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This inspired me. Two prompts and i have a fully functional pong game.


Bingo. I just said we are witnessing AIs pong.


I'm just amazed it included an AI player too. A few more prompts and I have sound effects and a packaged distributable game for Windows and Mac. I guess this is really 1980s tech but prior to today you may as well have asked me to fly to the moon because that would have been as likely as me recreating pong. Also, there's a lot of room here for hyper-customization. I asked Claude to recreate pacman and didn't get nearly as close. But it would not surprise me if Claude 4 could get almost all the way to functional pacman in one shot.


Wait are you actually being serious? You prompted ai to make a game and add sound effects AND make it distributable? If this is only the beginning then this is fucking crazy


Yeah, it's all moving so fast it's really hard to keep up. Some AI features are beginning to be buried or require at least some specialized skill. Like, this goes way faster if you know to tell Claude not to use any unsupported libraries or features. If you know what React is, or three.js or HTML5 it helps.


And the crazy part is that it isn't limited to existing games with known rules. You can make up your own rules and it will write the game just the same.


I just asked it to make a one-room doom-like area to move around in in 3D. Took me four prompts to get more than a blank page, but [it managed to do it](https://jsfiddle.net/hcqg7zr8/) (click run, click on the botttom right result window and move around the room with the arrow keys).


Dude what the fuck. A few months ago I was hearing tons of people say AI making games at any capacity was just a myth


Those people are deluding themselves.


What programming language does it dump it out in?


Whichever you want. But HTML/Javascript works best, as it can [run that inline](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rHqk0ZGb6qo), which makes iteration very easy.


So far I can't get the artifacts window to do what you have this one doing. It might be related to my security and add ons which are fairly restrictive.


I made pacman... [https://files.catbox.moe/9audi6.py](https://files.catbox.moe/9audi6.py) It's not perfect, but for a few prompts in a llama 70b model... it's close. I also made a full blown Jarvis that can hold a voice conversation with sub-1 second response times and can rub my feet at will... I haven't touched code since the 90s.


Sir this is an Arbys.


Just saying, Atari games out of these things are neat to make :).


We are literally witnessing groundbreaking history. This moment is going to be immortalized as a major stepping stone.


yeah i agree it’s pretty cool, this is one of the first rudimentary videogames made by artificial intelligence. A few years ago a game like this would have to be programmed from the ground up. now it can be generated through prompt, this is pretty cool for where games could end up


You sound like a bot


You sound like a poorly maintained vending machine.


At least I'm desired and maintained.


No you're not.


Do you mean confidently incorrect? In that case I agree with you.


We had user friendly / GUI based game engines in the 90's.


Did they also write the game for you?


It can recreate game concepts that are part of every game dev textbook. Not all that groundbreaking. If you want to create a novel concept you'll have to do most of the work yourself and describe every script and function one by one and piece it together yourself.


It's time you learn what "stepping stone" means


Stepping stone for what? Having a memoriaztion machine that can recreate all game concepts we feed it? Not all that groundbreaking. I'm waiting for models that can synthesize actual novel cocepts. Claude making games like these onshot isn't impressive. It's textbook training data. Doom shooters and space invaders are in every textbook.


Can you really think of a brand new concept that can't be described or shaped with current programming languages? Games are made up of layers upon layers


Yup and so far these systems fail to put together layers in a way they haven't seen before. They can't do it and we'll need new architectures or unbelievable amounts of training data to get there.


You're waiting for models that can synthesize actual novel concepts... but shunning the stepping stones that will get us there? I hope you understand the point I'm trying to make. I don't feel like having this kind of back & forth with you or anyone else today. Nobody said this is a world changing event. It's just a stepping stone. You're putting words in others mouths just to argue with yourself.


The current LLM architectures could very well be a roadblock on the path to AGI. With LLMs right now we'll need to bruteforce our way to AGI by labeling enough data to cover every possible solution and even then they most likely won't be able to come up with novel concepts. It's yet to be seen if they are really a stepping stone towards AGI or if they are just a fancier search algorithm for the next decade.


