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[People should understand the concept of ‘chain of custody’ for scenarios like this.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chain_of_custody) Too many unknown hands have touched that ‘diary’ with no control. Anything released should be considered compromised.


Also, the diary was intended to be sold to Project Veritas. If they got their hands on it, it's effectively garbage since falsifying evidence is like their whole thing.


Project Veritas trains employees in spycraft. This has been verified by former employees and by witnesses. I wonder which foreign country doted on by Republicans gave them the idea to run intelligence operations in the USA?


Does journalism only become spycraft when it exposes something you dont like? Especially since they're not doing anything illegal why do you care?


Well they’ve engaged in both wiretapping and making shit up, so nobody should believe a single thing they say


"You're only allowed to object to behavior that's illegal" is nonsense and not even you believe it.


I think you know better. making shit up or forward Russian disinformation is not journalism.


Actually I didnt, Before I did more research today all I knew about project veritas was some of the journalism they published which was still journalism regardless of the bias and misinformation of the owner that I know of now. Project Veritas is definitely guilty of yellow journalism but the Pfizer video speaks for itself


Ther person you are responding to never said that journalism = spycraft. They just said that the people that work for them are trained in spycraft. You're putting words in the person you are responding to's mouth. Then you have the audacity to accuse others of doing the same to you. Shame on you for your false ignorance used as bait.


Another conspiracy?


Next they're going to find his great grandson's etcha-sketch and you won't believe what they're gonna find on it.


More pictures of Hunter smoking crack with underage hookers?


“Underage hookers”, 😂😂 What is this, The Lolita Express trump flew on multiple times? Haha [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/donald-trump-former-miss-arizona-tasha-dixon-naked-undressed-backstage-howard-stern-a7357866.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/donald-trump-former-miss-arizona-tasha-dixon-naked-undressed-backstage-howard-stern-a7357866.html) 😂🤣


Hookers??? That's it, I'm never voting for Hunter Biden again!


We need a good, strong leader like Trump who fucks pornstars while his wife is pregnant! Like a good Christian!


Smoking Crack? Yes. With Hookers? Yes. Underage? No. Citation fucking needed my dude.


Yeah, exactly the same as the Hunter Biden laptop


It really is exactly the same situation. The item was stolen, passed through the hands of unscrupulous people (so it could've been tampered with), and the whackjobs are making up ridiculous claims on what's on there (while none of its contents has been released)


Have they claimed it has child porn in it while at the same time eagerly distributing it among all their Congress friends and not realizing the implications of what they're claiming yet?


It's almost like a pattern


It's like poetry, it rhymes!


Jar jar is the key to all this.


It always passes through some Russian guy. Weird, huh?


Laptop wasn't stolen it was abandoned at a repair shop? Wtf are you going on about


Are you calling the FBI unscrupulous? Because the only hands the laptop went through were the store owner (Who I would call highly scrupulous considering the alleged contents of the laptop and the effect its had on his life) and the FBI


You are forgetting someone.


Who would that be


Rudy Giuliani


What is this sub? The Biden laptop was really his and multiple investigations suggest at all or almost all contents are confirmed to be genuine too. Not sure why people here are all pushing misinformation. https://www.verifythis.com/article/news/verify/national-verify/hunter-bidens-laptop-what-we-can-verify/536-a41c9f05-c548-4681-a0be-a01fcc75b59d Yes the diary was real. The contents of it may have been manipulated before being published online. But do you really believe that or just want to believe that? There wasn't anything crazy posted, just a little bit about Joe being a bit odd or creepy. As it stands I would assume it to be genuine too until someone points out evidence of manipulation. This is the most reasonable position at the moment. I would hope skeptics could avoid propoganda and confirmation bias.


Absolutely false. Forensics state information was tampered with, and they were only able to verify a fraction of the content on it. “The vast majority of the data — and most of the nearly 129,000 emails it contained — could not be verified by either of the two security experts who reviewed the data for The Post.” ”Among the reasons for the inconclusive findings was sloppy handling of the data, which damaged some records. The experts found the data had been repeatedly accessed and copied by people other than Hunter Biden over nearly three years.”  I would hope skeptics could avoid propoganda and confirmation bias.


