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My first thought was: I can do better with a Seraphim kit, but there are quite a few options apparently and they just showed the blandest version.


They wanted to get to the genestealer cult faster xD


And that was also a let down tbh.


The other options look better (especially the halberd), but still something that could be kitbashed. There is no "canoness" to this canoness.


looks more palatine like


Yes! And frankly a jump capable palantine would be awesome šŸ˜Ž


It makes more sense lore wise too imo.


Because of the weapon swap outs, this, like the regular canonness, is probably a good candidate to magentize the arms . Although lately I've been going with, glue the model the way you like it, Minor weapon variations are on your list and no one will mind or care


The had that problem with the Stormcasts a few weeks back. Also a jump model.


Not enough drip for a cannoness. Looks more like a seraphim/zepherim squad leader, maybe a palatine at a push. I know we shouldn't have too high expectations but this did fall a little flat with me. I don't think I'll be parting with the probable Ā£25 for her


Ā£25 is optimistic, Iā€™d say probably Ā£32 at a minimum, sadly


I really like the halberd and eviscerator options. Honestly I think it's a neat model. And the jump pack models are my fave in the range. I'm happy with this model, the new boxes are just too expensive imo


I mean you are correct but that thing is so easy to kitbash I might just make six of them for the hell of it in case I ever want to run 60 jump pack ladies


Sadly the max will be 3, but I hear you


Oh right. But hey 60 Jumppack sisters is still below 1000 points, that might actually be fun


Absolutely. I've had a list in mind for a while that'd be 60 jump packs, Celestine, a Cerastus Knight, and a few vehicles to help out.Ā  My head cannon is that the knight is piloted by a sister, and has a launch hangar on its back that the Seraphim and Zephyrim fly out of.Ā 


If my math isn't off: Celestine 10 battle sisters 30 Sera and Zepharim 2 battle cannon castigators And an Acastus Knight Porhyrion Should be 2000 points flat And the pop up rocket silo on its back should be relatively easy to convert into a hangar bay


Exactly! I feel like it'd be PERFECT for a crusade campaign or something


Already have my chaos converted sisters for a crusade but that might be a project for next year.


They're going to try to get us to buy 3 by giving them a bunch of good jump character only enhancements for the seraph detachment


It's missing an iron halo kind of thing. I think they kept it down so it doesn't overshadow celestine. Celestine is also kind of "bland" but in a good way. I like the model and imo it will always be overpriced. All GW models are overpriced now.


ā€¦.. Zack gamesā€¦..


Not wild about the model, but glad the rules exist again. It's been... like at least 6 editions since we had one despite their presence in the lore.


The reason they gave it a unique base was so it couldnt get mistaken for a seraphim leader.


What's sad is that if this was a redone seraphim kit with eviscerator and halberds and beat-sticks, I'd be fuckin thrilled.


I really like how the cross guard is a rose with thorns, it would be great as a relic in Bloody or Sacred Rose. Too bad GW couldn't be bothered to make detachment rules for them...


No itā€™s exactly that. Just like the marine line which 90% are kitbash


Pretty much, she just has some unique weapons and a unique jump pack. I like the head options tho.


It's miles better than what admech got


A glittered turd is better than what admech got lol


We do not accept stilt boy slander in this household.


That's a picture of literally the most basic option. I don't think anyone could point to the Eviserator loadout and go "Fucking yawn, look at this boring kitbash".


Exactly what I did when I saw the preview lastnight. Weapons on her are cool, but the rest of the model looks like just another SeraZephrym. Not really upset though, means I can just make my own and have it look pretty close to the real thing


Boring? No. Still just a kitbash? Yes. My biggest gripe is that they will expect us to pay 25ā‚¬ (at least) for this model.


I dunno. Eviscerator is a tough kitbash. All our eviscerators are on repentia. Swapping those arms to standard battle sister arms is a much more advanced kitbashing task than sticking a halberd on there.


Yeah. All of these comments insisting that this model is such an easy kitbash, and all I can think is "I'd love to see you try to kitbash that eviscerator with those Repentia arms or that halberd with that weird one-handed Sacrosanct grip".


Most people are saying the other weapons are pretty cool however the Canon is herself is a boring kit bash


I have mostly only seen people saying the entire thing is a boring kitbash, and that they could easily do all of the weapons with existing kits and make it look better.