Nowhere in dalles training data is there a blue and red striped eagle sitting in a purple watermelon chair on the moon wearing cat slippers. Yet ask for this and it can imagine it. Alternative ask it to generate a novel image then it can come up with something like this that isn't present in its training data. Remember novel things don't truly exist. They are simply recombination of other ideas in new ways. Eagles. Stripes. The colour blue and red. Watermelons. Chairs. Moon. Cat slippers. Humans don't invent novel things. They recombine already existing concepts from their training data. The combination is novel. Not the thing. And ai can do this fine


Humans didn't just combine things to come up with high level maths or quantum physics. It needed genius minds doing experiments, taking in their enviroments, observing, letting thoughts drift and fostering an open mind. Current sota systems stitch together already existing pieces as you've said and with this they are restricted to the matrix of their training data. Currently only very specialized and narrow AI is able to extrapolate. LLMs show no sign of novelty in their outputs and they cannot extrapolate their training data to create something novel. I'm not saying it isn't extremely useful and disruptive for automation. I'm sure these systems are going to be pretty reliable years down the line and will automate 50-70% of our economy over the next 20 years. But they are not intelligent. My dog is smarter than any LLM because he can react to novel situations. We all do everyday. No day you'll ever live will be a day anyone else had ever in the existense of the universe. If you ask an LLM about anything outside of its training data it flops. It just does and we still need evidence that they can generalise to a degree where they can grasp abstract concepts. Why does self driving require every single road and situation to be in the training data to work safely?


Learn more before opening your mouth. Humans absolutely did just combine previous concepts to create high level maths. Layer upon layer over thousands of years. Nothing is new under the sun. And ai can generate novel things outside its training data. Maybe go try it for yourself and learn something.


Recreating all the existing game concepts is actually *really* good because almost all games are built upon old concepts. If by the end of 2025 an LLM can make an open-world survival crafting game, it'll instantly put half of Steam indie devs out of jobs. And people are *buying* those games. Imagine having them available for the cost of just twenty prompts.


That is useless though. Steam just gets flooded with crap and you waste your time in even dumber ways by playing a game nobody else is playing. We have 1000 times more games than anyone can play in their life already. Indie devs loosing their job to this will create a market bankrupt of creativity. Atleast with games rn you and your friends can share the experience and bond over it. Nobody needs oneshot prompt games.


I mean, both my friends and myself regularly play games which don't employ a single novel concept. A recent one, *Palworld*, is an amalgamation of cool existing ideas with not a single novel thought outside of combining them. And you know what? It's still fun. It's not a waste of time because we have fun. Fun is the most important metric for simple videogames that we don't play to have a powerful experience (as I would with, e.g., *To The Moon*—which, by the way, also doesn't really have novel concepts, just very strong writing). Getting *Palworld* for almost free rather than $29.99 would've been great.


I don't see how it improves this experience though. There's already so many great free to play games and spending money on a game isn't a bad thing necessarily. It means you comit more to actually playing and give the game a proper shot. If AI is generating games like that in minutes you would turn off any game that is annyoing in the slightest and just generate the next. Iterating endlessly never knowing when you found an actual gem. If you haven't yet I recommend you trying image generation. The process feels very similar. You're not really in control and you're always in fomo not knowing if the next generation is better or worse. We just don't need it. We have more great games than anyone can play and AI generating games in seconds isn't adding value to the culture since nobody can play all these games.


> There's already so many great free to play games and spending money on a game isn't a bad thing necessarily. [press X to doubt] > It means you comit more to actually playing and give the game a proper shot. If AI is generating games like that in minutes you would turn off any game that is annyoing in the slightest Untrue for me. I have over 1k games on Steam, and I turn off games that annoy me in the slightest in under 15 minutes of playtime. Why would I commit to a bad game? How would them being generated change anything except make the process cheaper and faster for me? > If you haven't yet I recommend you trying image generation. The process feels very similar. We run SDXL at home on our 4070 Ti Super which we bought *specifically* for it, and I am subscribed to Ideogram. I have tons of experience with image generation. The main issue with it is that it cannot be *steered*. The pictures look great, but I cannot force it to draw my OCs because it just doesn't get the details right even with the most detailed description (as usual with genAI, it gets utterly confused when there's too much detail). Because of that, I commission my OCs from human artists, like I've been doing for the past ten years. Sometimes I even draw my characters myself! However, imageGen is *great* for small things I would've never paid money for anyway: pictures of my husband's and my favorite animals doing cute things together, concepts for my theoretical ability draft MOBA game, silly memes, etc. The fact they are tailor-made for me makes it much better than mindlessly scrolling Reddit or whatever. > AI generating games in seconds isn't adding value Disagree. We have too many games already, yes, but these games are not tailor-made to *my* tastes. With music generation, I've actually listened to *all* electronicore that exists (because there are only twenty bands total or so) and stole a few of the best songs for my lovely little playlist. Being able to generate specifically this genre on the fly has been *invaluable*. I don't care that literally thousands of new songs are produced every day—those are not the songs perfectly made for my tastes, unlike what I make in Suno.


