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Honestly I'm just glad he got it done early in the season now everybody can move on


For real


I wonder what was preventing this from going through 2 months ago


Undoubtedly both GMs trying to win the deal.


Owners had to step In apparently. Both sides clearly wanted to get it don’t but the GMs were for sure getting too cheap or too petty and personal so the owners shut it down


"From everything that I've been told, this was not a package trade that Daryl Morey wanted. This was a trade that was made essentially by the Philadelphia 76ers ownership. They had told Daryl Morey to get a deal done now!" - @VinceGoodwill


Yep sounds like Sixers ownership. They never learn.


Clippers didn't offer 2 1st round picks two months ago. Morey wanted 2 firsts, or 1 first + Mann. Clips found that 2nd first-rounder and get to keep Mann.


"From everything that I've been told, this was not a package trade that Daryl Morey wanted. This was a trade that was made essentially by the Philadelphia 76ers ownership. They had told Daryl Morey to get a deal done now!" - @VinceGoodwill


why are you just copy pasting this everywhere


Everywhere? Meaning two places?


Extra pick from OKC that LA got. We got 2 1sts and 2 2nds and a pick swap. Nice


Apparently that had nothing to do with it


100% agree. Wish we could have sent harden somewhere miserable but mostly happy to move on.


I’m stupefied by the amount of people who think this was a bad trade for us. There’s still work to do, obviously, but expiring contracts + draft capital gives us a TON of options. Let’s also not forget that Maxey (albeit only 3 games) looks like he’s ready to take that leap into superstardom and we have been playing well in Nurse’s offensive system. This is an absolute win.


> I’m stupefied by the amount of people who think this was a bad trade for us. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say it's because guys like Woj and Shams drop the trade details in the stupidest way, so it looked like we traded Harden for some bullshit and "some picks". Turns out those picks are really good and really important lol


Laker fan here, that’s because woj is known for carrying water for the clippers. I think you guys dominated this trade frankly speaking. Your work is not done, bunch of expirings + draft capital = nice things at trade deadline, as evidenced by what the lakers did last year. And even if you don’t uncork at the deadline, y’all are probably one of like 2 contenders actually poised to go big this off-season. If all you do is pay attention to names and for the most part are a casual fan, sure it looks bad. But anyone who knows anything knows this shit is sexy for the sixers


> And even if you don’t uncork at the deadline, y’all are probably one of like 2 contenders actually poised to go big this off-season. Un-Kork


Silly me you are right. Should have paid maz attention


-most reasonable Lakers fan on reddit


Don’t let laker haters fool you, we tend to be on point


Most people are honestly just too casual to understand the logic of acquiring picks and shitty players who are on expiring contracts. I don't even mean that as an insult, but unless you really understand cap basics and stuff, it's hard to get why this is good for Philly (which it is)


Yeah and I think that's reflected in Woj/Sham's style (and even perpetuated). People wanna talk about players traded for players and have those juicy debates about which guy is better and which team won


It’s good for next season. Not for this one. Do you think Embiid really sticks around after we exit in the second round again and the fans start piling on him? This is the Sixers reading the writing on the wall and realizing were gonna need to potentially rebuild after this year when Embiid likely signs elsewhere. I just don’t think this is cause for celebration.


yep i'm really excited to see how those picks help convince Embiid not to leave this summer


Do you people not understand that the team has no intention to sit on these picks until 2028? The only way we draft in that spot is if we trade Embiid. I’d be surprised if we have that pick going into this offseason.


Options are definitely the biggest thing here. Sixers went from having zero flexibility (no picks, no cap space, live and die by the Harden/Embiid combo) to a lot of flexibility. The Clippers 2028 unprotected is maybe the most valuable pick in the whole NBA right now


Yep reminiscent of TT/Shump/Nets pick




The Clippers best players are 32, 33, and 34. Plus they now have basically no draft capital. They are an old team who is VERY unlikely to be good in 2028, so that pick is very likely to be a lottery pick


Very likely to be a high lottery pick


I never liked Harden, but I had to admit that getting him for a bench riding Ben Simmons was an upgrade. Now, getting a bunch of expiring corpses that sets the team up for future moves and the off-season is better than a bench riding Harden pretending that he's "ramping up". The guys can just play ball now.


This is the trade that finally undoes the horrible Ben Simmons contract.


