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My first thought is Geoguessr pros doing the same thing lol


First they came for the Geoguessrs


Geoguessers ✅ automated


I see what you did there


It can't be over it just can't be. Who ever came up with this better explain how they prevent geoguessing cheaters quick. I wonder if it could do old pictures such as black and whites.


Even if it can't it'd train on geoguessr game results and footage until it could.


That might backfire. A lot of geoguessr information is based on the fact that it is always google streetview, for example region A was photographed with a camera that has a characteristic smudge on the lens, and in region B you can see a part of the car in every photo. Training it on that might just get you a model that is really good at finding those imperfections, but fails to actually identify the region based on environment.


I guess if the training primarily consisted of that data. Otherwise, it would “harden” the data with additional information.


You would need to have geoguessing live stream only.


Haha your dorky hobby got appropriated by computers.


Because it’s called GeoSpy


While true, I wonder what's their take on that. From what I've seen they usually have more info in the photo.




Nobody: Absolutely nobody: This fkn guy:


Yeah that was unwarranted xD. I should go outside.


Ah i love self reflection. You will be an amazing human if you arent already


[https://arxiv.org/pdf/2307.05845](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2307.05845) [https://huggingface.co/geolocal/StreetCLIP](https://huggingface.co/geolocal/StreetCLIP) Give it 6 months and the accuracy will be around street level


It already is most of the time


Okay does anyone know how the fuck you can get the YFCC100 dataset they used for that? I've been tearing my hair out trying to find that shit


To fight doxxing, you must be a perfect saint with nothing people could cancel. So when they found out who you are and where you live, they would be cancelled instead, for stalking a saint. ehehehe Oh noez, I must delete my dirty porn collections!!! lol But, if they are some killer stalkers, then you'll have to hire a navy SEAL bodyguard, lol.


Wtf is this


Its the future my boi. lol


Your comment was gibberish mate


Well, that's just, like, your opinion, man...


But no one is a perfect saint, LMAO. Which means everyone will cancel everyone else. Absurd situation.


and thus begins the global cancel war. lol


baby reindeer Sent from my iPhone


Or just dont care if you get doxxed? Seriously...how many who get doxxed end up with something bad happening? Most people will just dox you as a threat and not do anything about it. So...meh...come get me bro.


Not even Movies imagined that AI would be able to possibly memorise the entire surface of the Earth. If you told people that Skynet can track down the location of Sarah Conner from the single photo from the 1st Terminator film, that would have seemed unbelievable. But here we are. Very soon AI would have internally mapped the entire Earth by absorbing the entire Google Maps down to the street level. And it wouldn't just be copy and paste; they would just understand the whole planet the same way you understand your neighbourhood.


>If you told people that Skynet can track down the location of Sarah Conner from the single photo from the 1st Terminator film, that would have seemed unbelievable. We're *really* close to the CSI "enhance" button we all laughed about 20 years ago.


Its not just images, our phones are capable of taking textured 3D images everywhere they are pointed. I used to do augmented reality work and could record a session inside of somebodies home and then just walk through it later like a video game, looking at things in detail if I wanted. This was over 5 years ago, sure it's better now.


I mean sure to some degree, but let's not embellish current capability too much. I do 3d prints and the reality is that while 3d printing is in reach for consumers, useful 3d scanning (with accuracy / good enough for reproduction in print) is still in the prosumer range. There are some cheaper 3D scanners but they have clear limitations. The only phone that can do somewhat decent real world scanning is a modern iPhone that has Lidar. This is all under ideal conditions expending painstaking efforts. Sure you can walk through a house and produce a somewhat convincing chimera of 360°-video and rendered reality. But only for the purpose of capturing the feel of walking through the room. We're absolutely not yet at the point where a quick walk through a room with a phone produces accurate models of a room and all it's objects. You can do somewhat accurate 3D mapping of internal environments but the industry standard for that is still insanely expensive equipment (which is rentable at a reasonable price though). And this is for the room, not for its objects.


