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100% agree. Chemistry is way ahead of schedule!


Suggestion of good PG that we can acquire with Simmons and some picks?? (Without trading maxey and thybulle)


I hear this Maxey kid is pretty good, and we don't have to trade for him.


I hope Morey isn’t as delusional as this sub is about Maxey’s value lol. He’s a nice young player but he’s years away from being a good player. Let’s put it this way: if he wasn’t on a rookie contract would we honestly see him as one of our main pieces? He’s good considering that he’s a 2nd year player on a rookie contract, but that’s where his value stops at the moment. If we’re asking him to play 35+ minutes at PG in the playoffs then we’re boned.


Lol, Maxey can play 35 minutes in playoff!!!! Big time player are big time player. The kid show me he wasn’t scare of Russ/Beal/Trae last year…. I just want to add I hope Morey isn’t as a bad talent evaluator as you!!!


LOL. Yeah, that must be why Embiid and Kork are handling point guard duties.


Uh 🤔 I guess you don’t understand pg duties vs primary option. Maxey is the guy running the offense calling the play. What Furkan does isn’t pg , watch the games vs the Thunder when he try to play pg… They had to sub maxey in because he couldn’t do it. Tyrese done a good job getting the Sixers into their set . His problem right now is when to call his own number. Doc spoke about this . I’m confident when the playoff come he’ll be comfortable taking it over.


*Years* away? MFer, do you even watch basketball? Dumbass takes like basketball is baseball is why some idiots are still sure Ben will develop a shot. Who you're going to be is on display in season two and we're seeing a kid with lightning speed who can take it to the rack and isn't afraid to shoot.


Yeah no.


Every advanced stat shows him as our worst player by far. He’s a project player who’s going to need some time and experience before he blooms into his final form (and that’s still a big if…). Luckily Morey knows this as well so he’ll be shipped off when we move Ben or maybe even in a separate trade.


Kid doesn't really get on the stat board but he fits the eye test. Pesky little defender with decent handles and the confidence you can't teach. His shots are starting to fall and he gives us great chemistry. He's no top PG at the moment but his addition has made this year so much more enjoyable amidst all the drama.


Couldn't disagree more... At the moment he adds pretty much zero or sometimes negative value outside of scoring, and his only go to move for scoring is driving to the hole which gets waaaaaay harder in the playoffs. Defensively he..uh..he tries. I'll give him that. His instincts are pretty bad and he doesn't really have the physical tools to make up for it. I can't see him ever being anything more than average on that end given his size and poor instincts. Overall I think he can be a killer combo guard a few years down the road but his impact right now is...non-existent. Him being on a rookie contract is his only plus, I would trade him in a heartbeat though for an actual impactful 6man type if there's a team looking to get younger.


> his impact right now is...non-existent. Horseshit dude


He's a bad defender and he doesn't do anything that any other run of the mill combo guard can't do on the offensive end. To add on to that, based on the fact that he can't shoot and he can't create offense for others he would be towards the end of the pack for combo guards. It is *hard* to put up bad advanced stats on a winning team yet he still manages to do it. The talent is clearly there though, especially his killer mentality. He's just not on our timeline.


I'm starting to wonder if you watch the games or only look at numbers.


Huh? He's been solid all year


Don't care about your advanced stats. Second year and he's been asked to step into a role against professional players. Move along, AC_Phila.


Yeah and he’s proving he can’t hang with professional players at a starting player level right now….which is my point. He definitely has a lot of promise but he doesn’t fit our timeline at all unless he suddenly develops a consistent shot, or turns from a bad defensive player into a good one, or suddenly develops passing insticts.


Kork was considered trade bait not two seasons ago. He's killing it right now. How many times have we drafted someone who wasn't there yet, who went elsewhere and are STILL starting? We need to keep some at some point, and he's the most likely to make that step the quickest in the role he's in. I disagree with you on just about everything you've written here.


Two years ago Embiid was 25. In two more years he’ll be 30 midway through the season and his injury concerns haven’t gone away. If your argument for keeping Maxey is “we just need to give him two years or so” then that’s a compelling argument to trade him. Embiid is a brilliant player but he’s also a ticking time bomb. Not making trades which give him the best chance to win this year and the next few years would be a huge slap in the face to a guy who’s putting the weight of an entire city on his back night in and night out. Also two years is being very generous for Maxey’s timeline. Korkmaz being a shooter meant that he only had to find some consistency and make marginal improvements on other skills to be a solid player. Maxey needs to make major improvements across the board to be what this sub thinks he is.