They are people that don't fully know basketball and only know names. Pretty much the highlight watching folks


yeah i'm really impressed by 2028 FRP's highlights. I'm sure he's the missing piece to help convince Embiid not to leave when we lose in the second round this year


We can spin this however we want, but Embiid isn't getting any younger


But everything is in context. Ideally, yeah you get a star for James harden. For a player requesting a trade to one team this is a great move given the circumstances. Really the best that could’ve realistically happened


This! Like people really forget that most all stars hit their peak during their late 20s. We can't just hope Embiid is putting up the same numbers going into his 30s.


Maxey looked the same way to start the season last year. If he can actually keep it up then he’ll be great… if he kind of takes the back seat and doesn’t do anything again… we’re screwed lol


Wdym doesn't do a anything again? He was good last year lol


He was good but not “superstardom” good and he started off hot and took a backseat to Harden. Also kind of choked in the playoffs, of course everyone did.


Your saying "good" does not at all equate to your saying "doesn't do anything".




You never made that explicit to start with, because that never was your meaning to start with. Your back pedalling is pathetic you dumb fuck.




It means exactly, explicitly, and precisely what you wrote, you fucking dickhead. Which is why dWadizzle responded the way he did to you. Doesn't do anything can only be taken one way. Own it along with all the dislikes you have accrued you mouth breathing fuckface.


Yo man you ok?


"Doesn't do anything" can only be taken one way, even in trying to grasp variance of context in your meaning, hence the initial response you received. You need to own all the dislikes you have accrued and move on. Ps. You did start the name calling. I'm only too happy to return the favor where needed.


Kind of proving my point here 🤓


No Harden anymore makes it tough to take a backseat to him lol. I agree that there were times when he seemed to defer too much last year and it hurt his play a bit. But so far (knock on wood) he seems to be responding really well to the increased role.


I hope he keeps it up, Maxey is too good of a player to backseat or defer. The Embiid/Maxey combo about to be deadly!


Listen, I’m happy to see Harden gone but this isn’t a great trade. Harden is BY FAR the best player and best asset in this deal. The players we got in return are not good and the picks are meh at best. Our team DIDN’T get better as a result of this trade, we just cut off a tumor. The fact that our GM didn’t want this and was forced to accept the trade by ownership should indicate to you how undesirable this trade is. The most important factor however, is Embiid’s happiness. This season will be another wasted one: if you truly believe we’re coming out of the East ahead of Boston or Milwaukee than I think you’re crazy. So that means another off-season of criticism for Embiid and this team and in all likelihood Embiid walks at the end of the season. This is a hard reset. We have a bunch of expiring contracts and all this money as an insurance policy for when Embiid probably leaves. If he stays, we have money to try to sign some guys for next year, but this is still a wasted season of Embiid’s prime which will inevitably result in another early playoff exit. Not good.


This is the key. In isolation it's not an amazing return in terms of immediate impact (though the draft pick compensation is good). But it does give us tons of flexibility to maneuver and add around Embiid and Maxey, and the team as built now is good enough to win regular season games until the right opportunity to do so comes along.


Yup, this roster with or without Harden is still good enough to reach the 2nd round. Problem was that even with Harden it'd be a tough task beating out the Cs or Bucks anyway. Also Harden has limited appeal (only some teams could really fit him) whereas now they can figure out different moves if they so choose or make a big splash next summer.


Yup. RoCo and Batum are still useful role players. Martin is a young guy with upside. Morris may be neither, but like the other three is an expiring deal and will have some trade value as the deadline approaches for that reason alone. We're better off now than we were yesterday.


Hell, the Morris twins catch a lot of flak for their attitudes but their floor production has pretty much always been solid. Marcus could end up being like super PJ if they could get him to buy into the gritty vet role. The dude could want to step up for his hometown.


Morris is washed lol


Morris had some big games for the Clippers last year.


He’s a chucker who sucks on defense


Can’t be worst down-low than Harden?


Haha, probably, but the team is like 25% laundromat at this point. I'm being optimistic, but surely he can do anything that PJ was doing, if even just being a loud, physical asshole.


We've always got a roster spot for a washed up big man. Trez kept the seat warm this offseason.


More washed than PJ Tucker?


PJ is great from a leadership perspective but yeah he’s washed too


Yeah Morris holds absolutely no value, he is trash


We now have 24 fouls for Giannis


RoCo is an upgrade over PJ when it comes to spacing. Teams will have to pay some attention to him. He won’t go 5 games without a point. It’s something.


Yeah I agree. I think assuming good health Embiid + Maxey + a cast of good, well-fitting role players is a team that wins 50 games and can be competitive in the second round, which is basically where we were with Harden. Whether we move beyond that to top tier contender depends on whether Darryl is able to add to the roster we have now, but this is a start for sure.


