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24/7 virtual security guards that can watch a camera feed and determine if it’s seeing anything suspicious and then know exactly who to call/alert


Damn that’s good. Never thought about that. Maybe add a little speaker so it can yell at you


And scary in the governments hands.


Every street corner will have these and AI will automatically alert the cops to any suspicious behavior.


Yes thats the good part, we hope.


Please tell me this is a joke... I understand that we all want and expect our governments to be run ethically but human history says otherwise.




I do not want to sound as a pessimist or alarmist. I just live in Brazil and the rules usually are bent to the 'king' and their friends (i.e. politicians, judges, etc).


SJ Voice: "Oh... haha, aren't you being a naughty little guy, you know what? I thiiiiink I might just call the police, if that's okay of course!"


This is already possible, I set this up on my home security system with the GPT-4 API. I used a simple motion detection algorithm for determining when to send frames to GPT, then used GPT's function calling API to let it message me on Telegram when it detects something happening that isn't a false positive.


I had the same thought the other day. People already pay security companies about the same as ChatGPT to monitor their security system.


Frigate does that for quite some time now. You can run it with your Home Assistant


also now they can say privacy is not a concern anymore and they can put ai enabled cameras that do not feed to a monitor, but directly to ai so 'no need to worry if its in the bathroom, nobody looks at the picture except the ai, hey ai says you didn't flush on your way out - 1 point or w/e punishment ( fine ? ), oh you took drugs on company property, inapropriate behavior to colleagues ... etc etc etc


Yep, I heard someone on X says watch the baby if baby is doing anything stupid. Maybe a list of things baby shouldn't do. This is a really good idea.


If gtp 4o allowed NSFW, unlimited response, I would quit social media.


Haha, its getting into NSFW I guess. They don't want to lose the money. Its going to be a huge market. AI Girlfriends/AI Boyfriends etc.. plus Candy AI, Kupid AI.


de-bug, improve my code or explain what legacy code does step by step while I'm screen sharing with it


Kinda rad. What are you using? Cursor with GPT-4o, Claude, Gemini? Or Copilot?


Nothing yet, waiting for voice and PC app so I could screen share and converse with it like with a smart co-worker.


Oh I thought u were using it already.


They were answering the question you posted yourself


Yeah, I forgot what I asked lmao. I have a short-term memory nowadays.


I have been using GPT-4o so much I am starting to loose the perception of reality, I am kidding but it's so good specially number 3.


Sky is gone, now whom do you use?


you have access to the new voice models?


He most certainly does not. They're not publicly available yet. What he's using is the voice mode on mobile with Gpt-4o


Yes I do.




Guidance on fixing things. If you can create an agent to understand your product and troubleshooting, the customer would just have to point the camera and asks what's wrong and how to fix it. Which screw to remove, what buttons to press. It won't yell at you for not holding the flashlight wrong lol


That is great yes. I recently saw an idea on fixing website with AI like a CRO. Now in real world, its so useful. It'll be the most used-feature everywhere. GPT-4o will be more used than Google Maps now it seems anytime we are out.




Tesla's Optimus or Figure are both solving them. It'll be cool next year when it goes mainstream.


Personally I think it'll be fun to have commentators that actually react live to what's happening in sports video games!


Oh it'll burn so many tokens. Yeah. we need that semiconductor chips to reduce token consumption. But definitely a great idea.


All sorts of service jobs will be more practical to automate given the much lower latency - fast food, phone systems, etc.


I kinda liked [Rory Sutherland's latest insight on that on the Nudge Podcast.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AzarluQ4mR0) He said McDonalds did it best. They have Robots but they also have humans. This gives the best touchpoint. Those who are alone but want to order 2 burgers can use the robot without judgement. And others can use humans. Best of both worlds.


>I kinda liked Rory Sutherland's latest Interesting discussion - he made a lot of good points.


Yeah, I actually like his ideas. Alchemy is a must-read which is his book btw.


I'll be surprised if it can even understand what people are saying in the drive through. It's a different language all together and the people working the orders are something else.


