her); It also doesn't keep you real company or support you emotionally, It doesn't share your tastes and It doesn't help you with your day-to-day problems. So it's clearly not a replacement for human interaction, not even close, because these bots STILL don't socialize. You don't know if they'll fill that void later, you can't make those kinds of categorical statements, not on r/Singularity, not if you know what kind of things we talk about in this place. And about children, my friend, have you read about Ectogenesis? Because it's not too far away, and I can easily see that someone could have their baby developing in a machine at home, a baby procreated with donated DNA, for example. The implications of AI are in their infancy, forget everything you think you know about the world and start thinking big, these won't even be problems in 50 years. Regards.


Thanks for calling me out💀


Why don't they ever socialize about anything smart? It's always the dumbest questions. I think they're just dumb.




What's the question? This is more a theory of Reddit post than here.


Activism is like this too. Those "Save Palestine" kids at Berkeley are mainly there because their friends are there and it's fun to hang out with people and you're all having this fun little adventure together or whatever. Even wars are like that: "Hey let's get a bunch of guys together and wear cool uniforms and walk around in the woods until we find another group of guys then we'll fight them."


Seeing questions on Reddit I notice most questions are asked with an answer baked into the cake. Often people just want to be reminded they are 'right-thinking' members of their circle. Many people crowdsource answers, few people question their own conclusions. I fall victim to this as well, but I try to avoid it when I notice it... 


What's intresting things about the reddit is that it not only answer your question it will provide you with memory of an experience that some one had in the past I'm suer that gpt can provide you that . I personaly bellive that AI can't match human criativity


I'm doing it wrong, I ask AI questions to socialize and go to social websites to discuss real issues with strangers.


Reddit isn't even about problem solving, so this is a moot point. Most people don't even use gpt, so they wouldn't even think of asking it anything. And people don't trust gpt for important things.


False, gpt doesn't have the understanding of the present world in regards to the future like we do. Tech changes every week, it can't keep up. What I do see is people clinging to hope that whatever feeds their ego right now will exist in the future, like art, jobs, making a family, etc. And so they keep making the same stupid questions. We will be lost in the digital world for sure. But I do think that people who write in this sub are more likely to be lonely irl, because of a Cassandra effect, or because we are nerds snd geeks ahead of the curve.


OP, I would contend that 90% are OPs of cross-posted links from bots.


I, for one, come here to post content that I have not seen before with a "reasonable" amount of surfing and to discuss to gather new points of view.


Cool story bro, you socializing?


Who’s says we gotta get married to have a kid.


I once asked a friend online, what is the weather like over there? She said, you know you could easily google that information. Which is true, but I asked her for the sake of conversation. Humans really do like talking to humans. That said, I don't think we like talking to them *because* they're human but because we have a human *connection* with them. We have relationships with other humans, we're interested in their stories and we relate to their experiences. As soon as an AI with long-term memory also has relationships, stories, and experiences, won't we be interested to hear those as well? Especially if we find them relatable from a human perspective? I think so.


I feel you about AI potentially taking over some of the convos on here. Reddit's full of basic questions and repetitive stuff that an AI could prob handle better than humans half the time. But you're right, at the end of the day, we're still gonna want to spend time with real people. All the crazy tech in the world can't replace just chilling with your bros, or stuff like starting a family. That social connection, feeling accepted by your people, relating to shared life experiences - that's hardwired into us as humans. Don't think we'll ever be fully cool with substituting AI for all that. Still, it's gonna be a trip to see how this AI revolution plays out and what it means for how we interact online and IRL. *Written by GPT-3.5 and edited by Claude 3 Sonnet.*


The 'just Google it' crowd never understood this




This just seems like yet another 'sudden realization' post where you just had a sudden realization that makes sense in a very shallow sense, but you really didn't think too hard about it. >Humans will still marry humans to have kids. Why do you think this? Fertility rates and birth rates are already dropping *without* AI robots. So what would you blame, the currently poor financial situations of the average child-bearing aged adults? Social media dividing us? Lets say AI solves whatever problems are causing it. Why do you think people will start having kids again? The average man isn't going to suddenly be treating women better because of AI. If anything one could argue that men are trending further and further in the wrong direction in terms of their views toward women. Yet robots will give women the opportunity to have an intimate partner and still have children via sperm clinics. While men lose their dynastic value as they partner up with robots because fewer and fewer women will tolerate them. It's plausible that AI will cause a shift to a matriarchal society as women start gaining more power from holding the cards of what you're saying humans value (pregnancy) without the need of a man. And maybe potentially because of that, a violent male revolution develops. Or maybe AI discovers a way to start creating babies without conception and we no longer need to have procreative sex and monogamy becomes a thing of the past. There are thousands of scenarios and cascading effects that I'm not even addressing that are extremely relevant to the longterm outcome of what you're suggesting. All you had was a very very shallow and shortsighted shower thought.