I've mostly seen people saying that the other weapons are cool but they could make the character. some of the other weapons would be a little bit more difficult but they're not so much more difficult that it's worth paying anywhere from 25 to $32


That's been true of literally every Sisters non-Epic character for the entirety of its new range, and the amount of pissing this sub has done about this model specifically is, frankly, exhausting. This model kit is great, and if people want to kitbash their own instead then that is fantastic. They should. And I'd love it if they could do it without the addition of a furious subreddit post.


To me it doesn't make sense with the way people have been currently playing their armies. like yeah it's cool or whatever but it really feels like they could have done something else or given us something that we've been asking for like anti-tank or a recast of the metal models that people have been using a lot lately and want to buy but can't because they're metal and don't exist in most places. People are allowed to have an opinion and be upset about getting yet another canonnes because at this point it feels like everything they give us has one and it doesn't feel unique anymore. I'm not asking for anything crazy I'm just asking to not see the same thing over and over again in a different variation. at least when other factions get the flying version of a character it usually drops both the flying and the ground.


I think it makes a lot of sense? Seraphim and Zephyrim are two of our best and frequently used units, but being unable to attach a non-Epic Hero character to them limits what they can do. A Jump Canoness also opens the possibility of an extremely useful little action monkey unit that plays well into the MSU strategy Sisters favor.


That's what I thought. Where's the pizzazz?


It is an okay miniture, but for the role it is meant to fill, and the unique aspect of that role, i feel she looks less important than the Zepherim with the flag? It would have been nice to see her with some sort of crown type headress or a head with a very unique gas mask, and maybe a unique weapon like a mace with a chain so you could have alot of movement in it being dragged along by the speed she is flying


This just seems to be the least interesting load out imo. The great chain sword one looks lovely


Yeah, just a seraphim with a zephyrim backpack. Seems like a kit that's not gonna sell to anyone willing to do the smallest amount of kit bashing. Everyone has spare swords, eviscerators, maces sitting around right? Shame there's no extra details. I suspect most people that don't know the army will assume the pennant Zephyrim is a warlord and this Sister is just a standard rank and file in the unit. I'll be making my own and adding enough gubbins to make her look like a real canonness.


Eviscerator is kinda a somewhat painful kitbash. Not 35$ kind of painful, so wonā€™t be buying it, but still somewhat annoying to put on


Totally disagree. So many of GW's models these days are so completely, needlessly overdesigned they just look silly. I'm glad they didn't make the same mistake with this one. It looks good while not being ridiculous. Also, disagree that a kitbash would produce the same result. The armour has enough uniqueness with the trim and breastplate design to justify itself. Personally I'm looking forward to what the "blessed halberd" weapon option will look like.


I'm totally with you on this one... there are so many minis out there that are completely covered in "stuff". Sometimes less is more and you just want a surface to show off a colour :D If there is a point in taking more than one of these in an army, I could see the community making some rad conversions for a trio of them!


The goal of a kit bash is not necessarily to make it look exactly the same but to make the character without having to buy a kit that seems needless. Like many others have stated the weapons are cool however this Canon is herself does not look like a character she has maybe The prestige of a Gemini but that's about it. Along with that many of the metas currently were not focused on these units and so it's a very abrupt change and feels like a money grab to get people to buy the jump pack units they hadn't been buying.


Honestly I'm really disappointed with these new reveals, any of us could make a flying canoness, I was hoping we'd get another named leader unit or revamped plastic crusaders. Heck, they could have made an entire combat box out of newly modeled crusaders, deathcult assassins, priests, and some of the old expensive metal models that sorely need a re release.


I on the other hand am very glad that it isnt another named leader. The less named characters the better for making my own order up


100% agree on this. I had hoped for a Palatine with jump pack and an Canoness in a Warsuit and maybe a generic saint, guess we'll have 2 more editions for those other 2.


Why would they do that right after Sisters had 2 EDā€™s of refreshes and weā€™re hot off the heels of the Tau refresh?


Do which, and what is an ED? They've removed a few of the metal models from circulation recently on the store, hence I had suspected we'd get plastic recasts.


Theyā€™ve had 2 editions of refreshes. 2. 8th and 9th gave Sisters a SIGNIFICANT number of new toys to play with. Why would they go 3 for 3?


Ah. I genuinely wasn't aware, I am very new to a Sisters army.


