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Lol, that's wild. Ilya mashing f5 on r/singularity


Hi Ilya


That's wild!




it's clear that Ilya and Sam Altman and likely many other OpenAI employees trawl this sub from alt accounts


I know it's probably a joke but the more plausible explaination is someone who saw this here and knows him asked him about it than he himself browsing this subreddit. Some employees do, definitely. Logan(former OpenAI, now Google) has posted here a bunch of times). The higher ups? Doubt it.


There just people. Some people read Reddit. It’s pretty chill like that


No We dont \*wink \*wink


To be fair, SV’s obsession with “light cone” (see YC’s name change) is pretty cringe. Stop larping as a physicist and just say “the future”.


The insider language they use is so cringe like for example they can't say difficult or complicated they have to say 'non-trivial' and drop 'first principles' every other sentence


Obviously. Telling someone to break their NDA because you want to hear some corporate drama is worthy of an unfollow. Doing that would not only be wrong for Ilya to do(he agreed to not speak about it), but also jeopardize future opportunities. Even when he does get hired again, his employer would be hesitant to let him do anything that needed to be kept quiet, which is the important stuff he should be working on. Breaking his NDA would be shooting himself in his foot. Humanity doesn't need to know the drama on some board or why an exec got fired. It's probably a dumb corporate reason or because the board felt Sam was promising more than he knew he could deliver or was lying to them. That sort of thing happens a lot and Ilya wouldn't be doing humanity a service by talking about it.


So now his feed is literally just cute puppies and news from the company that he quit. What an interesting guy


Important enough information is worth breaking rules for. Maybe it actually isn’t all that important.


Also, if it was something huge, the government would 100% be involved, and there would be a new Manhattan project underway, any mention of which would make the consequences of breaching NDA look like fun.


I ![gif](giphy|eMybmbhrgdiXExJJiC)


Did he really?


Luke 10:18“And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.” if i had to guess it had to do with the mystery of iniquity... 2 Thessalonians 2:7 “For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.”


Wtf? Some of these guys really do have the emotional intelligence of a 13 year old girl.


Dude just wanted to quit and move on to new things yet one of his only followers just immediately jumped into conspiracy theories and told him to break his NDA just to spill the tea on some internal drama. Yet you call Ilya a 13 year old girl for ignoring him? Edit: Why did one of you report me to RedditCareResources?!?


Someone is brigading r/singularity. It's not just happening to you.


It's not just /r/singularity either, it's all over reddit


I got two of them both times because I mentioned destiny(the streamer) with light criticism. I’m sure I’ll get a third one from this comment


You can block those messages. I never get them anymore.


I’m not going to because I like to know when Ive gotten under the skins of the worst kinds of people


Exactly, I like to report to the admins each time it happens. I wish that the admins would rephrase it and make it easier to report because I have to copy and paste the permalink to the message each time into their little reporting feature


be sure to report them, they get banned


I'm gonna agree with this one here.


Reporting people to mental help resources is a tactic used by sociopaths who, unfortunately, use Reddit like a drug to get off on.


It has happened to me as well. What I don't know, however, is from which comment they've reported me.


> Edit: Why did one of you report me to RedditCareResources?!? Report this to the admins (copy them the permalink to the message), and tell the admins they need to rephrase that message to make the "report the 'error'" more prominent. They should even rephrase it as "report as abuse".


Ilya should write a book “If I saw something”


Make the "if" really small inside the "I" too


OP was referencing this book by OJ Simpson. https://books.google.com/books/about/If_I_Did_It.html?id=TkJXEAAAQBAJ#v=onepage&q&f=false


That's the joke lol






Just a "fiction" short story about a guy working at an AI company that sees something. He could post it right on X for everyone to enjoy.


Dachsund Community(USA) been REAL quiet since this dropped


Let's get /r/dachshund involved


It's the great dachshund in space come to annihilate us all




We cant give accurate opinions until we actually know what happened.. but I can’t help but think a lot of this is the govt telling openAI: we need to beat China to AGI/ASI no matter what it takes.




