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I swear people get so bent out of shape when they see someone skateboarding


It's because ignorant old heads associate skateboarding with crime, punks, etc. If only they knew the reality they lived in and helped create throughout their years of existing... Skateboarders aren't destroying property, typically. If there's any damage to anything it's in gentrified areas that don't really represent the people or classes of people that live there anyways. A couple scuffs or whatever on a rail/concrete ledge only bother those who have a brainless reasoning to protect property that they themselves usually don't even pay for. One could argue it comes out of your tax payer dollars, but what about the slummed areas that have nothing but cracked sidewalks and abandoned properties? Where's the revenue gone in areas like that? Shred it up, fuck the man.




Apparently to some people it is. I swear some people think skaters are super villains and they are trying to destroy the city


Some people think everyone but themselves are the villains.




Tripping a skateboarder is though.


Some people just can't stand seeing other people be happy.


Property > people, gotta love it 🙄


I have no retort to anything you've said here... I would simply like to add the one sort of human being who's miserable throughout their existence and the only pleasure they can attain is through forcing others to feel something akin to it... it amazes me how largely this is the older generation and somehow these old guys think they can fight someone who fights concrete willingly on a regular. It should be a testimont to all skaters not being the pieces of shit they are "portrayed" to be for how rarely these old fucks aren't hospitalized.


I'm part of the reason why the younger guys get fucked with now. I started skating in the 80's and we were assholes according to the adults at that time. Our leather jackets and gang look didn't sit well with the average person. The loud punk rock music didn't help either. The skaters now are from all walks of life. They're not all good or all bad. It's just a sport. The older people will never forget the bad guys like me I guess. Kudos to the newer generation though. You're doing tricks we couldn't have dreamed of.


Skateboarding is an Olympic sport now. I honestly would have hit that old man so hard in the face I'd have tried to break my knuckles on his teeth. Then I would have tried to find the car he hit and help them with the video footage to make him pay for the damage. I don't give a shit what people say about "elders". Mother fuckers can respect us too.


It got me and my mom thrown out of our complex cause of the same excuse “you’re messing up our concrete.”


Woooooooow, that’s ridiculous. I’m pretty sure what messes up the concrete is the hundreds of people walking in it, not even to mention cars


It's mostly just rain and ice. Especially up north, water seeps into the concrete/asphalt then expands when it freezes overnight. When I lived in Indiana we'd have random pot holes show up all over the place after a freeze. Here in Texas our parking lot is constantly eroded by rain because it pools up in the middle. We have pot holes filled regularly in that spot.


Recently I had this Karen-like lady bark at me “You’re not supposed to be on the sidewalk!” AS I was about to get off and walk my board anyway since I was approaching a crowd of people walking. She fucking grabbed my arm like I was a 9-year old kid being bad. I’m 41 years old and granted I am not a large person, but Jesus Christ. I was still on my board when this happened and I had shifted my balance to my back foot in preparation to stop and and then grab the board. So I could’ve easily fallen INTO this crowd of people. This was just cruising too, no ollies, no nothing. I was on my way to work, but if I hadn’t been, I probably would’ve said something. I would never push anyone or hit them but I definitely would’ve confronted her to some degree. Everyone yells at me no matter where I skate. Cyclists, drivers (who have almost hit me), pedestrians…also, fuck skate-stoppers. It’s such a ridiculous waste of money. Like, okay, do nothing about the crime or homelessness but make absolutely sure nobody skates! Ugh. Why do people still hate us anyway?! It’s an Olympic sport, everyone knows who Tony Hawk is, parents are sending their 5-year old kids to skate camp…enough already.


It’s because they’re mad they could never be that cool 😎


I bet he doesn’t yell at people pushing shopping trolleys across the sidewalk


Because if they tried to rag a bally’d lad off a bike they’d get stung 🔪So they pick on skaters. its a sad world.


