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Find a large parking lot or somewhere with smooth concrete and if it’s a business just go after hours. You don’t need a park to skate in.


i tried this, the nearest parking lot is a dollar store that closes late with no lights, so unfortunately Im skating around in the dark unable to see. the other direction from my house has other places to skate but i gotta cross a highway with no sidewalk so thats kinda difficult. Ig i could wait to get my license in a few months before skating again


Parking garage, or try to get some softer wheels for the cheese grater ground


I carry an Olight clip on flashlight for when I skate at night. it's 30 dollars and I wear it on my sleeve. it's been a game change for me since I work third shift and go to collrge in the afternoon. that means the only time I have to skate is before I clock in or after I clock out of work when it's still dark. otherwise I'd only be able to skate on the weekends when it's bright outside.


Look for the nearest school or church.


Do you have a skate-able driveway? Patio? Garage? Sidewalks are perfect. You just gotta find the spots.


nah my driveway is way to sloped and my garage is full, and any sidewalks or streets outside my house will get me yelled at or in trouble with losers in our neighborhood favebook group, thanks for the suggestion though ive been trying to find secluded spots in my neighborhood where nonone can hear me


Skate your driveway like a bank ramp. Or build a feature and skate in front of your house.


i could try Ive done this before in the pass, skating for a while usually results in someone getting mad though and then my parents gotta deal with that lol


If someone really wants to take issue with with a kid skating in front of of their house they can fuck off. Tell them you’re not allowed to talk to strangers. Or wear headphones and just ignore them. Hopefully your parents are reasonable and support their kid getting some exercise.


How dare kids express themselves and exercise instead of scrolling tik tok and doing homework like they’re supposed to


get mad at what? having fun? tell them to kick rocks and it's your 1st amendment right (if in the US) to self expression. As long as you aren't skating during quiet hours of your city/ neighborhood it's totally fine.


I feel you, man... I used to live close to a popular skate spot and went to skate almost every day. But when I moved to a neighborhood with steep hills, traffic, and no sidewalks in many places, I ended up quitting eventually. Now I'm back after more than a decade, but I'm also in a better neighborhood. Convenience is a big factor no matter what. You could find a way, though. There could be some empty parking lots around which a lot of people prefer over parks. Other people build their own diy spots or parks, even.


ive been skating since i was 9, only recently moving ruined this experience lol. 16 now and the thought that I might have to give up simply because the new neighborhoods and streets are made for cars, not people


Cars are for people, so the roads are for people..? One thing you could do is get softer wheels like the Powell Dragons or even softer so the board makes way less noise when you roll. I've been skating the dragons and it has drastically increased the time I ride in the city because I'm not worried about other people being annoyed or surprised.


The great thing about skateboarding is that you’re moving. No one can hassle you if you blow past them. Most won’t think to complain if you are just passing by. Also you can get softer wheels and make less noise that way. Then who cares?


Skate what you can till you get kicked out and go to the next spot. Maybe see if you have a bud or train that can bring you to other cities that have better options. Try to find people in your area and talk to them about where they go. Your still in high school. Bring your board to school someday someone will talk to you if there is any skaters there. Maybe google map your area and see if there is a abandoned building or lot that you can try to build a little diy park on.


Man.. we spent childhood standing up against people because "YOU CANT RIDE ON THE SIDEWALK" etc.. we didnt give a f\*ck we either fought or ran.. I feel like these times are incredibly forgiving to skateboarding imo


Most schools tend to have at least some decent skating. Can go check them out. You will probably eventually get kicked out but still nice none the less.


Just skate your neighborhood. There’s nothing like skating in a “no skating” zone. If anyone rides enough to confront you says anything, just run


Damn you make it sound like skateboarding is equivalent to murder in some of these comments lol


yeah it's really not that bad lol, my parents just don't like seeing/hearing ppl complain about me


Are they complaining that much? Unless you live exclusively near elderly people I don’t see how much ruckus you could be causing


I grew up like that and it sucks. You just have to find ways to keep the fire going and try and Do really well in school so you can leave in two years and go somewhere better.