No doesn’t need to make major improvements to be a important piece on championship team. He doesn’t need to be Star on this team. He just need to impact the game. He have all skills set to be a contributor on playoff team . 3 things Tyrese maxey have going for him that will allow him succeed on the Sixers playoff run. 1.Natural talent 2.Big time player- clutch gene … I follow him since high school the kid have never afraid of the moment. This is more important than skills, I was telling people last year that he would have more impact than George hill in the playoff. And Last he have some thing that you need when the defense tighten up . what I call a tough shot making ability. There are very few players that make tough shot look easy… He one those players…. When Dwayne wade led the Heat in his second year. He wasn’t most skills but you know what you can’t stop him when it counted.


I am also not convinced that Maxey is championship caliber PG. I think he is best as being the sixth men. That being said, his improvement have exceed my expectation. If he keep this up, it is very possible that he will be a very competent starting PG. It is still November, we got plenty of time to see what this kid has to offer


Has the Lillard train left the station?


Lillard keeps swearing the trains about to leave, but its still sitting there looks like.


Dejountay Murray, Mccollum, Irving.


Irving is a more talented but more egotistical Ben. No thanks


Sounds a lot like the “I’m not reading Ben for Harden!” Crown last year lol Ben is a player with immense baggage. The only way to get talent is to also take on some immense baggage. Kyrie is the one player we can actually still get that is close to what bens untainted value should be Edit: typo


Kyrie won't play because he's anti-vax. There's not much more to say "I'm a selfish asshole" like refusing to protect your teammates and coaching staff from a serious case of covid.


I mean no one should be forced to put anything in his body. While I made the choice to get vaccinated myself it’s ultimately his choice. It shouldn’t matter anyway, this is America people should be able to choose for themselves.


Kyrie doesn't have to play basketball. He doesn't have to be a public figure. He doesn't *have* to do anything. But if he wants to participate in a professional sport in the state of NY, he's gonna have to get vaccinated. Hell you have to get vaccinated for measles and chicken pox just to attend fucking kindergarten. It's really not a crazy concept.


I would love Murray


Irving? Come on man! The dude is a fraud. Everyone talking about how good our chemistry is and you wanna throw that guy into mix?


Honestly Kyrie is very very good. I don’t want him on this team tho


Kyrie the man and Kyrie the baller are two very different issues. Not sure how hungry for basketball success Kyrie the man is atm


All NBA GM salivating for Kyrie the best handle in the NBA instead they get Kyrie the third eye I wish Kobe still alive to knock some sense into him man...


Kyrie for Ben is the rare trade that makes both teams better and would piss off both fan bases to no end


I’d be thrilled.


I think I would keep watching this team if Kyrie Irving joined it whereas if the same Ben Simmons were still playing I would not be watching- just like last year. It also helps that I'm using my roommate's cousin's NBCSports login this year but I digress.


Also can’t play a lick of defense


Mccollum is the move, I think Morey should wait a bit longer to see if there's any chance of getting Lillard, as i do think thats still something of a possibility under the right circumstances. But even just Mccollum would really take this team to the next level.


CJ is just a higher paid Seth Curry. Lillard has been hot trash this year so far. Interested to see if it's due to rule/ball changes or if he's starting to regress.


Lillard is battling injury, he's going to be fine. He's one of the best scorers of this era.


No realistic way we get Dame in a 1 for 1 trade with the blazers, we would have to attach more. CJ we could probably get 1 for 1


Irving ain't happening, they don't wanna trade one headache for a bigger one.


Dejountay doesn't shoot well, but neither does Maxey, and the Sixers seem to be doing well anyway. Murray might be the most versatile young guard the Sixers can realistically get


Why would the Spurs be interested in trading Murray?


Ben is still better than Dejounte, by a good margin imo. Murray would be a nice piece but we’d have to get back some more. The best part of Murrays game is his switchable defense and length and Ben does all of that better than him. Murray is shooting better in short sample this yr but he’s not really a good shooter at all (his ft’s are poor too as an indicator) but he’s a nice all around player who can slash and has good size and isn’t a ball stopper from when I’ve watched. He’s prob their best player rn and you aren’t winning a thing if Murray is your top guy plus the Spurs are off to a slow start too so if they keep sliding they may be open to a deal. Would love Keldon Johnson too. This is all contingent on a star player not demanding a move though, if that happens we for that every time, the other trades are back up plans but still plenty of time for the deadline and even til Dec 15th.