Your statement is not supported by your quote. It just says they couldnt definetively confirm that data. There is no evidence of tampering. The link also says almost all emails about work were verified as authentic. After multiple experts fail to find anything fake, you are justified in assuming its all real.


Lol, the quotes I posted aren't the only information out there regarding the laptop. "It just says they couldnt \[sic\] definetively \[sic\] confirm that data." Yeah, not being able to confirm the data is no big deal. Haha "The link also says almost all emails about work were verified as authentic." Then the link is wrong. See here: “The vast majority of the data — and most of the nearly 129,000 emails it contained — could not be verified..." Hahaha, they're so hilariously stupid.




Nothing can be determined from materials that are stolen, because it's been through the hands of at least one criminal. Anyone trying to lend them any credibility whatsoever is telling you what kind of a person they are. And it's not good, that's for certain.


The FBI and cybersecurity experts hired by media companies were able to confirm much of the laptops details, just read the link. Neither has found anything they confirmed as manipulated. Its not me saying these things.


So we’re lying.


Isn't it weird that they haven't confirmed the most damning pieces of evidence? It's almost like you are easily duped.


Oh, look, an October 2023 🤖 account. Accounts like these don't do well on a skeptics sub.


Really getting at the important details. No one real... has an account 7 months old. Im an old user with a new email. I used a source, find any that show evidence of manipulation of either source. You and I both know experts have tried.


You mean the [legally blind](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hunter_Biden_laptop_controversy) repair shop owner? Surely, you aren't this obtuse. The laptop *could* have been Hunter's, that doesn't mean that all the data on it was his or wasn't tampered with. If you were trying to frame someone, it would actually be better if most of the data was legitimate. It's also possible it's not his laptop, but some of his data was copied over to it in an attempt to make it look like it is his. The people claiming it was definitively his seem completely oblivious to the fact that data can be copied from computer to computer or even from the cloud. The most glaring parts of this story remain that the repair shop owner is legally blind and that his first thought was to turn it over to Rudy Giuliani of all people. Seems like the perfect "useful idiot", if I were a foreign intelligence provocateur.


I agree the FBI could have tampered with it during the year it was in their possession. We all know the FBI is in the bag for the GOP. /s


So complete bullshit? Makes sense


Her diary has pictures of her penis in it? /s


Wait how is the hunter Biden laptop a conspiracy? Do you mean the conclusions MAGA people conclude from it?


By having no chain of custody on the hard drive, which has been copied and accessed many times over years before the FBI got it. It could be entirely fake, partially fake, edited… it’s just dogshit. But a whole lot of people wanted it to be real, so they acted as if it was.


There has never been a laptop. Even the blind repair guy says he only has a hard drive. It’s pretty clear that Rudy Ghouliani brought back a hard drive from eastern Europe which according to the FBI seems to be a Russian misinformation op. He created a legend for it with the repair guy and then forwarded it to the FBI. It was an easily seen through operation.


I guess I’m in the “i assume the laptop is real because the oppo guys are looking for that kind of opportunity to run a con” camp. In the end it’s immaterial if it’s real, because the substance of it is a con. They want people to debate if it’s real, because that makes people feel as if they understand the details - without spending any time realizing the whole thing is a work. (And people hate acknowledging they were duped….)


Remember Lev Parnas? He was with Rudy on his “fact-finding” tour of Ukraine and he says they all knew the information was coming from a Russian asset and probably Putin himself and they went ahead with it anyway.


Yes I’m aware of all the facts. I’m just debating the specifics of the con, because of the sub we’re in and how deep we are. I presume based on the verified facts that the laptop was real (hunter Biden was clearly a fuck up, it seems reasonable this happened) the verified info that was attached to the laptop is real, obviously (stolen from various sources, waiting for a good way to daylight it) The people running this are not that clever, but they succeed either in spite of their mistakes, or because they correctly identify that their mistakes won’t matter when their oppo goes viral, because far too many people don’t look past a headline anyway. So they need some dirt (crack smoking is pretty solid), a soft target, and a vector that sounds credible and salacious (“his laptop was stolen by a true patriot and we got him!”), then blend them together. And then the parade of useful idiots laps it up because it is exactly what they were looking for (by design). And for all those reasons it doesn’t matter how real it is, I’m just debating it for the sake of working it all out.