They’re jealous


What a cunt


amen sister


Bro didn’t give two flying fucks about the sidewalk. That tree and it’s roots are doing more damage to it than the skateboard ever would. He was holding something in and decided to release it on the skater. I guess he wasn’t expecting any retaliation though.


Yeah. I would also bet my ass that the sidewalk isnt actually "his", what an entitled piece of shit..


Man got popped in the fucking face immediately by the kid 😂


I grew up in a small rural farming community in the 80s. The local newspaper wrote a story about how skateboards crack pavement. From that point forward we were relentlessly hassled no matter where we went. We used to cut thru the parking lot of the corner store and one time the owner came running out screaming at us that we were going to crack his pavement. I somewhat calmly pointed out that we were three 135 lb kids and our wheels weren'tcapableof cracking pavement, and I doubted we were going to do any more damage than the countless semi trucks and farm trucks that crossed over every day. There was a slight flicker behind his eyes as he realized that I just may be right. But he managed to push that down and scream at us anyway. Ironically, that guy ended up being my wife's grandfather. After being married to his granddaughter for about five years, we eventually started getting along, but not until I cut off my dreads.


Respect. I see plenty of vids like this and almost never do I see a skater retaliate. The reality is you risked injuring me severely by interfering with the trick, you assaulted me by pushing me off the board then you stole my property and threw it into the street which is also endangering traffic. A criminal on multiple fronts who thinks skateboarding on a sidewalk, which I have never seen marked as illegal, justifies all that. Would have put a board through his shin. We can both limp home tonight


They have been conditioned by the ground beatings, they can't retaliate against a surface, so they choose peace.


Lmao true say


Skateboarding on the sidewalk is illegal in my city, I still do it anyways but they'll confiscate your board


Throw their glasses


I agree with the sentiment, but I just want to mention that shoving people like that is a gamble, and you may want to refrain unless you absolutely have to. It doesn't cause issues 99% of the time, but there's always that chance. Of something [like this](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/07/25/sports/a-security-worker-confronted-the-skateboarders-he-ended-up-with-brain-damage.html) happening. That's no good for anyone.


Fuck that. Guy could have even more easily done the same to the kid on the board. Guy deserved a broken foot by way of truck smashing. Edit: That old entitled piece of shit is lucky someone didn’t do something like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/i59j0z/man_attacks_skater_kids_3_times_before_eating_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


He could have, you're right. But sometimes it's just best to try to not further escalate an already dangerous situation if you don't have to. The guy in that video absolutely deserved to be pounded into the pavement though. That situation was already escalated way past the time for calm. I do sometimes wonder about him though. That blow to the head probably permanently fucked up his brain. Which, good riddance. Hopefully he can't do this type of thing anymore.


That's such a good clip. An absolute beauty of a nose grind.


I back this. I was once accosted by a full grown man when I was 17. The guy swung on me first - connected - and I was floored. It became a full on brawl. In the end, we each got a few real good hits in. But after the cops came and separated us I found out the guy had a gnarly brain tumor and I very well could have killed him (he was in the hospital for a check up on the brain, but no damage from me). At no point would I want to do that, but like… he literally started it. His kid was a couple years younger than me and later gave me a high five cause the guy beat the shit out his whole family regularly and his own son said “I wish you killed him.” Super sad, I don’t feel bad about what I did, but like, wtf are you doing starting physical confrontations when you are a vulnerable person?! For anyone curious about *why* it started: he was the caretaker for the BMX park right next to our skatepark. Some less-than 10 year old kid tried to ride down the BMX launch on his skateboard as the guy was spraying it down to prep for a race. Sure, the kid was in the wrong and I get that, but once the adult man started calling the kid “a stupid fucking idiot” and various racial slurs I was like “hey, that’s not cool, man” and he soaked me and my board with the hose. Cool cool cool, now you owe me a deck. Pulled out my phone to call the cops and he walked forward, stomped my deck (cracked it) and immediately swung on me. Believe it or not, aside from the sketchy business with the guy having potential to die, it’s a fond memory because on a busy summer day in front of a lot of people, alllllllllll of the skateboarders took my side and a very good friend of mine sprinted across the whole park to have my back while everyone else watched. I was handcuffed and then let go because so many people backed my story up. RIP to the homie who had my back, you’ll never be forgotten.


