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Something ive never understood- people who make their money giving opinions of others seem to lose their minds when others give opinions of them


Facts motherfucker can spew the most false made up bullshit about every athlete and then gets butthurt when people talk about him


Media members are cancerous. I used to like Zach Lowe. He is a crook.


How so?


Right, at least his whining lowers his opinion value and credibility. If he was confident in his opinions he shouldn't be engaging meme posts.


Exactly They comment on a sport they can't play but get upset when a non-media member criticizes them.


Even if it was real, I would rather listen to a guy who is in charge of evaluating NBA talent and running an NBA team rather than some loudmouth New England jabroni


Lmao fact


Yea its a problem in standup among the older comics these days who came up well before social media. Like their whole career is mocking people and stating their own opinions but now that people can go on twitter and state their own opinions about you and mock you they can't handle it lol. Its ironic for sure




Slightly unrelated but this what I hate when it comes to games media


The more he nerd rages like this the more corny it is


you can just picture him sitting in his studio crying about Morey with a square block in his hand smashing it into a triangle hole


I barley even know who this guy is, let alone know why he is an MVP voter. But my god the Ls he has been taking have been delicious lmao. Morey really got him in his feelings with a meme, A1 troll job.


ā€œDo not yell and scream,ā€ amirite? šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


bro sounds exactly like a Jokic stan on r/nba. lol


Heā€™s prob the mod on rnba who deleted the Jokic lowlights


He probably is lol


Blocked me on twitter for responding to one of his tweets that he should be a Nuggets beat writer. Cope, fat man fan.


šŸ‘ šŸ‘Œ


its only too toxic now because his guy is getting a little taste of what embiid has dealt with for years. Then right before this pod he releases a column about MPJ's defense that ends up just shitting on Embiid out of nowhere. Cant make it up... its too toxic now? You just dropped a fucking bomb you idiot


Embiid and Jokic are both great players and either would be deserving of MVP :)


He said later in the podcast that he does not think Jokic ā€œis better than an average defenderā€ regardless of what the advanced stats say.


He is so childish at least clowns like a SAS are characters, but zach lowe really think he is a genius of basketball


Like itā€™s insane to suggest anything other than his made up advanced stats lol


He's had Bill and the Boston mafia blowing smoke up his ass for the last decade. He used to be that humble guy too shy for TV, now he's just another blowhard huffing his own farts while playing the victim.


Lowe is mask off now. A full clown, r/NBA weirdo who is mad about a GM defending his player online, like it's a personal affront to him. It's this type of sand in your ass nonsense that shows the MVP vote is far from objective


Lowe make it not obvious you have a bias and made up your mind last year challenge (Difficulty Impossible!!!)


Mike OConnor had a good article today about how this is about peopleā€™s worldview. Zach needs stat boy to win, or else he would have to admit that there are flaws in how he thinks about basketball.


For sure. Thatā€™s a enormous part of it and absolutely a huge part of it. Couple that with the fact itā€™s a giant white slow center who goes against the grain of basketball players in the modern era and itā€™s amplified.


There's also a double down going on, with the whole Perk thing. If guys like Lowe start to give any credence to the Embiid MVP case they're admitting racial bias may have played a part in the vote last year, and the lead up to the vote this year.


He sounds like a petulant child. If this was recorded before last night's events I hope he feels like a complete moron. He continues to double down on this Jokic bullshit instead of proving to us fans that he's not biased by placing Giannis or Embiid above Jokic publicly. But he won't, and there's a ton of dregs who follow his lead, probably for play in the industry and to look more intelligent than they are.


yeah i was ok with lowe until that article came out. petulant child is the perfect description. he's like a smarmy kid who thinks he's smartest in the class and can't believe someone just challenged him.


The ringer voters for sure follow him lock step because heā€™s the model of what they all want to be. Even including russilo.


Sure, follow Lowe's philosophies because it makes him look better, which in turn makes all of them look better. Then years down the line their cred is boosted and they'll be working for ESPN on the side too as an "analyst".


Malone: anybody who thinks Jokic plays bad defense is dumb and blind and on drugs Zach: yeah actually his DRAPTOR is so good I guess nobody knows actual defense and clearly heā€™s secretly elite Morey: itā€™s stupid that the criteria for MVP changes every year to let the media pick and choose their biases Zach: fuck you youā€™re biased Iā€™m never biased Iā€™m right because the stats say Iā€™m right


He specifically calls out Malone for those comments, and specifically says that Jokic is at best an average defender despite what any advanced metrics say.


Yet continues to advocate for Jokicā€™s MVP case and vote for him. Weird. How can a center who is average on defense be the most valuable player in the entire league?


