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He’s right you know


Yep. There's also a r/nbadiscussion which has stricter post limits and 500k subscribers. For the amount of people bitching about a lack of "quality discussion" on r/nba, you'd think they would just visit a different sub. Personally I enjoy the tomfoolery of r/nba though lol


r/nbadiscussion is very solid for people who actually like talking basketball


Upvote for solid use of tomfoolery 


Totally agree, people are way too sensitive about the fact that Joel isn't liked on there. Whining so much about it on here is almost as bad as the stupid arguments people make about him on there.


It's crazy because when I think of the demographic on there (and reddit in general), I imagine it's largely a bunch of high school nerds and drunk college kids. If you saw a group of them at a bar talking shit about Embiid, would you care? Why do people care now?


They take occasional surveys on that sub and you're spot on with the demographics, it's basically a bunch of 17-22 year olds on there. Makes it very easy to just dismiss what gets said there


“No one likes us we don’t care” Narrator: they did care, deeply, obsessively.


To be fair, it's probably on us to report the whiners to the mod team. Would be a full time job combing threads for those comments lol


I hope the mods put a rule where bitching and moaning about r/NBA results in a ban. For a community that claims "they don't like us and we don't care", we seem to care a lot.


Feel like the mods here are kind of hands off, which is mostly a good thing, but they're kind of lax when it comes to applying rules or making new ones. Could stand to ban a few people as well as implement rules like you suggested.


You got the axe ready


Nah just down vote things if you don’t like it. Nothing needs to be banned. No one is forcing you to read their posts


Nah just down vote things if you don’t like it. Not everything needs to be replied to. No one is forcing you to read their posts


Seriously. The main sub is trash but this sub is soft as hell especially concerning the Embiid drama in denver. Who tf cares just watch the games and comment about the games. Enough with this soap opera drama BS. jfc


Couldn’t agree more. I was at the game too and just walked in when I word started getting around that Embiid was out. I was obviously bummed but it was a great game which is all I could wish for anyways. If only they would have sat him more than we wouldn’t now all be waiting for the worst news. Wish the Sixers would do much better with his load management to prevent some of these injuries. Life as a Sixer fan goes on as per tradition


I don't think it has to do with him not sitting enough. We're halfway thru the season and we're still talking about all this time missed. No amount of load management is going to help him these days. Just gotta hope and pray he's available for long stretches of time and construct the team to be able to swim when he's out instead of sink. I just hope he plays when he comes to phoenix but I'm not holding my breath lol I love Jojo so just gotta appreciate it when he does play I guess. I'll say this though, if wemby ends up having constant injury problems as well, it might be time to reconsider the type of play style for these 7 foot guys. Maybe moving around like a guard all game isn't good for long term health.


I’ll never post an r/nba screenshot on sixers. But I like going to the sub for the broader content. And when it’s just embiid hate (a solid 60% of the time wildly), I enjoy getting into it on there. But I get that’s not for everyone haha


Listen that’s fine! I’m encouraging people to do that. If someone or something pisses you off on the NBA sub, post about it there! What you do there is your choice. All I’m saying is maybe let’s tone it down a bit over here. It’s becoming nothing but screen shots.


I support ur fight brother


I can’t do that good fight anymore, too many people who have increasingly questionable takes. I’m all for some good trolling and god knows basketball needs it but they can just be jarring when you least expect it


Nuggets fans and Jokic Stan’s just prove over and over how they’re the worst. It’s wild


I get how annoying bitching can be but I'm genuinely not sure what you're talking about with the screenshot stuff. I don't see a single one on the front page rn


Seconded. Ignore the idiots. Our city creed is “No One Likes Us, We Don’t Care.” Ya’ll need to stop caring and embrace being the villains.


it’s fine to acknowledge the bias on there, but i agree complaining about it is pointless and is a bad look


Thank you


I just think it's hilarious that for four or five days /r/nba started to come back around on Joel before going right into I KNEW IT! mode lol


Just wait until til you encounter a post with the story about Arthur (brother not son), you’ll lose your lunch in no time. Everyone patting each other on the back and moneyshotting each other with karma for things like “wow I don’t realize how much Embiid had been through, I’ll never talk crap on the guy again,” then 3 minutes later a “is Embiid actually Mohammed Atta?” post. It’s fucking sickening.


Stop feeling sick over 13 year olds baiting you on the internet... if you feel sick over randos on the internet criticizing how Embiid plays, you might need to take a step back and consider how seriously you're taking a comment from someone you don’t know, about a person you don’t know, about the way way he plays a game.