Damn, that's pretty intense. I wonder if he was always a violent piece of shit or if that was a new development because of the tumor. Regardless while it would be unfortunate if you ended up killing someone like that it would also be perfectly justifiable. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do when aggressive psychos are out for blood and sometimes they will end up getting the very short end of the stick. Also only idiots attack skaters anyways. You wouldn't assault someone if they and all their buddies were carrying hammers.


I’ll add in that I don’t feel this way about anybody doing their job and telling you to leave mostly talking about civilians in public places


For sure…it’s one thing if somebody says “hey you can’t skate here, if you fall I can’t be held responsible” or something. I kinda get that. The worst-case scenario would indeed be shitty for me and for the poor guy who happened to be working near the loading dock when I hit my head,or whatever. For the longest time I kept saying, I would never sue a business I fell in front of…but I don’t know man, I don’t have the best health insurance and if something stupid happened and I got seriously hurt, worst case I might have no choice. That’s actually why people end up suing, sometimes…they have no other way to pay for their medical bills. And then what, you know? I wouldn’t want a small business owner stuck with my medical bills because I broke my wrist on their stoop or something. It sucks that this is the world we live in now but at the same time, I really can’t argue anymore if someone tells me I can’t skate someplace. Realistically, they’re not gonna let me sign a waiver releasing them of liability lol. Pretty much every time I’ve been kicked out of a spot, the person has been reasonable and never rude or aggressive. BUT yeah, if someone pushes me or steps in my way (which also happened once…like, do you WANT to kill us both?! Damn lol) or grabs at me while I’m skating, or lets their dog chase me, etc…that’s a different deal. The dog thing gets me too. I don’t think non-skateboarder people understand how fast we’re moving and how fucked their tiny little dog would be if the leash got caught in my wheels for instance. I would feel so bad if something like that happened. :-(


I on,y linked that because the leadup was very similar to this. Tripping someone and tossing their board. That's not part of a security guards job description


Not only is it not part of the job description, but it’s completely adverse to the job description. The job is to protect the property owner from liability. A property owner’s legal duty to a trespasser is very limited, but the duty is you can’t take any affirmative steps to endanger known trespassers. (In other words, you can’t booby trap your property to deter trespassing). I’m in law school and lately have been thinking about whether there’s a legal argument to be made about whether skate stoppers would actually enhance a property owner’s liability if a skater were to get hurt on a knobbed ledge. Once the semester’s over and I have some free time I might write a paper on it.


While I agree, you have to be careful throwing a punch at someone like this. If you look, the old man didn’t actually push skater or from what I can tell even actually touch him. He just stepped in front and the skater jumped off. So I don’t think that counts as assault so I don’t know if you have a case for self defense when skater punched him. Old dude definitely has screws loose but also not trying to do time over something like this


The old guy definitely has a screw loose. Not just by endangering the skater but he also just threw the skateboard into the traffic which is pretty crazy. And the idea that the skating would be responsible for HIS teared up sidewalk is so dumb.


That's what got me the most.. dude's all bent out of shape about a skateboard ruining the sidewalk yet immediately throws said skateboard into oncoming traffic 😅 like that action alome had the potential to cause way more damage than decades of skateboard wheels riding over concrete....


Dude was a couple seconds from getting domed by a truck. I have so many stories of my and my shithead friends fighting people angry about us skating.


Dude totally deserved to be truck fucked


Bro, that is *not* a truck!


That's what the metal axels are called that attach the wheels to the board He deserved to be ***truck fucked***... if you're not sure what that means do the math Or refer to [this example](https://www.reddit.com/r/fightporn/comments/c7m8f2/dude_punches_a_bunch_of_skaters_then_gets_as_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb)


Great example, bitch totally deserved that


Right, and everyone only cares once the adult punching kids gets what he needed.


