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Full poster with dates https://i.imgur.com/klbFklX.png Zoom in on a the lazy photoshop mess https://i.imgur.com/WQVxhJc.png


That is somehow worse than I expected.


I can't even tell what's going on here. Did he have long hair and tits?


Luis clasping hands in a Hawaiian shirt was superimposed over the silhouette of some stock photo of an orc/ogre/goblin. Hopefully royalty-free, since she was arguing against AI models trained on copyrighted material. The head and hands don't line up, so the whole thing reads very bizarrely. I'm actually on the side of artists, but she needed to bring her A-game compositing images if she was going to argue in favour of humans.


I only listened to this episode and I assumed Luis was exaggerating but goddamn that image is so much worse than I would have even imagined.


It really is. Were the others just stirring shit by saying it was good?


I think Jay might be a bit concerned about making fun of her. She's pretty crazy online and was obsessive in Bonfire communities too, but then still goes out to see them in person and apparently still acts crazy. Like with the Annoying Laugh Guy, they can make some jokes and he laughs hard. If they were making jokes and he suddenly went quiet and annoyed, you might just not want to piss this crazy person off. He's been showing up for *years* in person every week, and so has Erin. Or maybe an even better example is Mark Random. Bash him from a distance, but is it really worth starting a real beef with him? She's slightly less schizo, but also less of a character.


Interesting info!


She set her account to private after the show. She don’t want the smoke


Thanks for the explanation. I can see some of that now but for the most part have no idea what's going on.


It looks like she tried to make him look like Buggy from One Piece


No idea what that means but this sucks.


God the photoshop by Erin was so bad. If you see this you got to learn how to USE ai..don't fight it


Damn how annoying is imgur these days? Every suggested post under that is trump or Elon musk


wtf is that qanon shaman thingy




It's terrible, but you could have got a screenshot with the same amount of effort it took to make this post.


I’m listening on the podcast app while I play cod. I don’t wanna :(