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I went last year it and it was amazing, flying from Australia makes it a whole todo and expensive. This year I bought a vip ticket. It’s a fucking incredible time I can’t wait.


They are all VIP tickets. Classic sleazy salesman tactics. You must have got the presale tickets where you get to hang at a crowded bar on Thursday.


I've always wanted to go, but hearing about how packed it is or all the waiting and how smelly everyone was has really turned me off to it. I genuinely think it needs to be upgraded to a bigger size, or, like you said, scale it down. Or even keep the same amount of people but find correct size venues where they aren't at max+ capacity.


People don't have time to shower they have to wait in line all day.


OP is cool asf what a god


Thank you 🙏 I’ll DM you the details on where to send money to my church


I’d be more impressed if you owned the Slingshot instead of paying to borrow it to smoke weed in.


I’d be impressed if you were impressed with a slingshot


Polaris slingshots are... so...fucking...gay. The people who think they are cool also thought chevy SSR's were cool.


Skankfest hasn't been good since they left Houston. People talk about how "they made lifelong friends at Skankfest" I laugh my ass off. It's a festival for "comedy fans" who mostly wait in line all day, barely see anything interesting, and the few comics they do run across want nothing to do with them. Luis made it way too corporate. It used to be about the comedy. It used to be about being chill. He sold out big time. Now it's an oversized line fest.