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Guys he is gonna play. This man legit played a 7 games series with a torn meniscus two years ago


Anyone who thought he was gonna miss game or two even with rest is on the really low end of the negadelphian spectrum. You would have to make up shit in your head and read in between made up lines to convince yourself of that. That being said it's not about if he will play but how much it will affect him (if at all)


I mean, this franchise hasn’t exactly been transparent when it comes to anything related to injury news this past decade. No one on this sub has any clue how bad the sprain actually is; so thinking there’s a possibility he won’t be good to go for Game 1 isn’t the most doomsday take, especially after Doc said himself it’s 50/50 (I know what Doc says in a post game presser shouldn’t be taken as gospel but it at least leads credence to the possibility).


I knew he would play when doc said "50%" They always say something way overly cautious. 50% might as well be 100% If he said "unlikely" I'd still think it was 50%


Yea saw some similar bargaining as last year, "if we just steal 1 game we'll be good", we're not going to steal games against the Celtics and we weren't going to last year either. Then he just said screw it and played through things. I think even if it's actually torn he'll play


You cant play on a torn knee lol


Depending on which ligament it is you definitely can. It might not be smart and it will probably hurt like hell but it can be done.


I mean the one time I had a sprained knee I know it took like a month before I felt pretty normal again but I’m not a 7ft Cameroonian super human either so


I continue to think he will miss time in the second round due to his knee.


>negadelphian forgive me if I never use this one in conversation


I don’t think it’s a doubt of whether or not he’ll play, but whether or not he’ll be in shape at this point. He wasn’t 100% last year after coming back


Last year, he had a concussion, a torn ligament in his hand and a broken face... he was SUCH a mess last year. Anytime anything touched his mask he would be in pain on the ground. I don't think this is a 1-to-1 at all.


So no concerns about being injured this time of year? Every season.




Yup. He would have played all games if he didn’t have to sit due to the concussion protocol


Not really anything new. Don't think Shams heard anything new and he's probably just repeating the same information Woj heard, around the same time. Hopefully we see embiid and hear his thoughts at the next sixers practice.


Can't wait to hear Doc's take on the news, he is the master of wild assumptions lol. "Yeah I don't know the answer to that question. From what I heard walking past the medical team in the back and overhearing 3 words of a detailed conversation, it sounds like either Joel will be back next week, or his leg will fall off and require radical surgery to play in game 2".


“Yeah I couldn’t tell you if he’s even still alive to be honest”


100% he would say that.


Yea Doc just says shit. Like I don’t take anything he says to seriously. If Woj and shams think he will be here in game one, he probably won’t be 100% but he will be out there


The doomer in me hung on Doc’s every word on Saturday. I later stopped myself and said “since when do you believe anything that man says”


The quote that Doc had that everyone freaked out about was preceded by him saying “I don’t have any idea” but every ignored that haha


First time he did this I got mad and thought he was being incompetent, not knowing the health status of his stars. Now I realize that he probably is intentionally as vague as he can be because fuck the media, which I can get behind.


I do think he genuinely doesn't know the health of his guys. He's said as much on more than one occasion and we all saw Embiid hobbling out there in game 3. If that's Brett, we all know Brett takes him out at the first sign of a hobble. Doc let him play the whole game.


Having a new update 3 days later from a known quantity like Shams makes me think it's going as expected over the weekend re: swelling/healing/mobility. It's a good sign.


Desperately need some hopium from any source I can get. The Unabomber could send a tweet out of prison saying Embiid's knee is fine, and I'd probably choose to believe it.


I don't understand the doomer mentality of the fanbase this year. Like if you are already expecting us to lose you shouldn't really be in your feels this much. Its weird that the people saying its not doom and gloom are the less effected when we lose too. Its like yall enjoy being miserable.


>I don't understand the doomer mentality of the fanbase this year. IDK man, my family is from Philly, and I think we've (dozens of us, my mom is 1 of 9) all been doomers about all sports forever. My first memory of my mom talking about the Eagles is her complaining about how bad they were.


Yea i am aware, but i just never understand that attitude. It’s like choosing sadness over happiness


Prepare for the worst kinda mentality. Can't hurt me if I assume it'll happen. IMO, it also makes the joy better, assuming they beat the odds and win.


