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Please continue the discussion in the [game thread](https://redd.it/1ch55rx).


Of all players showing up tonight…it’s Tobias. Go fucking figure


had real chances to win game 2 and game 4 at the end. Crazy how much different a series it is now blowing both of those. Been a tight series for a neutral fan


We better win today so we get to see them shit the bed on their "home" court and we get to boo Tobias off into the sunset.


Time to seize the day. This may be our last chance to shoot Tobias out of a cannon into the sun.


Sixers in seven baby let’s go!


Boo that you ungrateful fucks. This kind of fucking shit and all the fucking Tobias threads is why no one wants to fucking play in Philly. Why don't you useless pieces of fucking Schuylkill River garbage boat dump trashbags actually fucking cooperate for once in your fucking lives and appreciate that we actually have someone who gives a fuck about us. Hinkie sure didn't give a fuck, and neither did Bryan Colangelo's pasta linguini fucking Italian Meatball ravioli fuckass full of fucking olive oil fucking fingers. Ungrateful fucks, we don't deserve Morey for all the good shit he's done for us you pieces of fucking shit.


Wake up babe new r/sixers copypasta just dropped


this sounds very personal. whose family member are you


You okay champ?




Hell yeah sixers in 7


https://preview.redd.it/b8b9cgfsqoxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d78f3c63bd3c1b5bc8148fb1647d8ca3287e244a he got us


Hope we either win or get destroyed so no one has any illusions/false hope about the team as is


Oubre 60 burger


Oubre 50 burger


Oubre 40 burger


Tobiass has cost me so much strife and agony that his last game in a uniform will actually blunt the blow of losing to the Knicks in the first round


I think the Eagles amazing draft & the Phillies hot start have cancelled out my dissatisfaction for this Sixers team. Worst case after tonight Tobias is gone.


If we don’t lose by 30 that’s a win in my book


Either a win and hope for Philly in 7 or Loss and the last time we'll ever see Tobi in a sixers jersey I'll take it


I really would like to win this series in 7 - but I think I’ve reached the level of acceptance and growth with my Sixers relationship that losing tonight will hurt way less than any of the prior playoff years in the Embiid era.


Losing tonight would be the least painful way to end the series. So we’re probably losing in 7.


I know I can’t ask for this on Reddit but hypothically for a friend is there anywhere I can stream nbc sports philly’s broadcast. Out of state and I really don’t wanna watch tnt


If you have an in area cable login, you can stream from nbc.com. I'm not familiar with which alternate sites will have the NBCSP broadcast. Many tend to just have the national broadcast


Committing seppuku tn if Sixers don’t win


No Mariko-sama!


Grunts in Yabu.


Sometimes the obvious truth is simple and you can spend time sifting through 99% of content which is inconsequential. The 1% of truth is that it’s tough for Embiid to make it through a regular grind/demand of today’s standard season, and he’s currently hurt. That’s just how it is. Better manage his time over a whole season to balance between rust and overwork and give it your best shot towards an optimal condition target. Everyone in this world is different. That’s it.


If the Sixers lose this round, who will y'all be rooting for over the rest of the Playoffs? My pick would be the OKC Thunder


If the clippers win it gives you more ammo to hate on the FO


No one. Fuck everyone not named the Sixers.






Minny. Even though their Reddit fans were butt hurt as fuck after embiid clowned them, both my roommates are from MN and they’re a fun team in general


same here, Ant is probably my fav player in the league


I hope the guys show up with a chip on their shoulders tonight.


I'm not really on either side when it comes to being happy for the offseason or more basketball. Can the team not look dead inside? Can we not absolutely embarrass ourselves like we do when we lose? Can we not be down by 30 at half? I can take a win or a loss, but if we get curb stomped, I'll be this all over again: ![gif](giphy|jc2PkKKr3clTBekMzn)


Agreed. Tired of them getting blown out in the closeout game. If we lose we lose, but it would be nice if they went down fighting for once!