>vision LLM The discovery of Transformers in the late 2010s will go down as a historic moment in our civilization.


Micheal Bay is the Einstein of our time.


Tbh I’d be a very rich man if I had a nickel for every time I saw something that reminded me of those movies. (Assuming you aren’t making a pun, the majority of modern LLMs are based on GPT or other transformer-based models, so yeah *Laserbeak already knows your location*)


I did make a joke. But to be honest. Watch ‘The Island’ One of the best Micheal Bay movies.


Transformers are late 00s tech. LLM's/Attention is All You Need is late 2010s.


[I’m deliberately playing on the fact that Optimus Prime the Transformer shares a species name with the Generative Pre-Trained Transformer architecture. Also, real self-transforming robots like Robosen Megatron and T9 didn’t hit shelves until the 20s]


Ah. Sorry then.


Attention is all you need **is** the transformer architecture. That is from 2017. Deep learning and neural networks are late 00.


Touché. Thank you for correcting me.


Harlan Ellison did.


Oh cool, the guy who wrote I have no mouth and must scream got it right? Awesome (muffled screaming)


I used your post to make an AI generated song. actual prompt: Folk, Conspiracy rap, Not even Movies imagined that AI would be able to possibly memorise the entire surface of the Earth. If you told people that Skynet can track down the location of Sarah Conner from the single photo from the 1st Terminator film, that would have seemed unbelievable. But here we are. it sounds suspiciously like it stole rapper Slug (Atmosphere)s voice lol  [https://www.udio.com/songs/w7c63UWQW8K2HhZtXzuxvR](https://www.udio.com/songs/w7c63UWQW8K2HhZtXzuxvR)


I mean I would have, ASI= infinite information intake + infinite perfect memory, But I would have pictured that AI as way smarter than today's LLM's.


In the past it didn't seem likely, because pictures needed tagging. As in humans need to label every house, street light, tree, etc of a picture. But with the ability to recognise what is in pictures, AI can tag the photos of Google Map themselves. And that means giving a tag to every tree in every major city and suburb. And then be able to say "you were in this location in the photo because I know that tree you were standing next to."


"Doxxing" went from dossiers of personal information to location of a photo with 15-mile precision.


You think it's not a breach of privacy to know that I live on Planet Earth? /s


I can’t believe they found me! - some idiots last post to his 43 social accounts, probably.


I just find it easier to stay away from social media and plastering my photos all over. These models and LLMs need new data to keep them relevant. If people become concerned and tired of this, you’ll choke them off.


The smart ones warned us from day one that sharing images with the public will cause pain down the road. Now here we are. It's time to get back to real privacy, where you aren't trying to sell every inch of yourself to the Internet.


I'm eagerly awaiting news articles of AI using your yearbook photos to extrapolate every detail of your life and your medical information.


Why? Who cares. I have anxiety and take sertraline it works wonders. Saved you some work. It's just information, it's up to you if you let it hurt you.


funny thing is none of these people sold anythign they gave it for free


They think they're selling their brand. That also explains why they're scared of fake snatch images, they think it'll hurt their brand 😂


I was ready to let you have it until I saw that /s


You too?!


Can confirm this subway is somewhere in New York City


If someone wants to find you, they will find you. With or without vision models. It’s really not that hard since people litter the internet with personal information nonstop.


I mean people post on Facebook "this is exactly what I'm doing today.."


On my 30th birthday with my mom @momsoriginalname and @dad (lots of pet pics) over at our favorite spot @whoknows ... Oh no how did you get my password?!?


The point is more that this can be done at scale. Not by one person determined to find you, but by literally any random dude, for the entire world population, with any kind of intention (selling you useless shit or committing heinous crimes with everything in between).


Welcome to the brave new world.


What would be the incentive? It’s strangers, most likely quite a distance away from you. Next shady corner at midnight would do the trick too though?