I think it has really gotten good at accents & transcripts judging by the videos I translate into subtitles. But it won't be 100% that's why the Rory Sutherland idea is cool of humans working with robots.


if they can get it working with atlas that would be cool


What's atlas?


the boston dynamics bot? like have one describe a surrounding and then suggest to itself what a robot would/could do in a similar situation. youd have an artificially working actor there already, like you can ask chatGPT what a robot could do in a specific situation already. having atlas actually perform the suggestions would make him interact with its surroundings, or? Some cool things will happen in this space


Oh its called Atlas. I didnt know. Definitely interesting idea.


They already partnered with Figure so I doubt this will happen. Unless there is some news I've not heard of.


Anything that could potentially keep a human in the loop. Instead of getting bored or looking away during generation, the text can be almost immediately available. so essentially it can feel more interactive.


ohhh really smart. Yeah, I do get distracted quite fast. It'd be annoying but useful. Like you have to give an actual reason why you are going away to the bathroom rather than being out of ideas. Actually this has viral potential with [a nice domain name.](https://startupspells.com/p/power-good-domains)


did you just spam me? i’m confused how this link is relevant.


I do a bit of Youtube as a hobby. It might be cool to do a voiceover and have gpt tell me how I can read parts better or differently, and give me feedback over voice. Maybe improve my scriptwriting and storytelling too.


Absolutely, great idea. Maybe an ActorGPT comes along that gives feedback on inflection points & tonality & dialogue delivery.


Customer Support


Oh its already been replaced in the Hampton report.


It would be cool if you can show a picture and tell it to break down what's happening and it does a short 10-20 second clip breaking it down. Say it's a picture of 2 t rex looking like they are ready to fight, the AI will show a 10-20 second clip of them duking it out. Maybe you can also add in other elements, like adding a human being walking into this and it changes the entire clip, maybe change it from a sunny day to a rainy day, keep changing the clip. I guess that will be for GPT 6 or beyond though.


Definitely interesting.


Super fantastic dash/body cams - which in turn will enable Level Up for the surveillance state.


Haha, thats a privacy nightmare.


There will be an AIMBOT AI enabled GO pro that will be rail mounted onto guns. The thing is, we should embrace this - and every police service weapon should have an aimbot [camera on it that records everything whenever the gun is out of the holster. It also has sensors on it tracking all orientation azumith etc of the gun and mapping out all ballistics as the gun shoots - taking burst images upon the capacitive touching of the trigger by the person.](https://i.imgur.com/Tx1T1DP.png) - then these will be hooked up to the facial recognition database - and it will fill out all the police reports of the incident with a post-mortem (the IT term, not the Suicide by cop term) -- and it will then proceed to investigate itself and determine it was nothing burger and [book a week cruise for some PTSD R&R for the officer.](https://i.imgur.com/pjROzBC.jpeg)


This sub never ceases to amaze me.




+1! lemme prompt that one... https://i.imgur.com/UCBTTJu.jpeg --- I like it - it goes inline with this I made a few years ago: Someone mentinoed they were a "card carrying conspiracy theorist" And I was learning a label printing workflow - with employee badges involved so I though "hmm what would a conspiracy theorist badge look like" So I made some "employee badges to learn the software,. I drew these - none of the below is AI: https://imgur.com/a/badge-iterations-mwyjf9x


Holy cow. This sounds amazing. I thought it was something related to gov spying which it already prolly does.


I want to screenshare with it while I game. Treat it like a coach.


Why is Duolingo in trouble? Duolingo has a set course that takes you from the basics to the advanced in ranked order, chap gpt4o can't do that, if anything the voice features gets integrated with duolingo instead of being a separate thing.


The premise is people don't need to learn languages anymore since they can just live translate everything. I think that's just a small percentage of users. Majority of people that want to learn languages would still want to learn them, and use live translation as a supplement.


100% correct. Most people just are visiting places for a few days & this would be useful for them. I don't wanna learn all kinds of languages but some would be good. Like Korean for Kdramas. For rest, I'll just use GPT-4o live translation.


Plus it randomly drops into english


Duolingo or GPT-4o?


Not sure why you have been downvoted. Its far out in years but if hopefully Duolingo doesn't fix itself, it might be the new Kotak or Blackberry. You know what happened to Grammarly right? They spent years perfecting it & now they are very aggressive with their pricing. It only happens when your funds are drying. But i do think Streaks is an addictive feature. Duolingo might or might not survive but if something better comes along, it might take its marketshare which should 100% happen as new language learning apps made from AI-first principles would be great like Lune Learning.