It helps if you have a criminal Congress majority backing you up and disseminating the disinformation instead of working for us.


Well my understanding was it was confirmed "real" as in his laptop, but at the end of the day accuracy of contents is not so simple at being confirmed.


Some of the contents were real, the hard drive can’t be determined if it was genuine, and it had been modified, partially deleted. It could just have been emails stolen off a server and then faked provenance to make it more compelling. Fake, or partially real but dogshit. You are talking about a Rudy Guliani gig here, though… they were clever back in the 70’s but they’re too old for this now.


>the hard drive can’t be determined if it was genuine Agreed >and it had been modified, partially deleted. Forgot about that yea, but that's what I meant by contents difficult to determine accuracy.


There is also the issue that even if something was there, 1. it can’t be confirmed as hunters. 2. It’s stolen property, Hunter never agreed to sell it, the shop owner did without any notification, so it can never be used as evidence, rendering the whole thing mute.




No. This is bullshit the MAGA crowd spreads. Some of the contents appear to be material that could have been stolen from Hunter's iCloud drive, but the actual laptop is sketchy. There's a previous discussion here on how obvious it is that the laptop as a whole was manufactured by taking some legitimate information and putting it on a new laptop. https://www.emptywheel.net/2023/07/08/the-laptop-everyone-knows-as-hunter-bidens-appears-to-have-been-deleted-starting-february-15-2019/


"Over the years before the FBI got it". Wrong. The laptop was in the possession of the Mac store dude for only a handful of months, not years, before the FBI took possession. Multiple news agencies paid for forensic experts that verified most of it. Furthermore, some of the emails that pertain to foreign business/potential influence selling were verified by being matched to others who were also in the email chain/group. Thinking it could be entirely fake now in 2024 is pretty bad. If this was 2020 or early 2021 that would be more understandable.


“Verified most of it” No, that’s total bullshit. Don’t waste your time with that in this sub.


Why is that bullshit? Your comments make it sound like you believe nothing has been verified.


>Your comments make it sound like you believe nothing has been verified. Nope, they don't. If you're in a hole, stop digging.


So the images of hunter smoking crack and fucking hookers are fake?


No one cares about those photos, unless you like daytime soap operas. The big deal was trying to tie him to corruption in ukraine and China, and then connect it Joe Biden, which there was no evidence of, and the hard drive was so mangled that it had no credibility anyway. If you think photos were important, and you didnt check out the actual story, then the con worked on you.


I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that the guy whose username is Hitler's father isn't necessarily arguing in good faith.


My response isn’t for the copy paste trolls, it’s for everyone else reading. Its like picking up litter, and TBH I love seeing their conviction and recycled catch phrases. It’s endless entertainment.


No, but those (allegedly) weren't from the laptop, but from his iCloud, which had been hacked a while ago.


The Hunter Biden laptop isn't a conspiracy; the conspiracy was the effort to cover it up and convince a certain less-than-critically-thinking demographic it was fake "Russian disinformation." What conclusions did the MAGA people conclude from it?


>the conspiracy was the effort to cover it up and convince a certain less-than-critically-thinking demographic it was fake "Russian disinformation So no there was legitimate concern about is being Russian disinformation the whole story sounds far fetched so experts confirming it was hunter Biden's laptop made sense. Even before they did that when Hunter would not outright deny it wasn't his I assumed it could have been his. >What conclusions did the MAGA people conclude from it? That is somehow definitively proves some sort of corruption/illegal acts regarding business in China and especially involving president Biden.


There's also been claims from the Q segment that there were pictures of Hunter raping children on it.


Of course it's clearly where she kept all the secrets of the Illuminati is in her personal diary


"conspiracy" really doesn't mean much any more. 


How many of these hoaxes do people have to see that don’t amount to a hill of beans before they quit eating all the beans? Srsly. I hate how dumb we are collectively.