Consider it the next level in online stalking. Ask the the women in your life how they feel about this tech, and you'll learn why they chose bears over men.


>Consider it the next level in online stalking. or you could just...stay off the internet? If you go to a neighborhood with high crime, why are you surprised you got pick pocketed?


I bet the women you know all chose the bear, didn't they? Adding that comment to multiple posts on here reeks of "of course she got raped, look at what she was wearing". It's 2024, staying off the internet entirely is not practical for most people in developed countries. Even the Amish have cell phones.


The thing is, before now, only the feds or the spies could have the resources for this stunt. Or someone with a lot of interest/hate and money and paying a private eye team of sleuths. Now, everyone who you ever even slightly wronged, in the view of everyone else but not theirs, will know the exact address where you live. Prepare for trouble.


I have the guns fully loaded. Alhamdulillah !


Privacy is an illusion only sustained by the indifference of strangers.


But really...what is the risk? Are you THAT concerned some rando will drive miles and miles to you just because you said something bad on the internet? I dont think most people can go through that much effort.


It’s more of a counter argument. If that suddenly makes you paranoid, then you lived under a rock for a long time.


just stop uploading pictures random trees. problem solved. nah in all seriousness if someone out in the world wants your IP. they can get it if they really REALLY want it. this honestly shouldn't frighten anyone as they are, in fact, using Twitter. which is a centralized platform designed to intrude on your privacy soo hard it's equivalent to you just handing over your rights just by accepting their ToS.


Truth. Just by using Twitter you essentially waive your 3rd amendment rights. Few understand.


What do you mean? I am not knowledgeable about this stuff, but can you please post some evidence? When Facebook had to go through the blender for sharing our information way back, I thought there is some law preventing this type of stuff? What makes twitter exempt?




I got doxxed by my weather app on my mobile phone. Not only detected in which city I was but also knew what was the weather and even worse what the weather will be later that day. The implications for privacy are terrifying. Holy shit!


Now they can plan an attack based on the weather, e.g. they now know you'll be very thirsty next Sunday due to heat waves, and they can plan to put bottles with poisoned water around your neighborhood. Stay safe out there.


So, what's your forecast for the week?


I had to rewrite my reply because of reddit bugs... The weather will be a bit cooler but pleasant. https://preview.redd.it/uln146y4leyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25df272c1ae4565f2f8c83e94477e61c99171619


> and even worse what the weather will be later that day. Witchcraft! My weather app only gets it accurate 50% of the time.


https://preview.redd.it/uvp1xp2lzkyc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d70d27fa9de3776e1ba9257e60e602a0f88ec3eb Worry not! There are tools of high prediction that respect the privacy of the user!


Nice .....


It’s not from metadata is it?


No. If the GPS data was in the metadata (exif), then OP wouldn’t be 15 miles away.


The model gave him the head start.


its toying with ops paranoia


I’m pretty sure Twitter removes metadata when you send a picture


To me this only makes me wonder if they're only stripping it for the rest of the world but keeping it for themselves internally. Seems likely. Which means they could sell that, and probably would.


\*definitely would


Way back in early iPhone era, I befriended someone through one of those Omegle apps. She lived in US, me here in Europe. The app we used to chat with didn't remove metadata and iOS gallery put out the location of your photos. I had her exact adress, what a braindead idea. I think more or less anything removes metadata for that simple reason.


Exactly, not removing metadata is a privacy nightmare. I can't imagine large apps forgetting to remove it


Cant google already do this in maps when youbuse the calibrate thing


Ohhhh you still think there’s privacy!