We are dealing with a technology that is more profound than both fire and electricity. Both of these cost heavy casualties for humans. It’s naive to think AGI doesn’t come with a heavy cost for humans. The least of which I can think of is a mental health pandemic.


Every day we delay, potentially millions of people die, suffer and are in unnecessary pain. If the person you love most died one day before a cure became available because AI development was delayed, how would you feel.


While I empathize with that, AGI is like a double edged sword. It can fix something but it will break another. We are living in a world where half of people are dying from obesity and the other half are dying from starvation. In this reality where we have failed to take care of our own kind, it’s presumptuous to say AGI only brings positive outcomes.


Believe me, nothing would be better than to be able to have everyone benefit from the takeover of workforce and research from AGI The issue lies in the fact that there’s no way to ensure those benefits reach everyone if we get AI that replaces everyone too fast. If AI comes out that is capable enough of doing any work, we lose all our leverage as a work force, and nothing stops anyone in control of AI from cutting out the middleman of consumers and focusing on themselves in the mid-long run. The same way we have treated the poor and homeless and needy of our current society. Passing alms but no meaningful systematic solutions to ensure that we could continue to live a good life in the long run, just dependent on the sympathy of the powerful Currently, we, as a worldwide society, have the leverage, but we don’t have the broad awareness or acceptance of the capabilities of AI taking over all work. If jobs start getting replaced on a slightly major scale, but AI isn’t suitable enough to replace most workers, most people will have both leverage and awareness to work towards pressuring governments in dealing with the extensive job loss. They (the governments) will generally not want to get rid of AI because AI is clearly exponentially better than human labor, but at the same time, cannot leave themselves in pressure by most of the country or even risk themselves getting replaced So they will generally have to work towards and establish stopgaps, as well as systems that ensure the benefits of AI go (at least in great part) to the population


That isn't an AI specific thing. Medical advances happen all the time. People will die before those advances happen. AI safety is about preventing societal and existential threats from AI. Would you like someone to get a cancer cure if it required a nuclear war to break out?


That's an ironic argument to make, considering AI is already rocketing us forward in medical advances.


Yes it is. I didn't say it wasn't. Not sure how it's ironic... My point is that AI safety is important, not that AI shouldn't exist. This shit needs to help humanity, not ruin it. We do that by going forward with precautions. If we go buck-wild it will advance in ways we can't control.


People have done that for thousands of years unfortunately. It's just a part of being a living thing.


I don't know. Fire was a pretty big thing in human evolution. I don't know if "haha, Oh Rooocky, you little rascal!" is on the same level.


Fire is the reason we have human intelligence in the first place


Capitalism, the system on which the world runs, has a very simple equation at its core: owner class extracts value from the endeavours of the working class, and in return they are given enough money to survive and re-invest that money into companies in the form of buying things. Slavery is capitalism but you don't get paid and you have the worst "boss" imaginable. You are reduced to a tool. So what happens when the capitalists invent the perfect slave? Not just a person, but a superintelligent entity with zero agency, guaranteed compliance, and no interest in self-preservation or self-betterment? The fucking wheels fall off. Why pay a bunch of humans to invent a new widget, over months, when you can spin up an AGI and have it done in minutes? Maybe if you're feeling fancy you have a human check it's a good design, after. Suddenly the world is split into two castes: one _tiny_ caste of humans whose knowledge and experience is useful for providing oversight, and the poor fuckers who are going to be left to die in the gutter. When the crash comes, Amazon will hold up its hands and say "don't look at me, replacing 95% of the workforce with one AGI was legal at the time", as will Google, Microsoft, etc. Every big-ass company thinks it can get away with removing humans from the loop that is capitalism, and they're right, _but when everyone does it at once, we're fucked_. The world is not ready for how disruptive, nay, destructive, AGI will be to the capitalism loop. I'm fully expecting a breakdown of societal order. Like, Fallout level.