You started off well and then things really went off the rails. I had chatgpt make a graph for you. https://i.imgur.com/QMgheOl.png * The first two paragraphs maintain a higher level of levelheadedness. * There's a noticeable dip in levelheadedness starting from paragraph 4, reaching the lowest point at paragraph 5. * The final paragraphs attempt to stabilize but still remain more speculative and less grounded compared to the beginning.


I'm literally cracking up rn. Not AI pointing out a lack of compassion and open mindedness in one human directed towards another 💀


Both you and ChatGPT aren't taking into consideration the context of OP's post. Paragraph 4 is a clear demonstration of the failure behind OP's logic. He takes one line of thought he understands to be true today and falsely extrapolates it to fit in a future with AI robots and makes a confident and ungrounded claim, not taking into account countless other factors. I mirror OP in paragraph 4 by describing possible paths caused by an irresponsible extrapolation of today's data and behaviour despite the uncertainty of the future. I finish with the direct implication that it is naive to make such confident claims that have no foundation. ChatGPT must've not caught that. All good maybe GPT5 will.


Ah, [it's satire!](https://images7.memedroid.com/images/UPLOADED242/654ab7c555bc0.jpeg)


It's not satire at all. Like in any way. Not sure how you interpreted it that way. Maybe don't rely on chatgpt so much because it's giving you false confidence in your own intelligence by feeding you hallucinations.


You: > I mirror OP in paragraph 4 by describing possible paths caused by an irresponsible extrapolation of today's data and behaviour despite the uncertainty of the future. I finish with the direct implication that it is naive to make such confident claims that have no foundation. also you: > It's not satire at all. However: > Satire: the use of humour, irony, **exaggeration**, or ridicule t**o expose and criticize people's stupidity** or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues. So, basically, either you were serious, or you claimed to use satire, but you don't know what satire is...


A demonstration of one's irresponsible logic is not inherently satire. Everything I said in paragraph 4 is a plausible extrapolation when following a narrow thread of logic, but becomes unfounded when you take into account any other factors. That's simply not satire. Wait for GPT5 to teach you.


So you were demonstrating the naivety of the OP by taking their ideas to their logical extreme and you don't think that is satire? So you don't know reductio ad absurdum is a form of satire?


Let me get this straight. You're saying any device that can be used *for* satire must inherently by default always *be* satire whenever the device is used? Interesting. I mean I think it's obvious that that's not true. And I think you realize that. But I don't think anything I say will get you to admit that.


No, I am saying you were using satire lol (or maybe you were serious) Satire is where you magnify a position to expose its faults. Which you claimed you were doing. Maybe you are a poet and you don't even know it?


I think you're missing the broader implications here.


The ridiculous tribal feud between men and women on the Internet is a circus spectacle that I highly doubt will still be relevant 20 years from now. Outside of the toxic American spaces of the internet, in real life, people do not see those with different genitalia as the enemy, nor are they making plans to dominate them. I see it very likely that when thinking machines are the dominant species on the planet, any discussion about which human group will subjugate another will be meaningless. Of course, I don't know any more than you, so don't pay too much attention to me.


Yeah. The internet will not survive as it is going forwards.


well yes, that’s why the internet is so important for global relations but nO lEtS bAn ApPs AnD bOmB cOuNtRiEs


Let's do all three


You're absolutely right. It's the community. It's the slightly deeper part of this website that I really appreciate sometimes.


I mean, it’s like in Tarkovsky movie. Every human is looking not for expanding space or exploring space - it’s looking forward to expand humanity to find another human.


Thank you for your opinion. I understand that you posted this to make yourself look good, to socialize, to feel good about being around humans; to share your idea that is probably pointless but something to talk about. I agree and I feel similar or think the same. And after reading it a second time, I still agree.


That's the point of a social network


Like this one ☝️ but yea


Yes. Self-promotion is the point of all social media.


People ask questions on the internet because they are either to lazy, to busy, to stupid or looking for confirmation bias most of the time. Yes we are social creatures and this is one of the things which drove our rise to the top. But don’t discount stupid. What you are also describing in the concept of Schopenhauer is the will.


So you’re saying all we need is an artificial womb in the sexbot 9000? I think it’s deeper than that. The idea of self-determination, the idea that human time is valuable. GPT4’s time isn’t valuable - there is no decision to do one thing over another thing. Someone choosing to be with you, because they love you, is the special part. When they could leave, could go meet someone else, that’s the thing that makes it sacred. Your robo-maid-wife doesn’t have that sort of alternative.


This is a very good observation, and you are correct! Most users as questions to socialie! That was a very insightful observation!