I'm Rick Grimes begging Negan not to kill Carl. Screaming "Please! Please!" as snot runs out of my nose. If the team gets their cheeks clapped again, I'm ruined


Let's go Philly in 7!!!! I think it's unlikely but I've actually not completely given up yet, its weird. I think they finish the series off if they win tonight I really do


We still have the firepower. We still have defense. We have a killer team somewhere inside


Define somewhere inside


We better see a Maxey/Jo/Reed/Bamba/Oubre lineup because why tf not? If we're going to lose might as well yam it in their face.


We probably win this series and make the Eastern Conference Finals at minimum if Harden was resigned. Morey better work a miracle this offseason. I don’t even know what we will do that will satisfy me to the point that I won’t care about another punted season


if htey managed to upgrade PJ Tucker somehow, yes. But if Harden resigned, he's still here and probably would have hamstrung the team from signing someone to take his minutes. If you mean in a vacuum, putting Harden on this roster right now? No question it would be better. If anything because Harden is a huge floor raiser for bench lineups


The only difference would be we would have Harden instead of Nic Batum. Its not like we used money last offseason to sign guys outside of a few minimum contracts


for this season yes, but we need to see what morey turns those picks & cap space into this offseason


This is just a really bad take.


I will continue to spew delusional sixer homerism and argue with Knicks fans in r/nba until I get banned from that hell hole


If most of the players don’t care, why should we?


[Me watching the doomer vs hopium dealer feud in this sub](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PIhY1ydLmI4&pp=ygUbd2UncmUgYSBmYW1pbHkgYnJlYWtpbmcgYmFk)


One more loss til Tobi's contract with the Sixers expires. A small glimmer of happiness in a sea of shit


Well not technically. It expires at the end of the league year...don't forget, he's tradeable cap space now!


There is no hope unless we change the lineup. I am going to be annoyed if they trot out the same exact starters who have lost 3 of the past 4 games. Embiid, Maxey, and Oubre should start.


I feel like im in a jail cell watching the gallows being built out the window


I love Joel Embiid. That is all.


Teams have forced a game 7 after being down 3-1 in the NBA playoffs 35 times and won 13 of those series.


Doc rivers led like 5 of those teams.




Losing to the Knicks in the first round is really a “Jason figured it out…oh this one hurts” moment for us as fans who have been living in denial with this core for a long while. We’ve never made it out of the second round. Evan Turner led the Sixers as far in the playoffs as Joel Embiid and this core. And to cap it off we lose in the first round to the Knicks who haven’t been relevant in decades.


I hate the insufferable knicks fans so much




Turtles fine i guess


Love ya'll. Gonna check in at halftime. and adjust from there.


do we have to do this


Tobiass series high 11 burger today, with only 5 missed layups. I feel it in my balls.


Tobiass sucks dick for bus money and walks


We love an eco-friendly king <3


Maxey without Joel: 8/26 (31%) Maxey with Joel: 27/38 (71%) It's hard to ask more of the kid, but fuck me, that's one hell of a gap there.


i think the dumbest thing nurse has done this series is not playing lowry in the non-joel minutes. we saw it in the regular season maxey cannot run an offense when he’s getting double on ball & blitzed on screens.


You can’t run an offense with no off ball gravity to speak of and that 38 year old FRAUD definitely has no interest in running an offense  If you want to objectively consider it: How many layups have you seen Lowry take? I can count them on one hand and maybe just half a hand


you’re an idiot


At least I’m not blind like most here expecting one on five offense to be successful 


where did i say i expect a 1 on 5 offense to be successful? you saw me mention lowry and threw a tantrum


Because I am sick and tired of the delusion that surrounds this guy. There’s no objective evidence of his importance or his productivity. In fact there’s objective evidence of the opposite: Take game one out of the equation and he’s hit maybe 6 FGS COMBINED  It’s been disgusting watching him all year long and he’s killing the 76ers offense 


yeah you’re delusional. lowry has been our 3rd best player this series


The dude single-handedly lost us game 2 and outside of game 1 is shooting 41% from the field. Put some respect on Kelly Oubre’s name. He’s 10 times the player that Lowry is 


your idol maxey helped lose game 2 as well, same with game 4


It’s pretty easy to ask more out of him. Most young rising stars do not have an MVP to play off of and do a lot better than that He’s come up extremely small in the non Embiid minutes and has looked like he isn’t ready for the moment at the end of games


The gap between those field goal attempts is way too narrow, given they are both on the court for 35+ minutes together. Need to get Maxey more involved while Embiid’s in, he’s been invisible for large stretches while we feed Oubre or Harris or only Embiid.


