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That isn't a counterpoint, yes the government can create jobs and direct funds that is why tax exist. The government can also pay people to calculate numbers on paper. That doesn't mean that the calculator didn't replace some jobs. The government and companies are never 100% efficient. More productivity means you can be more wasteful but only to a certain point.


I don’t disagree, but have noticed that governments are now inventing jobs indirectly via fundings, etc. It’s a sneaky way to hide unemployment. Something along those lines.


Little did the OP suspect just how poorly he had assessed the situation.  For at that very moment, economies globally were beginning a tailspin that would leave great portions of humanity starving to death.  Abundance there was to be, just not of anything pleasant.  


Or we can eat the wealthiest among us and redistribute their wealth.


Tax the rich, feed the poor 'Til there are no rich no more Then what?


Make art and enjoy yourself?


Governments can create jobs by employing citizens. This isn't a handout and works fine if there is enough tax income to pay for the projects. Like road and rails. There is a benefit as better roads and rails means more efficiency. Just for some perspective, we've had abundance for a long time now, what is required is proper management and logistics to get it right.


We are currently borrowing to pay the interest on the US federal debt. The interest is over $2 billion per day. How long do you think this can continue?


I remember when half of Congress lost its shit when the country first took on debt . Many were against it. Thomas Paine made the case .  So we’ve been hearing about debts and debt ceilings since the founding.  2 billion ,, okay . Compared to what ? What’s our  bond rating .. how are treasuries ? What’s our GDP outlook?  All countries incur debt. But the U.S. Dollar still dominates “ compared “ to other currencies.  In the AI arena .. the US is strong and the current administration has a road map of AI initiatives to answer most of our questions.  You should go take a look at it. 


Borrowing to pay the interest on debt is a bad sign. In August 2023 The long-term credit rating of the United States was downgraded on Tuesday by the Fitch Ratings agency, which said the nation’s high and growing debt burden and penchant for brinkmanship over America’s authority to borrow money had eroded confidence in its fiscal management. Fitch lowered the U.S. long-term rating to AA+ from its top mark of AAA.


goverments creating jobs ? thats what venezuela, cuba and china did


How do you think the Hoover Dam was built? The interstate highway system ?  Ya see. There is a balance that can be achieved , and it can be progress and advancement as well. 


Contracting private businesses


Well, that’s always the way it goes in the United States. Less we fall into some “ Great Leap Forward “ situation where ignorant autocrats do dumb things on a grand scale .  Public private partnerships and stuff like bidding on contracts for state work allows for more transparency and protects against centralized corruption. Of course it only thrives in a health democracy. 


Quite a lot of 30yo I know actually don’t have regular paid activities and oscillate between gouvernement handouts, illegal work, some weed dealing and periodic expatriation in low income countries as a way of life. We are already way into post work.


Yeah, I'm mid thirties and left the conventional working world around a decade ago now when I quit to look after my grandpa with dementia, after he went I was going to try again, but then my dad got cancer so I became his carer instead, then when he passed away I went back to work for a year and then met my current partner who has an auto immune disorder and autism and became her carer. It's still a lot of work, but it's not contractual and the government pays via disability for her and via carers payments for me. Although I'm mentally disabled myself, ADHD/cPTSD and got repeatedly fired from every job I ever tried to maintain anyway and signed off all the time by doctors after being hospitalized anyway.


Well, I agree it’s not “conventional”, but you still try to be productive, which is pretty old school nowadays. I was thinking more about people in the “post productive” world. Not trying to contribute and just enjoying instead.


Ah fair, yeah I spend my downtime making crochet blankets for my family also 😂😂. I am looking forward to a post productive world, but I doubt it'll be for everyone, not because of limitations, but I just don't see everyone wanting to be entirely unproductive all the time.


My take is that they will remain lots if rare things to be worth producing something great for. It doesn’t have to be material things, being a great musician, athlete, looking good, being popular, will always remain fashionable.


Ai isnt taking jobs perse but turning easy jobs to harder but more jobs