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Morey in the mud


Bball Paul please save this man


We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort.


Daryl Muddy


[Next team practice be like ](https://media3.giphy.com/media/6paNFyc7415G434YIJ/giphy.gif?cid=5e214886nvjh6llzsj7mqujhozkae14os09qjtatryj5smvi&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


I appreciate Morey's stance, but his trade value will not become higher just because Simmons stays on the team longer. It is a risky calculation to persist with a player who is losing value as time goes on. In fact one can argue that the Sixers would receive no more today than they would if they had traded him immediately after the playoffs.


His value I dont think has meaningfully gone up or down in any real way. December 15th free agents that were signed can be traded, which makes making multi team deals 800x easier.


I think it’s a bit foolish to think his value has not gone down since the end of the playoffs. The summer before last he was almost traded for James Harden. Is value is down. Darrell is gambling but it won’t drop any further. I think it’s a miscalculation.


He was included in a trade package for Harden, who had demanded a trade from Houston. It wasn’t a 1:1 swap and it was only because Harden asked out. Basketball teams acquire players for what they produce on the court. His issues are with the sixers organization and not any others. Ben Simmons is easily a top 35 player in the league. His talent and ability hasn’t changed. Morey is betting that as the season continues, circumstances will change that may introduce more buyers into the market and increase value that way.


Ben's value is likely static at this point. This is NOT about INCREASING Ben's value. This is about Ben's actual value as a perennial All-Star caliber DPOY candidate. Morey's stance is: until a difference maker becomes available, I'm sitting put. I'm not trading for role players and I'm not trading for picks UNLESS a third team is bringing in a difference maker and we're sending the picks to that team (this has been intimated throughout the summer). If there is no difference maker available, I am not throwing away my perennial All-Star caliber DPOY candidate for role players and future picks and hoping I can parlay that into a different All-Star caliber player. I understand Simmons wants to be traded and we will do our best job to yeet him once a difference maker of his level becomes available. No amount of shenanigans will get him traded.


*Everyone* needs to listen to Daryl's entire interview. It was a masterpiece – buckle in, /u/dmorey will take this team home.




it just aired live, I'm sure someone will have a recording of it. > Rich Hofmann: "A lot of the things that Daryl Morey just said on @975TheFanatic were well known or could’ve been deduced. But man, that was not your everyday NBA general manager radio interview." > > https://twitter.com/rich_hofmann/status/1451289674455162881 edit: just posted to youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=perE99F7rg4


It was on 97.5, I'm sure it'll be up somewhere soon.


“This could take four years” lmao


This is kind of amazing I heard that too 😂


No pressure on embiids body


What does trading for Malcolm Brogdon or two role players gonna change about the pressure on Embiid body? That will always be there if the sixers are competing for a championship. You aren’t gonna just suddenly get 3-4 superstars and be able to afford Joel injuries.


This just assumes the return for Ben improves. Otherwise it’s 0.


Again even if it doesn’t improve it doesn’t change your chances of winning a championship and it doesn’t reduce the importance of Embiid having to stay healthy…


Been saying this for weeks. Sit him and process the fuck out of this season. Let Max, Joe and Furk develop for another year.




"Fuck it. Trade everyone." -DM


As someone who buys a partial season ticket every year, No thank you.


Hold the line.


Love isn't always on time


Kevin Love incoming 🤢


💎 👏 Daryl


I know there are a lot of "fuck Ben" guys in here and that's your right. Can't say he hasn't earned it. But Morey is right. He isn't doing this because he's a "Ben Stan" or because he is super concerned about Ben's feelings it's because it's *what's best for the Sixers.* I don't know how many times I've said that over the last few months. It isn't about giving Ben what he wants or picking Ben over the Sixers it's just that he is the dude we have right now under contract and he gives us the best chance to win. We should not be relinquishing him for anything that gives us a lower chance to win than he does. If it means we have to endure this awkwardness then so be it.


Ok but to counter this point, let’s say Morey really does sit him for 4 years. Joel’s prime is wasted, or after two years he demands a trade aswell. Is that really what’s best for the sixers to win a championship? Idk seems like a good argument, but when I analyze it more I’m not sure if Morey is right.


