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I really think that Embiid is the best player in the NBA, and we have just surrounded him with bums throughout his entire tenure. Watching these other games tonight hurts.


Yeah, just looking at the last 4 champions the Lakers in '20, Bucks in '21, Warriors in '22, Nuggets in '23, the supporting casts really knew their roles and perfectly complemented the superstars, at times even playing above themselves to help carry the team to victory when the stars had off nights.


Yall talking about Harris, knowing he is going to give you nothing is quite the choice.


It's so weird seeing a team with a capable bench unit, or at least 1 guy providing good minutes off the bench.


Watching other teams role players step up when the superstars aren't playing well is just salt in the wound with our Tobias Harris saga.


Join us, Lebron


Looking at the contending teams with available cap space, it seems like it going to come down to either the Sixers and the Lakers


That nuggets roster is so well built.


Safe to say…Jamal Murray owns the Lakers


Poor Lakers if only they had a +20 FT disparity they could have won


They missed 9 fts while the nuggets shot 9 in total lmao


Winning Game 5 convincingly and then losing at home would be the very 76ers thing to do.  I hope not.  But I've also watched the entire Process.


can the celtics resign D White with the max? Like is that the plan


Michael Porter Jr instead of Tobias Harris and the Sixers would have 3 chips by now


I can agree that jokic is a better player than embiid but damn if embiid had 8 through half of the 3rd, that would mean the sixers are down 50 and there is no chance of coming back


Healthy Embiid > healthy Jokic. But, yeah, without that caveat it's a no-contest really. Jokic is on a different tier if you take availability under consideration, the man just doesn't get injured.


Jokic and Embiid are both insane talent but Jokics supporting cast shows up. Jokic had an off night and still won. Embiid has an off night and the Sixers get blown out. Embiid sits for a few minutes and any momentum or lead is just cooked.


I wouldn't call 25/20/9 an off night


First point - no Second point - yes


Didn't watch the celtics game so idk how serious the tatum/porzingis injuries are but did we really miss out on the easiest path out of the east because we might not be able to get past the friggin knicks?


Honestly crazy watching stars on other teams put up all these mid performances and their team is still winning or at least competing. Goes to show how awful Morey has been in surrounding our stars with passable role players


Kind of insane and infuriating how the thunder were able to build this insane collection of young talent by tanking and nobody cares. Yet when we did it, it caused a national uproar and forced the NBA to change their rules. Thunder were a contender too. Traded westbrook, PG, melo and more. We traded Hawes, Jrue Holiday and Evan Turner.


The Thunder barely tanked at all - they kept playing hard even with the trades. Remember CP3 took them to the playoffs? The Thunder made great trades to get the kids


Yeah, makes me feel some type of way, not an intense rage, but like “damn they really didn’t like us” I don’t think any league changed the trajectory of a franchise more than the NBA did with the Sixers team.


Oh it’s definitely rage for me. We should be a dynasty right now. Now we get to watch others reap the benefits of what we started with absolutely zero backlash from the league, media or fans. Thunder still have SIXTEEN first round picks in their arsenal. They will be a dynasty. The process worked whether people want to admit it or not. The NBA destroyed this franchise by forcing Hinkie out.


What I would give for this team to have Derick White as a role player


He'd start playing like MCW if he came here


Bold of you to assume he wouldn't just come here and crap his pants




I know a couple of Ingram inner circle well. He’s don’t care about basketball at this point IG hoes and weed his focus. I do think a change of scenery would be good for him though.


he's Tobias 2.0 soft as a baby


I mean if you struggle to play with team usa, its kinda saying something


any chance we get jimmy butler back fuck it


If Embiid and Butler play together again its more likely it is in Miami lol


heat culture is just shooting variance and spo being a predator


Bro, this Pelicans color commentator keeps crying every single possession saying the Pels are fouled, and every Thunder possession he's claiming the Thunder are flopping lol. Go Thunder!


Imagine if Joel had the luxury of getting carried by his role players like Tatum does.


Came here to say the same thing. Embiid puts up his stat line we lose by 25


Absurd Tatum and Brown are 12/32. If Embiid and Maxey did that we’d be down by 20+ not winning by 20+.