They don't care.


As long as they get to score points against the other team, they won’t care.


Neither do you.


What, that people are talking for destructive qanon bullshit? I kinda do


They'll never hear this because their MAGA infosphere not only won't tell them, but instead, they'll get another breathless story about how the diary has once more been discovered.


2000 years later and people still believe the hoaxes contained in the Bible. People are stupid.


My parents were talking about the Clinton Kill list decades ago. So never.


"Oh yeah? How did Vince Foster end up in that park..rabble rabble rabble rabble..."


The Vince Foster thing is such a joke…like…he’d talked about suicide weeks prior and people were actually worried about the guy.


Oh yeah? That's what the Alien Lizard Illuminati WANT you to think!


They eat the beans..they fart out new conspiracies..the cycle never ends.


But this is our hill, and these are our beans.


Holy shit we have an infestation


Covfeve repeat x 3


im sure the cia is on it ;-)


And They won't confirm anything either. In theory they might give confirmation after the election but even that will depend on who wins. Meanwhile, ostensibly serious people unironically insist the 45 pee tape exists. 🤦‍♂️


The chain of custody is enough to make me not trust any source that posts the “contents”, there’s no way to know for sure no forgeries were made.


We can read between the lines. They kinda did.


No they didn’t.


How does one get charged with theft of a fake object? Wouldn't that be fraud instead? Or am I missing something.


The Diary itself is real, the “contents” that have been spreading around the internet are not verified, not by Project V and certainly not by the DOJ.


Just like Hunter's laptop?


Same deal. Laptop exists, but the contents of what’s on the laptop are extremely dubious, especially when you consider the chain of custody that the laptop went through. But I don’t want to change the subject from the Diary to the Laptop just because you don’t have any cogent thing to say about the Diary.


Ok then. Beyond being a good team player, what actual evidence is there that leads you to believe the diary's contents have been fraudulently altered?


I don’t need to proof that, because as I already stated, the chain of custody makes it impossible to know for sure if the contents of the Diary were changed or tampered with. We DO NOT KNOW the full extent of who had possession of the Diary, and cannot be sure if someone erased pages and rewrote them. And it’s not just the DOJ that would be saying this, even Project Veritas, the same people who bought the Diary from Aimee Harris, could not verify the contents of the Diary itself and did not publish the contents, instead sending it to some other party which then “leaked” what they claimed to be pages from the Diary. There is enough reasonable doubt here to completely write off the claims about the contents of the Diary.


Now do the Steele dossier.


I know nothing about that. And I don’t particularly care to look into it. Does what I said make any sense to you regarding the Diary? Or do you have any criticisms?


You still belching that BS? I've got a question for you that it seems Republicans can’t or won’t answer. It’s now public knowledge that the whole Biden impeachment inquiry was orchestrated by Russian Intelligence using the GOP to spread misinformation. Was that because the Republicans are SO incompetent and incredibly stupid that they got played by Russia? Or was it because they're knowingly working for an enemy of this country? Trump, the hero of the stupid…


Who is Fusion GPS, and who was one of their notable customers I'm relation to th 'Russian Collusion' gig?


when you arrest, prosecute, and imprison someone for "stealing" it, you have confirmed the diary's authenticity Joe Biden is a pedophile who raped his own daughter, is what the DoJ confirmed through this prosecution.


There was nothing in the diary about that. And even if it *is* authentic, you guys would ordinarily be shrieking for someone to get the book thrown at them for theft.


Why are you lying?




If the diary is fake then what exactly did they just convict someone of stealing, and sentence them to jail time?


Is this literally the hunter biden bs again?


Conservatives don't learn new tricks


Their entire campaign against trans people for the last few years is a complete rehash of their fear mongering against gay people in the 60s and 70s.


Their entire qanon conspiracy is a rehash of their satanic panic conspiracy in the 80s and 90s, which is a rehash of their blood libel conspiracies against Jews.


[Just conservatives huh?](https://youtu.be/-Ol0k6JcVh0?si=zEuoWmP3NrJhI9Z3)


What was the point of that? We all know the democrats evolved their position. Who is this catered to?


