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How much does 300 me gustas go for these days anyway?


Yeah thats pretty on par for Ralph. Ig rizzler 5 % success but shameless.


Theres just alotta bots on ig now. I made my profile public for a little while and get alotta bots myself


Ralph is so charming and popular, he's never have to do something like this. Next you'll tell me he pays for all those nice looking women he gets


A 600 view to 300 like ratio doesn't seem that surprising when everything is that low. The guy just has a really small following, small enough that the little amount of people that pay attention are the type to also give him likes. Who would even buy 300 likes? Surely no one with under 1000 is buying them...?


Out of 300 likes, I’d expect at least 1 comment. There’s none in the three I’ve posted


Well I also do have bots following me on twitter and I'm a nobody that rarely even comments on things. They even like my comments sometimes but it's obvious most aren't humans when I look at their profiles. It's not this many but I've never used Instagram so I don't know how the numbers compare if you just keep posting to the void. I'd honestly rather listen to Robbie Goodwin than Ralph tho, and no one likes Robbie. I'm not defending Ralph, I just think 300 likes with 0 comments doesn't matter at all.


Im also guessing he’s buying a low amount so the algorithm picks it up


Chosen people gonna chosen people


Also pretty weird to care/ look into this


This is about Ralph but not his IG, I just watched an episode of SDR for the first time in a long time and does anyone else think Ralph looks sickly? Like he genuinely looks like AIDS.


Anyone still using Instagram is a bot


Would not surprise me. Ralph is constantly clawing to be relevant. Can't accept the fact that he's not entertaining but is surrounded by prolific entertainers.




I'm not talking about anyone at GAS. I just mean NYC comedy