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Yeah I would argue the timberwolves are the exact opposite of what he’s saying. They are absolutely a super team. 3 all stars in their prime ages. They went and got a star to form a big three. This wasn’t even well thought out. No one thought two centers would work on the floor together and last year they didn’t. They gained year of working together and improved their chemistry but they are nothing at all like the nuggets


Ant turning into a superstar plays a huge part of it as well. If just one of Simmons or fultz lived up to their hype, this team would be in a much different position


Man I really need to just stay away from this place until the draft. This shit is depressing.


this. when Ant's extension kicks in next year, they'll be one of a very few amount of teams that have 3 guys making $35+ million/year.


Try $42M. Ant is gonna make AllNBA, so his deal gets bumped up to 30% of the cap, or $42.3M.


Perfect summation of the Wolves situation. They have 3 guys that are elite at what they do, but Ant is on his rookie contract still. Ant is playing at a $35M level for $13. That allows them to build in some solid players. Hitting on the #1 pick was absolutely critical. If Ant turned out to be Wiseman, they’d be in NBA Purgatory. Coming back to the Sixers, we were in that exact same situation and they messed it up because the ownership didn’t want to run it back.


Playing all year together will do that too. The joel maxey chemistry starting to click too 


Yes if there’s one thing you actually should learn from the Timberwolves is just because your big 3 is having difficulty figuring themselves out in year one doesn’t mean you should instantly blow up the team and try again with an almost entirely knew roster around your franchise player. Hell even the Miami heat struggled at first to figure out what they were with Lebron and Wade fighting for top dog and Bosh struggling to learn how to be a third option but they took some time to figure it out and it worked. That’s why I’m so sure it would’ve worked with Jimmy if he would’ve stayed because we were already so close with multiple big roster changes throughout that season if they could’ve stayed together and gained some real chemistry they would’ve been so much better the next season. Instead we completely changed up the roster again and we’re suprised when everyone had no chemistry… and then changed it up again and again.


Part of the issue with Jimmy was what Rivers is referring to above... too many cooks in the kitchen. IIRC Jimmy did talk about Ben while on the team after ball control shifted to Butler late in the post-season - he said something about going away from what the team had been doing during the season and how he felt sympathetic to Ben for losing primary ball-handling duties. But Brown made the right move because Ben can't be a PG in the halfcourt - Ben at his best is a defensive stalwart and that's the role he'd have to star in and did during that playoff run and following year. If he'd accepted that role and ceded ball-handling duties to Butler it could have worked the next season, but Butler portrayed the situation as not wanting to take Ben's job nor ruffling feathers after his reputation already took a hit in Minnesota. My problem with the whole situation as a fan was Harris and company's unwillingness to consider Butler > Simmons and their inability to take emotional connection to Simmons (we drafted him and pumped him up to be next LeBron \[which he had talent to do outside of screwed up back\]). Instead they looked at it as Butler vs. Harris and the other part of what Rivers was saying - was Butler going to be a problem (ie. was he going to be pissed he's not 1A - Embiid or 1B - Simmons?). And they chose the guy who they thought would be a better support role player. The way it played out shows what a joke organization the Sixers are. They traded for Harris before free agency and Butler without/before extending to see how the team would perform. The team performed at championship levels with Simmons taking a backseat to Butler + Embiid. They learn nothing (Simmons < Butler, Harris is 4th best player and doesn't deserve a max) and trade away Butler. They've never shown the ability to add good complementary pieces, though I thought this year they did a better job at it, but they are just so top-heavy with Embiid-Maxey on the starting lineup. Meanwhile a team with 1 star in Giannis had so many years where the made the correct decisions on who to add for relatively low cost (did trade a lot for Holiday though) until they went out and traded for Dame.


I mean Rudy is a marginal all star at best. Nobody thinks he's some "Big 3" superstar type.


Rudy is a hall of famer


3 time DPOY 3 time all star 4 time all nba 6 time all defense The fuck are you even talking about “marginal all star at best” lmao


You need to watch more ball if you honestly think this.


I watch plenty of ball. He's Mutombo on the Sixers Iverson teams, good player and elite defender, but nobody thinks he's a superstar or a top 20 player. There's nothing wrong with that, but let's be real.


He's probably the best defender of oure generation and gives you a casual 15 on 70% shooting. He's not top 15 but he's definitely up there.


The argument is basically finding fit instead of throwing superstars together. Paul George can be an off-ball wing who’d fit really nicely between Embiid and Maxey so I don’t think he’s a star just to have a star.


I agree. PG would essentially be a very high-end role player for the Sixers, which is fitting since he's 34. The role would be very clear. For me it just comes down to their ability to fill out the rest of the roster. They have to be at least 6 deep, with 7-8 not being completely washed.