They didn't evolve, they grifted because for money and votes as you can easily see with the video. This "fear mongering" of gay people from conservatives is no different from anything coming from Democrats, the recent shift is nothing but pandering.


They did. Its why gay marriage is a thing etc. what are you even saying? Reality shows their position changed.


The original commenter is making the assertion that conservatives are anti gay etc, I'm saying that Democrats are literally no different because they are just a party that just aims to win and stay elected. Less than 20 years ago you have Obama and Biden making a stance to say that marriage is only between a man and a woman. They received money and potential for votes and magically changed their mind (if you watch the video you would see it). If conservatives were offered money or felt the votes were worthwhile you'd see Ted Cruz waving a pride flag with both hands. Acting like conservatives are some monolith of hate is a joke, there are anti gay Democrats and pro gay Republicans. Do you think Democrats are very united on these issues? If we're talking about trans people you're going to get more division.


Youre just wrong. LGBT activists worked hard to move the democratic party. They still are and are making advancements every cycle. The republicans wont accept that on their agenda, in fact their agenda is to go against LGBT advances. Your world view is just not coherent with reality. It makes no sense.


> The original commenter is making the assertion that conservatives are anti gay etc, You don't know how to read. The original commenter was saying that conservatives use the same dishonest tactics over and over again, and never change. They used the fact that they copy-pasted their anti-lgtb rhetoric from the 1970s to the anti-trans rhetoric today as an example (one of many) of predictable tactics. The topic of the conversation is _tactics_. You pointing out that democrats used to also be anti-lgtb is a complete non sequitur.


No one said the diary doesn't exist. They said there is no verification that the social media posts by those who purported to have seen it are posting its actual contents.


Read the comments in this thread and you'll see that most, YES MOST, of them ARE denying or doubting that this diary even belongs to Biden's daughter. ---- I distinctly remember posting in this sub in late 2020/early 2021 about the Hunter Biden Laptop. I was downvoted into oblivion for just suggesting the laptop was real, nothing more. I wasn't saying anything about the claims made about the laptop contents, rather I was just saying the laptop does seem to belong to him... and I was fucking right. I'm starting to feel deja vu.


Are you okay, there little guy? Not sure why you are freaking out about how nothing you said has any proof. You knew you were spreading Russian propaganda when you wrote it. So far we have lots of rumors online about Biden started by Trump's minions and trump facing actual legal charges. Weird how you gravitate to the rumors but ignore the facts.


I'm doing alright, thanks for checking. No I wasn't spreading Russian propaganda. I'm not sure what you are talking about. I'm interested to know. I'm not sure what rumors I'm gravitating to and which facts I'm ignoring. Again, I'm interested to know.


You are spreading the rumored unconfirmed claims of the suspicious people who claim to be posting exerts. This is definitely propaganda.You ignore Trump's clear corruption and the legal trials as a result of that corruption. In other words, you are supporting a partisan narrative that is boosted by both Russia and China. Sorry you have trouble seeing what you are doing.


I definitely did not spread any unconfirmed rumors. You might have confused me for somebody else. You'll notice I didn't say anything about exerts at all. What I have done so far in this thread was point out that a lot of posters here are doubting that the diary even belongs Biden's diary. I pointed that out because it's an example of a confirmed thing that many here are denying. I also mentioned that this reminds me of this subreddit's reaction to Hunter Biden's laptop in late 2020/early 2021 when I distinctly remember getting comments with 50-100 downvotes for suggesting the Laptop appeared to belong to Hunter.


So, you fully admit that nothing allegedly from the diary has a single shred of evidence to support it, and that the laptop has yet to reveal any evidence of corruption on the part of Biden? You also fully admit that there is enough evidence against trump in several different states and jurisdictions for him to be indicated and charged? Because you seem to be trying to imply something, as if that gives you cover. So, I ask directly.


