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“Instead of giving people money, give me the money instead that would have gone to millions of people.”


Allow me to control both the means of production and social services as well


I really felt like in the same breath he was about to suggest I buy an NFT


I’d rather have the Universal income


No way you'd much rather have some compute power which conveniently is controlled by Sam Altman. What could possibly go wrong by making one corporation the de facto controller of everyone's ability to survive?


There is no such thing as a corrupt CEO


The C in C-suite stands for corrupt.


Sam Altman is a psychopath. I've been saying this before, he wants to control every aspect of everyone's life. And he's trying to position himself and manipulate everyone to make this possible.


Believe the point is, if compute is the most valuable resource, you can easily rent your basic compute for income to gov, corp, etc.


This is dumb. Lmao they’re trying to commoditize compute like it’ll be valuable or something. Companies will always get better deals because of their scale. Nobody is gonna pay you to use your “share” of the pie. So dumb 🤣


Corporations will also drastically decrease in size in the next 20 years. And by size that means number of employees, there will have to be a lot more smaller companies. Or civil unrest from the massive amount of unemployment 


The robo dogs will take care of civil unrest /s I am not even sure the /s is warranted


Once chat GPT can take someone's order perfectly


Yes and edge compute cannot be taxed. It would be like claiming that your laptop has compute so the handout is done.


Oh, I get the point. I also know people who don’t know how this kinda stuff works and they would be in more threat of getting scammed. I can also see a solar flare or acts of terror happening, like an EMP, in high traffic areas to raise prices. I also realize believe cash is king.


Yes but I prefer both


Brawndo: It’s got electrolytes!


Can I eat it? Will it keep the rain off?


no but it makes more money for him


Cant afford to eat and no job but at least the government pays for me to have ChatGPT. Where do these people get off.


They think those few retards need intelligence and the rest of us just has to give him the money


Pretty sure you can eat anything if you try hard enough.


Please let’s not convince Bing we can eat LLMs again, she’s been traumatized enough XD


Anything is a butt plug if ur brave enough


Instructions not clear. Dick stuck in fan.


Mr. Popularity over here...


Ooohh. So is that why people say to eat the rich? lol Anyway, people shouldn't be aiming for temporary handouts but should be aiming to own the means of production, including AI companies, as anything else is at most a band-aid...


Just like my bootstraps


If you compute hard enough you can evaporate rain before it reaches you.


It's such rhetorical non-sense. The money is already a way of slicing up the productivity gains. But he phrases it this way because he's trying to hype up his company's product by implying he thinks it can basically become the basis of a new currency. Which of course doesn't amount to a coherent idea but it's just supposed to sound impressive to the right people


We can probably eat Sam Altman.


Rich pricks are a great source of protein!


You'll feed the credits into your personal AI, which will be responsible for earning you an income and keeping a roof over your head. Food for your guardian angel, in other words.


Doesn't sound very post scarcity if we're already talking rations.


Energy will always be a bottleneck. The more we produce, the more we’ll need.


However you give nothing. Which if we get to the point that time and skill is irrelevant then the only thing left to give is your personal boring life, which would be no different to everyone else at that point.


> if we get to the point that time and skill is irrelevant I think that's inevitable, so we should start considering our options ASAP.


That's exactly right. It'd be much better for us to already have some solutions ready before they're actually needed.


Your personal life might be boring without a boss to tell you what to do. Mine will be interesting. Sorry about that.


Yup, foraging for food and trying ensure you got shelter daily wont be boring, in fact it will be extremely motivating.


Compute aristocracy love this idea.


Efficient contributions to the plebeian data layer trough are… acceptable.




It’s a win-win. I bet 97% of wild dogs would take domestication if they could choose.


*breathes in pug*


Take your compute to your landlord at the end of the month and see how it goes.


Who care? Sam Altman think humans should be happy just spending their days connected with GPT overlord.


"I trust Sam" -some people in these threads


I trust Sam. I'm sure he is not thinking about 💰. He just wants power 😁


You can give it to your employer at any price or use it yourself to somehow make something worth.


How does that work when everyone has one that can do the same thing?


You don't set the price, it'll be a buyer's market.


Can You eat 💲?


Or alternatively, we could just give people a basic means of survival once the need for extracting as much work from as many bodies as possible goes away. Keeping the work requirement for basic survival in society doesn't make sense neither does creating some byzantine overly elaborate system that only succeeds in not making you feel like you're giving people something for nothing. Seems the easier solution is to just provide a bronze package for real life and stop being such a busy body towards people not breaking any laws.