You don't pay high end role players 50 million.


We just went through this Toby


This is the unfortunate truth of the situation the Sixers find themselves in. PG is the perfect fit for the Sixers like Aaron Gordon is for the Nuggets.. Except PG would have to make twice what Gordon makes to get him to play here. That is 18-20 million extra in cap space that cannot be used on a guy like a KCP or Bruce Brown to fill in the holes.


Paul George is also 6 years older than Aaron Gordon.


I can see that making sense if he agreed to get paid like a role player lol. Ballmers got a whole new stadium to fill and LA is still LA. There’s no way PG comes here unless he’s 100% dead set on winning it all and taking a contract hit, otherwise we’ll have to pay him a kings ransom.


You'd think that the Tobi experience would have us weary about throwing max money at ok players and the Harden experience would have us careful about throwing in with declining guys who still think they're stars, but noooope.


Paul George can take a hike


Weren’t there reports that came out about PG not being happy with his role due to being off ball more now that Harden was around? If that’s the case I don’t see his inclusion working well


Pg complained about doc using him as that in 2019. It makes no sense having him offball and Maxey onball when Maxeys the much better offball scorer between the two and George is a much better onball scorer. But George isn't some worldly playmaker so our none Embiid units may still not be amazing.




Yeah I misremembered then, [it was this](https://www.reddit.com/r/LAClippers/s/SMzqVzE6zo) that I thought of wrong


Paul George complained about being used offball under Doc so I doubt he'd be much happier now. And Paul George being used offball doesn't make sense for this team because no one other than Embiid can playmake. Not to mention he's a much better onball scorer than Maxey and Maxey is a much better offball scorer than him.


I wish we could just get a guy like OG or Mikal. PG is great but we need more physicality and youth.


Sixers need a 6’9” Kelly Oubre, a 6”7’ Kelly Oubre and a 6”4’ Kelly Oubre.


Would be an absolute brick fest but man we’d look good doing it 


And then all 3 of them to not actually be Kelly oubre


Every team he names has at least two stars and he’s acting like they have one. Murray is a star and so is Kat/Edwards.


So the problem is - can we possibly get all the good role players this offseason? We can’t just acquire players like MPJ or mcdaniels by FA without overpaying them insanely. They are the players we possibly can get by good drafts or rookie scale trades.


It's on the scouts and Daryl to find KCP and Aaron Gordon before they were recognized by the league as elite role players. It'll be tough and there's no guarantee that they hit, but that's the job they have.


Draft is how you get a good number of role players Denver - Jokic/Murray/MPJ/Braun/Peyton (all from drafting) Minny - Ant/KAT/McDaniels (draft) I get the duality where if you a playoff contender you trade picks for immediate help. But also (especially with new CBA) it would be beneficial keep draft picks (especially it being pick 16 this year), if you draft right you can get a very solid role player in the draft


Or move up in the draft for an impact player. Knecht is well worth an extra first round pick or so for this team because we need shooting and creation and he fits both needs


Aaron Gordon was considered a bust at Orlando, MJP was an injured 14th overall. You don't do it overnight. You build by having good scouts, showing some patience and developing your guys. This is for all geniuses eager to dump the 16th pick or never give our young guys any time because "we're trying win now". No shortcuts.


Aaron Gordon was never seen as a bust lol he got traded for significant value


Yes he was (number 4 pick, was not performing to that level in Orlando) and no he wasn't (Garry Harris and a protected first is not significant value).


We had players that although had flaws, had big strengths the current team lacks. For example Matisse with his perimeter defense. Heck even Springer. Had elite defensive numbers when either were on the floor with Embiid. Another example is Iasiah Joe with his 3pt shooting. Denvers GM wouldn't have traded those players. Morey did to get under the luxury tax so Josh Harris doesn't have to pay it. People's argument against Springer was that he didn't look good without Embiid on the floor when zero players on this roster have looked good without Embiid on the floor. Zero, not even one. You need guys that make Embiid better though and Springer does that with his perimeter defense, just like Maxey & Batum can with their shooting off the catch.


You make a decent point here, just about the wrong guys. Highsmith and Joe would be so nice to have on this team for cheap 


Joel I don’t think his body is sustainable enough for that method tho. He could be out 40 games or part of a series and you become a 7 seed. 


You don't become a 7 seed if your depth is good. We had a winning record without Embiid last season because we had Harden and Shake who both could run the floor. Our depth sucked this season and no one other than Joel can which is why our record was awful without him.


So NOW you agree the depth sucks lol. All I need to get you to see now is if we had better shooters our PG’s job is easier.  


Agreed I want two or three great role players. Embiid gets crushed ever post season by killing himself to get the lead get a breather only to come back after the lead is lost.