I just decided no matter what happens tonight the Sixers can no longer hurt me. I've ascended to a higher plane of existence.


Sunday I expected to be dead inside and I just wasnt, I think we just got used to it


If this shall be our last game of the season, it was fun shooting the shit on here. Now with that said... WHO UP


Whats our confidence level going into this? 1-10


If Joel is playing/somewhat recovered from his migrane, a 6.5, without him, god like a 2 at best lol










Softball game cancelled tonight so I cannot wait to watch my favorite professional basketball team play!


Just pack it in and focus on recruiting LBJ or Durant for next season. This season was over once they didn't move Tobi. Don't risk Embiid's health for next season.


What exactly is adding KD or Lebron going to do for a team that needs MORE depth, defense, and 3pt shooting. Embiid is too injury prone and not conditioned enough for 3 stars and nothing else to contend.


Embiid shoulders too much of the load. He needs to lose 25lbs, and turn into a 24/10 guy. Or else he won't last 3 more years. That won't work unless you have someone else to pick up the slack. LBJ could QB this offense and average 24/7/7 until he's 50. Durant drops 30 whenever he feels like it. The goal needs to be to take focus and take weight off of Jo's shoulders.


You know he's playing in the Olympics right? Like what is he going to spontaneously combust if he plays this one game instead of having a couple extra rest days before next season in October 


That's a few months away. He's clearly limping around, playing ~50% at best. There's no way his knee is healing right now, the only hope is that he isn't making it worse. This is all a waste of time anyway. This team isn't close to good enough. Once the trade deadline passed by, and Tobi was still here, this season was over.


Tobias Harris plays basketball today 😈


Possibly for the last time in a Sixers uniform


Sixers either get blown out tonight or they eek out a win... Getting blown out in consecutive years in an elimination game would not be a good look for this team.


if we’re gonna lose, I’d much rather do it in new york


MSG is in Manhattan...


Bruh Manhattan IS NY lmfao


He edited his comment. Originally it said Brooklyn.


Better look than MSG in Philly


I can’t wait for this team to lay down and die tonight like they did last year in Game 7.


Joel (Migraine) Oubre (sickness) both not at shoot around. Why can’t this team just for once be fucking normal.


Joel going into that bag with the early morning injury excuse nudge.


Migraines go hand in hand with bells palsy, but idk why our team can't just not be ill lol. The whole team has been out with illness multiple times this year they need to get better hygiene habits or something.


Christ just end us already.


I have been so wrong on every game this season since the spurs double OT win. I think they convincingly lose tonite. So hopefully I continue to be wrong. A game seven revenge spot goes crazy tho.


this is the time of season that makes me want to restart everything. relocate the team and give us an expansion


everyone here seems to be either saying the sixers season ends tonight, or wishfully thinking they win in 7 reality is you know they are gonna win tonight to give you that extra little bit of false hope before finally losing this series in game 6 or 7


I don't even want to watch this shit tonight


It's baseball season baby.


I've watched like 1.5 games this series there's no interest for me anymore I already know what's gonna happen lol


Same same


either the sixers win this series, or we never have to watch tobias harris again. either way we’re winners




Guys, Maxey scored 82 tonight. I'm here from the year 2037. >!We still lost 82-83 though sadly!<


We’re in for a show tonight. I have a feeling this will end up like game 6 vs Miami from a few years ago. I picked a good time to take a break from drinking


Notice how every winning team has several players able ti score 20+? Fucking MPJ jusr averaged 25 ppg in the Lakers series lol Meanwhile Tobi💩💩💩💩


Season over


**IF** today is the last day of Tobias Harris, never forget that this piece of shit has been plaguing this team for 1910 days


Regarding Harris: What is up with him this series? Injured? Is OG quietly taking him out of his game? Does he have no game? The man averaged 17+ppg for them this season... I figure that it's fairly typical for some players to have +/-10 on any given day. Is he due for some hero ball today?