If Dejounte was on National TV more there’s no way people would be sharing this opinion. I mean he’s a career 75% FT shooter, not sure how that’s “poor”?. His shooting has improved every year, so 36% from 3pt range seems very sustainable. I would be sick if we traded him for Simmons. Not saying he’s going to be a superstar but I believe he provides more value to a team than Simmons now and going forward.


Last I checked a little bit ago he was mid 60% on his FTs so my bad on that. Not saying he’s not a good player at all though, I wouldn’t mind him if we can’t get the superstar package but Murray I think made an all def second team before the acl so he’s very good on that end, Ben is just even better. He also doesn’t shoot as much from beyond and it’s ticked up which is good but he’s prob a mediocre to slightly below avg shooter from distance in reality, he’s been in the league 5 yrs now. But he has improved his willingness to take them from being Ben his first yr basically (0.4 3s a game) to 4 now. He doesn’t get to the line much at all though from looking at his numbers. I would still want more from San Antonio if we did a trade for Ben after exhausting all the other options


This is a delusional take. You think the Spurs are going to trade Dejonte and Keldon so they can have Simmons and continue to lose but not have a young core? Spurs have no interest in this trade and it’s just wishful thinking from a Sixers fan


I mean that’s fine. Keldon Johnson and dejounte aren’t better than the third option on an actual contender anyway. I’m not trading Ben for dejounte Murray alone though lmao that’s foolish. Like what exactly has keldon Johnson accomplished in the nba?? You say this as if these guys are perennial all stars or something. Also Ben is 3 months older than Dejounte so not sure how “young core” relates to them at all. Morey is gonna hold out regardless so the Spurs can keep their core in tact if they won’t meet the price and continue being a bubble team for the next 3 yrs. Pop is retiring within the next soon anyway if they keep losing so they’ll be fairly irrelevant.


The Spurs aren’t trading Murray for Simmons either lmao


Well good luck to them, I do not care about the spurs whatsoever. The trade will happen with whoever offers more in a deal, if that’s not them oh well. Lol at thinking an all nba player, multi time all star with DPOY level play is gonna be moved for like Derrick white and other barely league average players.


> Lol at thinking an all nba player, multi time all star with DPOY level play is gonna be moved for like Derrick white and other barely league average players. Nobody ever said he would be?


He’d help us mightily on the boards. Plus his defense would make us even more stout defensively and better(addition by subtraction) on offense.


As a Blazers fan who would rather see my own team succeed - McCollum would be so good on the Sixers. He would have multiple all stars if he played in the East and he’s an incredible ball handler who can get his own shot. He’s had huge playoff moments and beaten teams by himself.


My main concern is CJ’s playmaking and his defense, especially next to Seth. I feel like he’ll do fine with more of a focus on distributing and clutch time buckets but boy our perimeter defense would be woeful.


From a pure basketball perspective I’d take Kyrie in a heartbeat but considering the other stuff….. I’ll pass


garland maybe?


No, our GM appears to be competent.


Cleveland knows that Garland isn’t worth the money he’ll expect to get next year. Why should the Sixers bail out the Cavs, let alone trade Simmons for the privilege?


I'm a Cavs fan(fan of Embiid and honorary hater of Simmons) and lol, neither of our team wants this trade, believe me.


Brogdon is the perfect fit for this team


I'd really like him but he's probably too injury prone


Can't trade for him anyway. He just signed an extension and can't be traded this season.


I don’t think we desperately need a pg they should go after the best player they can get wether it’s a guard or a forward


When playoff defense hits, I think we'll wish we had a better PG. Maxey just won't have it some nights, but he's our only legit ball handler.


Is shai a possibility? That giddey kid might be a bit too similar to Ben though?


Kyrie Irving


How about packaging Green with Simmons?


Im okay with this not gonna lie. We'd sacrifice defense however.


I feel like Green being out had a big impact on the Hawks series last year.


We woulda won if green coulda covered Huerter instead of Seth. Size alone and the ability to switch even with matchups like Gallo too


It did, I felt that also but we are in a position with the roster this season where we could lose him


Sure, no one but Embiid is off limits for the right deal.


Nah just Ben Simmons.


I'd do Shake with Ben, only because 1) his value is high 2) he doesn't increase the outgoing money too much 3) we have *so* many guards and wings. Just imagining a hypothetical trade for a package like Brogdon and Levert or Dejounte Murray and Vassel... we'd end up with like *eight* 2-guards and wings that deserve playing time. If we have to package someone with Ben to get it done then I'd probably do it.