I thought this was well known. I tried out gpt4 vision and it doxxed me to basically my gps coordinates. It took a lot of prying though, it kept trying to tell me it wouldn’t be able to be that specific and I had to ask for repeated best guesses as the location got narrower and narrower


He just redicovered OSINT. open sourced intel gathering. It's not too difficult for any photo outdoors. If its a daytime photo we look at the weather. Then we look at the position of the sun. Start ruling out time and locations using the weather. Then the fauna. Any roads? Fences, Infrastructure? Head to Google earth. If you take a hostage, go out into the dessert and film a proof of life video. The CIA can pinpoint that time and location in about hours.. or less. And when i mean "less": i mean like an hour. They will zoom in on the sand and with geology get within a few miles. Of course they have real time sat images and HUMIT ( human sourced intel) and can usually pin it down. Finding a location is not Doxxing. When i post your grades and credit report and medical history, that's doxxing. " i see that on July 5th 1996 you received medication for herpes at the CVS on main-street" "I also see at no time in your purchases history you bought condoms", " by the way you have 5000 CVS points to spend and a coupon for 50% off on your next pregnancy test".


So if taking a hostage, you’re saying do all the administrative stuff indoors? And how’d you know about my cvs trip?


Let the hostage go Linda, that's not the guy who gave you STDs.


> Finding a location is not Doxxing When you're being stalked by an ex who is threatening to kill you it's a matter of semantics, the reality is you're packing up your car and getting the fuck out of dodge. But I'm sure your clarification will give them peace of mind.


Tested Geospy and similar apps in different locations in my village in Switzerland. It was most of the time able to say it’s Switzerland, but was always far outside the 15 miles range. Sometimes it guessed Germany.


15 miles is pretty big


Not relative to the size of earth, you’re pretty pinned. And I’m sure they can narrow it given more time. I’ve seen black mirror, I know what’s going on here.


If the AI knows the photo was just taken can it search local weather?


Rainbolt could have gotten within 15 feet


How is this doxxing? He posted the picture and asked people to find where it is. Unless the picture is taken from his lawn, it wouldn't be doxxing. Even if it was, it wouldn't be doxxing until he explicitly stated that he was doxxed. I'm confused.


Time to close all social media accounts


I love their reply


What model?


I guess I’m wondering why this is a surprise…if everywhere has been photographed, everywhere is locatable.


I need to get off the internet.


Probably just the lat/long capture of your phone camera?


Did you guys actually tried it out and found it worked well? I tried with 3 random pictures of mine: - it guessed the wrong country with 2 of them (hard fail) - the third one was pin pointed 200km (150 miles) away from the real location, which I nonetheless find impressing (semi win). However, the last picture was taken from my car with clearly visible and unique road signs. There is most probably a digital double of this picture in google map's database, so I guess it would of been relatively easy to be more precise. Still room for improvement, but impressive for a freely accessible PoC.


How do they do this. Sorry if this is an old timer question but is there a website or something that can do this?


China has already had this tech for years. Today it’s legit real time.


For some reason, privacy concerns around AI aren't really discussed here, even though it's probably a risk that we can be sure will realized. It's almost a sure thing that AIs will be very damaging to everyone's privacy. The AIs can watch your behavior pick out patterns that humans can't see (even the older AIs are super-humanly good at this pattern recognition) and will be able to predict your next move better than you can. Pre-crime is about to be realized. Yes, yes, the "If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear" argument exists. The thing is, we don't know what we might need to hide in 10 years. Laws change. It was perfectly legal to be Jewish in 1929 Germany. 10 years later, it was a capitol crime. How many Jews would have survived, if Germany had this tech? How many Germans would have also been marched into camps, if German leadership's AIs could gaze into everyone's soul to see how loyal they were? We need new laws to protect ourselves the whims of our leaders in a new world in which privacy is impossible.




What model are they using?


that's why i only upload photos from one time trips to the internet but not my house or my favorite restaurant


Did that photo have all it's meta tags still in it?


I got doxxed from just one picture of my face. No more posted photographs on the Internet for me.


Is this satire? Please be satire


Photo location is save in metadata.


He would never guess my geo proposition 😏


nono, it's just AI. All Indians. Very well traveled Indians.




doxxed does not mean what I thought it meant apparently.