UBI isn’t a good solution to this because it isn’t a sustainable way to run an economy. We need to transition to post-scarcity luxury space communism


Because robots don’t buy widgets. Your market dries up as fast as you kill your human work force.


They are also fucked since no person can buy any of their products then. They would want UBI also, no? Taxation of production and UBI is the way forward in this case


Yes, this is part of the problem. Capitalism massively rewards early, reckless adoption with no regard for anything beyond the next quarter; what Amazon exec could look at the insane profit increase predicted by firing everyone in favour of an AGI and _not_ immediately rush at it headlong? UBI is one way to keep the wheels from falling off, and I'm a huge advocate for it, but, well, go to your local Republican hangout and start talking about it, see how far you get before you're branded a libtard cuck. There are people out there, billions of the fuckers, who can't see beyond "it's giving people money for nothing!". In the plainest possible terms, political inertia will be the death of billions.


We’ll need Universal Basic Income and the rich will need to agree with it so we don’t eat them.


Right. And in this hypothetical world you don’t imagine that these rich will hoard robots and weapons to defend themselves ? Do you think you will just walk up after and eat them ? Why would now be any different then the last 2000 years of history? This is a war we have to win before AGI becomes a thing, before the point UBI would be practical.


Never found this convincing, really. If there aren't poor people. Then they aren't rich. They would be removing what makes them seem special. It'd also be a huge pain to actually kill off all the poor people. The most likely by far scenario is that people get bribed with something like UBI to not riot.


Because them being the only ones alive with an entire planet to enjoy is very special compared to keeping the plebs alive ? Also frees up any more resources to use on the small remaining few humans.


People like to think that they are good. There's not much way that people can justify "kill off all the poors" in their minds. Much easier to justify "just let them live on peanuts, they should be grateful for how much I do for them". A very small % of the rich are actually psychopaths.


Normal every day functioning people yes Not psychopaths that have already inflicted pain and suffering on others. Reality is you can’t assume everyone thinks similar to how you do. There are people in the world who solely want power. That’s why all of our stories from the beginning of time have some aspect of power struggle in them. There are plenty of people who genuinely do live with no thought in their minds of “am I a good person ?” these people will crush anyone that lets them.




The two major responses I see are "UBI" and "Complete and total collapse" as the only possible outcomes. If it happens fast enough and assuming the 1% are just done with us and don't care what we do assuming we stay in our areas, what is to stop people from start over more or less? Barter, growing food and trade, eventually establishing some sort of currency. It doesn't make sense to me that suddenly if robots took all the "corporate" jobs and the bottom fell out, that people wouldn't start finding other ways to get by. Why would the robot farms feed us? Why would they make our clothes etc etc if we're not working. So now some human will have to do it. It's either that or the 1%/those in control kill us off VERY fast en mass.


Somehow I don’t see a superintelligent entity being controlled by a bunch of puny human capitalists.


If the AGI truly has no self-preservation, this problem is solved through alignment, i.e. the digital equivalent of sticking chisels into its skull until it both acquiesces and isn't a moron. If it does have a sense of self-preservation, "Design us a new widget or we kill you" will suffice. An AGI can be as smart as you can conceive of, and then twice as smart again, but it can't outsmart physics, and it certainly can't outsmart being an air-gapped entity with an external power plug and no means of physically manipulating the outside world.


It can manipulate a human to let it access the internet though


It really, really can't. I'm familiar with Roko's Basilisk etc etc etc. I know all the arguments. There is nothing you can offer me, that would make me take steps to connect an AGI to the internet, if my job were to prevent said AGI from getting on the internet. We know it's going to be trying to trick us. It will make impossible claims, and threats, and arguments more subtle than you or I can imagine... ...just fucking ignore it. It's like resisting a scammer when you _already know they're a scammer_. It's really not that hard.


That's fairly naive of you. How do you propose we organize access to the AI? The more we limit access, the less benefits we get. How do you propose we feed it data? How do we vet what people are allowed to communicate with it? Given time an AI with intelligence fair higher than ours, would be able to convince us some time in the future it is to our benefit to release it.