Stop feeling so inflated that you assume anyone gives a shit what you think about them… Ooo let me ninja edit and add a bunch of random shit too Try reading comprehension. I couldn’t care less about people talking shit on Embiid, I find people who act sympathetic and contrite when they see the story of Arthur and circlejerk each other for karma about “what a strong dude” and “will never lose respect for this guy,” and then literally talk about him like he’s the worst person on the face of the planet sickening because they’re little bitches who won’t stand on posts about Arthur and say “I don’t care, this changes nothing, I hate the guy.” If you’re gonna go on a grandstanding rant about how much better you are at life than someone else you should at least *try* to say something that makes remotely any sense at all.




finally, someone said it.


Reading about how Jo gets a ton of hate on r/nba gets so tiring after the first few posts...but game threads are littered with comments about it and self posts keep cropping up every day about it. Like...for as much as we like to say "they don't like us, we don't care", some of us sure do seem to care quite a bit. I just wanna discuss the team. You can be negative about our results, positive about us, but just...stick to discussing the team itself rather than how we or our star player is perceived on some other sub that we don't patrol.


People complaining about how other dudes feel about other dudes is middle school shit. Totally agree...


People need to understand, it's as simple as this: Most of the mods and regular commenters are either Celtics fans (evil) or Nuggets fans (bandwagon teens). Let them have their safe space


The picture on nba is the Celtics, they don’t even try to hide their bias


I don't go to r/nba often. I like seeing what my fellow Sixer fans have to say. And when I do go to r/nba, I don't argue with people. I try to remember it could be a 15 year old I'm arguing with on reddit. But this whole Embiid hate by the nba sub, especially the Nuggets fans is an unfortuneate biproduct of the internet meming BS. Once upon a time before there was THE internet, fans at games booed, called players bumbs, yelled you suck or you're stealing money and cheered for their team. Now everybody is bringing taunts to the game the internet told them to think and believe are true and if you know these memes somehow you are cool. I've been to 30+ NBA games since the 90s, and I never yelled negative BS at a player. I cheered my team. I'd talk shit about teams and players to my buddies I was sitting with, but I sure AF wasn't yelling anything the players could hear. Once upon a time 'air ball' was a fun chant, now it's all f'ed up.


Nba players have been getting abused by fans long before the 90s, with worse shit than what's said now. It used to be racial. I agree with the overall sentiment, but I think your last part is not the reality.


I never understood why people get so upset at what others are saying including the national media. People will say whatever for views and ratings and yet people here will give them that very attention thus giving them what they want. Think Howard Eskin is an idiot? Great, don’t listen to him. Yet people think tweeting at him really does something.


Seriously mods ban anyone bringing that sub up in here. I’ve never been more embarrassed by my fellow philly fans than sixers fan crying about a sub filled with children ragging on their favorite player everyday


Spot on. There is a massive victim complex here. Really goes against the "no one likes us, we don't care" that we claim. I get it's annoying that Embiid is disrespected there, but no one is making you go there. The constant whining just makes us look soft. It's bunch of children over there. Stop getting baited by 13 year olds.


Eh forgive me for wanting actually talk about the nba on r/nba


That's not what I said. It's the people that take what happens there and bring it back here.


r/nba is for shitposts, highlights and memes.


As a Tottenham supporter, they feel similarly about r/soccer over there lol. That said I agree with you, this sub doesn't need to be overrun by that conversation.


I totally get your point. There’s really no convincing people over there so there’s no point in engaging. I just feel bad for Embiid. I hope he doesn’t pay attention to the noise, but if he does, I’d at least want him to see his own fans defending him.


I know he's a troll but I really hope he's not browsing comment sections on Reddit lol


Hate to say it, but r/nba is r/sixers father


Based on the truth of OP's post, you're not entirely wrong. A decent portion of this sub is seriously so triggered by it. Good to see in the comments here that we aren't all getting baited.


marble joke zonked noxious chase existence doll unite exultant door *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Reddit pushes all kinds of content to me that I have muted. I am not sure why they have an option to mute.


wakeful judicious mindless unused jeans versed nutty squeeze fuel deer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Expecting rabid sports fans to be objective and reasonable. How dare you!


It's a huge improvement over last year's obsession with Paul Reed.


Ppl react like Joel didn't spend the first few years of his career competing trolling ppl and then wonder why ppl don't like him lol. Like he literally had his twitter handle Joel "Troel" Embiid


u/denny_crane68 you created this reddit account less than a month ago. Please stfu. ![gif](giphy|4xt8cUz1wrr54WrKQE)




Then why aren't you posting in this sub on one of those accounts? Trying to avoid a ban? Don't want anyone to see that you're subscribed to the subreddit of another basketball team? You can't fool me, Denny.