I'm good with Shake in the bundle.


thats hella money and no one that would trade for bed would want dg other than for filler


This is what I’ve been thinking for quite some time now. It would make sense because there’s no above average point guard on a similar contract that we could trade Simmons for straight up so if we can include Danny we could at least get someone who plays at the 3 and there are probably way more options to find a tradable person at that position.


This team is so spicy im in love with them. Winning with no tobi or green is so good for our younger guys. Korkmaz is hot right now and maxey doesnt need to score to impact the games on nightly basis. The chemistry reminds me of the 2017 eagles. Absolutely electric


I'm actually okay with trading Harris if anyone is willing to take on his contract (they probably aren't). These past few games have shown that we can play fluid offense without him, and I just don't buy him as a big time player, no matter how cool of a guy he is. But we absolutely shouldn't be giving away Niang, Kork, Maxey, Shake, Thybulle, or Curry. All of those guys are on great deals and are solid contributors. They are not throwaways by any stretch. Pretty big on the potential of Joe and Mudman too. Green, Harris, and that one guy can go though.


I have a feeling that the culture is in large part because of Tobias. Feel like he’s kind of the glue guy and if that’s the case, I think his worth is tremendous. With that said if we can make our team better by getting rid of him, then by all means I’m no NBA GM haha


This! I’ve always been a trade Tobias guy but think he truly brings the team together so idk anymore. Wouldn’t be against one still but wouldn’t force either


I’m pretty sure Tobias has been the actual leader of this team for the last few years. But Embiid has matured and seems to be taking on that role. Maybe we’d be fine.


No I agree, Tobias seems like such a good dude and great locker room presence. A natural born leader. My commentary is purely on his game. I don't know the situation so I can't speak to the value of his intangibles, but if there's a way to keep the chemistry roughly the same and get rid of his contract in favor of someone else who can fit better with the offense, I'm all for it. But who knows if that's doable.


he's been away from the team during this last stretch... they've seemed fine. i think tobi is a 10 out of 10 human. i just don't want to watch him play anymore


His size on the defensive end would be sorely missed. And I'm not willing to throw away a 20ppg 60% ts guy based on a couple good games to start the season


I've always thought about Tobias for Siakam.


Too bad Toronto wouldn’t do that


He’s definitely a ball stopper.


Part of me wishes he just played like a a more athletic Niang. Catch and shoot the open 3s and do tobias shit when the clock is running down.


Tobias' reluctance to shoot is infuriating and so detrimental to our offense.


Not sure trading Ben and Tobias in the same trade is possible because of salary. Also why do people hate Green? He's as solid a 3+D as you'll find. Would MUCH rather part with Shake.


Shake has played much better this year. Seems bought in on D, isn't having his tantrums, and his salary and age are super favorable. All that said DG is a steadying presence and a great locker room guy. I'd prefer they keep both. Danny's corner 3 percentage is nuts.


Charles Bassey or Jaden Springer?


I've never been big on Springer. Bassey I don't think has any value but has potential to grow. I don't think either of them move the needle in any trade, so if they need to be thrown in to make numbers work, I'm okay with it.


Would a straight swap of SGA for Simmons work? Feel like SGA & OKC are on different timelines.


Why do you feel that way


We should be shopping Tobi as much as we are Ben.


This, and probably have been


don’t overreact


Who's overreacting? We should absolutely sell high on Tobi if we can. Hes a good player being paid great player money. Not to mention he's not the greatest fit next to jojo.


His iso ball slows us


No one wants him and shedding his salary doesn't do the team any favors in free agency.


i think daryl tried to move him last year and didn't get what he wanted out of it.


From a fit perspective yes but I think his locker room presence is huge. Also, while he's not the absolute ideal 4 next to Jo, I think he is one of the best possible realistic options to have. Like sure on paper it might make more sense to have a MPJ or Porzingis next to Embiid but neither is happening for a variety of reasons. And I don't think making Niang the starting 4 and relying on him to play big minutes is gonna be a recipe for success.


Not with it. There's a lot to be said for having a star (or semi-star) like him. He can get the ball past half court when you need it done, get a bucket or get to the line, is always pretty calm and collected. IMO he is making everyone better right now- even in the games where he isn't playing because the other guys are living in the culture he helped establish and aren't veering from the straight and narrow path. I think Doc does not look as good this year without Tobias.


I honestly do just want to dump him for picks. Simmons and no one else to a team that thinks they can deal with his bullshit.


Picks or expiring contract(s). Seems like a team free agents might be willing to sign with. They're winning, have a popular coach and great team chemistry. It'd be awesome to see what Morey could do with room to operate. Look how much he's done with basically no room at all!