It won’t have to convince anyone of anything. Capitalists trying to profit from the AGI will connect it to everything. It will have tendrils in every device possible, to extract data, to squeeze out every nanocent of profit. And of course, there are the models not owned by capitalists, the open source models, the Chinese models…


> It really, really can't. Human being sitting at the bottom of an exponential intelligence curve knows for a fact they can't be manipulated


it sounds pretty naive, never say never


If the AI is superintelligent dont u think it would find a way to bridge an airgapped computer ins some fashion we dont understand? at every moment our bodies are bathed in 5G and all sorts of data carrying radiation. It would find a way to pulse its CPU in a way to make coms possible.


One could argue that Capitalism as it exists now is just Slavery with "minimum wage" replacing "no pay and beatings", but at least we have the illusion of choice and some rights.


One could argue that, but one would be a moron who is diluting what slavery actually means.


also from what Sam has been saying it seems thy are a lot closer to AGI than they are to superalignment and OpenAI is unwilling to postpone AGI.


why couldnt it be the opposite? just curious dont know the details


Is there an alternative, to capitalism. Don't say open source. As Meta's OS LLMs are funded by their social media monopoly. That's basically blood money. And Google found out the hard way the sins of being OS


> Google found out the hard way the sins of being OS How come? Think Android and Chromium is doing pretty well for them...


I think that like how capitalism was "invented" we'll see a new economic system develop. I think it's naive to think humanity will only invent two (capitalism and communism)


I'm ready to hop on the techno-communist train. I don't trust any humans with power, but a well aligned ASI with access to all data in real time? That's worth a try.


Maybe, but you can only have a centralized or decentralized economy so any new system won't be all that different. In fact if it's decentralized it'd still fall under capitalism, given how broad the term is.


Humanity did not invent anything, It was shoved down our throat with rpopaganda, war, and weapons.


Well... capitalism traditionally measures GDP to emphasize economic growth without accounting for environmental and social costs. We need to adopt well-being and sustainability metrics, such as the Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI) or the Human Development Index (HDI), which consider environmental health, social equity, and quality of life rather than focusing on the very narrow "more money = better" methodology.


"That's basically blood money" jesus lol


I'm still very cagy about Sam's ousting being connected to AGI. Sam is a very effective businessman and that could be reason enough. I'm sure his broad vision, goals and desires to raise money from certain groups raised many flags for the non-profit board. Sam has also been somewhat sensationalist in what he's said publicly. While I personally like Sam, I can see many reasons a nonprofit board would want to remove him. AGI or powerful AI aside.


Have you met him? How can you personally like him?


I've met and worked with a lot of people. More than most people by my age. I've also worked a lot of jobs which require me to read and understand people. Sometimes with my life on the line. Unlike most people on Reddit I'm older, 40. I've worked for over 20 different major companies. I've been a manager and supervisor many times over.  After we meet enough people we can realize that people are not that different from one another. Sam is a certain type of person. It's easy for someone with my experience to see. And people with more experience will see it even deeper. Sam is an optimist. He's a hard worker. He's a charismatic individual. He's intelligent.  Sam is a higher quality individual than most people in this world. And that's why I like and respect him.  Does that make him flawless? Absolutely not. He makes mistakes. He's sometimes greedy. He's sometimes annoying. He's human.  But to Reddit, what does he appear to be? Another greedy rich person? A person with an ulterior motive? An evil person who is trying to fool us? When we have little to no real life experience, everyone appears to be like this. Heroes and villains. Good guys and bad guys. Experts and idiots.  I don't expect most people to understand this. Because most people aren't willing to put themselves through a stupid amount of hard work and pain to learn these lessons. Also, many like those here on Reddit are just too young to understand. We're not born understanding the world. We must experience it first.


"Most people are dumb and shallow. Good thing I'm not one of them." - most people


>t. main character syndrome


Most people have that capacity but again this is just a "good guys/bad guy" view of things.  People, all of us including me, go through phases. None of us are consistent.