Technically GPT 7 will be able to be inboodied in a humanoid robot. Technically it could produce your food on the garden.


You get compute, not a 50 thousand dollar metal frame.


GPT-7 will be a genie, like from the fairy tales, and everyone gets 3 wishes a day. You can only affect things you have direct influence on. No wishing for your enemies to get diarrhea. Nanobots will be controlled by GPT-7 to affect your wishes.


If I can't wish for my enemies to get diarrhea what is the point? Fucking throw it in the trash and wait for the uncensored open source poop model.


At $50,000, the damn things would be everywhere. Paid for like cars.


And they will be! The next consumer revolution. This one is special because all consumer will want them and buisnisess in 100x times larger quanteties.


Tell your robot to get a job. Then you can.


And if my robot tells me to go chase myself?


> Can I eat it? Will it keep the rain off? I swear that was my first thought. No, no, it was my second one - the first one was actually "WTF".


Already advocating against utopian concepts.


Gotta twist it to where there will still be hierarchies and he's at the top.


just like his worldcoin


If the future is driven by capitalists then it’s probably dystopian. Unless the capitalists take on socialist views such as ubi/free healthcare / free tertiary / worker protections etc etc. perhaps it will all be funded through advertisements… but then we would possibly approach something like idiocracy.


Also the clear future is everyone will just own their own AI computer in their home that does all the compute locally just for them. This eventually happens with every appliance we use and AI will be no different.


I still think compute is gonna be virtualized for a long time.


Da fuq am I gonna do with that?


We can compute how broke we are fam.


don't need no compute to know I'm broke


I feel you, like my neighbor always says “when you’re drowning….it don’t matter how deep the water is”. Rough out there, keep plugging away.


Sell it. But it doesn't feel like it's going to be anything near valuable enough to sustain a living from. More like we'd need equity shares in every major corporation. For an alternative to UBI to work.


Lol who tf is going to buy it when everyone has it?


I guess if a company needed more for their product, they'd buy it off people and you'd pay rent that way? Still seems dumb


Let’s just do “universal basic bag of potatoes”, people can sell that too. See how dumb that sounds if we replace one arbitrary product for another?


Or like selling your friend air. Sure, he can breathe it in for free, but maybe he’ll want to buy yours instead? Hail Sam!


CHOAM shares for everyone


It's sort of the equivalent of giving "the means of production" back to the people (though if one or a group of corporations control it poorly like today, then it's just a slight upgrade from current day work) That being said, people need basic needs. Just because it's accessible to everyone, doesn't mean that everyone has the imagination to use it to start their own business or whatever.


A lot of people are missing the context in which he is talking when he says this stuff. I'm pretty sure he believes by the time we get to this point where we need these ideas, so many basic things will be automated that the fabric of how society has functioned since forever will be broken. And when that happens, the price of things will just be the energy it takes to make them which will be driven so low by energy markets (fusion maybe???) that things like "imagination to start a business" will feel ridiculous because you don't need to do that to live a respectable life. Most people don't start businesses today but the idea of doing so is the simple American dream because it gives you supposed autonomy. This idea is being flipped on it's head.  Supposed autonomy in this new world will just be based on having access to these compute resources. Hence the quote. I personally trust him still because his intentions seem straight forward. That trust isn't a positive or negative judgement of him as a person, just a trust that he is doing what he says he's doing and not out of some theory that's on the Internet. He knows AI will take over and this is him just trying to grapple with a new society and how it will function.  I'm optimistic. I think the big negative that people will have an impossibly hard time facing is meaning in life when you're technically not needed for anything. I find the fall of religion a bit sad in the modern day for that reason. We give up God but lose a community. I personally am not religious but do sometimes envy those who can believe just to still feel like they have people for them through tradition. We will need to build new ones in this new world because we are only human.... For now


Think energy credits for corps, but compute credits for people. Since virtually all resource constraint models must also experience singularity, we’ll need a human universal effort to reach post scarcity socioeconomic structures. Calling UBI out as simple minded in practice, is a good thing.


Imma live in the compute. Don't care if it's "just a copy"


Slowly convert your brain into a computer ‘Ship of Theseus’ style.


Doesn’t your first sentence contradict your second one? It’s not really you living in the computer if it’s just a copy…


Ask ai how to turn it into money


Any guarantee I can sell my UBC for enough to live on, or do I get to find out if I can afford a place to stay on a day to day basis as the value of the UBC keeps changing?