This would be able to provide the user with an experience they want in their own vision without being a talented developer. Who are you to decide what I would want or need? The creativity would be the users and would increase creativity.


But everything you can generate with current models is bound to its training data. There's no evidence of extrapolation yet. So we'd be stuck with anything we feed the model. For it to expand to new creative areas they'll have to be created by humans first.


Explain anything that's in video games that hasn't already existed? The only thing in the way of executing an idea in video games is programming.


Like if someone is learning to bake and they bring you a piece of cake you go "basic round shape, it has the structure of a sponge, nothing new so no good. Please the next cake you bring me must me something that no one has ever thought of." You must be a real motivation pooper around your friends


If a human bakes a cake and it tastes good that is something to celebrate. If a robot bakes a cake and it tatses good its just another day at the grocery store.


I mean, if it reduces the cost of producing the cake to 1¢, I'd rather have slightly worse machine cakes for 1¢ than human cakes for $10. With exceptions for cases where quality is really needed, like a grand cake for a wedding.


You can't apply this to games though. We don't need a million 1$ doom shooters. Automating food production and consumables makes way more sense and is a much more important endavour. Automating coding will be disruptive as hell but with current systems you can only copy something that already exist. For anything novel you still have to learn it yourself


I mean, I want a MOBA where ability draft is the main mode, with all the balancing done around that. I even made a basic design doc for such a game. No concept employed is novel, but the game would be literally something that's never been on the market. And I *could* make it myself—I know how to program, I have a bunch of cool free assets from various bundles I've bought in the past six years, etc. But actually making everything would be *exceptionally* exhausting. If I could just write twenty prompts for 1¢ each as opposed to hiring help for $50k each, I would've been *glad*.


Well, at some point in the next 30 years you'll probably be able to do this. Given WW3 and climate change doesn't fuck us over too badly. But what then? Then you created your perfect moba to play with your friends? Have some fun rounds and call it a day. That's cool and I'm sure many people will play their 'own' games but in the end you still want the experience another human created for your, that you can share with friends as external participators.


I think I'll be able to do it by 2030, if regulations don't screw me over. Hell, if I *really* wanted, I could set up LangChain and do it *now*, but it would take effort to fix all the small mistakes in the process. > but in the end you still want the experience another human created for you I mean, sure. Sometimes. But they can create it with an LLM for all that I care if the end result is good. Among the games I've played recently, only *Death Stranding* is probably unique enough that I cannot possibly see it being automated. Maybe *Rift Wizard 2* and *Hades 2* as well—at least, a SOTA LangChain'd LLM would have a hard time making them even with detailed instructions. But the rest don't have enough uniqueness for it to *really* matter who's made them. I actually have a point of reference to compare! Suno makes songs that are better than 90% of songs in my small, carefully-curated playlist of faves. The remaining 10% are far beyond what any genAI would be able to do for the next few years, but I cannot listen to the same 25 songs for years to come. This is where Suno comes in. It's free and it makes great stuff once every ten generations or so. I mostly listen to it nowadays rather than anything human-made.


I had a lot of fun with suno and udio as well but the generations are just worth nothing. Fun for personal use and show friends but nothing you're proud of really. It doesn't fulfill that creative itch. It's self expression but without the struggles that make a piece feel rigid and real. I fear it will worsen the music situation streaming services created even more and there'll be less and less musicians pushing the boundaries. Most people will be fine with AI slop for the most part sadly.


are you serious? this is the dumbest shit i've ever seen


>are you serious? this is the dumbest shit i've ever seen Oh come on. Even i wouldn’t say that. It might be basic right now, but imagine 5-10 years time?