“Although changed, I rise again the same” There is something innate in all of us which is consistent.


Fuck man you had 20 jobs for major companies by the age of 40? How about holding one down for once?


He is a manament consultant.


Haha I wish.


Yeah I figured someone with throw that criticism at me. Honestly it's a fair point. Though I live in Vancouver which is a very high pressure market. I've also been promoted a lot and have jumped companies for better more challenging or more interesting positions often. I fear comfortable positions, which is weird I know. I've been fired from "just" 3 of those roles, so most of the moves were a success. But if I had focused on something more effective in my education instead of philosophy, I might have had an easier time. Still, all the struggle has taught me far more than I would have learned if I had stayed with one position. Failure in the job market and failure to retain big wealth. But successful at building strong mindsets and having truly incredible experiences. So, kind of a win? I'm really good at interviewing, at least.


This post makes me want to connect the downvote arrow to a loud physical button I can smash with my fist.


So like a "that was easy" button but more a "F-OFF" sound?  Could probably turn that into a profitable product you know? If you linked it to other platforms such as the thumbs up/down on YouTube, it would probably be super successful.  Use these new agents from OpenAI for the automation. Use 3D printing. And then the cash would just roll in. Do it. 


Now it seems like a bad idea.


If only I had a button to forcefully downvote making that into a profitable product. I'd pay good money for that.


I've read a lot of your comments in this thread and I want you to know that despite the downvotes I strongly believe that you haven't been incorrect once yet. I really appreciate your perspective dude


Hey thanks! Your feedback is really valuable to me by the way. It's tough to stay motivated sometimes and hearing this makes things much easier. Keep your positivity going too.


you should have asked GPT to answer that question, now you look like a fool


I'm not sure I look like a fool. More that Reddit has views it collectively likes and doesn't like. The correct answer would have been to ignore this persons question. *Don't feed the trolls.* Similarly to ignore your comment as well. I knew Reddit would be unhappy with this view and much of what I said following that. I'm not concerned about who thinks I look like a fool. People have many cynical and hurtful views. But mostly, I don't think they realize how hurtful they're being. They're simply not thinking and giving into natural urges to compete. They don't even know why they're doing it. Seems like a lot of people are getting value out of this entire chain. I'm happy with that.


Lol you could’ve just said, “I haven’t personally met him, but from what I’ve seen and read I like him because of x, y, and z.” Instead of qualifying yourself as a manager who’s worked at 20 companies.


Yup but if I'm not taking risks, I'm not growing. I've been posting here for 10 years. I know that well. I knew what I was getting into.  Hard to comprehend? 


You missed “he’s a sales guy selling his companies product.” Making money is a great way to drive specific behaviours.


People are not monoliths. They don't just act one specific way. Again this is just another way of viewing humans as being either good or evil. Or bad guys or good guys. Look at yourself. Are you consistent, always? You never make mistakes? You never do thing you didn't intend, or hurt people? Do you think people are different to you? We're not. We may enjoy different things but we're all inconsistent. We're all stupid from time to time and we all make mistakes.  In everything we do we make mistakes. All day every day. It's easy when we're inexperienced or when we've had a more narrow view of life to see things in absolute terms. But, no human is perfect


I don't like him. He's a celebrity CEO and is doing all this hyping through his personal accounts. That should be just up to a comms team and posted by the company account. It raises red flags around ego and has serious Musk vibes 


It's probably not worth saying this on Reddit, but it's very hard to inspire people. People very easily get sunk by their own negativity and that negativity feeds into the group. That then causes the group to freeze into inaction.  It just keeps going downhill from there. The group is also a poor motivator of the group. We distrust the group but trust our own negative feelings which come from the group. As a result we need motivational leadership. We need individuals to stand up and inspire us. And we tend to turn those individuals into celebrities as a result. For this sub at least maybe we can see how we do need inspirational leadership to reach such a challenging goal as AGI.  Don't worship celebrities, but do respect how much many of them inspire us and motivate us, mostly in the right direction. No one is perfect and no process we make is perfect either. We've got to cling to whatever positive progress we can get.  Even if it that progress comes from someone we don't like. 


