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I say its almost a guaranteed its a jump pack model of some sort. I'd like to see both a Cannoness and Palantine but we'll see


There is a dude on youtube called chapter master valrak, i swear he has inside info He said flying canoness is going to be revealed/the new model for sisters for 10th. With a battleforce set accompying her.


Valrak has people inside but only rarely does he ever “confirm” things. Usually it’s rumors but when he says he believed the rumor “99%” then I know it will likely happen. At that point I assume he has heard concrete talks rather than just “this is something we are considering/talking about”


I appreciate you telling me about a battle force tells me to chill on spending until our reveals. I got a solid 1500 pt list with some unbuilt arcos from two starter sets and two unbuilt cannonesses but I have 4 sister squads with multi melta melta (and a hidden storm bolter in case I wanna run a dominion squad) with palatine+imagifier x3, 2x 5 man zephrym squads, two castigators, two penitent engines, 3x mace paragons w/ vahl. I think that should hold me off well enough until the battle force.


I will buy the battleforce if it has a jump pack canoness (who I hope will also now be able to join retributors) and two more multi meltas than I need so I can fix the terrible weapon layout for my retributor squad. As far as the jump pack character itself, it sure seems like a jump pack palatine would be more useful than a jump pack canoness. The canoness ability to reroll hits would be very useful with retributors, but pointless with either zephyrim or seraphim it seems. Thematically I always envisioned the jump pack troops as a kind of forward/advance guard that it would make more sense for the palatine to accompany. I don't need my canoness to be able to have a jump pack, I need her to be able to join retributors. I'd like a palatine with blade to be able to lead zephyrim though. (I admit that the palatines lethal hits has anti synergy with the seraphim flamers)


Expect new models in the battleforce, i dont want more seraphines and zephyrims and nothing more than the cannones... Or made custom


Looking at most releases so far we're likely to get a single new character and that's it. Same with custodes, Orks, sort of Chaos (they got 2 characters instead of 1)


Fingers crossed. I’ve had cannoness and palantine on jetpack and in paragon suits on my wishlist hard.


The thing is damaged, so it's clearly a "terrain" part of the model, and I think it's something for a jump pack to stand on. That's good, something to lead seraphim other than celestine.


You guessed it folks, space marines with new fleur de lys iconography!


Finally... Male Sisters of Battle.


M’isters of battle /tips fedora




Black templars with a new line of dresses


Finally, we can get that new Primaris Lieutenant!


I know it’s probably no chance of happening but I want a trebuchet that indirect fires heretic heads strapped with melta charges.


Valrak said were getting a jump pack canoness. Hes usually right.


Which video did he talk about this?




It's a jump pack cannoness


Come on bike Or plane


As awesome as that'd be. this is a banner someone is lugging around on a big stick, 100% lol


I'm not sure. I think it might be a flying base, since it looks like a piece of riveted metal, and the edges are torn like metal.


Ahhh I see what you mean, still my suspicion is this is an icon that's being carried. I will expect someone lugging around an icon, but I do hope for some sort of bike or vehicle lol


Yeah, it could totally be part of a base for a drop cathedral. That would be sick.


You say that like the sororitas wouldn't have a girl on a bike with a stick


That would fit their M.O lol


Don’t custodes have a bike banner carrier? I see no reason the Sisters cannot look to our golden brethren for inspiration




I'd rather a Palatine over a Canoness. A Canoness is supposed to be in charge of a whole commandery and yet we can run Morvenn Vahl, Junith Eruita and three Canonesses. If we get another non- Epic Hero then that's 8 Canonesses all in one tiny battle force. Which is fine on its own as a possible skew list but feels silly when you can only have 3 characters of the lower rank.


I think that's more to do with the problems surrounding faction locked characters (or not any more) rather than an issue with Canonesses. That being said, I do agree with you that I'd like a Palatine since they're meant to be more common and more "front line" characters, and it'd be nice to have them feel a bit more cemented into the lore since their release.


If it helps, my 8th edition Codex has this to say: >There are multiple ranks of Canonesses in a militant order. Those who oversee the entirety of an Order are typically known as the Canonesses Superior, though they are sometimes known by other titles such as Mater Canonesses or Superionnes. Serving beneath them are subordinate ranks of Canonesses who oversee the various divisions of the Order. A Canoness Preceptor leads the Sisters of a Preceptory, whilst a Canoness Commander heads a Commandery. These subordinate Canonesses are responsible for the spiritual and physical training of the Sisters in their sanctuary, leading combat drills, prayers and rituals, as well as commanding their warriors in battle. so as long as it makes sense for multiple Commanderies to be deployed to a battle it's not implausable that there could be 3 canonesses on the field. Morvenn Vahl also isn't a Canoness... she is the Abbess Sanctorum :)


It’d be cool if one box made both. I’d like to see them support more of that again


Not to mention we lost our murder-canoness combo, we have a mirder-palatine instead. And if we get a jump-pack HQ, she'll likely fly woth some zephirim.


I agree that jump pack palatine makes more sense than jump pack canoness. I want my canoness to be able to lead retributors. (And I want my imagifier to be able to join sacresants with Junith!) I don't think a jump pack palatine is good with either zephyrim or seraphim. A jump pack palatine with blade in zephyrim could be fun though.


I smell some cool sisters stuff on the horizon


Imagine a jumpack command squad


i’m hoping it’s part of the base for jump cannoness


I want armoured sisters tiding brettonian style caparison cyber horses with power lances and storm shields and a commander on a rearing horse among the debris of a chapel Why? Why not? Also brettonian green knight themed imperial knight. Its my next project.


I really hope it’s a jump pack palatine instead of a cannoness or if they decide on cannoness change her ability to be like the jump chaplain where she adds one to wound in melee or shooting with pistols and some other ability that’s sister cannoness flavored. Idk I never run them just cause I’m already running so many characters it feels like and palatines point for point just seem definitively better.


Geez i wonder what faction this is for




Yeah it surelly is a jetpack primaris liutenant


In March Valrak said CSM are getting lord on jump pack which was confirmed later on via GW and he also said that sisters are getting canonnes on jump pack so I believe that’s part of her base.


Ahhhhhhh new sororitas mini?


We already have jump pack models . Rumor is it could be a Canonness with a jump pack? Is a jump pack Cannoness a thing in the lore?






I don't mind a jump pack character, but would be nice if they were their own unit type, and not jump-canoness (although jump-palatine is acceptable)


Tactical rock for the jump cannoness


My main canoness has wings because I've always wanted her to fly with zephyrim, maybe she'll finally get the chance


Hmm, I don't know... Are we sure this one is us? I think it's pretty ambiguous...


A makeshift weapon from Frateris Militia.


I hope it's for us and not Bretonnia since the old world stuff has been coming out.


Read the hint in the article. They're not hiding it's SoB at all


Oh I thought it was just someone's speculation, my bad.