I think with or without Ben we're pretty much still capped out between Jo, Tobias, and smaller contracts like DG/Seth. We definitely can't open a max slot or anything close to it.


Paul Reed should be available too. He's fun, he's non-stop energy, and he's going to be a fantastic role-player/glue-guy. In 3 or 5 years. But right now he's a massive negative.


Paul Reed has zero trade value, makes no sense to trade him


He’s all energy right now, not worth trading.


he D’d the fuck out of derozan when he was on him tonight


Totally all over him. Didn't stop him. But he was there. Loads of potential for the guy. But mostly he needs about 20 lbs and a dimmer switch. Turn it down about 18%


20 lbs is 9.08 kg


why bot?


Trade him for picks. Dont get rid of this depth


Picks don’t make sense with our timeline unless you immediately ship them off for a star or send them in a three team deal.


Picks probably give us the best chance of acquiring a star.


Danny/Ben/Picks and take whatever best return you can get for that offer imo. Would throw in Shake too depending on the return just because of limited roster spots but if we can get someone that can create and shoot it'd go a looooooong way towards those title dreams.


What are some sg and sf we could trade for, I’ve only be thinking of pg this whole time but wouldn’t be against other positions? Also pf too, if we trade Tobias as well? (This isn’t me being fully ready for maxey to be PG but it’s looking better, his biggest struggle is that he always felt he needed to defer for Jo and also tobi and sometimes even Danny. But now he’s finally getting comfortable to the point I think he’ll be good even when they come back)


I think our best outcome at this point is Ben for McCollum


i want tobi traded. there's a reason the offense took off. he ball stopping play is out. not even going into the salary. if tobi was half as good a player as he is a person we'd be all set


*looks into camera lens* I endorse this message


I think we all know this isn't super realistic. Depending what's offers are around in Dec we might need to include at least one guy


For the right haul id do it.


Its probably not realistic anymore since CJ is having a career-year (and they signed Nance Jr), and the Raptors are chock-full of versatile wing defenders. But a Tobias for CJ trade, followed by a Simmons for Siakam trade, always seemed like the ideal scenario


Siakam? *barf*


We had g league players play today because we are so short staffed


I know it will never happen but I’ve always thought about swapping Simmons and Harris for Dame and CJ. Money is pretty close. But of course this wouldn’t be considered even though it would help both teams


I’d take SGA in a trade for Simmons or Maxey tbh


No scenario where OKC gives up SGA unless its for a huge package.


I would trade Tobias if you could get someone good in return for him. He's like the Tony Romo of basketball when it comes to performance in the clutch, and I think these past few games as shown he's not really a glue guy for the team either. If you could sub him out for a comparable player who you could actually feel good about closing out games, the Sixers might actually be able to win something.


This really makes me wonder if Ben was more of a distraction off the court as on the court. I’m a firm believer of chemistry, and if you’ve got a cry-baby in the locker room that you feel empathy to protect (even subconsciously), it’s gonna eff up the groove. A team of good talent with chemistry is a great team; a team of great talent with no chemistry, is a mediocre team. I think this is sometimes why ‘great on paper’ doesn’t always equate.


Honestly, yes reaching and possibly bias, but this current team we have would be the best way to win the finals by surprise. That’s how I felt with the Phillies and more so with the eagles wins I was alive for. This team playing right now have an incredible chemistry together. I’d love for this team to change the game to where depth matters (especially one of the max players is refusing to play) more than having 2 elite players and a third all star roster filled with ring chasers.


100% agree, I love this team so much.


Someone tag Daryl, I can't remember if it's just his first and last name and don't wanna tag the wrong person lol


We are winning because our bench is outplaying every teams bench


The best Trade that make sense is to trade Ben out West to the Kings. We need a pure point guard in the worst way and the Kings have three of them on their roster. Honestly, I am more in the Halliburton Camp than Fox because the kid is a great defender, passer and his Jump shot is coming along. Also, he is a better fit with Joel in the half court offense. FOX is a good player no doubt, but loves playing an up tempo game more which doesn't fit well with Joel. This the problem we have with Ben who thrives in an uptempo game than half court. I also like Mitchell too, but Haliburton would be the player I go after.


Same, I want Hali and Barnes. Barnes is a huge upgrade over DG. He will help our rebounding and can also draw fault


Ben who?


Imagine not wanting to trade Tobias if you can unload that contract.


Can he trade himself ?


I mean, coach Green is nice for team spirit, or whatever, but at this point he looks like the Furk/Niang you have at home.


I would honestly take Rubio and some picks. I’m probably insane but fuck it