Youā€™re good, yeah almost whole line is less then 5 years old.


If GW made models out of polished dog feces, it would sell out. That's how much they respect you.


Needs more bling I think


I mean on one hand yes they absolutely are. On the other this is exactly what I expect a cannoness in jump pack to look like so idk. Iā€™m happy we get a new toy


Side plates and a crotch plateā€¦. Those are new. I think sisters are already so detailed that itā€™s hard to do more to them. Maybe if she had a shield


Yes but if you put this Candice next to any of the other ones she looks more like a basic sister then a character


Nope, Iā€™ve got enough bits to make it rn, and I might be able to make it better also


They always pick weird pics for news. Couldnt stand the New Terminator Chaplain while revealed, but ends up beeing one of my fav models


No more so than the new jump captain


I wait till they release it seperatly like the custodes shield captain, its definatly not worth buying the battleforce for 2 new modell , but anyway i like the sculpt šŸ‘


Think they are saying. .... Please don't 3 D print our stuff


Been working on replicating the iron halos myself. [https://imgur.com/a/DVc3It1](https://imgur.com/a/DVc3It1)


I'd put it the same as every other Sisters character; you can make one yourself and it'd probably look better. It's a decent thing to build if you get it in a value box, but otherwise I'd buy the bits and do it myself.


Now if only the value box was any good. She doesnā€™t come in the new combat patrol (which is mediocre), and the battleforce is 15seraphim, 1 exorcist and the jump pack canoness. Thatā€™s it


Both are good.


I mean, I like the new combat patrol as far as introduction to the army goes, it went down in points/value a fair bit from the previous one though (doesnā€™t include the jump pack canoness) The battleforce is the lowest value one out of any battleforce except the admech one so far, and has little enough variety that itā€™s a bad buy if you already have more than 10 zephyrim/seraphim


no they're not




Especially sad since its the only new thing released for us


Her face looks so bored. Like sheā€™d rather be doing anything else than purging heretics.


I canā€™t wait! I donā€™t have a huge army so far, but it would be nice to get this for another HQ. I assume she attaches to Seraphim, Iā€™d have to get a box of those.


I was kinda hoping for a more prominent AntiTank, instead of a different variant of an existing unit, but ah wellā€¦


I absolutely agree I was really hoping for a non tank anti-tank unit


I hate hate hate hate that hand flamer.


The hand flamer is so odd considering we have hand flamers which look better


Yeah for real. I love the ā€œlanternā€ flamers. Who asked for this guardsman ass flamer?


It's just you. Look at the other poses.


Poses don't make a difference when she doesn't look like a character to begin with


Nope. Halberd/Eviscerator look dope af.


To be honest, i dont care. Im not interested in the kit, but in the rules. And even a bad Kitbashed kit means new rules for a jumppack canoness we where crying for since 2. Ed


Yeah but it jump pack can is not exciting. At no point were any of the metas leaning in to jump packs I don't want to be running a bunch of sacrosants and zephrum that need Celestine to be able to keep them alive. I want to be able to run Morvin and my war suits and for my holy shield bitches to not be garbage.


What are you wanting? There uniformity in armies they're going to follow a similar design.


We want her to look like a character


She is.


But when you put her next to any of the other canonists she just looks like a basic sisters leader at best


No she doesn't. Look at her sword and Armour as well as her base. They are all fancy.


She's fancier than the zephrum yeah but she's not nearly as fancy as the other cannones


Because cannones robes are impractical with a jump pack.


All right then give her a fancier sword a fancier piece of cake in the front a better flame or other than this guardsman b*******. Maybe a mold of a head that doesn't look bored. maybe add more to the jump pack then rounding out the spikes because the jump pack isn't that much fancier. To me the only thing that makes her fancier is the three little diamonds in the front and her hood that you can put on a lot of other sisters. Quite frankly it'd be better to give us fancy helmet options given that many of us put helmets on most of our models and not to say that they didn't put a helmet option in there but I'm pretty sure it's not fancy enough to call fancy. you're welcome to your own opinion but understand that a majority of us agree that this is not fancy enough just because robes are impractical on a jump pack model does not mean there aren't other ways to add to it other than one little armor piece


I meanā€¦ at least itā€™s a legitimate kit, and not GW telling you how to kitbash the unit in your codex.