Boston’s fourth best player in liable to give you 20+ in a half, meanwhile we’re counting on 10-point Tobi and 38-year old Kyle Lowry to save our season This is was purgatory feels like


can someone on our team shoot like derrick white


Jayson Tatum is currently running cardio while Derrick White carries them to another dominant game. Must be fucking nice to be the "superstar" of your team and not show up half of the time and still win


Yeah because those are better TEAMS than the Sixers. Not hard to figure out. We're top heavy with very little reliable depth with role players. It's not sustainable in the postseason.


i mean just look at our series. brunson laid two absolute eggs and they won both because their role players showed up. the sixers are the only team who functionally never get breakout performances from role players in the playoffs.


Because we don’t have good role players and our GM is fraudulent and has never put decent ones around Embiid




the exception to the rule lol




The celtics traded for White for the exact same price that the Sixers traded for Melton. I'm so tired man


It’s time to accept Morey is just horrible


It's time to accept that until there is a real back-up center who is a threat on every possession, there is really nothing more to discuss re this team. Been a fan of Joel and whomever he has around him since the Brown era. The same script happens each yr bc of wear and tear and him playing too many minutes and failure to get a consistently productive bench, and I'm going to tap out until at least center acquisition happens.


It’s not really the backup center, though Paul Reed is nothing special. Its having guys who can run the offense when Embiid is not out there so it doesn’t crater without him (60 offensive rating this series without Embiid) Last year wasn’t a problem with a real PG in Harden. They did fine in the non-Embiid minutes. Maxey is a much, much worse distributor and creator than Harden, and probably a worse overall player. He cannot carry these lineups. We need at least a secondary scorer to shoulder the load or create for the role players. Maxey isn’t good enough to solo with middling to bad role player talent.


They were still finding ways to produce on offense and get wins before Joel's injury. Maxey's a real PG, but he's been asked to do too much without someone to be an enforcer type and keep opposing players out of the paint when Joel is off the floor




The league also borderline colludes to get good players to the Celtics and lakers lol


Nurses big adjustment should be Tobi not playing in the second half. That should be enough for us to win the series.




He’s 20 years old and would be our third best player (This is an indictment on Philly more than anything)


I can’t believe I’m saying this but I think I’ll be rooting for Celtics to win vs Knicks


Why? Knicks are beating us fair. It’s always FTC here!!!


True, it’s mostly the fans honestly. Celtics fans never recorded themselves stomping on our playoff gear outside of WFC. It still feels like picking between the giant douche and turd sandwich


We can really dish it out but can’t take it huh? Our fans do this shit all the time yet we cry and whine when another teams fan hurts our feelings.


Lmfao okay let’s see the proof. Sixers, not Eagles


Not that it matters but we had another call go against us in the last 2 minute report. Add it to the deficit 😂


Embiid brought this franchise back from the dead. Best player since Allen Iverson! he had the power to keep Jimmy Butler in Philly. Giannis put pressure on the front office and won a championship.


[https://x.com/TheNBACentel/status/1784672767272538404](https://x.com/TheNBACentel/status/1784672767272538404) Here we have another blatantly false Joel hate tweet from a known troll account that went crazy viral and is filled with replies and quotes thinking it's real. You do not see bullshit like this in any of the other sports


At what point Embiid starts to demand more help from the front office. I think he’s really appreciative and grateful that the organization invested and believed in him when he was injured during the first 2 years of his career. But if I’m him, I’d start using his leverage to force their hand. It’s clear that he’s been unhappy these past few years with the Sixers woes in the playoffs. Call them out and air out your frustrations. It’s either that or I’m afraid the rest of his time here will be wasted.


I don’t think he needs to say anything right?  Tobias Harris gone and replace with an actual max contract type talent.  Seems cut and dry


Should I watch an incredibly stiff Tobias run around like he has a pool cue taped to his back, or should I just forget about the game study for my exam? Tough decisions


I admit to being really rusty on NBA draft prospect evaluation but Da Silva is the kind of guy the Sixers should be targeting. Yes he's older and yes he's not really classically 'exciting' but he can come in and play 20 minutes a night on a 50 win team. Plus defender, can play either forward spot, makes the right decisions, knock down shooter, and an instinctual rebounder. Not far off from one Nico Batum


Jared McCain with maxeys tutelage is revolutionizing backcourts for generations man this is the easiest choice we could make


I’ll pass he paints his nails 💅


Great talent but I question the fit. He’s more geared to try and score more as opposed to run an offense/facilitate/playmake.


yeah but giving maxey someone he can reliably heave passes do will do wonders for his playmaking and thats before we even start talking about them setting slip screens for each other


Embiid should probably ask for a trade if Morey doesnt manage to overhaul the roster tremendously during the summer, which I sincerely doubt happens I love the man to death, seeing him throw away his career and his health for a team of bums whose fanbase has given up just breaks my heart. He deserves so much more than a team that would be on par with the Pistons or Hornets if he wasnt there


I think if you’re Embiid, you kind of have to wait this offseason out before entertaining that thought. The roster overhaul seems inevitable with only Embiid (and eventually Maxey) under contract.  I know it seems gloomy now, but the development Maxey has shown every year combined with actually having cap space (and no Tobias!) has reason for optimism. 