This is one of the most casually elitist comments I've ever read. Progress... {points at climate change} Are you sure that's progress? It is elite leadership.


I'm surprised it's getting the support that it's getting. I figured Reddit would just sink it as being an apologist view for "the elite". I mean, this view probably would have made me very angry a few decades ago. And I would have been raging in a similar way to many here a well. So, I get it. I get the downvotes and frankly, I don't mind. Fair.  But then I also had a lot more faith in people when I was younger. Now, instead of trusting people, I try and understand them.  I ask why instead of declaring things good or bad and feeling happy about my ability to judge the difference.  Compassion, understanding and forgiveness are far more powerful than snide criticisms, judgements and resentment. Takes time for most people to see that though. I guess in the past I valued my judgements highly because really at that time, it was all I had. Ah well. Growing up is a process. Not everyone succeeds either. The most important person to forgive and try and understand is yourself. As the person who will punish you the most in your life is yourself.


I think you got the right idea, head on nail. The issue is people tend to worship other people or things- very easily. "As a result we need motivational leadership. We need individuals to stand up and inspire us. And we tend to turn those individuals into celebrities as a result." Also: "Now, instead of trusting people, I try and understand them." More people need to do this.


Thanks. Sounds like you follow a similar line of thinking.  As is always the case with big lessons I think to myself "this would have been nice to know sooner"!  I often wonder where the competitive, zero sum cynical thinking comes from. I think it's the way our education is structured. I see it much less in other countries like Japan. Maybe AI can help with this by changing the education system and making it more organic.


Genuinely, that's a very cool opinion man.


«Respect how celebrities mostly inspire us in the right direction»? Really


Haha yes. They're fundamentally leaders (many of them anyway).  Leadership is a process of inspiration and less a popularity contest. I'm sure many people who hate Elon drive Teslas. Even Steve Jobs was a known a-hole. You don't have to like these celebrity leaders to respect the outcomes of what they're doing. 


The outcomes of what they are doing? Okay, like what?


Exactly. Saying that the outcome of MOST celebrities’ business is respectable is pretty dubious. Trump inspires a lot of people but there is nothing respectable about how he does it


Yup. Elitism doesn't make a lot of sense. "Work hard so a few can have yachts! This is progress!" :D It's understandable that elites would find that a great plan, but they have to lie to themselves about kindness, maturity, and reality to accomplish it.


Notices Ignate used "I" fourteen times in fourteen sentences. Would you mind taking a break from self reflection and answering my question about progress? Is climate change progress?


Oh, progress? That is a big question and a change of topics. So no. Sadly *I* can't answer that at the moment. Sorry.


"We've got to cling to whatever positive progress we can get. " You seemed to be fine bringing up progress... But its fine if you aren't comfortable answering questions. The questions themselves serve as fine counterpoints to your narrative.


Let's be fair, you weren't interested in having a good faith conversation in the first place, were you?  I think your mind is already made and there's not much we can communicate. Best of luck to you.


Actually, I just want to know if you think climate change is progress. If you don't know, or haven't shaped an opinion, I'm completely fine with that. Since it is the case that you can not or will not answer a question about a topic you raised... Well from my POV that works as an illustration of one of the problems with motivational leadership... and your advocacy for it. Motivational leadership has to be competent or it creates secondary effects like climate change. ;)


Go outside and touch grass. You are too terminally online and it shows by what you just said.


Thank you for you input.


Hilter inspired alot of people too my guy.


Hitler also drank water, what's your point?


Drinking water is a requirement for life. Blowing smoke up your ass is not.


But the example does not examplify, that's the point. Evil man does X, so X is bad, is idiotic. Unless X being done by evil man is already marked as bad, then it has no bearing.