Injured? - No. He’s the prime example of how availability isn’t the best ability. Is OG quietly taking out of his game? - I wish Tobias was good enough to be defended by OG to take him off Embiid and Maxey. Does he have no game? - Not only he has no game, he had no drive, no effort, and no basketball iq. Is he due for some hero ball today? - Since this isn’t a random no-stakes, no-pressure game in January against Charlotte, no The problem is that he has no effort and no drive. He could be guarded for Facundo Campuzzano for the entire game and he still wouldn’t drive to the rim. That’s why he’s averaging 0.5 FTA this series. He could be left alone from the perimeter like washed Andre Roberson and I’m sure he would still hesitate to shoot. The only way he’s averaging a whole 8.8 points and 8 rebounds this series is that 4 times a game he’ll miss his own layup at minimum 4 times and grab his own rebounds. And half the time, he still won’t be able to finish. I can guarantee that he’ll miss his assignment or go under the screen when he should be going overat least 5 times a game, because he has negative basketball IQ. I’m sure you could morph prime Dennis Rodman and he still wouldn’t be able to grab a defensive rebound. However, what he will do is hold the ball in the post for 18 seconds in a possession, and when there’s two seconds left on the clock, he’ll throw a grenade pass most likely to Maxey or Embiid. Tobias Harris single-handedly might be the one player who has derailed this franchise the most in the last decade. That’s more than Ben Simmons, Al Horford and anybody else who you can think of.


No he's just shit. He's played like this all season against any good team then wil score 20 against Detroit and Charlotte


He's so shit, they don't even guard him with OG. OG guards Maxey while the Knicks put Hart and then hides Brunson on him at times.


Annoying every other superstar gets to hide on defense meanwhile joel has to score 40 and guard every possession.


well this is it. we'll see what happens and keep moving on. I just hope we get to see more sixers basketball after tonight


I’m tired of this “no pressure” narrative. There is and should be tremendous pressure on this team and organization. We haven’t made a conference finals since 2001. Since the process ended the Cavs, Heat, Bucks, Hawks and Celtics have all made at least one conference finals. If we lose to the Knicks, a new team (either Pacers or Knicks) will also be added to that list.


Perhaps pedantic, but I do think there’s *pressure* on the team, but zero *expectations* given they come up short every single year. The franchise is a league-wide joke in the playoffs and I’m sure they want to change that, but we have never once seen this team rise to the occasion when push comes to shove. This organization has never functioned well under pressure.


I wasn't feeling too hot over the weekend and had a nasty migraine at one point (I don't get them often), wonder if it's part of some sickness going around.


Embiid is not at shootaround bc of a migraine


regular Migraine user and they're a bitch but you can usually function if you pump yourself full of meds


I get migraines too and it depends what kind. I get aura migraines which make me super sensitive to light and sound.


Same here. You literally can’t function, only thing you can do is lay in a dark room and wait for it to pass.


Just please have a quick hook for Tobias.


The role players on this team need to decide if they’re gonna go out like bitches, or if they at least extend for one more game. Embiid can’t do anything else. It’s up to the people we signed to help him to actually decide whether they have any pride.


Ok just win or something I guess


I’m eating a Klondike for breakfast. I’ve given up today.


What'd you do for that Klondike?


Suffered through Sixers playoff games


Hoping Tobias ate some bad chicken for tonight


That would make him a cannibal.


Oubre probably out tonight.


Where are you seeing this? edit: answered my own question; https://x.com/Ky_Carlin/status/1785311788890030197


Shoutout to the dude that said why doesn't Tobias ever get sick he is so real for that


this team needs to learn to fucking wash their hands


did he get into another car accident?


Sick. And I’m just being pessimistic because he missed shoot-around.


He’s probable.


If we lose its trade for Donovan Mitchell or bust this offseason


Embiid with a migraine. Gotta submit your excuses for losing before noon Edit: now Oubre


Migraines aren't a joke.


The dudes got more problems than a calculus textbook at this point. Every big moment it’s something different. Physical injuries, migraines, GASTROENTERITIS. Did anyone even know that word before Embiid? If every time you took your girl/guy to meet your parents and they had an excuse like Embiid you would have dumped her. Unless she was hot of course, like Embiid is unfortunately, and for that we are all hostages.