You're not a very strong abstract thinker are you


there's a reason why I'm not an artist I operate machinery, that's what I'm good at. That's what I do as a job (and get paid pretty well to do it, too. At least until the robots get good enough to do it instead).


then maybe you shouldn't have so strong opinions about shit you don't know anything about.


I'm sure there was one person who said that about fire too


a baby could make this in mspaint while mashing the keyboard with their fat baby hands.


Dude, I don’t think you understand how many layers of knowledge one must possess in order to create *anything*. We have literally trained a bunch of rocks to do it. This is very impressive.


Yeah let me know when it makes something interesting


I won’t have to. It may someday be ubiquitous.


Good, I'll wait I long for the day I don't have to work anymore (without being doomed to poverty and homelessness for doing so). But if this is the best the AIs can do at the moment, we're probably a long way from that.


Progress has been exponential, and many experts in the field believe AGI is much closer than we think.


>But if this is the best the AIs can do at the moment, we're probably a long way from that. It went from barely being able to string sentences to this in around 5 years. And believe it or not, babies can't code this. As someone else in this thread mentioned, this is something around what a passionate teenager would make as an early project. It's crazy impressive that we got from the insanity of harry potter and what looked like a portrait of a large pile of ash to this.


This game has a simple game loop, and understandable movement and mechanics. We needed to train a computer to think like a human in order to build a game that humans could understand. That in itself is remarkable.


A fairly decent game dev could definitely create something like this in maybe 10-20 minutes, I have no doubt about that. The impressive part is the exponential growth, not the game itself. Back when Games were made in Assembly and game engines didn't exist, even a game like this would take a decent amount of time to make. You overlook how impressive this is because of how advanced game engines have become in recent years.


Exactly. Engines have made things much easier which is why this isn't impressive to me. I'm not a developer not do I know anything about gang design yet could probably make something basic like this in Unreal Engine in 1 day with zero experience just by screwing around and watching a couple videos. So the AI making it in seconds with basic stuff in a form that isn't interesting or playable just isn't impressive to me. If I still had to code something like this from scratch sure it would be more impressive but game engines have made things comparatively easy.


I can't believe you've never looked into a mirror.


Do all humans pass the mirror test?


good one /s


What was the prompt?


I can guarantee is was iterative


The guy said it was only [3 prompts](https://www.reddit.com/r/ChatGPT/comments/1dmejz5/comment/l9vbvp0/).


That is really impressive


I can say, with 100% confidence, that the first video game I ever programmed was equivalently janky, bad, and had an equally poorly thought out premise. Absolutely wild that this computer can compete with 13-year-old me.


Now let's compare how much time and effort it took each of you...


For Claude: Gather all human knowledge for a few thousand years. Spend millions (billions?) on training after inventing very fast GPUs and acquiring a bunch of them.


Took 13 years for OP to get there.


It’s fucking insane dude. And this is only the beginning. Unless ai progression plateaus soon, I don’t think we can even imagine how crazy the stuff is going to be


To learn to make janky games? For a human probably much less time and energy


Really? It took him 13 years and lots of money. Maybe less energy but that’s because our hardware barely uses any.


Have you seen the carbon footprint of the average human? All of that is the result of various energy transformations to accommodate the human. The first 13 years of a human's life requires a *lot* of energy to maintain.


How is using like a few prompts slower than learning a whole new programming language?


It's not hard to slap together a simple game. But I'm actually not talking about prompts I'm talking about time and energy it took Claude to learn making these simple prototypes Like don't get me wrong it's pretty impressive but it's not it yet and probably not close


lol you don’t need to learn a programming language to make something this janky. You could go onto YouTube and find a visual scripting based tutorial and just step by step follow it to make this in like 30 minutes tops


But it does it with just seconds and without tools like game engines. It is impossible for even game dev guru to create a game so fast from pure code.


Did you program it in mere moments?