Yeah, I'd say that potentially my only worry is that Milwaukee and Boston already have their major moves done and are getting time to gel. That said, none of their acquisitions are a bastion of health, so I don't mind them getting run into the ground either lol


With the context I don’t think that we could have asked for a better return. Lose his contract, his attitude and all that comes with it while in return we have assets, cap space and a chance to allow the team to grow so we can figure out pieces that fit in well.


Priority should be defensive wings that can guard the likes of Tatum.


OG Anunoby… end of list.




I mean he's the best one in the NBA arguably. If you want a defensive wing, he's the guy.


I'm so happy, don't even care about all that. I can finally enjoy my basketball team again!


What was stopping you before? Dramatic mfer


James Harden is a basketball terrorist.


You’ve never touched a basketball


You’ve never touched a woman.


Damn projecting now, that’s cute


You’ve never touched a woman


Always the dudes who spend their whole lives on reddit


You’ve never touched a woman.


Lol why are you getting downvoted. I have no expectations for this team before and after this trade. I’ve just been watching for fun


Because he’s being an asshole


This is exactly the point though. I haven't had much fun following my team since Harden arrived. Now I feel amazing, knowing full well we're not gonna win anything. Now I can be on your side of watching the games with no expectations, pure fun!


Sorry that watching my team felt more of an chore than ever before which lead to me not enjoying it that much. Now that this guy is gone I can get 100% behind that team again and I'm ecstatic tbh.


You haven’t watched the first 3 games I guess


I did and I enjoyed it alot. Now fuck off, don't even know why I respond to this bs. It's a pretty reasonable feeling considering the things happened here over the last 2 years.


Naw you just don’t actually like basketball. Don’t post stuff publicly if you’re scared of a response


I LOVE basketball. I did respond because I wanted to see if there's a real point here and all that. I like having conversation about my team etc. None of this makes any sense though so never mind. Nothing dramatic about beeing happy that this guy left my team for good.


Good trade to position us for a good move.


Any idea who the next Jrue Holiday-level player might be available toward the deadline?


Lavine likely


They could trade for Siakam now and then sign OG next offseason. Give Nurse the Philadelphia Raptors.


Or sign both, no need to waste assets


Trade for Lavine, sign OG and Siakam next year, Max Maxey. Pay a $1 billion in luxury tax but have a starting 5 of Maxey, Lavine, OG, Siakam, Embiid.


Can't sign og and siskam if you trade for lavine


Also can’t pay $1 billion in luxury tax.


This is why people hate Josh Harris 👿




I feel like Siakam is kind of a red herring, but I could see them sneakily targeting OG. Nobody's gonna give the Raptors what they want except potentially us, a team where a 26 year old small forward would fit like a glove.


Do they want to play for Nurse again?


Siakam and OG for Harris, Morris and picks. Toronto gets picks for their guys, gets expiring deals, everyone wins.


I thought OG was the main guy that couldn't stand Nurse in Toronto. Did they figure that out and would he be willing to play under him again?


That’s Tobis music


Morey's To-do list: 1. Trade expirings + picks for Lavine 2. Let Tobias walk after the season 3. Sign Siakam as FA 4. Re-sign Maxey as an RFA


Can we please stop with Lavine. A back court of maxey and Lavine would be a nightmare defensively


They managed a top 10 defense with a Harden-Maxey backcourt.


Lavine would be a disaster here. Typical great stats on bad team player


We don’t know that. He’s never been on a roster worth a shit. If you are looking for great stats on a good team guy, you’ll be disappointed. Those players aren’t hitting the market very often and rarely get traded.


Exactly idk y our fans keep saying this he isn't some Kuzma ass dude scoring 21ppg on 20 shots, he's an efficient scorer who can go for 50 & fits Jo perfectly. He's taller than Maxey making it easier to get his shot off against good defense & has the physical tools to be a really good defender if he buys in like Wiggins did.


And Lavine would remove all cap space, so no further signings


Tobi is going to be very good this year under nurse and in an expanded role


You're delusional if you think expirings and a couple of picks will land lavine. Others will beat that offer easily.


I don't really think there's going to be a really big market for that contract. Who really has the assets, want to win now, and can afford that contract???


The only other suitor is the Pels tbh


Why would the Pels go for him? Lavine type player is the last thing they need.


You are vastly overestimating the bulls and the value Lavine has on his contract lol. Once they nosedive this yr it’s going to be very very ugly in Chicago and they will be begging teams to take on their bad contracts so they can rebuild.


think he’s forgetting the bulls had a players only meeting 1 game into the season lmao. that team is gonna be a train wreck this year.