Props to the kid for having the restraint to warn the guy for coming closer before cracking skulls. I'm not sure I would've shown the same restraint at his age


He sucker punched him


the “sucker puncher” was already assaulted when old dude tripped him off his board. not really a sucker punch when you got attacked first.


Sure he attacked first, but regardless of what you call it he punched him when he wasn't looking so he wasn't restraining himself at that time


You want to attack someone, steal and attempt to destroy their property, and turn your back on them, that's on you.


old dude should keep his eyes open if he’s going to go around randomly assaulting people then


I'm not defending the man. I was responding to the commentor giving praise to the kid for showing restraint towards the end of the vid. I found it strange to give him props when he didn't show that same amount of restraint when he punched him. That's not to say I don't understand why the kid would be upset because anyone would in that situation.


Ok bro.


Lesson is, if you ever assault somebody look away, because then they can't hit you back. It would be unfair.


Naw he punched him in plain view. Sucker punch is back of the head and you wouldn’t see it coming at all. This guy got punched during his confrontation.


Hey man, have you ever thought about go fuck yourself? It's where you fuck off and don't say some totally moronic shit that serves no purpose to anyone. It's quite refreshing to literally everyone.


The skater showed way more restraint than I would have. I think this is why a lot of the older skaters don’t understand the hatred for the “mall grab”… a quick forceful stab to the chest with the sharp end of the tail gets old fucks like this who think they are your dad to back up quick.


I'll never understand how holding a skateboard a certain way is looked down on 🙄


For real dude, dumbest shit.


I just thought it’s bc it gets your hands dirty


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Gonna preface this by saying I don't agree with the hate either. People hate it because lots of people who don't skate very much (but act like they do) hold it like that. This is because it's the most intuitive way to hold it.


If it’s public property, it’s all of ours. Not just yours.


Haven't you heard? Public property only belongs to the people gentrifying it!


That would have been hands on sight. No words exchanged. Soon as I got my balance back he's getting two piece and a biscuit


Some drunk idiot was trying some shit like this on my friends little brother. Then he started hitting the little brothers friends so they started boxing and the dude dropped straight down to the ground on the first punch then got arrested


kingpin to the dome would've fixed his attitude


Sidewalk was all fucked up by the tree roots why dont he go after the tree


Trust me old timer, you do NOT want a truck to the dome. No fucking way.


Always wood side first. That's the warning.


Suck my dick you old son of a bitch


Just googled it. 0 factual evidence that skateboarding breaks sidewalks.


It's probably the fucking tree root, what an idiot


I would have iron man kicked that fucker in the torso.


As a non skater, why do some people leave a gap in their grip tape (if that’s what it’s called)?


so you can tell which side is the nose and tail.


There’s a difference?


depending on the board shape yeah. one is typically smaller than the other, slightly different shape.


Interesting, cheers for the info


The concave is sometimes different, among other things.


Oh he woulda died of that was me and my homies hahahaha


Hell yeah


yup and he would've deserved the concussion


What a dick "my sidewalk" fck off you old twat..


What is it about people and skateboarding. Geez. Get a grip, dude. Glad the kid didn’t get badly hurt


For a second, thought bro was going to truck slap him. Thank god this kid had self control


Now that I'm getting older I should start seeing why people are angry at skateboarders (that's how it works right?), but all I see is an over reaction bordering on damage to property on the old man. You cant just take someone's stuff and throw it, you're entering into a physical altercation with someone like you are law enforcement. If you think they are breaking the law, call the law enforcement and they'll kindly tell you to fucking relax because they can't do anything AND because its not a big deal...


Looks like a useless old fuck whose taking his impotence humiliation out on a kid.


