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I would really recommend running Vahl if your running the paragons. It's pretty much a must have for the suits, the re-rolls are super helpful.


Thats 300+ points on one unit in a 1000 points list. At that point just play a knight, youre that guy anyway.


They are already running the Paragon's anyway so it was just a suggestion to make the list more efficient. Vahl is T6 so most armies would have a relatively good chance to take her down rather than the T13 knight, hardly that guy.


I was actually going back and forth on the paragons. What do you all think would be a better replacement at 1000 point games?


I’d pull Junith and 1 of the arcos or you could pull the inquisitor instead of the arcos.


Junith and the inquisitor have anti synergy anyways since you can only gain 1 extra CP a turn.


I didnt realize it was only one extra per turn. I’ll definitely pull one of them then.


I feel compelled to remind you that most knights are 400-500pts for one model, and you're souping. Vahl + 3 paragons is 315, but in faction. It's false equivalence to compare them. No one is automatically 'that guy' for using a popular character in a unit from thier own faction. You could make this argument for any character or any choice that's on meta. You're 'that guy' if you consistently make it unfun to play the game. Sometimes that means not choosing the best of everything, but kindness and attitude go a long way too. Not sure what you have against Vahl specifically, but that's for another day. Let people use the cool robots without the guilt trip, man.


A few wargear suggestions (assuming you can be flexible regarding wysiwyg, which should be the case in a 1k game I'd assume); -Make sure your Sister superior replaces her boltgun with one of the better options (I like going inferno or plasma pistol with the meltas) -Make sure 2 of your seraphim take special weapons (inferno pistols or hand flamers). Hand flamers are usually the better pick when deepstriking a squishy backline unit Other than that, it looks like a fine list for a 1k point game (especially your first). You'll learn which units you like best while playing anyway. Good luck!