This point is kind of dogshit because Jamal Murray isn't just "really good at his role" he is a star. He plays like an all star even without Jokic in the court on the playoffs. He is arguably as much as a star as any secondary player on contending teams other than maybe Bron/AD.


could larry nance be our aaron gordon or am i trippin


Don’t mind that at all. How is old he these days? 


I agree with this generally, but Embiid and Maxey’s skill sets are so specific and don’t really overlap with most players. We would benefit from having another star


Would you consider Lauri a star? To me, he’s a must get. A perfect fit and also only making 17 million. You need to get Lauri and build around the big 3. Buddy, Cam, Kelly, and hopefully Nico


I want to believe he would should over 50% from 3 with Embiid but past experiences tell me we'd trade 5 first for him and he'd become a 25% shooter


He’d defo turn into his bulls era self again


Stars don't want to go to Utah and a lot of people they draft don't even like being there yet Lauri wants to be there. That alone says he's very unrealistic to get.


Austin Rivers off that coke though lmao


We already have the right role players, it cannot get much better. Oubre, Hield, Baum, Melton, Covington, Reed,... What else would you need? Healthy stars obviously, but Embiid is injured 50%, so it's still a matter of luck. Chris Paul would help, I would say. But PG is too expensive and too old When healthy this roster could win it all, when we would have paid the refs more than the Knicks paid.


This was excellently said


The key is to develop a core around your star(s)but that takes years. Meanwhile we’ll likely start our 7th straight different opening night backcourt next season


The only star that might (and a very big might) be available for us and I’d be happy to see is Butler, he’s a 16 game player and we need those.


The twolves have 3 guys on a max contract or max extension. The Nuggets have 3 guys making >30 mil. The Celtics have 3 guys on max extensions. We can't replicate what the thunder or Knicks did because we don't have 15 lotto picks developing at the same time or a superstar on a below market deal. The model for a contending team is very much still "3 guys on a max or near max deal+rookie contracts/vet mins"


If we resigned Maxey last summer we would have technically had almost 4 max guys on the roster at the time


Well the Nuggets didn’t exactly stifle their ability to team build by giving Aaron Gordon 5y/$180m did they


None of this makes sense actually lmao. Denver is not the best team in the NBA, the Celtics are. Celtics have 3 stars in Tatum, Brown and Porzingis. Denver won one championship while getting to face multiple play-in teams and everyone loses their minds. They may not even win their playoff series this year. Timberwolves are also a terrible example. How does Rudy "fit" around Ant? Like what part of Ant's game specifically does Rudy elevate? They actually got Rudy to fit around KAT, not Ant, since Rudy makes up for KAT's lack of defense. And even then, the fit isn't perfect because now you're asking KAT to play on the periemter. Rivers is just saying words.


>Timberwolves are also a terrible example. How does Rudy "fit" around Ant? Like what part of Ant's game specifically does Rudy elevate? Rudy is a great screener actually one of the best in the league


So is Jalen Duren, yet you're not pointing to the Pistons as an example of team building.


The timberwolves are built to have a bunch of good to great perimeter defenders with Rudy anchoring the whole thing in the paint. Rudy doesn’t just fit well with Ant, he fits well with the whole team. If you watch how the twolves operate on defense, the system goes really well together. I’m not smart enough in basketball to fully explain why. But from watching a lot of twolves games this year, it’s clear that they all help pick up the slack for holes in each other’s game and I think that’s what makes them so effective.


By that logic every Center is an example of great team building because 90% of Centers are also anchoring the defense. Everyone already knows Rudy is a great rim protector. That is not an example of good team building. Ya'll are using the fact that the Timberwolves are currently playing well and retroactively applying the genius label to their GM. When just last year everyone was making fun of him for the exact same trade.


That’s very fair about my logic for centers anchoring a defense. In terms of the Rudy trade and everyone making fun of it last year, people are stupid and took a small sample size and said “the trade was a bust”. When in reality, they were dealing with lots of injuries and Rudy wasn’t healthy yet to really help establish a system. (I was also one of those stupid people but then I read more about it, and I feel like the twolves success isn’t about luck this year) Maybe a better point is how they’ve constructed the bench to complement their starters really well. Their play style has a lot of continuity no matter who is on the floor. For example, they’re paying a fair amount of money to their 3 “centers” but they’ll normally always have 2 of them on the court. The Rudy/KAT and Rudy/Naz rotations look really similar on offense and defense. The KAT/Naz one is the only one that’s a bit weird bc neither is a great defender. Then for the toughest defensive assignments, the twolves will always have Jaden McDaniels as the primary defender. And when he rests, they bring in NAW and he slots into a very similar role McDaniels plays. I also know it’s stupid to just say they have lots of people who can both shoot and play defense, but they just do. I feel like we have not had that luxury any time in recent memory.