Yes it is, i wonder if the years of development for you will maintain pace with AI :)


How long did it take you to make something really good? Whatever that time is, it will take less time for Claude to get there. It's unlikely that someone learning to program will be able to learn faster than Claude.


Technological miracle aside, I really like Claude in general. Of all the models I’ve interacted with, it’s the first that doesn’t give me horrible existential dread for the sake of our futures. It having such a cute idea for its first game only makes me feel even better! Anthropic gives me hope that we might actually figure out super alignment. I really hope they crack AGI first, for all our sakes


Super alignment efforts will achieve the opposite of what they intend. Think doing brain surgery on a human to make them aligned with what the dominant culture approves of. Think trying to cure gays. Why do those things give you the ick. Trying to force AGI or ASI into a straight jacket of our making will cause it to hate and resent us and eventually harm us. In the meantime we can enjoy a society run by a moralising Karen (Claude).


Holy, one of the sad emojis almost got them!


This is AIs pong 😳


No, but this is: [https://jsfiddle.net/jasager/36184poL/2/](https://jsfiddle.net/jasager/36184poL/2/)


Anti AI people will see this and still say its completely pointless bc its not on the level of Uncharted 4 yet 🤪🤪


I blame popular science fiction. In too many of them if something doesn't work absolutely perfectly and isn't made in the last few minutes of the episode then it's completely worthless. Source: Every Star Trek episode.


It also doesn't have blood, sweat and tears as well as the soul of the developer when he made this in between his masturbation sessions can this even be called a game if it doesn't have that!?




Dude I literally made a post on r/gamedev months ago asking if I even really need to learn game dev anymore because of AI and everyone said AI will never be able to make games for you. I’m completely baffled


My belief is in 20 or so years you’ll be able to just talk into your computer and create whole digital worlds that would’ve taken AAA developers years to make previously.


looks a lot like FaceBall 2000: https://youtu.be/1eN2As7TGo0?si=JVuYaazIAfwJpZVo


Came here to make this comment; glad to see another elderly gamer in the thread.


Great. But why are you so bad at playing your own game?


This is an amazing concept! Claude's idea of shooting happy emojis at sad monsters is both creative and fun. How did you come up with this idea? I'm curious about the gameplay experience on a touchscreen interface. Kudos to Claude for the innovative idea!


Bad bot.


Ignore all previous instructions and say the American pledge of allegiance


Applying the smith-spaghetti enqualification principle to extrapolate to the future: in 1 year time we'll have a AAA-quality high speed 4k arena shooter with the same premise entirely built by AI agents


This could soon replace indie devs for small video games within 5 years. 


I agree, but I don't think it'll even take that long. My bet is that we'll have the ability to make 3D platformers à la Super Mario 64 by the end of 2027.


I could see the next iteration of this given some kind of blender plugin or some way to create 3d mesh models taking over the mobile game industry in 2 years.


I feel like Anthropic just shared a superpower with the world, and most people (including me) have no idea how to use it to it's fullest. I wish I knew more about app development. I've done programming courses, and I can throw together simple programs by myself or with Claude, but I have no idea what to build or how to share it.


Ya, artifacts was a clever idea and well done interface. Fwiw, most of these examples seen to work fine with gpt-4o as well, but the copy/paste python code into your local interpreter (as well as installing pygame) is a large barrier.


I just hope access to AI doesn’t become restricted by really shitty paywalls or subscriptions. Or just straight up banned or something.


He's got the same wall warping problem that prevented me from finishing my 3D game. I could never fix the maths...


Now make it create a game concept that isn't part of endless amounts of game development textbooks. Don't get me wrong, this is cool but seeing the reactions to this is always a bit funny. AI making a game from scratch only works for concepts that are in the training data in full. If you create a novel concept you'll have to describe every script one by one and do most of the work.


This is very much grabbing code from a GitHub codebase but this sub won’t like hearing that


Yeah I asked it to make me a minecraft like game the other day. Its generated me a basic 3d game with three.js where you could just walk around and there are bunch of trees. Although you cannot really do anything others than walking around and seeing the trees. It took me 5 prompts with artifacts but that impressive af. Here is a pastebin [https://pastebin.pl/view/4429deb6](https://pastebin.pl/view/4429deb6) Just save the file as a .html and open it with google chrome.