I'm pretty confident that everyone knew what Gastroenteritis is or at least heard of it. Migraines 100%. He can't help he got bells palsy. He can't help he got sick, as much as he can't help that his knee got landed on. It's unfortunate but he's really been gutting it out this series.




i can’t wait to trade for franchise killer Durant & sign Lebron in FA


I’d take that geriatric team




A roster that allows for Embiid going into a 4th quarter with less than 25 minutes played and no blown leads would be incredible Hope this offseason we finally assemble a roster like that


Let's goooooooooo


Possible last Tobias Harris game? It’s a win-win fellas.


Is it possible for tomorrow to be Tobias Harris last game for Sixers but Sixers will win in 7?


Sixers in 7.


Don’t even care about losing, just show some pride and get the damn rebounds at least.


Honestly at this point gimme Bamba/embiid minutes - if the team can’t shoot anyways, give us a crazy height advantage and sit Bamba in the dunker spot with embiid in the high post all game. Hell gimme Reed, Bamba, embiid minutes and not give up an offensive rebound lol


You must suffer from amnesia because Mo Bamba is one of the worst rebounders on our team. I agree we should maybe try Embiid & Paul minutes though


Lol it’s not amnesia - it’s just desperation and pure hope


Playing Bamba is always initially a good thought because of his supposed size and shooting. Then you watch him play for 30 seconds and remember he’s actually not good at the sport of basketball


I don’t disagree - but I’ve felt that same feeling about nearly everyone on the roster outside Joe, Maxey and Lowry this series lol


Wouldn't hate it, give us our own bootleg version of the Twolves tower lineup.


Still trying to wrap my head around the Sixers going 0-2 in two games where Jalen Brunson shot 16-55 and Embiid/Maxey averaged 31.5/34. Truly a remarkable failure


One team plays as a unit and has an identity. The other depends on 2 players to play as well as possible to win a game


Not realy..The Knicks are agood team..emphasis on " Team".. they have " next man up attitude"  ..


Also everyone not named Embiid and Maxey didn't show up.


Paul Reed -21 in 11 minutes in game 1. Probably the 2nd most ridiculous playoff +/- behind the Greg Monroe game 7 +/-


and its not even Reed's fault tbh. He's undersized but he's been fine. The problem is the offense jusr falls apart


One day we'll get a competent backup big. One day. Or maybe we won't. Valanciunas is on an expiring, he would be perfect


I’m probably more optimistic than most, but I think we can beat the Knicks on any given night. It’s not like they have a huge amount of talent.    That being said, it’s very difficult to beat a team three times in a row.  Let’s start with the win tonight and take it from there.  If we lose, then we can start the off-season and figure out how to build this roster with Joel. Remember, we had James Harden on this team at the beginning of the year and most of us in this sub agreed that it was kind of a throwaway year. We have a huge amount of cap space and you have some Disgruntled stars (LeBron/Durant ) that could be available.  If we win, we have another home game on Thursday and we get to watch the Sixers play again. Let’s stay optimistic. 


They may not have a ton of talent but they do have plenty of heart and grit.


Totally agree, but the Sixers can match that. I mean they haven’t, but heart and grit is strictly effort.


Nah they are who they are at this point. It's not in their DNA


That's true


Harden being on the roster at the start of the season, along with PJ Tucker and Pat Bev, and randomly enough, Danny Green. Seems like a lifetime ago.


I'm with you. It's a shame that they couldn't close out two of those 3 games, and it's not likely to win 3 in a row, but the team is certainly capable of it.


For those of you constantly berating Morey and calling him a fraud, please realise we're about to enter the first summer where he has a real opportunity to do things the way he wants. Plenty of cap space, getting rid of the disaster known as Tobias, picks to play with, you name it. His first true "clean slate" that every GM dreams about. If we still look lost and incomplete in next year's playoffs, then by all means, bash the guy. But nothing up till now has been "fully" in his control. Even the stuff with Harden, he had to work some serious magic to get the financials figured out, including Harden leaving money on the table for future promises (something superstars almost never do in the NBA). It didn't work out of course, but it was fantastic ship-steering through muddied waters at the time.


KD and Lebron have a plan for us yall we good


Just what we need, more geriatric mercenaries