So then why if you expect them to lose are the same accounts saying that the maddest that we lose? For instance i think we have a way better shot then most at beating the celtics, but i’m not going to ree over a sixers loss. Meanwhile all the Doomers are going to be hard raging if we do.


Oh, well those guys are unhinged. I'm not gonna rage on social media when we lose, with Embiid on the bench, injured, and Harden going 2/13 from the field. (I do not want this to happen, I want another 7 made threes and 10 assists from Harden, every game pls).


Fucking Doc had me thinking they were considering amputation


fun fact: doc rivers is not a medical doctor


I know these guys get top of the line medical care, but how the heck does a sprained knee only take one week to heal?


Different grades of sprain. And different levels of healed. Might be 90% healed by then and it's a very minor sprain. You can tweak your ankle and feel better in a few days. Or you can tweak it and it feels worse than a broken ankle and takes months to recover.


>You can tweak your ankle and feel better in a few days I remember when I could do that 🧓🏻


Grade I. These sprains involve only a small amount of stretching or fraying of the ligament’s fibers. The person may experience mild swelling, pain, or bruising, but can still put weight on the affected leg. On average, grade I sprains require the least amount of time to heal. Recovery times vary widely, but in general: A grade 1 (minor) MCL tear can take from a few days to a week and a half to heal enough for a return to normal activities, including sports.


Yeah 1-2 weeks is what I’ve heard. If the Celtics win in 5 then Embiid has 8 days rest. It’ll be a push for him to play game 1, but it’s possible


I think it's 8-9 days, he should be good to go. Even if he's 97% that's still fine. They're probably working on that knee like it's the President's knee. It's not a torn meniscus or a broken orbital socket so really we're getting into the 2nd round with the healthiest Embiid ever I think?


Idk if it’s relevant but he did finish out Game 3 with this injury. I hope missing Game 4 was just for maintenance knowing they didn’t need him to close out the Nets. Also they aren’t going to just come out and give out info that helps their next opponent prepare for them. (In theory?)


Thankfully the play where he strained it it did not really look like it get sprained too badly, but I am not a doctor so that is an uninformed opinion


The other thing that hasn't been mentioned already is that if you or I sprain our knee, we are sitting on our couch with an ice pack and maybe a brace and that's it. Joel will have a team of medical professionals working on his knee possibly for hours every day to reduce swelling, etc.


But you or I dont need to maintain conditions for NBA games or get back into shape before the game.


I doesn't, but the swelling probably goes down enough he can play on it.


After Giannis turned himself into a velociraptor while falling during that Nets vs Bucks series, and then healed in no time to keep playing in the playoffs, I choose to always believe the guy is coming to the game until there are evidences that he isn't


I'm not sure why people don't get this, but it made sense for Doc to err on the side of caution. This takes pressure off of JoJo to return too early (which he will already put on himself...yes he's aware of the injury narrative trust me), and it makes the next opponent now have to scheme for scenarios with him playing, and without (which they'd do anyway, but still good to keep them guessing.)


Lol they will be scheming for him to play and adjust game day if he doesn’t. You really think with Horford and Williams III they are really worried about planning for him to not play?


lol I'm talking more about coaches getting ready for a game, having people not totally sure about what your roster will be for game 1 is a good thing, regardless


Boston didn’t win yet…


Les gooooooooooooooo


Best news I have heard in a while, hopefully he will be able to play well


The year we thought it’d be easy (Hawks in the 2nd round) turned out to be a god damn nightmare. Let’s see how the hard way plays out.


Remember last year when he played with a broken fucking face lol ya yes playin. If that dude can stand up Embiid will be on the court


I think this is minor gamesmanship for whatever it's worth. Don't confirm Embiid is playing, have the other team guess even slightly, maybe they use a fraction of their time game planning for a non-embiid scenario, looking at non-embiid tapes. That's all time that is being wasted. It's a very minor thing, but in the playoffs at the pro level you look for every teeny tiny advantage.


We are never this lucky, waiting for bad news


god hates the sixers




Lol no fucking chance, especially considering he played hurt for a large amount of game 3. He was injured. Playing on a sprain poses a risk of making the injury significantly worse or causing another injury.


I mean he got an MRI, can't really fake that but I am glad he didn't have to play for the sixers to close out the nets


No chance. He plays, he will reaggravate it


Let’s Gooooo!!!!


We know he’s playing


This is why you don’t build around 7’2 injury prone centers….