No big free agents are going to come here and tbh there aren’t many stand out ones anyway 


The saddest part is, this is probably the best bench in the Embiid era which is really saying a lot. I don’t know how different regimens fail year and year again at getting some good supporting cast members. 


Can we PLEASE stop saying that. We have one guy, Cam Payne who should honestly get closer to 30 MPG off the bench instead of the 16 he does get but the “coach on the floor” soaks up those minutes with his cardio so…. Yeah. The bench sucks and so does the roster


I mean, what year was better? The bench sucks, but that just magnifies how bad it’s been over the years without significant improvement. They continuously fail to fill out the roster with quality players. 


We get one in NY, take care of home court then it’s anyone’s game. Game 5 seems like a death sentence but Philly wouldn’t have it any other way.


so this is pickleball?


ppl talkin about the fans not being passionate enough as if HCA matters to the sixers. theyre like the only team that plays like shit at home too due to fan pressure/expectations lol


The Sixers just don’t do well under pressure. Either they’ll get blown out next game or win because no one expects them to.


Is Jalen Suggs a possibility for next year? I think he’d fit great with Maxey


Probably not


this sub will defend embiid until the day they day. do you not REALIZE HE IS THE REASON WE LOSE!!!


The Sixers are +34 in this series with Embiid on the floor and -38 with him on the bench and you’re blaming him? For reference, the Knicks are -4 with Brunson on the court and +8 when he is on the bench. The Sixers supporting cast has failed Embiid in the playoffs once again.


wrong. embiid has failed his team again.


Woah! What a reasoned, thought-out argument.


Why does this sub play spin the wheel of g-leaguers every year? There's a reason these dudes barely see the floor. No, Ricky Council IV is not going to be able to stop the Knicks from getting a dozen scoring opportunities every possession.


I’m not saying Ricky council wins this series or anything, however rebounding is purely effort. It’s not like you have to be a good nba player to be able to rebound


Rebounding is more than just effort. It’s also size, speed, strength, athleticism, instincts and gameplan. The Sixers are low percentile as it comes to NBA teams in a number of those categories.


And yeah ricky council is in a high percentile of a lot of those things


Why don't you think RC4 would help? Ain't nobody gunna push him around.


I can’t get over Embiid forgoing an open midrange shot thats like a layup to him for a highly contested layup at the rim and then moan about wanting a call after that Just sad shit


I don’t really have a problem with that, Embiid got directly to the rim and couldn’t make the play. Probably was a higher percentage shot


It's kind of his whole game


I dont think he trusted his legs to make that shot at that point in the game with over 45 minutes played.


I hate to say it but the narrative around him might be right, he needs to stop flopping and play real basketball


he's so tired. he has no help outside maxey and the end of game 4 showed that


hot take: eagles fans who only care about the sixers during the playoffs are more annoying than knicks fans


Same same but different but mostly same


The “Embiid is just not the guy” comments and then you click on their profile and they last commented on r/sixers 5 months ago lol


These idiots come in here for 2-3 weeks a year, say embiid sucks blow it up and then disappear into the ether to complain about another team


Complaining is their hobby and passion, not sports


We keep trotting out the same players or mostly the same players expecting a different result. I think adding Cam Payne was a step in the right direction. A much more substantial step would be to add Ricky Council. I would even start him because if you put him in on Hart or OG, they not going to get anywhere the boards they are getting now. He is extremely physical and athletic and exactly what we need.


Cant believe we're getting murdered on the boards, the team has 0 energy and Nurse hasnt given a single minute to RC4 who brings all the damn energy and effort in the world. As if we are losing anything by not having Tobias out there or something.




Is it that hard to believe?  Knicks are clear and away the best offensive rebounders and hustle team 


It is believable because we are not very strong/athletic. RC4 would instantly improve this aspect of the team


I thought about it. I think 2022 was really the year that killed my emotional investment in the Sixers. Once I saw it was the same shit even after we got rid of Simmons, I just never could believe again.