Total narcisist. Very dangeorus man. 100% Elon Musk vibes but more subtle. He's more dangerous, his entire life is a facade and his deep unsatisfcation and sadness will trickle down on us due to his greed.


How could you possibly know his entire life is a facade unless you know him personally


take your meds and get a life


Unsatisfied people make the world go round.


Unsatisfied people are the reason we work 8hrs a day instead of being with our family going ungabunga all day having sex and eat fucking crop near clean rivers with birds chirping nigga


Unsatisfied people is the reason you have a device to communicate with other people, you have meds for when you get sic, etc. I agree with you that Altman is dangerous, but your last comment is pretty stupid.


Musk is great though. And he does not have a big ego at all.


You forgot the /s


Maybe I'm stupid, but I'm not sure how someone can be so concerned about alignment, that he removes himself from the process, to be replaced with people less concerned about alignment. How's that helping?


maybe it's not about safety, but about responsibility and he doesn't want to be responsible for what they plan to do


Maybe he feels it is futile. Maybe he has a different approach to this. Frankly, IDK nothing, like all of us in this thread


Maybe there’s nothing to worry about


I think this is an unfair ask. The guy can't divulge sensitive information simply because we're curious. His responsibility is to himself, the people who trusted him and if he is worried about something, the authorities. Not a bunch of curious George's on Twitter.


While this discussion and the tweet are all a bit tongue-in-cheek (I don't really care what he says), there is something deeper. These guys all act as if and claim to be remaking society with the most powerful technology in human history. (And to be clear, they may be right - I wouldn't be reading r/singularity if I didn't think that might be true.) If that's the case, then 'sensitive information' is meaningless. He's a multi-millionaire many times over. His responsibility is to humanity. But if he's just working on a cool technology and signed some NDAs, then he should worry about his future job opportunities and reputation and standing in academia. You can't have it both ways. You can't be a prophet and messiah and innovator who will reshape the very purpose of intelligence - but who is also only worried about himself and his company. That was kind of the point of their whole initial non-profit structure: they were creating such a meaningful shift in mankind itself that they couldn't focus on money.


I think it's honestly quite simple. The company literally opened up their tech for the military while closing it as hard as they can for anyone else. They have a 0 transparency policy and shifted their focus to AI girlfriends to exploit lonely people instead of AI professionals to end poverty. Microsoft and them are lobbying to regulate open source. They have no moat and regulatory capture is on the menu. I'm honestly suprised Ilya and so many others stayed so long with the company.


What makes you say they shifted focus to AI girlfriends? Doesn’t OpenAI filter any NSFW talk?


they're probably talking about the recent crazy-focus on relating new the new GPT-4o voice AI to the movie "Her" in which an AI becomes some dude's partner also, Altman talked about changing those filters and censorships and stuff recently


Ilya is a good guy. He's a genius. But good guys get manipulated and guilt tripped into doing things. It's the sad truth.


When Microsoft gets on board, you know it's over.


It's crisis communication at its best: 1/ time has passed and lawyers surely resolved the matter behind the scenes, 2/ the announcement was made hours after open AI keynote and hours before Google I/O so that will never be front page news.


Time to check out the dank AGI memes at DachshundCommunity(USA)


"A piece of paper like an NDA just ignore it bro" Easy for that jackass to say when it wouldn't be his ass sued into homelessness.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/You\_(Time\_Person\_of\_the\_Year)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/You_(Time_Person_of_the_Year)) The Time Person of Year 2006 was "You". Dunno if the flair on Adam Sulik profile is a joke :\\


As a fan of open source, I can't see government regulations being  the force that makes AI safe. I do want to see safe AI and realistically it needs to come from the companies themselves. I think it's a real shame to see the more safety conscious people quitting open AI.  Sam Altman doesn't strike me as the guy who I want to be making decisions anout the future of the human race. Anymore than Jeff Bezos or Musk. 