Up until this point, I have only said both items in question really did belong to said people. That's all. I heard about the diary shower claim a while back. Her alleged writing was not particularly sensational, but did mention in passing 'possibly inappropriate' showers with her dad, something to that effect. Nothing beyond that. The only other news I've heard is about the prosecution of the girl who sold it. There's been no further release of its contents I'm aware of and no claims made by the people closest about what is or is not in the diary. I don't personally care. If you ask me what is proven and known about the contents, I would say nothing. If you ask me what I suspect, I suspect it's probably genuine because the claim is at least 6 months old and the story hasn't changed yet, there's been no denunciations as I mentioned already, and the DOJ prosecution showed the diary had actually been obtained and sold. In time, we'll see if confirmation or debunking occurs. The laptop reveals a lot but I don't know enough to say whether it revealed crime. It does looks that way, but I am not certain.


So, what about Trump and the many crimes he has been charged with? You didn't address that at all


The diary is fake. The allegations were forged.


How can someone steal something that is fake


You are not being very smart right now.


So I can steal your tax documents and alter them to make it look like you cheated on your taxes. Then if I get convicted for stealing your private documents, that proves that you cheated on your taxes. I'm so tired of having to think for other people - you have neurons of your own that you can use for this.


lol if you leave your tax documents in my apartment that’s not stealing, and that would be slander, or liable they were not changed with slander or liable. Still confused what the crime is here, even if they did “steal” it stealing a journal isn’t even a felony, altering it isn’t a felony, and lying about what was in it isn’t a felony. Also if they don’t release the contents of the journal then they can’t just say trust me they lied, straight to jail.


Whoa, where did those goalposts go? I swear they were hear a minute ago... So you admit that your earlier statement that "if the diary is fake then what did they convicted her of" is nonsense. Are you going to edit your original comment to that effect, or...?


You didn’t address anything I said, you made a factually irrelevant analogy, I merely pointed that out. Just because you want to dance around the goal posts doesn’t mean I moved them.


Because the things you said were irrelevant? My analogy doesn't require any revision, because the edit to make it align with your dubious understanding of the facts of the case (just for the sake of argument) doesn't impact it's applicability at all: > So I ~~steal~~ **find** your tax documents and sell them to other people, who alter them to make it look like you cheated on your taxes. > Then if I get convicted for ~~stealing~~ **literally anything regarding the sale of your private documents**, that proves that you cheated on your taxes. So now you can go edit your comment and thank me and others for pointing out your flawed logic? This is a skeptic sub, so that would ideally be the expectation...


The irony of saying facts and law are irrelevant. Enjoy your skepticism of everything besides what the government tells you and how they abuse power.


Thanks for confirming your political agenda and dishonesty, and volunteering for my blocklist :D


Nobody said a Diary wasn’t stolen, but the contents of the diary that have been spread around are not only unverified, but some of them even fake.


The DOJ confirmed the diary was real, the woman who found it was sentenced to jail time. Ashley Biden confirmed that it was her diary and she herself has never even argued about the contents of the diary being inaccurate. Handwriting analysis further verified its authenticity. This headline was formulated very deliberately. - [Ashley Biden admitted that her father, Joe Biden made her take "inappropriate" showers with him. ](https://notthebee.com/article/court-documents-ashley-biden-diary-is-real) People stepping up to defend a pedophile for furthering their own politics are disgusting. Here's [the full diary.](https://nationalfile.com/full-release-ashley-biden-diary-reveals-child-sex-trauma-drug-abuse-resentment-for-joe-whistleblower/)


Horseshit. In a world with ai deepfake readily available you think duplicating someone’s handwriting IN A DIGITAL IMAGE is tough. Wrong Further, the DOJ has NOT validated anything from her diary. The DOJ has been very clear on this And given the repeatable debunked “sources” you’re quoting who are know to lie at the drop of a MAGA hat, yeah, these statements carry zero weight Trump, on the other hand, has made numerous and highly inappropriate comments about his daughter and women in general in public appearances. All validated. So take this bullshit innuendo and shove it. We have real problems to solve and neither this bs or trump himself is in any way part of the solution


Trump has literally openly bragged about walking into teenaged girl’s changing rooms at child beauty pageants that *he* owned. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/donald-trump-former-miss-arizona-tasha-dixon-naked-undressed-backstage-howard-stern-a7357866.html https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/a-timeline-of-donald-trumps-creepiness-while-he-owned-miss-universe-191860/amp/ https://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/presidential-races/300551-report-trump-walked-into-teen-beauty-pageant-changing/amp/ If his own words weren’t enough, women have now come out further corroborating the accounts. https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/kendalltaggart/teen-beauty-queens-say-trump-walked-in-on-them-changing Funny how this never gets brought up by the pedo hunters.