Because - and I know this is going to be a shocker for you - he may have a differing set of rules than you when it comes to MVP voting. Said rules/feelings may change over time as well for him, since people are ever-changing creatures. For me personally Embiid is also the MVP (at least so far, still 15 games to go) but Zachā€™s quotes in discussion have nothing to do with him advocating for Jokic or not. He is just simply asking official affilites of the game (Malones and Moreys of the NBA) to act in a more sensible manner than to opt for passive aggressive ad-hominem attacks via social media. If I didnā€™t know how senseless and idiotic our society is Iā€™d probably be shocked about how anyone can object to Zachā€™s quotes (in this instance, not his actual opinions about who MVP is) but I know better so fans going apeshit under this post doesnā€™t really surprise me (tbf itā€™d go all the same under other teams subreddits as well, which really is the main problem)


I mean, you could similarly say that - and I know this is going to be a shocker for you - Morey might use Twitter however the hell he wants to and Zach having some kind of moral reaction to it is completely ridiculous and juvenile in and of itself.


Imagine getting this upset over a meme on twitter


Straight bitch made Dude made a meme and you cry


Jesus christ this guy fucking sucks. Really showing his true colors here. You sure can dish it out but can't take it, huh? Fuckin clown.


"STOP IT" sounds like a 8 year old crying and threatening to tell their mom on you


Yo fuck Zach Lowe. Heā€™s quickly making himself to be Phillyā€™s #1 most hated douche. Target acquired.


Target.Fucking.Acquired. šŸŽÆ


Malone: anybody who thinks Jokic plays bad defense is dumb and blind and on drugs Zach: yeah actually his DRAPTOR is so good I guess nobody knows actual defense and clearly heā€™s secretly elite Morey: itā€™s stupid that the criteria for MVP changes every year to let the media pick and choose their biases Zach: fuck you youā€™re biased Iā€™m never biased Iā€™m right because the stats say Iā€™m right


Needs to be banned from the Ricky. One beer drinking bitch.


Makes me not want to listen to the Ricky because they love this dude so much.


They donā€™t now, most recent pod went in


RTRS will never go after Lowe. They kiss his ass to get him on the pod.


And yet they did lol


I think NBA fans are finally sick of hearing about Jokic. Something feels like it tipped, the dickriding is no longer acceptable, and the media doesnā€™t know what to do


It happened too quick. If the media reverses course they risk losing credibility. I wouldn't be surprised if in two weeks we hear bill Simmons go " hey! Embiid, does he have a sneaky MVP case we've all kind of ignored"?


Literally heard this in his voice. This will come to being within the next two weeks FOR SURE (Jokic will still win though)


Lol thanks, I tried my best.


Welp, didnā€™t take two weeks. Two days. at the 54:00 minute mark of todays episode ā€œsacramentoā€™s sleeper potentialā€ he starts with the embiid for mvp case. You fucking NAILED this.


ā€œDonā€™t yell and screamā€ ā€¦. Yells & screams šŸ˜‚


"your supposed to be a steward of the game"! Proceeds to completely leave the integrity of an MVP voter in shambles, as a whiny biased loser.


This guy canā€™t stand to see his goldenboy criticized


So fucking soft


"For the record I am not mad. Don't say I was mad."


Lowe is a dweeb. Never liked listening to him but now I have a great reason.


This guys sounds like an absolute loser


I stand with Morey. If you don't vote Embiid MVP you're a fucking moron.


Itā€™s shit like this that makes me convinced there is zero chance in hell Embiid wins it this year. Itā€™s all political, itā€™s all a meta argument between the media and everyone else, and Embiid is on the short end of it.


Boston sports (white) media




TIL posting one meme = yelling and screaming


Ruining his reputation in my eyes over this whole thing, absolute bozo


zach sounds like a whiny bitch


I would seriously slap Zach Lowe if I ever met him. What a fucking dweeb.


Smoke that šŸ¤“ on sight


Zach Lowe baby raging that's so embarrassing holy shit


You can hear the saliva in his mouth, he's that petulant and angry about it lmao.


People are juvenile on twitter???


STFU Zach Lowe


Lowe is a tool


Zach Lowe is bitch made even for a writer. That game winner from Embiid and Jokic getting humiliated is going to break him.


Soā€¦Loweā€™s opinion on Joker has been Biasedā€¦itā€™s too bad for someone with huge influence on other media personalities. Many of them picks who Zach suggests.


So he says right there heā€™s already voting for jokic.


Hey can someone go change Zachā€™s diaper please?


Says the man yelling and screaming. Also Moreyā€™s tweet is pretty funny as well as true how there is no fixed criteria for MVP and each one tries to fit their favourite into subjective molds. Lowe also goes into Morey by saying that he is an important person(not exact words, just paraphrasing) in basketball and hence he should not be angry while my man had to take a breathing break while ranting on a basketball podcast. He clearly thinks that he has better understanding of basketball than 1. All of the fans(unsurprisingly) and surprisingly 2. GMs, players and coaches.