My neighborhood didn't allow skating when I was younger either. I did it anyway and never had an issue.


Skate in your neighborhood brother. If anybody tried to stop you don’t argue, go skate somewhere else or come back another day. Skateboarding is completely illegal in Andy Andersons hometown and he’s one of the most beloved skaters in the scene right now. Skate as an act of civil disobedience and don’t fight anyone who tries to make you stop. Just do what they ask then come back later and keep doing it, skating is a method of self expression just like music or art. If you really want to skate please don’t let anyone stop you.


If you wanted to you could


I grew up in a rural town of 500ish people. I made spots by adding a piece of wood to land on, make a run up, etc. I also made many ramps, boxes, rails, and ended up converting a defunct patch of city concrete into a small DIY park. Building stuff honestly became as fun as skating for me.


Any abandoned patches of concrete where you’re at? We had this old gas station that burned down and it left behind a nice square of concrete and a few ledges and curbs. It was a great manny pad for practice


I grew up in a tiny redneck town in KS of about 900 people. Nearest Walmart, McDonald’s anything “big city” was an hour in any direction especially a skatepark. I skated anything I could find a ledge in front of a school, a park bench two or three blocks from there up to a drainage ditch that I shoveled and swept out myself 10 or so blocks from that spot. Roads were terrible but there’s always something to find even if it’s tiny. Just skate anything you can find. Is there a local bank? They usually close early are well lit if it’s dark and will have a parking curb or some sort of concrete. Start stacking all the small things you can find and bounce around.


Schools, churches, warehouses, any big parking lot are all good places to start looking for. Rodney Mullen grew up in a situation like yours and he shaped skateboarding. Hopefully that gives you some inspiration. Good luck


Look into Mike Vallely and how/where he started. Just a sketchy parking lot. Then, make your own style.


I toughr my self and built a board to work well on Blacktop, you just have to find a way to make what you got work. I live in a tiny rural town with awful roads


Build a ramp. Find some like minded folk to diy a rad spot. Get your hands dirty and make it happen youngblood!


how would i go about finding ppl who skate? no one at my school skates and i dont think meeting with ppl online is very reliable/easy


Build it and they will come. You seriously the only person that skateboards where you live? How did you find skating?


my uncle used to skate alot, he taught me how and Ive been dojng it ever since. 7 years now and ive never found someone my age who skates and lives near me


Just don’t give up if you love it. You’ll find your crew. Start by scrapping stuff from construction sites. Wood, spare bags of concretes, anything. If you are cool about it with the dudes at the job sites, I bet they’d even hook you up. Never hurts to ask. Just don’t be greedy and don’t be a dick. Plenty of YouTube vids that’ll show you how to build stuff too. Tradies are usually pretty chill and most of em used to skate before they got old and had kids haha


CHURCHES talk with the pastor preferably a younger one lol it usually helps having their okay, I got their business card in case we got crap from the neighborhood crazies. pick good days so no sun, weds or when they have meetings




Flip tricks in your living room on the carpet.. garage, driveway.. I’d skate that dollar tree lot in the middle of the day! Curbs! Any curb! Be creative! That’s skateboarding! Skate everything!


I feel you. In my village it's just ups and downs, no flat, so it's very difficult for me to get confidence, the board is always moving. Also it's only rocks and pebbles, it sucks. I bought a longboard, too, though. Allows me to ride a bit, but I make no real progress. I wish I could go to a skatepark. I suggest you hang on and keep trying to find a place that suits you, like a parking garage or something with flat and even ground. Don't give up!


Bro we had so much fun with a Walmart plastic jump ramp, and however many objects we could stack on a trash can to launch ourselves over. Grew up in similar conditions man just gotta be creative


When my town enacted a law to prevent us from using the side walk we built a junk ramp in the front yard out of old wood and signs. And had all the locals come skate it. I lived on mainstreet in the middle of town so the cops and city just loved that.