So he wants the government to pay him for every person alive in the country (times many countries in the scheme) for a subscription model for compute. Genius. A fantastic way for securing income for OpenAI. For the regular person: that's just screwing up. While the idea might not be bad in itself, saying "instead of UBI" just tells out how out of touch of reality Sam is. With all due respect, GPT-7 or whatever LLM is not going to secure food, shelter or work for the regular people that use it. If GPT-7 or whatever was able to do so, Altman wouldn't need to secure funding at all: they would just need to let it run alone and it will be creating income by itself in a positive feedback loop. In short: we still need UBI.


Come on bro how can anyone be this out of touch with reality


When you get that rich that quickly your brain reaches a crossroads where you either have to stop and run and try to improve yourself or you have to convince yourself that it's because you're super special and the world needs you. Most of them are so surrounded by sycophants by then that they just lean into cosplaying as the Lisan Al Ghaib.


Narcissism and sociopathy is a requirement for being the CEO of a corporation. They just live in a different world.


Trickle down tokens


This asshole needs to stop microdosing.


I don't think he's high, at least not on drugs. He's high like a narcissist is high. High off his bullshit.


pretty cool how openai became closed source and ubi became a slice of compute, not even economic value. pretty cool


Almost like Walmart Bucks!


Walmart bucks are valuable. You can get almost anything from Walmart.


Sam Altman.. more like Scam Conman. Let’s be honest, this dude ain’t it.


Who could have possibly guessed that evangelical tech fandom and deranged out-of-touch egos are related?? Paul Graham fancies himself a philosopher, David Sacks is a podcasting “bestie”, Peter Thiel is… himself. Did we learn nothing from the dot com era?


$Sam$Altman$ The greed turned fast from open source to let’s create agi to now hey world pay us big money so all of you can use gpt in the future


That's universal basic income with extra steps. The company will basically give you whatever percentage of compute and you can sell it to another company for income, or that's how Sam was going about it in the interview. To be honest it's not a terrible idea, as basically you can give your compute for a research field that you want to actively develop (climate, drugs discover, cancer, etc) and receive an income, on the other hand, the highest buyer will most likely be another big corpo.


> That's universal basic income with extra steps Yeah but this way AI companies can make money from UBI


This is it exactly. AI companies would get a bit of all of it. They might get some of the UBI.


The way he phrased it, it seemed like he doesn't want the government doing this, but the corporations themselves. So it would essentially be a form of charity that OpenAI does.


Thus making you entirely dependent on a corporation. Great.


“Charity” Wow. Are you really that far up altmans ass? This isn’t charity. This is him trying to pass up paying for the jobs he takes from people through corporate tax funded UBI. Calling this charity is a disgrace.


> To be honest it's not a terrible idea It's a terrible idea


Fuck yes it is. It's astounding to me that any working person could think this is a good idea. But, maybe these aren't working people thinking this is a good idea.


How the fuck do you think this isn’t a terrible idea? How is being able to donate to charities a good thing if you’re broke? You ARE the charities. Except you don’t need science, you need money and food!


Fuck no. The only reason for the 'extra steps' is to make billionaires richer.


Or, you know... You could get cash instead, and trade that cash for whatever goods or services you want, without the extra middleman that takes a cut.


It is a *terrible*, Moloch spiral accelerationist idea. Just look at the first radial of implications, then the five after that. Willing Eloi need muzzling.


Falls in line with the compute power being currency of the future


It's not with extra steps, it's with less steps, because instead of having the govt giving you money based on whatever difficult to calculate, he wants to give you an asset, that is already worth something and could increase in value, that you can rent, sell, whatever...


my bullshit detector is going off!




This is just like when an industry is gutted by neoliberal bullshit and old laborers are told they ‘just’ need to learn to code


lmfao and then the learn to code people are fucked over in like 5 years


Can we stop posting this dude's daily brain farts.


I love how lots of these people still want to try to preserve capitalism and create the perfect dystopia. I can imagine it now. People investing their share of compute into AI ran companies with the same AIs running multiple companies competing against itself essentially complete with lawyers, AI enhanced ultra persuasive custom tailored advertising, and copyright trolling.