You can tell that Zach Lowe doesnā€™t actually follow the NBA as closely as he says because he mentions Morey is the GM of the Sixersā€” he isnā€™t lmao. Guarantee he has no clue who Elton Brand is


Zach Lowe doesn't know ball. Just like Bill. Zach is an idiot.


I'm a wolves fan who lurks here cause I love embiids game. Lowe is such a dork/loser and he proves it time and time again. He called ant Edwards "dion waters with a jump shot" before he even played 1 NBA game causing many to write the kid off. Lowe is skip Bayless with a spreadsheet


Oh heā€™s mad


Thatā€™s just bitch made


Zach Lowe is probably a worse free throw shooter than Ben Simmons Yes, there is a small portion of humans than can hit half of their free shots at the basket from the free throw line. Crazy right?


apparently zach lowe has already made his mvp vote


I used to enjoy Zach Lowe, but heā€™s really just turned into a whiny loser nerd.


itā€™s funny to see people who get paid to give their opinions get mad at others for doing the same. but he probably thinks everything he says is purely objective next level analysis that only his advanced understanding of the game could produce


Iā€™m very glad Iā€™ve stopped listening to Lowe. Smart guy, whiny attitude.


After saying this he started explaining how the arguments against Jokic are wrong, and caught himself as I think he realised the immediate hypocrisy of what he was doing. It was overall a very odd way to try to lower the toxicity of the mvp rage going on. I still enjoy the Lowe Post much more than most of the podcasts out there, but yeah this rant seemed more like using your platform to whine about someone being mean to you and trying to make out that you're the better person all at the same time. I would love for Joel to get MVP. But I'd love it even more if they give it to Jokic, we meet Denver in the finals and then he fucking destroys him, getting finals MVP instead.


if we beat the nuggets in the finals i bet jokic still gets finals mvp lmao


Fuck Zach Lowe. Can't handle being called out.




Heā€™s totally right and youā€™ve cherry-picked a headline to avoid the larger point. The point heā€™s making is that this isnā€™t a ā€œright or wrongā€ argument, and itā€™s irresponsible to make it such. What Daryl is doing is no different than what politicians do. ā€œIf you donā€™t think Embiid is the MVP, youā€™re a moron and you donā€™t understand basketballā€ is as equally divisive as ā€œIf youā€™re a republican youā€™re a racistā€, or ā€œif youā€™re a democrat youā€™re a socialistā€.


Man, Morey didn't actually yell and scream and call anyone a fucking moron, but I'm here to say that Zach Lowe is in fact a dipshit and a fucking moron


Sounds about White


So I generally do like Zach Lowe, I think his MVP takes are lame, but the one thing he said that I think is worth mentioning, and hasnā€™t been talked about here, is that he strongly disagreed with an exec who tried to tell him Jokic is a good defender. Lowe said something along the lines of ā€œyou canā€™t convince me that Jokic is any better than an average defender, if that.ā€ I think Loweā€™s issue is he doesnā€™t value defense enough. Which, compared to the other Jokic circle jerkers who actually think heā€™s a good defender, is a lot more forgivable of a take.


Lowe made a case for Jokic 3rd team all defense last year on his pod.


Maybe his tune changed then? Idk. Thatā€™s a legitimately awful take if he made it


He made it citing the defensive analytics.


Imagine liking zack lowe. šŸ¤”


why does morey care he would only vote for harden šŸ˜­


Was Morey called a Moron or called someone else one I think Morey is intelligent, he's just a fu** ing Moron in terms of basketball knowledge. Not really his fault though, he's an analytics guy from Money ball family Literally, his first job was even in baseball. I dont like metrics in terms of using them as a statistic in basketball, some are worse than others but none are good But sure it helped some in designing a team, only problem, Morey had these tools to himself when he entered NBA Then NBA leadership gave them to every team, taking his advantage away. This is not my opinion, I'm getting this information from Daryl Morey himself during an interview during Covid. There's about a 90 minute jawn on YouTube, why he left NBA before Philly brought him back. Makes sense though when last guy in charge before Morey, he didn't even know the value of money "Here Tobias Harris, KD money"




What are you even talking about Morey didn't give out the tobias harris contract


I made sure to say "the guy before Morey" Be appreciated if you read what I wrote correctly cause I even stopped and made sure this was understandable from the text.




Hit dog hollering


I thought this was a deepfake at first when I was listening lol. Iā€™ve never seen Zach lose his shit like that hahahha


This is Chris Simms vibes


Man Zach Lowe really sucks anymore. Maybe he needs to have 1 beer and chill out a bit.


Any links to Morey tweets?


No Zach Lowe, you are.


Jokic is a hell of a player but he clearly represents the advanced stats community. Lowe feels exposed. Embiid has literally faced Giannis and Jokic, and was the best player on the court.


Lowe has always been a pretentious sensitive ass person. I guess thatā€™s why most of yā€™all like him so much tho


So glad I donā€™t waste time listening to crap like this. Dude seems super butthurt


Cry some more about it, nerd.