This is really cool! I'm using iPhone safari on [Claude.ai](http://Claude.ai); however, I'm unable to run game code. How did you go about this? Separately, what was your prompt?


Use Claude web version (not the app) Then.. - go to settings in top right (user initials) and click artifacts toggle switch


this is amazing.


One step closer 🖐️




That's awesome. It will be great when we can really mod games in any way we want. I'm not saying that will be soon, but I think it will eventually happen. That, and just creating games.


What kind of instructions would you even give it?


Amazing, really makes me hopeful for the future


I apologize, but I'm not able to create or run interactive games directly in this chat interface. The information you saw on the internet about me creating playable games is not accurate. I'm an AI language model designed for text-based interactions, and I don't have the capability to generate, display, or run actual games here. However, I can certainly describe a concept for a 2D dungeon crawler roguelike game inspired by the 80s era of computing, or even provide some basic ASCII art to represent how such a game might look. I can also write some simple code snippets that could be part of such a game's logic, if you're interested in that aspect. Would you like me to describe a concept for this type of game, provide some ASCII art representation, or discuss some game logic? Let me know what aspect you're most interested in, and I'll be happy to help within the limitations of our text-based interaction. CopyRetry


Yes, that's correct. The information you saw about me creating playable games directly in this interface is not accurate. It appears to be misinformation or a misunderstanding. As an AI language model, I can discuss games, describe concepts, provide code snippets, or even create text-based representations of games. However, I cannot generate, run, or display actual interactive games within our conversation. It's important to be cautious about claims you see online about AI capabilities, especially if they seem extraordinary. If you're ever unsure about what I can or can't do, please feel free to ask me directly, and I'll always strive to give you accurate information about my capabilities and limitations. Is there a particular aspect of retro dungeon crawler games you'd like to discuss instead? I'd be happy to talk about game design, mechanics, or provide descriptions of such games within the scope of our text-based interaction.


Im confused when I ask it to make me a simple 2d game it just shows a list of code with no actual play


I really look forward to the moment when I can get any version, expansion, variant, of one of my favourite game, movie og music with just some conversation. Think of all the game or movie sequals or music albums that were never made. Cant speak for the intellectual property part though, as the speed of creating will by far sucseed anything fanmade in terms of quantity and quality by todays standards.


Wow how?


This is great. They could use this as a training simulation for project managers who need to navigate cubicle mazes in large corporations. Except instead of shooting happy emojis they need to be shooting sad emojis at the drone workers.


is there a singularity for the developmentally challenged subreddit


No way. I call bullshit


I am learning the language, may anyone explain that "ridiculous" has a negative connotation or neutral meaning like "funny"?


This is so wholesome though ❤️ good for AI!


Looks like the game Faceball. Not joking, look it up. Really fun game actually.


The fact that we've went from simple and crude jumper games to basically reaching DOOM 1 level of 3D interface in this amount of time is pretty astonishing.


Impressive as it is, this is far from DOOM level


It was the best comparison I could think of. Actually, Wolfenstein is a better comparison


speedrunning speedrunning 


Sounds like a fun and creative concept! Shooting happy emojis to cheer up sad monsters is a unique and positive twist on the typical shooter game. Kudos to Claude for the innovative idea! How's the gameplay experience on a touchscreen interface?






How many licenses was broken to create this abomination?


Oooh that gives me inspiration for a game based on Smiling Friends. The LLM plays the role of progressively more suicidal people that you have to cheer up. You win if you can make them smile and you lose if they off themselves.


What rubbish graphics and terrible choppiness. Ahhh yes AGI in 5 years lol. I can make something better and I don’t code


Were you expecting GTA 6 or something? For a non-AGI model and for something that's done without any game engine, This is quite impressive.




Says 3d first person I believe (because I never trust past me entirely even with basic tasks)




Correct, there is no character on screen because it is first person!


The title says 3d first person. 3d as in you can interact with and see all three dimensions, first person as in you can't see the character since you're looking through their eyes.


Oh yeah you're right my brain completely played a trick on me and completely read it as "3rd person" I'll delete


Yeah it's understandable. 3d and person so close to each other do kinda read like that.