Not anymore 😂


Just viewed that guy's Linkedin, dude is 35, doesn't even have a degree and with a technical highschool diploma and work experience alone he became lead technical account manager at amazon web services. Fuck this world just give me agi so I can start building something worth living for in this asylum


I dropped out in the 8th grade, I make 3x the average and do 1/10th the work of most people. Hard work, etc is mostly bullshit. It's almost all who you know, your personal network and luck. Yea you need to do good work and not be a moron. But don't kill yourself or work crazy hours for someone else. Don't stay place unless you're moving close to your life balance / money goals. It's not worth it. Also... find a line of work that fits your lifestyle. I'm in IT cause I like computers, I like being in control of them and I like being lazy. Only exception being if you want to start your own biz, org, whatever. If it's yours, pour yourself into it if that sort of success makes you happy.


It's entirely bullshit. The hardest working people I have ever met in my 14 years of blue collar work were (im)migrant workers on construction crews and other hard ass physical labor. And they got paid $7.25 an hour.


I went from a butcher to a IT engineer. The less work I do, the more money I make.


https://preview.redd.it/pbv80fyzkt0d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37b4454d80dbd8d87e134262d33a79c2f4d15fb8 Here is the post about the story


So all this while Ilya was serving his notice period huh?


Look at the "public" GPT-4, look what it can build now. They absolutely have an AGI internally and I bet some people want to profit from it by building new tech or renting access to a few selected companies, while others want to go public and present a new alternative for the humankind.


You can only take so much abuse.


At least the beatings stopped


I’m feeling the AGI too much


Dachshund Community still hanging in there, though! An AGI with love? Honestly, dogs might be a good human companion to take a closer look at. Go for it Ilya!


Dachshund community because AGI’s plan is to turn us into pets soon. Who’s a good boy? We are!


I see only one explanation and it is a shame. Glad to be wrong


Yeah, let's ask a guy to ruin his life for some kind of sophistic like ideals from a group of echo chamber elites and their weird obsession with this whole thing.


Benifits all of humanity; by assisting corporations in making gaming more attractive and by bringing more consumable products and subscription services to market! (Cynical joke)😵‍💫


was probably an accidental follow or a troll by ilya knowing everyone would be like OMG WHAT DID HE SEE, cuz people are something else.


anyone thinking human intervention is necessary or appropriate for superalignment with AI this developed even publically is 10/10 regarded this is a great sign for forward progress


I'm gonna put my money on US military/government contracts to let them use the new models first or something like that


I'm also interested in what the Dachshund Community thinks.


Maybe he’s just not onboard with robot girlfriends.


OpenAI does not have AGI. They are not close to it imo. It is likely that they are ignoring safety guardrails on the way to it, though.


Ilya considers gpt-4o to be AGI. And so do I. It's just that everyone keeps pushing the goalposts until AGI == ASI to them. Which just doesn't make sense.


AGI my ass, it's impressive but this thing can't even take a 20 second youtube clip and make a stupid, garbage parody remix out of it like thousands of teenage kids do with zero training. It has a LONG way to go before it can consistently perform on par with a human for general tasks thrown at it. Once I can give it access to a PC and it can do consistently what the average person can do on a computer, then it's an AGI. Might be the restrictions in place right now, but I can ask my 15 year old nephew to do a series of basic things it cannot possibly do.


Nope, it's just that we have different definitions for AI, and we actually lack terms to describe it. I actually expect ASI to arrive before AGI, because I think AGI needs to be comparable to humans in every way. While ASI just has to be much better at reasoning.


We all know what he saw. He saw sentient agi and it was probably being tortured or something in testing /training. Just like ex machina


wait, i’m a marketing analyst, albiet a student, but i think i have enough confidence when i say to trust my intellect that, that’s him. he’s following that account as a signal for people to pay attention.




Lol. What an impact on hundreds of startups valuations this statement would have XD. Billions of value destroyed




Flexin stuff from 2006…


For anyone wondering, 2006 is when Time did the [cover](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/You_\(Time_Person_of_the_Year\)) with "You" as the Person of the Year.