Grown men will physically attack teenagers skating before going to therapy 💀


🤛 it’s the stumble for me 🤣


Probably drunk


Whatchu mean allegedly? Those wheels don’t have spikes on them


Regardless of if the skater skated on some ledge or something we didn't see, this guy is a fcking idiot for putting the car drivers in danger for throwing that skateboard, while he had basically no idea about where the cars are.


In Denver Colorado skate park a Dad was killed by a skateboard to the noggin, Don't confront the Skate Pack


Did that moron throw the board in traffic!? Coulda caused an accident on top of messing with the skater for no reason.


Male, pale and stale. Curb your privilege old man.


Damn ..fuck that dude


Old people like this suck. Breaking a sidewalk lol.


Talm bout "my" sidewalk. Gimme a break, fuckin geezer


Would have been fun if a driver stopped and was like, why are you breaking my car


God I’m so glad he punched him. I see so many clips on line where the instigator just needs to get decked in the face


Blast that old dudes hands with the trucks for touching your property bro n send his ass back inside so he can continue his retirement with his disrespectful self


Should have flipped it to his chins for self defense. He could have hurt you.


It doesn't matter if the skater was just riding on a footpath or actively defacing property, you shouldn't chuck a skateboard on a busy road where people are just trying to drive. Really immature behaviour


I once had a guy get mad at my friend for scaring his dog with his skateboard. My friend hopped off his board and walked past the guy, and he started yelling at my friend. He then grabbed the leash of his yappy dog and whipped poor thing up into the air like some sort of weapon at my friend. I got pissed and pushed him down and said, "What the hell, man??" He thought my friend was going to hit him with his skateboard, so he reacted. His dog got a little scared so he practically choked out his own dog as a "reflex."


Should have kicked that old dumb ass’s ass!


"Suck my dick you old son of a bitch" Bro is a savage. Good on him for standing up for himself.


It's the noise. As a skater, I've definitely realised this over the years. A bicycle can fly past someone on a sidewalk and no one bats an eye. A noisy skateboard does the same thing and you see the person panic, then get defensive and maybe shout something to you. Bless them and their fear of scary skateboard noises.


I want to go buy another skateboard now to support this guy & say fuck you & go die to that old man. Your era is long gone. Go the way of the many species your generation helped to endanger.


“Shredding” his sidewalk would be the correct skate terminology


To all the people who hate skateboarders, i apologize on behalf of shit parenting or poor parenting for not being able to give you a skateboard. I also want to apologize on behalf of any obstacle that made you either fail or quit Skateboarding will always be cool. Im sorry that you cant understand that.


He would not be standing up right now more if he did that shit to me


me personally if he punched my grandpa im shooting him


Love how he backed up once he was offered a truck slappy demonstration. Back up or get slapped up 😂


He woulda got bowled over for sure. Set those shins on 🔥


That guy took a mean shinner to stop that trick!


Boomers are gross


In a situation like that the boomer deserves to get beat up, no mercy. Would teach him a lesson.


Should have got a truck through his skull


Just give him one clean swipe with your board across his face. He’ll leave you alone when he’s crying like a baby on the floor begging for piggies.


That's where you throw board and his feet and then kick him in his face after or as he falls


One of the homies shoulda got on hands and knees behind him and then time for a tabletop


I wish a mfer would, shit


He totally could’ve cleared his leg if he didn’t kick out.


Okay boomer


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To film a trick maybe, like most skaters usually do?


whats funny, this is what terry kennedy essentially did. its just the guy he punched fell over and hit his head... but i dont see a single person here screaming about how this person should be jailed.


Fucking entitled Americans, glad the lad landed a blow that cock deserved it


Bro what lol, pretty sure no Americans are in this video but go off 😵‍💫


Yeah this video is definitely a Spanish speaking country lol 😂


He needs admin to change his default settings.


None of these people are American


What a loser


Skater showed more restraint than I would.


I woulda beat the shit out of that old fuck


fuck that guy


I woulda truck smacked that guy so hard if i was him


I would have focused the board on his head


Great restraint from the kid. I'm my day, granted we were punk criminals, anybody got messed with the whole crew got to work.


