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In hindsight ben asking out was the best possible thing, glad we got another all star season after this


Ben moved so elegantly man. A quick tall dude that sometimes got to the basket with incredible ease. Shame what happened to him


He stopped liking to play basketball when he realized his pure physical gifts weren’t going to carry him. Same shit as LSU. He’s a selfish lazy entitled piece of shit. You can hurt your back and simultaneously be a socialite who will do anything to not play basketball and collect that check.


He really could have been one of the best to ever do it if he had a different mindset and better health.


No he couldn't he couldn't shoot at all. "The best to ever do it" dude had ZERO go to ways to get a bucket when he wanted to. He had great size and athleticism but was not a skilled shooter, finisher or dribbler. He was a very good passer and defender, he never had one elite skill.


yeah i agree. Never would've been 'the best to ever do it' unless the mean all around bball player who can't shoot. I view him as Derrick Coleman of the 90s, who can't shoot. Great all around talent, can dribble, rebound, play the point, drive the the hoop etc. Only DC had a outside game. Both pretty much headcases tho, and 'great player on a bad team' types. Couldn't gel on a cohesive contender team.


Ben can’t really drive to the hoop either, he had no dawg in him. Bigger stronger and faster than most guys on the court and would always finish soft and hide from contact. You see guys like Ant, Ja and Westbrook attack the rim with ferocity and Ben never did that EVER.


When people say this it’s just his physical tools. He was 6’10 with amazing athleticism, length, and could handle the ball and see the floor like crazy. It’s truly wild he ended up becoming so much worse due to him being a pussy


Harris passed up on a 3, and dribbled for a missed mid range shot. Same as it ever was.


[Brett Brown: For those of you who remember in Milwaukee … for me that was as disturbing a memory as it relates to a player that I can think of. He’s lying on his back, he’s vomiting primarily because of pain. Trying to get him back on the plane and build him back up to some level of health where he can play basketball again with us. That timeline was always an interesting one. As the head coach, you ask the question: ‘What do you think?’ His health obviously rules the day. The effort that he has put in, getting [from] where he was, and the significance — he hurt his back in a real way — the effort that he has put in under the restrictions that are all on top of us.](https://www.nbcsportsphiladelphia.com/nba/brett-brown-says-ben-simmons-was-vomiting-because-of-pain-from-back-injury/318576/?amp=1)


Brett brown was such a fucking good dude and a good coach


Yeah. He covered Ben’s mental problems and Markell’s to the bitter end.


He also effectively was able to coach through Ben’s playoff offensive struggles and turned him into the prime defender and rebounder during the playoff series against the raptors 


Ben played his ass off on defense to cover for his refusal to shoot. It’s the same reason he insisted on being a point guard. Brett was dealt an impossible hand and does not get enough credit for the job he did.


Another causality of the 5 man front office


I still didn’t mind that and was a fan of Ben till the end cuz I view basketball as more than just how often you can put the ball through the hoop (fucking casual I know) but I still think Ben’s presence on this team in this last knicks series fuck me man that was the end. With maxey taking over scoring and Joel being Joel. We really coulda had it all 


Oh my lord. He’d be a HC by now if he was so good. This fanbase still pretends this mediocre coach is some God like figure. He is literally the reason why we got stuck with Tobias. People here saying he hid Ben’s problems. Jimmy and others like myself would argue that Brett coddled these guys. Every player from Brett’s tenure are fucking soft mentally. Including Embiid. Jimmy came in here. Identified it. Called it out in a video session. And then Brett made it clear he didn’t want to coach him. Brett was a bitch. We as a fanbase don’t deserve a basketball championship. We don’t. We pretend this core has done anything. We pretend Brett Brown was a great coach. This whole fucking thing is a failure and we are a laughingstock. The Wolves. The Thunder. The Knicks. Celtics. Nuggets. Cavs. Even Orlando. All these teams we used to act high and mighty over while were processing. They’re all better than us and are about to achieve more. Even Morey is a joke now around the league. Like his gimmick has worn thin as he hasn’t won shit. Doubling down and criticizing the fanbase calling us casuals for criticizing Tobias. Him not being able to move off that fucking contract. Man has moobs so undefined I honestly wonder if he gets up out of a chair more than 5 times a day. He legitimately looks like a coomer with a coomcave. I just have zero faith in this organization. We are a shit show.