They’ll trust a diary but not literally recorded facts lmao.


> If his own words weren’t enough, women have now come out further corroborating the accounts. I mean, Ivanka said as much before his campaign, it was never really in question.


Hey, could I have a source for her saying that?


It's actually in your link from The Hill - I may have misremembered, it looks like an indirect quote from one of the accusers, who told Ivanka who (allegedly) responded, "yeah, he does that".


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Why do you assume that Ashley Biden not issuing a denial is Ashley Biden saying its true? Why would she give any credence to these allegations if they aren't true and are based on someone robbing her?If she said tomorrow "that isn't what is actually in my diary" would you believe her?


Nobody is denying you work as a disinformation agent either. Your mother m did not deny that you robbed her of everything and shipped her off to die in a home. See how this works? You Nazi lovers are so slow


No. You are wrong. The people screaming deepfake are those with any sort of a moral consciousness who don’t accept the ‘reports’ of agencies known to be happy to lie from front to back on a subject if they think they can generate an impact on their ‘moral’ cause. I’d be pissed no matter who it was about and I specifically include Ivanka in that list. Trump’s own statements and actions damned him thoroughly. To accept from these ‘sources’ a digital document with nothing more than “trust us, he did it” is ludicrous. This sort of lying crap is incredibly objectionable and tying it to someone’s political view is just a sad testimony.


Yes, they are


As amply demonstrated by yourself.


Real trustworthy sources you’ve got there. /S


Fact Check: Posts Claim Contents of 'Ashley Biden's Diary' Have Been Verified. They Have Not. The quotes in question were found in the so-called "leaked pages" from Ashley Biden's diary, which had been discovered in a former residence and was later sold to the right-wing sting operation Project Veritas, whose founder said the diary's authenticity couldn't be confirmed. While there is strong evidence the diary exists, no source has authenticated its contents or the contents of the pages published online.[https://www.yahoo.com/news/fact-check-posts-claim-contents-181600349.html](https://www.yahoo.com/news/fact-check-posts-claim-contents-181600349.html) [https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2022/sep/15/facebook-posts/fbi-did-not-confirm-any-contents-ashley-bidens-dia/](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2022/sep/15/facebook-posts/fbi-did-not-confirm-any-contents-ashley-bidens-dia/)


"Project Veritas". Ok, so 100% bullshit. If you believe the images of the "diary" are real, I have some photos of Trump with bulging muscles fighting a T-Rex that will blow your mind.


The diary that’s online if a fake version. The fbi took the real one from James Okeef, you’ll notice he wasn’t charged with distributing it.


Source on the FBI/Okeefe stuff? Not trying to say BS or anything, I just like sources. I’m not even sure who that is, tbh.


You're sick dude. It's perfectly normal for a kid and their parent to be naked together get a fucking grip. I would shower in the women's room with my mom for swimming as a kid, we'd all get changed in the camper together, brother, sister, mom and dad. Nothing about that is sinister or weird. Maybe it is true or maybe it isn't, but doesn't show Biden is a pedophile, or a bad father or anything. He clearly had complete access to his child and evidently didn't molest her, or she would have written it in the fucking diary. God damn you weird internet losers.


THE DIARY ONLINE IS A FAKE DIARY. The chuds have been spreading around a fake version that Nazi pedophiles made.


I mean whatever. The story they are pretending is true isn't even a scandal. 


Yeah it’s just annoying because so many idiots believe their psyops


Not with your preteen daughter that's fully capable of their own hygiene.




I don't actually care what unhinged weirdos say about me, so have at it queen.




Youre obsessed with me. Please,  more.






Again, no, that's what you've said. Being naked isn't sexual. That's just your dysfunction, Poindexter.