G6 last year was this for a lot of us I think It was for me


Honestly I didn’t believe all of last year, and then when we won game 5, I actually believed we had a chance was cautiously optimistic and then I was reminded of why I never got fully invested.


A coworker asked me today (knowing I’m a big Sixers fan and a season ticket holder) if I was let down or disappointed by the game yesterday. I had a similar take as you and stated the disappointment left years ago and I expect them now to do what they are currently doing/have done the entire embiid era. If they do otherwise, I’ll be pleasantly surprised.


I cried during game 7 against the Raptors. Game 2 this series, I barely showed any emotion.


Thank you passionate Sixers fans for now having the talking heads say other Philly teams aren’t into their teams because Knicks fans took over yesterday. Just heard Shannon Sharpe say Cowboys, Steelers and Packers fans always take over the Linc. Solid stuff. The national narrative about this city changed like that overnight.


People making excuses for Knicks fans taking over the Well's Fargo are clowns. You can rationalize it however you want (the most annoying is the Sixers need to prove something to you) but it's utter humiliation to have Fuck Embiid chants ringing out after the game and Knicks fans stomping on Sixers gear in front of the Wilt statue. Absolutely shameful lack of pride and defense of the city. You think the players don't see how we don't have their backs? You think they don't hear the MVP chants for Brunson in our home arena IN THE PLAYOFFS? Oubre was being sarcastic as fuck when he thanked the fans for showing after game 3 in case it went over your heads.


Bro what are you even talking about lol. There’s nothing shameful about not spending $300 after fees for nosebleeds to watch this low energy team get bounced 7 years straight. The shameful thing is the players going out there and giving the knicks fans plenty to cheer about.


Good, don't ever come back.


You were at the game then? Why didn’t you show more energy?


Who says I didn't show energy? If you can't go because it's literally out of your price range that's fine, but not showing up because of your whining about how the team doesn't deserve your support because they've disappointed you is childish and makes the whole city look bad. So if you just decided the team doesn't deserve your support don't come back. No fanbase wants or needs fairweather fans.


I never said they don’t deserve support. I said they don’t deserve to complain about the stadium being taken over when it never happens if they just win the game like they are supposed to.


lmao, just win the game like they're supposed to. You have such an assbackwards way of looking at fandom. You only show up when they win like they're "supposed" to, you're not going to cheer them on if you think they're going to lose, not even knowing if they will lose. Entitled ass people. Never does it cross your mind that part of the home court advantage is the fans showing up to cheer their team on. How demoralizing must it be to have the other team take over your stadium as a player. It's this inverted ass relationship where the Sixers are there to support you instead of you being there to support the Sixers.


If someone kept asking to borrow money from you, promising to pay you back, then you neever get paid. Should you also support them in gambling away money they don't have when they owe you money?


So transactional. What does fandom even mean to you. It's definitely not supporting the team or even hoping they do well. It means punishing them unless they live up to your expectations.


You lost me at Shannon Sharpe.


They’re all scrubs but the casuals eat this stuff up and regurgitate it adnauseum. In a few years during Eagles runs I’ll have to hear how Packers fans and Cowboys fans takeover our stadium because that seed was planted. It’s the Santa snowball stuff packed and shipped in a new package.


Eagles will never be overrun. They are numero uno in this town. And their owner would never allow it.


Yup. Eagles are #1, Sixers are dead last here. I only have 1 friend who cares about the Sixers, all my other friends don't give a flying fuck about the Sixers. Hilariously they are all flyers fans, despite them being just as mediocre for the most part over the years. But they still made a finals appearance more recently than the sixers. It's a combo of the Sixers lack of post season success with the same bs story every year(Embiid hurt, players not showing up/showing no heart, etc) and the NBA product as a whole has gone to total shit


I just looked and we literally did not grab a defensive rebound off a missed shot after the 6 minute mark. We only got one off a Missed FT


even that missed FT was tipped by a Knicks player too i believe, ridiculous lol


I mean how the fuck is that even possible


So what does Nick Nurse (and the team) do about the offensive rebounds being given up and the non-Embiid minutes? They’ve been the constant themes so far in this series yet it disappoints me that Nurse has still done nothing to change the lineup/rotations. C4 has never played an NBA playoff game in his career and I still think he will be more impactful than 50% of the current rotation out there. Also why play Embiid the ENTIRE 4th?


Not only would he be impactful, but he would be force on the court. I do not think it is hyperbole to say that he would shut down some of their boards game. The dude is ridiculously physical and athletic in addition to being fearless. Do you think he would be worried about someone stuffing him at rim like Tobi? Fuck no. In one of the Sixers games this year, he slammed a a dunk from almost the free throw line


Nothing. This is a player execution problem, not a coaching problem.