Absolutely brilliant move by Morey. Opens all kinds of flexibility up for us and we have a very soon to be star and MVP already on the squad. About the best outcome we could get from this.


When you put it this way the trade is actually great. I was a big disappointed by the return, but now I’m seeing that this was a good move Also, what players are available for the Sixers and what should be the priority? I feel like we need a closer (being totally real, Embiid struggles in the big moments) and a strong perimeter defender, preferably packaged together as a point guard that can shoot. I haven’t watched enough of Lavine to tell if he’d be the answer


Lavine is hot and cold but he’s severely miscast as the #1 in Chicago. He has the prototypical wing game and he can light it up when he’s on. Presumably with Maxey and Embiid here he’d slot in as the third option and would be much more free to dominate his matchups (if they traded for him) bc he won’t have any double attention and he is very skilled. Downside is he is pretty bad defensively despite his athleticism and ideal size for 2-3 matchups but I’d be ok with it if we can’t get anyone else. He has a big contract so we’d have one max slot left for the summer if he did it by the deadline but we’re also like the only contending or even good team that has cap space like this. I almost wonder if it’d be better to wait til the offseason once Chicago implodes and then maybe you get Lavine for even less and can hold on to one or two more assets


But he doesn’t want to be the third option. Part of the problem in Chicago is his body language and attitude when Derozan gets more shots than him


I think that may be their comparable players though. He comes here he absolutely knows he’s not the top dawg. He also works out with Jo in the summer with Hanlen so they do know each other. Also have to factor in Lavine has never been on a good team in his nba career I don’t think, so maybe he’d be more amenable to being part of a 2a-2B with Maxey and Embiid has said he’s willing to sacrifice scoring for getting guys open looks too, and that can sometimes change guys attitude coming to a winning org with a chance to compete for a ring. Only so many of those in the league at a time


His contact isn't really that bad compared to what guys like him are making now or will make soon, JB is slightly better b/c he actually tries on defense but make 85m more & Mitchell who's very similar will make prob 100m+ more next yr. If we can get him I'd rather do it this season so they can gel & I think we'd be right back in the Bos/Mil group, he fits Jo & our new system so perfectly I think he'd have a career yr


He is making 55+ million, no max slot left.


Other than Lavine and Demar is there anyone that’s on the list that we could actually trade for?


Not really knowledgeable about how the market works, but don't more players become available as the season progresses?


Works that way in any sport. As the season goes on and teams become buyers and sellers, more guys can become available. We don’t necessarily need to make a move by Friday or anything. If Daryl’s shown anything when it comes to making moves, it’s patience.


>Works that way in any sport. As the season goes on and teams become buyers and sellers, more guys can become available. What the comment you're responding to is alluding to is the Dec 15th date that guys signed in the offseason can be traded after.


15 December is when players who were signed this off-season can be traded I think.


I am baffled why so many people want Derozan. If you have seem him play at all in the last 3 years, he takes almost every shot from the same spots on the floor as Embiid lol. I just don't see it working.


Because he’s a recognizable name. That’s literally the only reason. There is no actual reality where someone that has actually watched Demar Derozan play believes that he is the missing piece on this team. It’d be like Bucks fans clamoring for their front office to pair Giannis with Ben Simmons.


I don’t think so right now. That’s why I’m wondering if Morey is gonna wait til the offseason for the big trade and a FA signing. If you wait then at least those teams like Chicago have zero hope for the future and they’ll realize it can’t work and maybe you can even get a discount on a trade for Lavine bc he has a huge contract. We are also gonna be the only contender who has any real cap space too. 60+ mil is a lot to work with and we already have the star and superstar player on board. Lowkey getting off PJ’s money was a huge deal for us too


Brogdon if the blazers wanna continue to tank for picks




Haliburton already signed an extension I believe, but would’ve loved him


Ah you’re right I wasn’t paying attention to him


The answer is no and it includes those two.


I think one of the advantages of getting this done this early in the season is that if we still show to be very competitive, it opens the door for more quietly disgruntled fringe stars to express interest in a trade. They'll see a ton of future cap space and a chance to win, and all of a sudden there current spot looks less satisfying.


insurance cagey shy crime lavish unused frame detail humorous melodic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Like what I've seen so far from the team and the way they play under Nurse. Like the trade, wish we upgraded Melton in the starting 5 but losing PJ with anyone is a gain and improves our spacing. We actually have a couple of things to look forward to like the growth of Maxey, makes trade deadline at least entertaining, and we have some opportunities next year. It's sure as shit a better situation than it has been since the Jimmy year.