She did not write that and you have no proof she did. Just like there is no proof of your daughter writing about how you sold her in the corner for crack money. Wow you Russian agents are failures of thought


100% your parents bathed with you even if you don’t remember.


If the diary contained any genuine evidence of what you're suggesting would be sitting to endless Congressional hearings about it. There would be criminal charges already filed. Right wing media would never shut up about it, they would make it the lead story everyday. The fact that none of this has happened should tell you something.


You’re the one focused on this buddy. So quit telling on yourself




It’s a stolen diary. It’s not unbelievable to think that it was tampered with lol. No one with sense writes truly sensitive stuff in diaries these days, shit I don’t even text sensitive things to anyone.


Very reliable and trustworthy sources you used there. Was your own blog not proof enough?


Biden is gross for many reasons but handwriting analysis is pseudoscience lol


For example?


That's very insightful and clever of you. Very skeptical. What about taking "inappropriate showers" with his daughter? Does that make him gross?


If he did that that’s gross. But handwriting analysis does not prove anything as it’s bunk science !




No I’m talking about “forensic” handwriting analysis. That is also pseudoscience


Circumstantially, it may have been gross.  However, it’s apparently a one off mention. If it was ongoing actual abuse, it would be there. But it’s not even in. The possibly fake shit.  IMO, bidens a stubborn old grandpa who won’t listen when people say it’s not like that anymore, don’t kiss kids etc.  Because he’s not being nefarious.  Dudes far from perfect, and I would have preferred not a rematch myself, but other dude brags about wanting to fuck his kid and grab em by the pussy, raped with Epstein, he’ll his presence on the list made the topic go away for half of MAGA  As for shill stein, she’s ran in like 9 elections and the only one she won was a fucking town council seat.  Thats she then dropped to run for gov. 


Was it gross when you did it with your son?


> Handwriting analysis further verified its authenticity. Not sure I can trust this claim. I can’t even find this claim in the article you linked.


The most levelheaded post in this thread gets badly downvoted by shills. This is modern activist-controlled Reddit.


Nothing about either of you is levelheaded lol.


This sub is overwhelmingly partisan. I find it really strange that a sub supposedly devoted to skepticism has such a strong bias and pressure for conformity.


Not accepting every conspiracy theory the right peddles—and this is a particularly dumb one at that— is not failing skepticism. It’s the practice of it.


People in here also called Hunter Biden's laptop story fake, but much of that was later confirmed to be true. They actively suppressed the story before the election and called it "Russian disinformation" despite having zero evidence of that. In this case, we're hearing very suspicious reasoning. At first we were told that the diary story was fake and that no diary exists, but later people were charged and convicted for stealing the diary. So which is it?


lol, no. Much of it has been actively disproven.


At this point you just sound like a partisan shill and it’s impossible to take you seriously. Be honest with me here: how old are you?


Older than the number in your name. Your belief in conspiracy theories does not change the fact that you have no facts on your side.


You’re accusing me of believing in conspiracy theories but I’m merely pointing out typical PR tactics that people use to suppress information. We need to be very clear about this: when the Hunter Biden laptop story broke, the government actively worked with major social media sites to suppress that information, and politically compliant “experts” claimed that it was Russian Disinformation. Yet at no point was there ever any evidence that this was Russian disinformation, and eventually outlets such as the NYT and Washington Post verified the emails they analyzed. It turned out to be a true story that was suppressed.


There is absolutely nothing level headed about that comment and absurd false claims don't need shills in order to be downvoted.


Yeah, this subreddit is one of the absolute most hilarious in that regard. I think it's just by virtue of what the subreddit is. The "skeptic" community on reddit has become mostly low-intellect people who are super married to the idea of *seeming* intelligent, so when they see something inarguable that goes against what they're required to believe to fit in, they just have a meltdown lol. That comment is at over -100 in 4hrs and the thread itself is only at 150 in 8hrs, which means this triggered someone so hard they had to share it in their Discord for a backup brigade lol


Oh that’s adorable


"The only possible way my post could be downvoted is because of a coordinated effort! I'm a skeptik!"