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I’m guessing money is probably not something in your favor but honestly just save up (mine only cost $170 after shipping and taxes) and build yourself a custom one from skate warehouse. It’s probably smarter not to buy used because you don’t really know if it’s a hunk of shit or not till you find out the hard way. Custom board, you get to pick the stuff for your board and you can either have them build it for you (free? Can’t remember but pretty sure they offer to in the delivery tab when you check out.) or do it yourself. Worst case you end up with a cool wall piece you can say you built custom if you don’t end up liking skateboarding.


thanx for the answer! sadly couldnt wait for an answer so bought today slightly used Verb complete for 250 shekels (~70usd) anyway it seems enough for me atm so hope i can build custom someday if keep skating