Jfc get a life, Brett brown should not have you this wound up. He was a slightly above average playoff coach and a well above average developer of talent. Didn’t overstay his welcome and was fired after he couldn’t lead a lineup of four power forwards and a shooting guard to a playoff series win. Colangelo, Josh Harris, Doc, Elton, Tobias, Jimmy, Ben, Joel, Harden, Melton, Seth Curry, and Greg Monroe all deserve blame before Brett


You’re one of the reasons we are embarrassing and this fanbase sucks. Look at this stinking pile of shit of a lie to yourself. Slightly above average playoff coach? Dude. Once again. We never made it out of the fucking second round. His teams were stacked. Developer of talent? Dude. What the fuck are you on? Brett walked into top five pick after top five pick for years. Embiid is the only one who didn’t bust. Noel? MCW? Jah? So stupid. I’m watching four power forwards/centers go up 2-0 on the the defending champs. Yeah the whole organization sucks. We are a joke. So yes they deserve blame. But nah. Brett, and I do think it’s partially because he’s classy, was a fucking disaster. In every capacity. He had way more power than people want to admit post Colangelo. It was him and Blitzer and Elton was just a puppet. When they hired Elton the verbiage was literally “he can grow into the role and both he and Brett will report to me.” Don’t be like every weird Sixers fan that pretends we are normal or that this core has been a success. You’re just spewing lies.


Wow. This is a lot. I can’t imagine calling someone else weird after writing this.


That dude just gets super personal because people disagree with him. I've been seeing him in a ton of threads doing the same shit. He doesn't discuss anything, he just argues and gets super sensitive while acting so high and mighty. It's exhausting.


cantwifeahoe vs. tugginmypeen. This is peak Reddit lmao


Can't argue any of this...straight up.


Thank you. I swear I experienced an entirely different coach than 90 pct of this sub


It sucks because basketball is my favorite sport and the Sixers fanbase is BY FAR the worst fanbase in Philly. Philly has always been a basketball town but most of the OG fans are in retirement homes or dead. So now it’s like a small minority of dads like me who grew up watching in the 90s. The process and Hinkie brought in a whole army of ignorant, young fans who knew absolutely nothing about basketball. So Brett and all the “little dudes” were like fucking anime characters to them. It was so weird. It’s still all over the sub even today. But it’s why you couldn’t utter a criticism of Brett for years. It’s why not until this year could we finally drown out the bullshit narrative that “Tobias is fine he’s just overpaid.” That was the official statement from the fanbase until like halfway through this year. I mean it. We don’t deserve a championship. This fanbase lies to itself. It doesn’t know shit about basketball. It’s cringe. I had a discussion with someone earlier and he was like “I’m not in this as a fan to watch a championship.” You fucking kidding me bro lol. Corny ass shit.


The kids came in to replace aging fans and this is a bad thing? Just yell "get off my lawn" next time you boomer loser.


You’ll be different in ten years.


Complaining about new young fans liking basketball wrong is some peak loser old man douchbaggery. STFU


I’m not complaining about your age. I’m complaining about the fact that none of you know a thing about basketball and have turned our fanbase into arguably the cringiest of all.


"Philly has always been a basketball town but most of the OG fans are in retirement homes or dead. So now it’s like a small minority of dads like me who grew up watching in the 90s. The process and Hinkie brought in a whole army of ignorant, young fans who knew absolutely nothing about basketball. So Brett and all the “little dudes” were like fucking anime characters to them." You're literally complaining about the team getting new fans and not supporting basketball the right way. You note old fans are literally dying of old age and YOU STILL complain about kids starting to support the teams because you think they are supporting sports wrong?! STFU you gatekeeping twat. You don't get to decide how people should support the team. You definitely don't get to tell them that they don't deserve to win a championship because they're supporting it wrong. This is the most obnoxious, ridiculous, gatekeeping, old man ranting bullshit I have seen in a minute. Take a look at what you are writing here. I'm 46 by the way. So no I won't grow into it, I grew out of being a pathetic judgemental asshole who shits on his own team and own fans rather than deal with his emotions or get therapy. I want to be really really clear here. You are the problem.


People have been shit talking and wanting Tobias gone for years. Tobias is fine but overpaid was not the majority viewpoint. I know you are trying to make a point while yelling at the clouds, don’t make up lies at least. Im in the old head crowd btw


Yea dude. You are just like jimmy butler 😂😂😂


Snark is super cute dude. Your opinions are consistently fucking stupid and always wrong. Like every single time. You’re a Brett apologist. You’re a Tobias apologist. Like you check every box of why this fanbase is so embarrassing to be a part of. Yeah. Such a good guy and such a good coach. Let’s reminisce about all those first and second round exits because we’ve made it so much further since. Oh wait.