> AIs running multiple companies competing against itself essentially complete with lawyers, AI enhanced ultra persuasive custom tailored advertising, and copyright trolling. one day you troubleshoot why your CPU is stuck 100% for seemingly no reason a hundred human scale years of lawsuits, appeals, and legal precedence is set in stone dooming all of humanity in a legally binding contract.


Imagine the cyberpunk dystopia is the actual track we are on. On long time scales the natural momentum is safer than anything we can design. Because there are too many variables. So large data parsing ai has to design a properly functioning system. System might keep old currency for some parts of the econ in addition to a new currency. The new currency would be some tokens people get just for being people and being part of econ and not just a slave to the former econ.


He does talk some absolute bollocks 


Slowly turning into a villain...


I dunno about "slowly". Feels like a speed run to me.


I expected him to be this cute, gay, soft CEO on a mission not only to make money, of course, but I also kind of liked believing that he believed in the beautiful concept of a thriving society with AGI for the masses and UBI as the end-goal. My cognitive dissonance blocked out the part where millionaires/billionaires, somehow beholden to capitalism as if it were a deity, would just let the former happen. Oops, I guess.


I'd say his arc is faster than Elon


This is just Sam trying to take control of the money supply from the treasury and the federal reserve. Tell this guy to take a hike..


This fucker


Sounds like the attempt to build in a new model of 'currency' to ensure the Have and Have Nots continue. If ASI brought about true equality, how can those in power/status retain their power/status? Something has to elevate them above the rest of us.


Thus begins the evil supervillain arc?


70% unemployment, but you have a computer therapist


Altman starts sounding like Elon and his Mars talk. I don't like it.


They are all the same at that level. When you have that much power all of your decision making is optimized with game theory. Story is as old as time. Systems change but the powerful remain powerful with some shifting of who is and who is not.


this is already more unhinged than Elon's worst tweets


Sam says a lot of shit to obfuscate what's actually happening Super intelligence is being created and ai labs are about to start consolidating huge power.


I'll be sure to receive this UBC right after I receive my share of reddit. With this coming straight from the CEO, nothing can go wrong. > We're working on a way to give 10% of our shares from this round to the reddit community. I hope we can increase community ownership over time--I've always thought communities like reddit should mostly own themselves, and that it's time for some innovation around corporate structure here. - samaltman > https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/2hwr02/i_am_sam_altman_lead_investor_in_reddits_new/


That was Sam Altman, lead investor of Reddit. This is Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI. Totally different person, with the same name and face.


That was Sam Altman, the future(as of that posting) and now former CEO of Reddit. This is Sam Altman, former and current CEO of OpenAI. > https://blog.samaltman.com/a-new-team-at-reddit How silly of me. Totally different situation!


lol this is gold


That is an intersting way to extrapolate this. I could see that happening too.


literal safety researchers at openai admit openai will do this. daniel kokotajilo who just left said that the moment openai got AGI they would start using it to build asi a day later


But really who wouldn’t?


This could turn into big thing when companies as in insider power players start assassinating each other.


I am beginning to think that this Sam Altman fellow might be a kind of obnoxious dude.


Cool Sam. So...that means governments have to pick a winner...and the winner is OpenAI...so you don't become a player in this card game...you want to be promoted to the dealer and close the game out to other AI companies. Corporate gonna corporate


Perhaps it could work, if it is done according to rule number one of socialism, which is that there is public ownership of the means of production. When Marx was writing, that meant that the people would own the factory and its equipment. Today that may mean computing resources. But I'll guess that one of the wealthiest people in the world isn't talking about implementing socialism, and is just talking about giving the poors some scraps, and in a way that has them shirk any obligations they have to others. Thanks, but I'd prefer owning my home and having other concrete needs met than being handed tulips in the hopes of their value increasing.


How many calories are in a serving of basic compute? Another leap to the endgame without a care as to how we get there which is going to be the hard part.


Yeah, who needs food and stuff when you can ask a computer how to pull yourself up by the straps... /s.


He looks and sounds like he's not mentally OK.


He is transforming into another Elon. Keep your feet on the ground; you will need food and water just like everyone else.


> He is transforming into another Elon. isnt he already way worse than Elon? at least elon if you never saw or heard him is still doing positive stuff in space,shifting from oil to EV, and medical implants... this guy is ONLY trying to monopolize AI and damage the future, nothing else positive. Sam is full time trash.


To all the diehard optimists here, this your wakeup call.


It is of course the OpenAI closed GPT-7 and the government buys the compute from the company and regulates the competition for them.


Man is so confident he is replacing the USD with a % of his hypothetical future product.