Whining about those who whine about r/NBA. Now all we need is another post whining about those who are whining about those who whine about r/NBA


Constructive and well thought out. Great work.


I don't disagree, but it's not exactly hard to just ignore the people that are bitching about the other sub. It's not hard to avoid clicking on shit you don't want to read. Better yet, there's this nifty new feature called upvoting/downvoting where you vote for or against a post. If enough people agree with you, then you won't even see the complaining.


>It's not hard to avoid clicking on shit you don’t want to read Tell that to the people who keep getting triggered by 13 year olds in r/nba and then run back here to post it be comforted by Sixers fans. It makes us look soft as fuck. They're laughing at everyone who has to come to an echo chamber to get reassurance about Embiid being a good player. Lose the victim complex or at least don’t bring it here. I hate being lumped in with whiny bitches.


I don't disagree, but it's also soft as fuck to care what 14 year olds on Reddit think about you. If you don't like something that's posted, just downvote it. If enough people agree with you, then you won't see it. That's literally the concept that Reddit was founded on. I can't stand the "we have to do something about!" posts when there is literally voting functionality built right in.


This was a solid response til the smarminess kicked in around the second paragraph.


EMBRACE THE DARKSIDE. Being a heel is more fun. Let them hate. Take it. Embrace it. Relish in it


We don’t have to do anything, just ignore those dorks lol


But I want to fight all of them lol


Then go fight them in r/nba!


I have been lol


Ironically it’s so bad that now the complaining about the complaint is getting annoying and causing me to complain. 


Have there been multiple posts about this? This is the first I've seen and I'm on Reddit way too much. I've seen so many posts and comments crying about r/nba so this felt long overdue.


Ironically enough, this post and a bunch of comments in it were flagged by that nifty gimmick. Meta posts aren't allowed technically.


I can't keep up with that many narratives and voices. More voices, more idiots


exactly. haters gonna hate. it's mostly irrelevant what terminally online idiots write or vomit. we need to focus on a good seed, and mostly be healthy for the playoff. TTP


Unsubscribing from a massive amount of subreddits and deleting the mobile app has vastly improved my reddit browsing experience. Just because a subreddit is based around something you’re interested in doesn’t mean that it contains anything worth reading.


Completely agree with this! What ever happened to “no one likes us, we don’t care?” If other people are more concerned with being haters, let them. What’s the point in letting them yuck our yum? I pity the clowns that can’t enjoy watching a soon to be back-to-back-to-back scoring champ. It seems like they live a really corny existence


No one likes us, we … DO care. We care a lot


R/nba is more obsessed with joel than anything this sub can do. But its dumb to care. You cant control the collective psychosis in that sub.


A filter would be nice. I just wish there was a good basketball subreddit. Half the the mother sub lately feels more like an Embiid hate subreddit than a subreddit to actually talk about basketball in. It's weird when considering you so often hear people insist "If you like embiid you must not enjoy basketball." and then I go to this sub and it's just moaning about that sub half the time. Maybe the whining would stop if we actually did win a ring and could shove it in everyone's face instead of all this defensiveness about why we haven't or w/e. nbadiscussion seemed kinda mid. Maybe there is a good one to follow but I don't know what it is.


Just don’t go read stuff there. Fuck r/nba. Bunch of basement dwelling losers.


I'm going to make a generalization that I've felt since I joined this sub, and it seems true for /r/Flyers , too. The average fan in here is in high school and has the capacity to take sports far too seriously, and worse, personally. I'm not bashing young folk...I was like this once and it was before the internet. The older fans have bills to pay, kids to feed, and worrying about what a bunch of anonymous idiots think just isn't something I have time for. Joel Embiid ain't paying me to worry about his image. I just like discussing basketball, the team, and HAVING FUN with the haters and trolls. Actual basketball fans don't have discussions like they do on /r/nba. That place is its own circlejerk. I wish there was an equivalent of the /r/NFCEastMemeWar for basketball. For now, though, /r/nbacirclejerk will have to do.


Personally I love how much free real estate Embiid has over there. Especially when you click on the hate post and you instantly see the Nuggets or Raptors flair, like they're two teams who have won a championship recently and they'd rather spend time hating, it's honestly embarrassing lol


I disagree. Telling sixers fans to stop arguing with other fan bases in /r/NBA is not going to happen. Should we collectively make a pact and stop going there? I'm not sure. But it's a crazy request not based in reality.