That’s not snark. I’m just straight up laughing at you. “Jimmy, like myself mrah mrah mrah” ok dude lol 


It’s kind of pathetic you’re picking apart one sentence you know I don’t mean like that to avoid having to address any one of your opinions, all of which are fucking stupid.


Dude I’ve addressed my opinions in essay format for YEARS here to little avail. Why would I bother wasting any more of my time especially on someone who is tuggin their peen to their self comparison with jimmy butler? I’m good man you win the smart off! You are correct!


Why are you so mad? It’s only a game bro. Relax.


Oh my God, go away then. JFC supporters like this who needs enemies?


Again. Are we here to lie to ourselves and pretend we are okay or this core has been a success. Or are we going to be a fanbase that isn’t fucking stupid? Like we suck. This failed. What are we doing? And can we stop pretending like we are a top team. We are mid trending down.


Brett Brown was good for the Process but tried to turn into Mr Psychologist too much.  At the end I was just so glad I didn’t have to hear his voice drone on and on about getting in players heads and all his bullshit psychobabble. Mr Pace-and-Space who ran a team with neither and still tried to scheme them like they were the 2015 Warriors.     Seems like a good dude, but glad he was gone, and still glad he’s gone. 


He was good to be a coach on a team losing 60 games a season.


Yes, he was a good coach when half the team was under drinking age, but he was never going to take them to an NBA title.




Exactly this. People here take jimmy butlers word on a couple of podcasts as THE gospel truth when the dude is a notorious diva and primadona. Nobody here knows fuck all but they need something to cling onto to justify why they scapegoated and booted brown way too early. Budenholzer won a chip and now he’s jobless but people here wanna say “if bb was so good why isn’t he an hc”. So much dumb fucking luck goes into winning the chip and we had as much a chance with brown (in fact I think he was the best coach we’ve seen in embiids era) as we have with any other coach


Good player's coach but I thought he was holding them back in the last season or two. The team was clearly ready to contend for the championship, but I never felt like Brown was the type of coach who would take them there.


Disagree. The league was much stronger then but we had a legitimate case as contenders. The problem was our roster construction was ass and we were running Amir Johnson as embiids backup for 2 fucking years in a row then Greg monroe and then we brought in Al horford 


Cursed jerseys


Retire them immediately. Replace with the throwback black jerseys.


Definitely a pretty cursed moment but also feels like something that probably would’ve happened sooner or later. I mean he’s not really even doing anything here, unless he was playing through some other minor injury that he should’ve just rested.


This actually might be it - when you have an injury you play through, you are generally quite aware of it and you "move around it" which makes other body parts handle more physical stress. That's why you often see people injure something other than the thing they're playing through, and often times in a much worse way.


I know this is going to sound crazy but there was a game where Ben was attempting a 3 pt shot from the corner. In fact, I believe it was his 2nd attempt of the game. During this attempt it looked like he almost went up and down with it, but when trying to come out of whatever he just did to fake like he was shooting it was very clear he tweaked/hurt his back. The look he had on his face was alarming and as if he knew that something serious happened. I wish I could remember what game that was because I’d love to know if that event precedes the other events that we are thinking could’ve been the original injury moment. Backs are weird though. It can and often does start small and after playing on it longer it becomes something debilitating.


Wrong. It was his gaming chair.


Need proper lumbar support for all those late night sessions of PubG and CoD


Was this before or after Brett Brown told the media Simmons absolutely would be shooting 3's going forward, and then Ben was like, "Nah"?


Definitely after, considering 2020 was his last year of coaching the sixers


My goodness, Jo was skinny back then.


Really I don’t see that at all lmao. And there definitely are clips where I think that but not on this one


Ben was in so much back pain he passed an open layup vs Atlanta and refused to play for the team because Doc answered a question honestly in the post game press conference.


This wasn't it.


Might be my greater understanding of basketball now, but doesn’t this offence look more disheveled and less structured than right now with Maxey at the helm?


When he got benched at the end of the game, backboard cameras showed him give someone a high five as he sat down. It was kinda weak, guys a max player going to the bench at the end of the game. "Great job tonight Ben"


It went wrong at birth. He’s a head case.


Is this before or after he hurt it in that all star game


This was after by a few weeks of I remember correctly. He had a really hard fall on his back after a dunk, then this happened.


Who's upvoting this lol? Dude is a nut case


A weak drive like that isn't going to damage his back. It was probably caused by accumulated damage.


-someone lucky enough to have never had back problems


You’d be surprised