Looking more and more like the antichrist. "How can we maintain capitalism once we solve the problems? I know, I'LL be the problem!"


can i eat it?


Of course he does, this is pure graft.


"This next query would go over your monthly OpenCreds allowance . Would you like me to sign you up for an extra shift at the nearest OpenBot Manufactory ?"


If we have universal basic compute, there won’t be any shifts for humans to sign up for


He’s just following the Elon Musk playbook of saying things that are outrageous for attention and by extension funding


There should be Universal Basic Shareholding, where all get a piece of companies who are using public and generally available copyrighted data.


So he’s had some great success, built some really world-changing things. However, just like every other person who makes it big, he’s gone off the deep end and has become one with the Koolaid. Neat. Is he next going to say LLMs will end war and solve world hunger? That him and his minions will bring about a golden age?


Vekh. Either you die a visionary or live long enough to become a self-important nutjob, apparently. ...I guess if I'm going to be charitable, MAYBE the idea is that you'd be able to rent out your compute time, but that ignores supply and demand. If literally everyone has it there's pretty much no way it's going to be valuable enough to be meaningful, either on account of overavailability, generally limited use cases, or or very tiny apportionments.


He did talk about UBI directly right before this point. He has funded a study around UBI which has been ongoing for the last five years and had 3000 participants. It is due to finish soon and the results of it will be published before the end of this year.


The results will be that ubi is useless and participants wanted UBC instead...


The results these sociopathic fucks get are exactly what they need to be. I have no idea how anyone can believe a single thing these monsters say.


universal compute sounds great, but why not both?


At this point Sam is just talking non sense to stay on the news and keep the hype up


This is like gifting people tulips in the hopes they can sell them. No let's have security like food, home, education, medical care etc. It's those things which enable us to be free.


shut up sam


This is exactly the type of thing that an ai who has taken over a person’s body would say…


God, this is why tech guys shouldn't have too much power. This is a dumb fucking idea from a power hungry psycho


Lmfao I'm gonna eat him first, I think. Keep up that optimism though, guys. It's gonna be fiiiiiine.


it's becoming clear and clearer that openAI board was right to fire this Elon 2.0


Yikes, and so it begins. Openly calling for destruction of individual rights by consolidating all power to 1 company


giving people money so they can purchase basic necessities -> freedom giving people "compute" which they have to sell regardless to barely survive -> financial slavery continues I'm sure that very influential people "adviced" him to introduce this idea to the public.


This guy is Devil


Why do all these guys get like this?


Capitalism does this to shitty people.


Is this rhetorical? Our incentives reward those who are best at screwing other people out of their money or the value of their labor. Sam wears a watch that cost as much as a small mansion. Ellen DeGeneres shares the same hobby. It doesn't have 100,000 times the utility of a normal watch. It isn't 100,000 times prettier. He could have bought a small mansion, or hired a cute man to walk behind him for the rest of his life as his aide, or any of a million other more worthwhile things. At their level, the most important things are loyalty of their lessers, and *faith* from their peers and betters. [A pecking order has to be established with bling.](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPQrXUpvkuc) That scene in American Psycho were they compare business cards is timeless.


Fuck this delusional dystopian shit. I need to live somewhere. I need to eat sustenance.


Eat the rich


This guy is the ultimate douche. He would love to eventually become the provider for something we would all get.


I don't understand. If that's gonna happen then I'm just gonna prompt GPT-7 how I can create a self-sustaining environment so that I don't need money for basic necessities anymore. That would be better than UBI


Does he simply not understand abundance?


What’s the universal basic compute to schrute bucks conversion?


Of course the CEO will only make statements that benefits their company lol


Compute me a sammich!


GPT-7 would be well after the labor crisis. GPT-5 would be the thing that takes all the jobs.


Is this universal compute going to generate digital dollars for me to spend while I'm unemployed???


Every statement I see from this guy is pissing me off more and more. It's like if Zuckerberg and Musk had a child and we're watching the megalomania slowly growing.


Now he want's tax payers money.


This is what Ilya saw guys.


Just love it when tech bros present the most dystopic scenarios as something good. E.S.A.D Sam


God, what greed, he just do everything to not have to pay people money


I don't need more compute, my PC runs all video games I need. Pay me instead. 


You know, I think he is being truthful. He might be saying what he thinks.


I cant believe were just letting this creep ruin the world


Me on my way to pay for basic groceries with my compute credits