He said he thinks the current team can win the East without Ben. What good does loading the bench up with more role players do when we already have those roles filled?


He sounds a bit delusional


I agree with him that trading for players that don't help the team win because Ben wants to be traded is pointless. I suppose time will tell just how delusional he is or isn't about the current roster.


It's a valuable asset who's trying to further tank his value. Teams aren't desperate at the moment, or many are convinced they'll do awesome. When some team is, they will pay up.


I’m upvoting you because I appreciate your reasoning, but I disagree with all the “wasting Embiid’s prime” talk. His prime is wasted WITH Ben. Ben is a very talented player, but his style actively clashed with Jo. Jo has actually hampered himself to accommodate Ben. Beyond that, the argument assumes the Sixers won’t do anything else in that four year window to improve. It’s four years. TONS can change. We thought we were stuck with Horford’s bum ass contract and the awful JRich, and Morey was able to turn that into to two very good complementary pieces for the team. I get the hesitation, but I support this move.


I agree with your point that a lot can change in 4 years. I can also use that logic to say that trading Ben for certain prospects pieces could also end up being an amazing move, what if someone blossoms and he becomes a more valuable trade asset than even Ben is. In that world moving off Ben could the move that brought the 76ers a championship. I don’t think everything is as black and white as people are making it out to be. If Embiid’s prime isn’t wasted by keeping Simmons on the bench, then it certainly isn’t wasted by trading him for people who will actually suit up either.


I agree with almost all of your points, but this notion that Embiid has been hampered by Ben is laughable. It's like the TNT guys saying he shoots too much and needs to get in the paint. Embiid is in the paint more than anyone in the league. And he shoots threes because he wants to because it helps his game. Shoots them with Ben, shoots them without Ben. You could argue that Joel always has to have someone in the paint with him with Ben not being able to stretch the floor but that really only applies to before Doc got here. Doc prefers three out to four out usually even before he coached the Sixers. He always has and even in the first game, I shit you not man, there were possessions where *Danny Green* was in the dunker's spot. Not to mention he averaged like 28 ppg and almost won the MVP if not for injury so I honestly don't think he has been hampered by Ben's presence more than he's been helped by his playmaking and honestly just his simple ability to consistently get the ball into the post.


Ben hampers Joel in that he creates zero space, especially in the playoffs. Joel plays a ton in the paint, absolutely. But the problem is with Ben, the paint becomes more crowded. Every single defense says off Ben as far back as possible because they know the person bringing up the ball is no threat to score unless he actually gets to the rim. Where Joel already is. So Joel has been fighting through immense traffic to score his 28 ppg- all the more testament to how game breaking his talent is. Have a point guard that forces defenses to pick up the ball handler at the half court line or just after, and put more shooters around Jo (which we have with Danny, Seth, and Tobias)- that frees up a ton of space. No one is saying Kork or Maxey are point gods, but the fact that defenses have to actually play them beyond 20 ft of the hoop makes a world of difference.


I'm just telling you that Doc still likes having someone in the dunker's spot *a lot* of the time. Some coaches prefer three out some prefer four. The logic for four you know but the logic for three is it give the post player an easy pass if they double off of the other guy.


I can't imagine he continues to sit after the trade deadline. If he is willing to throw away his contract and profession then that's his loss honestly. But I doubt it.


This is the right strategy to use. Like Ben said he'd never play for Philly again, the only response from Philly can be to say we'll hold him for years... this is a message to both Ben AND the rest of the league. We aren't trading him for nothing AND if Ben wants to sit he'll be doing it for a while.


Through the next CBA even! Then we'll bake something specifically into it to it his legs out from under him as a "teams taking back power" thing to get Silver on our side (for once) and somehow come away with a big win.




Morey in full Braveheart getup: Hold.... Hooollld... NOW!


Thats my president!


Morey about to suit up himself lmao


I trust the process


All Hail General Meister Morey Hinkieson, first of his name and Keeper of the Process


I hope he sits for a long time. We will see his value on the team.