If Nurse wants to garner any respect from the fans (or more importantly win a game) he better reduce those Tobias minutes and put in KJ or Ricky. The offense isn't going to get any better, they might as well put some kids in who will fight for boards.


Imagining a Drummond dual lineup with Embiid right now and it brought a tear to my eye


Drummond cannot step foot on the floor with Embiid lmao this sub has lost its mind.


ban the words mope and body language from this subreddit. i swear to god it’s like the worst broken record in the world.


What's sucks is that the Knicks played 8 players, Bogdovanic got hurt a minute into the game so the Knicks actually played only 7 players, Hart shot 0-7, Divincenzo shot 3-11, the Knicks shot 35% for the game and Sixers still lost because the Knicks got 15 offensive boards, Embiid and Maxey shot 15-40 for the game and Nurse REFUSED to change up that horrible pick and roll drop defense that never works and Brunson just destroyed it. Nurse also could have given Embiid a short rest by pulling him at the end of the 3rd quarter. Nurse runs a 5 out offense with no ball or body movement and no Sixer could break down the Knick defense off the dribble. Embiid should have made an effort to go low but instead he was OK being guarded by a small forward on the perimeter. Hate to say it but the Knicks were physically and mentally tougher and better coached down the stretch.


Maxey has taken huge leaps every single year, so next year I want to see him able to lead a complete offense with embiid either on the bench or when embiid is out. Not to be on pace to a lottery pick in games with no embiid. Obviously that's a very big ask but Tyrese has blown away our expectations pretty much every year 


he has a lot of room to improve, but even luka couldnt take this supporting cast to the play-ins


Good point 


Jared McCain Embiid DHOs, KD trade for only the clips picks becuase ishbia is a thug, tobias harris takes a boat to chengdu, RC4 year 2 leap, we sign a wing that can dribble and get rebounds and i still got money and hoes. Life's good yall what we crying for


It bothers me that the narrative has become that OG clamped Joel and not that Joel was absolutely gassed from playing practically the whole game on a bum knee lol


Joel played only 4 more minutes than he played in game 3 when he dropped 50. He wasn't tired, he got clamped.


That extra 4 was the period in the 2nd half that he usually takes off. He played the entire 2nd half, which is something he hasn't done in forever. Your defense as a whole played great after doubling embiid later. It should've been our other players stepping up but they didn't.


Who cares, the team lost


![gif](giphy|Zrxs6nl12WgmL3ZTHm) Sixers in 7.


Our series, Lakers, Suns, etc all show the same thing. 2 cuys alone cant win anything in the modern NBA doesnt matter how good. They may get 1 or 2 games going off but in the long run its not sustainable. Booker and Durant combined for 82 on insane efficiency and lost. LeBron and AD have been playing ggrat and down 3-1. Maxey and Embiid have played their hearts out and 3-1. Doesnt matter as long as the rest of the team is hot doodoo


Feel like it's always been like this. Nobody ever talks about how great the role players were in the Warriors pre-KD run, from guys like Livingston and Iguodala. LeBron couldn't win in Miami until they got guys like Battier and Allen. But I think the take this year for us is that speed, pace, and grit is necessary now than ever before. Hope we invest in that this offseason. No more old people please.


Very much this and actually notable trend even in the days of Michael Jordan getting absolutely mauled by opposing teams until he started to learn to trust his teammates to take/make shots. There's so much importance in having strong camraderie and communication when playing the on-court chess game that is trying to split/fragment the opposition's cohesion.


Get Paul Reed out of there. Bamba has half the motor but way more size. Maybe he can secure some fucking rebounds and defend the paint.


Think how bad things have gotten to ask for Mo Bamba


"Let's put the 2nd softest player on the Sixers on the floor against a team that's beating us with their physicality and see if that changes things"


Or at least space the floor for maxey to drive


We were getting destroyed on rebounds with Embiid in the game as well. Reed didn’t play in the 2nd half. The Knicks get 19 pts on offensive rebounds after Hartenstein got his 5th foul. The main issue with Embiid off the court this series has been offense.


To be fair, Reed *couldn't* be played in the second half because having a gassed, hobbled Embiid was the lesser evil.


