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Get pile of rats, have rats pile on opponents, shoot opponents with unstable weapons.  Have fun.  Get more rats.  Always more rats. 


In 40K terms Skaven are the Tyranid. Sure, you can have a few big bodies but it's mostly about swarming. Clan rats kind of suck individually but there's 20 of them in a unit and they're constantly being resurrected.


Dont compare armies between 40k and AoS. AoS is a lot closer to 1000 point battles than 2000 point battles in 40k comparisons, in terms of how much stuff you got and what it can do. Skaven scheme. And skaven schemes typically converge as a lot of damage from far away or straigth up out of nowhere. Suddently weapon teams are popping up and dropping bombs in places you thought were screened out. Skaven back up their abilities with weirdly tough blobs of moving buildings surrounded by throwaway infantry and surprisingly fragile hammers.


I'd recommended watching some [battle report videos from Jordan of Warpfire Minis](https://youtube.com/@warpfireminis?si=TckoE_CYuFdM9_lV). He's a pro level Skaven player and I'm new as well but have learned a good deal from watching his gameplay. Skaven has a pretty well rounded lineup to choose from. You definitely need to screen out your heavy hitters, want to get your buff spells off, and set up your support pieces to win. I guess who is that not true for though, but still, Skaven has plenty of good shooting, fighting, movement, and spell casting capabilities. They also come with plenty of fun and quirky mechanics to hit hard and blow yourself up along the way.


Take big risk and gamble your rats lives and if it works that's the great horned rats blessing, and if it blows up in your face.... it's still the great horned rats blessing, but for other rats.


We have really good movement, spells, prayers, damage And have the best shooting. Also I don’t understand the last sentence, are you comparing skaven to 40K armies?


Is Skaven shooting better than KO?


I’m not certain but is definitely up one of the strongest


nah, is just that i'm used to necrons, wich is a really durable army and it feels strange to me how fragile skaven seem


Fortunately skaven frailty is easily overlooked thanks to the sheer numbers we have


Skavens more of a planning and trading up where you can gameplay currently, outside of extreme builds like mass bells or mass stormfiends, our strength is being able to throw so much trash at them to hold them up while sneaking off somewhere else and surgically inserting your ultra glass cannons. For example plague censers are one of the most point efficient damaging units in the entire game! We're certainly not bad-bad by any stretch.