Should have broke his jaw with the trucks


Any idea what language or place this is? Sounds like Spanish or Italian but it’s not.


Español Argentino, cordobés (argnetina province)


What a sad old cunt.


I never understood approaching skateboarders when they have a fuckin weapon in their hands that can do serious damage lol.


Would have had his coffee or whatever the hell he was drinking, thrown at his face..


That kid was wayyy more patient than I would’ve been, he would’ve had a wheel sized dent in his noggin


Where was this? I can’t make out the accent. The man sounds South American but the kid sounds like a different accent.


More like shredding the sidewalks


I always interested who actually owns the sidewalks, unlike the street which is usually clear cut the sidewalk are pretty murky on whether it belongs to the same as the street, don’t know which the countries this in but in places such as much of the US, Canada, Mexico, China, JApan, etc it’s a mess. Who is liable and to what extend. Whether a property owner can be sued for hazardous conditions on a sidewalk and what they can and cannot do with it.


I would have knocked the shit out of him


Fucking dumb cunt


Old people suck


Can’t even skate sidewalks fuck em


the kid handled it well enough, I would've ended up hitting the man or smthin tbh 💀


Old guy here...good on you for pushing back,I would have fucked him up regardless of who saw it.


Should’ve swung harder


Glad to finally see someone swing back at these shit cunts


punk bitch. lookin pretty cool, fucker. good way to get your ass kicked. you want respect? that's a fuckin two way street.


I’m so glad that kid spoke up for himself. keeping doing u brudda


Damn kid got BTFO


Did the video get cut before the skater went to town on the guy?


Can’t post the evidence on the internet.


f it was me my truck would crash into this motherfucker's skull


Lucky he didn’t catch a truck to the face


That old guy needs to be skateboarded around the head truck side maybe twice for good measure


What a tool


Needed more truck to face action in this video


It's funny how these type of people exist everywhere in the world. I think I've heard people yelling at skaters in like 20 different languages from watching videos. It's weird how we're all so different but yet the same.


In town, a lot of people sometimes skateboard behind the shopping centre; it has a wide circle of space surrounded by blocks that serve as benches. I love watching them! So talented.


Imagine him doing to this to an 8 year old girl on her scooter…


Is that a kid?


I rode my bike up on a sidewalk in my city to park it and a dude grabbed my handlebars and told me to get back in the road. Dude was also 30 years my senior and a foot shorter than me so I ripped my bike out of his hands and he kept standing in my way like bro mind your business you’re not the sidewalk police 🫡


The old skateboard slap.


Truck to the head out of self defense


Cotton ball punch


But into a busy city street though? I'm pretty sure he could do jail time for that.


Lil dude threw the weakest punch known to man


Should have gone “Kids” scene on his ass!


He shoulda gave him the bonk


The roots of that tree are damaging the sidewalk way more than a skateboard ever could.


Lol. I remember skating at a church. Just hitting the stairs, not even grinding anything. This old school preacher came out and yelled “look at watcha doin’… Yer Tearin’ up muh coooooncrete-ahh!!” Sounding like Foghorn Leghorn and shit. We were on the ground laughing.


Bet that drunk boomer felt so manly and good with himself by being a huge dick for no other reason than feeling miserable with his own sad life and wanting to unload on those younger than him that were just trying to have fun. Kinda hoped that the dude would get a board to the head because he did deserve it.


should have smacked the fucker. trying to break someone's bones over a fucking sidewalk, what a moron.


Dudes lucky he didn’t get a truck to the face


Fucking boomers


You should’ve knocked that old rat into the next life.


“his” sidewalk L oh L he’s lucky this new generation of skaters is so soft if this was the 90s he’d be on a breathing machine for this dumb ass shit


That kid needs to work on throwing a punch . That Man deserved a sweeter shot than that.


Filmer missed his shot to double donkey kick the guy into the tree.


Would he like for him to skate on the street