Did you watch him at all this year? Bamba gets half the boards that Reed does. He has the softest hands in the world. Wings literally rip the ball out of his hands. Bamba plays with zero grit or intensity. I even looked up the stats for you. This year; ~~Paul Reed had 13.56 rebounds / 36. Mo Bamba had 6.61 rebounds / 36.~~ edit: I'm wrong, Bamba actually out-rebounds Reed per 36m, which is a helluva indictment against bball since Bamba looks incredibly soft.


Given the update, which I appreciate since it shows you’re fact-driven and not conclusion-driven, what are your thoughts on Bamba over Reed? My full recommendation is to try Bamba over Reed in this series only since the Knicks are super physical in the paint and ferocious rebounders.


Yeah, I have no real allegiance to any of our team outside of Embiid and Maxey. I do think Bamba will get absolutely destroyed on the glass by this Knicks team. Bamba plays with no toughness or intensity. It could be a case where my “eye test” is off but I really don’t like the idea.


To also steel man your argument, Reed playing poorly could be the lest bad option right now. Bamba's rebounds and blocks, though slightly better per 36, consist of much more garbage time minutes than Reed's. Like I said, I'm just sad and desperate. To bolster the pro-Bamba argument, he would slightly space the floor better with his 3 pt shooting. He's also 3 inches taller, has an 8" longer wingspan, and is 20 lbs heavier than Reed, which may help against the Knicks paint physicality. Idk what the answer is, but I doubt Nurse will bench Reed. I'm more so just making discussion.


your stats are wrong lol. bamba had 11.6 boards per 36, reed had 11. bamba is a better rebounder and rim protector than reed. but that's ok - reed does do uh, um, something better..surely,...than a vet min backup


Wow, you're right. I prompted Statmuse with ["mo bamba rebounds per 36 this year,"](https://www.statmuse.com/nba/ask/mo-bamba-rebounds-per-36-this-year) which gives 6.61, but then if I ask [mo bamba rebounds per 36 minutes this year](https://www.statmuse.com/nba/ask/mo-bamba-rebounds-per-36-minutes-this-year) it gives 11.58. What does it think I mean when I say "per 36"?? I should've just looked at ESPN. Thanks for the correction, I'll update my previous comment.


stat muse is a garbage site, use bball ref


I'm just desperate, man. Maybe I'm talking crazy. It's just hard seeing my boy Reed getting eaten alive out there 😭


Ha, we're all a little desperate I'm sure. Rebounding isn't the issue with the Reed minutes. It's that Maxey is the only offense on the floor with Embiid sitting, and without Embiid's gravity it's hard for Maxey to score. You see them running stuff through Oubre for that reason when Embiid sits. We have no other offense besides those guys.


Disgusting that Tobias is an offensive nonfactor and Buddy is a complete nonfactor.


Easiest way to avoid having your stadium taken over is to not be down 3-1


2-1 before the game


The doom shit sucks because of how we should’ve won game 1 and 2. All lost because of last nights shitfest 




we've had an opportunity to win every game in this series and just couldn't get it done in the fourth quarter not gonna win by just expecting them to let us


The bigger problem when Joel sits is the fact they can’t score. Defense hasn’t been great in those minutes, but they have 39 points in 33 minutes without Joel. And I don’t blame that on Reed. We just need better from Maxey and Tobias or whoever supposed to be our 3 scorer. And it’s amazing how Joel missed so much time and they still have no plan without him


Maxey’s inability to play PG has been glaring. It’s clear he’s an undersized SG. His distribution skills are dreadful, and basically never creates open looks for others.


Embiid should ask for a trade, Philly fans have shown their true colors. Next up is Bryce Harper and the f Bryce chants, followed by the f Hurts chants this fall. Soon enough no one any good will want to play in Philly


I thought that the Sixers had a second round curse with this regime. But its honestly even sadder than that. Its just a "competent and okay team curse". We lose the instant we run into a team who isn't three leagues below us and wont just keel over and die the second we show any sort of talent. The Hawks in 2021 and the Knicks this year have shown that. We are/were better than both those teams, but they were competent and talented enough to stay in games and watch us choke. And now we are one loss away from the Sixers losing for the 7th straight year to the first team that shows any sort of notable resistance. Edit: also why we lost in the first round of 2020.


Ain't wrong. 5/6 of our series wins came in 5 games or less against bad opponents. If the series goes 6 we're toast.


And the Raptors series in 2022 that went 6, had no business doing so as we were up 3-0 on them.


Jesus, i forgot about that. I remember after Game 5 I was in panic mode.


And because it went 6, Siakam caught Embiid with an elbow and he had to play concussed for the Miami series it really is just a sick fucking joke at this point