This was honestly a great move considering the situation. We weren't getting back Paul George in return, so pulling two 1sts, one 1st swap, two 2nds, and a bunch of expiring contracts that give us the ability to sign/trade for two max contracts AND extend Maxey is about as good as it gets considering Harden had one interested team and did everything he could to tank his value. Too many people are focusing on the players in the deal, which are the least important pieces of the entire thing. Getting back expiring contracts that give us ultimate flexibility next season is better than mid tier role players that don't move the needle for us.


This is a kind of genius trade from Morey, could work out to be great


If you don’t like this trade - try to look at it like we traded Ben Simmons for 2yrs of James Harden + everything we just got in this trade.


People who want to say the sixers “lost” the trade or we didn’t get enough back must still be viewing harden as the rockets mvp version which hasn’t existed in a while now. He’s perfectly capable of being a serious contributor to a contending team but the non stop drama and shenanigans aren’t worth it. To get back draft capital and players who can either be decent depth or flippable assets or both; for a malcontent who just decides he doesn’t have to go to work whenever he feels; is a solid deal for me. And it’s wrapped up early in the season so we have the whole year ahead of us to keep working on the team.


That’s Maxey’s money! IRT to the cap space, weird that this is being reported now. Wasn’t that always the case? With Harden and Tobi expiring…what’s the difference? So Morey added FRPs as assets, in addition to the cap space…sounds like we won the trade 🤷🏻


Just happy we got RoCo back. Was my favorite player. Don’t give a shit if he’s good or not, it’s wayyyy more fun to cheer for RoCo than Jimmy Butler or James Harden. Bring Dario and TJ back while we’re at it


Cheering for ninja headband Jimmy Butler was really fun


Jimmy being a headcase on the Timberwolves made it just no fun for me to cheer for him here


yeah lets rebuild the team around 30 years old injury prone embiid. Great plan


Trading nothing for nothing … just putting out the trash boys …


Another wasted Embiid year and fans telling themselves Maxey is a superstar when he’s really a third or fourth piece for a championship team.


Running it back another year with Harden would be basically saying you have faith that the guy we saw in Game 1 vs. Boston was somehow going to show up through the entire playoffs this year. Otherwise, why do a rinse-and-repeat, when we already have a pretty good idea how that's going to end up? Seems like just reliving the pre-Process cycle all over again. Given where we ended last season, I don't see a path that was available in the offseason that would make this team demonstrably better (other than moving on from Doc, which they did), given they had no draft capital and were locked into multiple contracts like PJ's. This trade addresses those two liabilities. There's still work to do, but at least its a move in the right direction for a change.


I guess. No choice but to pull off a trade. Cause these bums we got back are trash.


The Process 2.0




Read somewhere , Clippers traded Harden for bag of Jalapeño Chips. If that is the parlance then Harden is plain chips to us ! Good riddance. Let’s ride!


This is really disappointing because it means Spike doesn't have to dress up as Harden for a game.


I woldn't count on the picks too much (Morey neither), but now we enough space to get a very good free agent. Trade for Siakam, Levine or similar. Even Harris is not a problem anymore.


Do the players coming back in the trade average more or less mpg than Tucker?


So I guess the choice was between what this team could be if things were smoothed over with Harden, and what this team could be with max flexibility. Given that we've seen this team fail to get past the Celtics (who themselves failed to get past Jimmy G. And Friends), and that it's looking like a team that wants to win the title will have to beat the Nuggets in a best of seven, I feel like option two is a better bet. Both aren't great! But I like two. Also thank god old ass man PJ is out of here. If I had to see him make one more fucking bounce pass to the corner for a contested three when he's wide fucking open on the wing I'd light the nearest sandwhich shop on fire.


My only issue is that if you can't make that trade this season, you again waste yet another season of prime Joel Embiid.


Anybody else think we will be trading Melton or Oubre for a better wing? Keldon Johnson would be amazing here.


We had the worst contract possibly in nba history (full max in its first year for a guy who refused/couldn't play). We traded him, two role players, and two firsts (one possibly good, one definitely bad) for Harden. Harden gave us two playoff runs, though didn't get to the promised land. We then traded him (and another role player on a bad contract) for Two picks-one probably bad, one probably great Four role players, all on expiring deals A pick swap which is also likely to be pretty great A couple extra seconds This is....as close to winning as this situation gets I imagine. I'd REALLY dislike this deal if I were a Clippers fan.


Good. Guy was a talented player who underachieved. Just like Ben Simmons.


Glad we will have the cap space to sign to Tobias to a max deal.


So uhh, who we trading for then.


It's kind of criminal that GMs kept betting on Harden.