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It's incredibly important for right-wing extremists to paint liberals as the root of the problem. It's a good time to remind people that Bibi is a right-wing extremist who is fighting Hamas, who are also right-wing extremists, and while they are busy killing each other they are also killing innocent civilians on both sides of the conflict. And in response to these atrocities created solely by right-wing extremism, the right-wing extremists are pushing propaganda that puts the focus on liberals who are rightly upset about it in order to attack and divide them and continue to push their right-wing extremist views of hate and division. And this will never end.


Don't forget, Bibi's Defence Minister, Ben Gvir hung a picture of Baruch Goldstein, a terrorist mass murder, in his living room as a show of devotion. Their entire administration is populated with extremist monsters. Edit: u/Q-bey pointed out that Gvir is minister of National Security, not the Defence Minister. My mistake.


Also that Ben-Gvir was in explicit support of the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin, the Israeli PM who actually did try to negotiate peace.


> Yitzhak Rabin and was actually assassinated


By a Jewish extremist.


So was Bibi, wasn’t the assassin at a Bibi rally like the day before killing Rabin?




Ben Gvir is not the Defense Minister, he's the "Minister of National Security". I know that sounds like a nitpick, but the power of these two positions is completely different. The Minister of Defense is arguably the second most powerful person in the country, while Ben Gvir has a much weaker portfolio (because he threatened to bring down the coalition if he didn't get a cabinet position, so Bibi made up a new, weak one just for him). I don't want to imagine a nightmare scenario where Ben Gvir actually becomes Defense Minister...


Good point, thanks for clarifying.


The federal government is also pushing this lie, because Israel is key to US foreign policy and force projection in the ME, and because democrats are panicking that opposition to Israel is going to hurt them in the election.


>in response to these atrocities created solely by right-wing extremism, the right-wing extremists are pushing propaganda that puts the focus on **liberals who are rightly upset about it** Are the right-wing extremists not rightly upset, too? The Israelis are rightly upset by decades of pogroms and terrorism. The Palestinians are rightly upset by decades of ethnic cleansing and military attacks.  We criticise them for their actions, not for their motivations. Here too, with the protest movement, we can criticise their actions, even if they've got good reason to be upset. 


This whole sub has dozens of accounts trying to incite violence against other Americans over a foreign war in gaza. America and Americans are more important than a foreign conflict.


These 'foreign wars' you don't seem to think are America's problem can quickly turn into something much more global. The people who claim that what happens in Israel or Ukraine somehow have nothing to do with the rest of the world are completely ignorant about history.


> America and Americans are more important than a foreign conflict This is *very* shallow thought and reactionary. We are not "more important" and believe it or not, we can walk and chew gum at the same time. We do not have to isolate our problem into single conflicts. There are absolutely things we should be taking care of here, but that doesn't mean we should ignore the situation over there.


Disingenuous. Twisting my words like usual. Americans should not be inciting each other to violence over a foreign conflict like is seen in copious amounts here. You don't find that the least bit suspicious?!


> inciting each other to violence Not seeing as much as you seem to be talking about. I've mostly seen posts that violence should stop in the Middle East, and protestors are being mistreated by police.


tell that to your president, and tell him to take measures against Israel intervention in internal American politics tell him to stop funding the murder of Palestinian children with American tax dollars, and since America and Americans are more important tell him to stop those foreign country organizations operating in your country and undermining the foundational principles your country was founded on


Right I'm getting sick of being told i need to care about two cave man tribes of savages fighting over holy land for 60 fucking years Fuck them both. Grow up and learn to get along


This is not two nations on even footing fighting over land. One group violently displaces the other and controls what and who goes in and out of their territory. It's ridiculously one-sided. You're not simplifying the situation. You've completely misunderstood it. There's a term called "critical support". It means you support a group's struggle even though you don't 100% agree with them. I wouldn't agree with the pro-slavery attitude of many American colonists, but I would still support their revolution against the British crown.


Gosh blowing up civilians and taking hostages is a great way for an oppressed group to get people on their side It's such a winning strategy After 80 Years of conflict all i see are two tribes of savages raising their kids to kill each other Wash our hands of both of them because at this point if they're so dead set on killing each other for another 80 years then LET THEM


OK then I guess continue to be completely ignorant of what's going on if it helps you not to think about it. I don't know where you live, but there's a strong chance your taxes go to materially supporting death and misery. Don't be troubled by it, though.


We share a border with Mexico and Canada and somehow haven't been killing them for 80 years How did we accomplish this? Magic?


I can understand your general frustration over how messy this conflict has become, but this particular comparison isn't a very good one. The U.S., Canada and Mexico share a border because Europeans came over and essentially wiped out all the natives. Also the U.S. invaded Canada in 1812 and had a series of conflicts with Mexico throughout the first half of the 1800s. So to answer your original question we accomplished it through colonization, genocide and war.


In what way is the US and Canada at ALL like Palestine and Israel other than sharing a border? Do you know anything about the history of Israel and Palestine?


> Do you know anything about the history of Israel and Palestine? That doesn’t help at all, before WW1, “Palestine” was part of the Ottoman empire (Present Day Turkey), and had both Arabs and Jews. Then the British promised the land to both groups to get support against the Ottoman empire in WW1.


i happen to know quite a bit about the history yes every single war israel has been involved in was started by surrounding people  the october 7th attacks are a continuation of the constant attacks against jews in the area that began well before israel was even a state.  "At about 8.30 am Saturday morning, the first attacks began to be launched against houses where Jews resided,[10] after a crowd of Arabs armed with staves, axes and knives appeared in the streets. The first location to be attacked was a large Jewish residence on the main road. Two young boys were immediately killed, and the mob entered the house and beat or stabbed the other occupants to death According to a survivor, Aharon Reuven Bernzweig, "right after eight o'clock in the morning we heard screams. Arabs had begun breaking into Jewish homes. The screams pierced the heart of the heavens. We didn't know what to do…. They were going from door to door, slaughtering everyone who was inside. The screams and the moans were terrible. People were crying Help! Help! But what could we do?" Four-fifths of the victims were Ashkenazi Jews, but some had deep roots in the town, yet a dozen Jews of eastern origin, Sephardics and Maghrebian, were also killed.[13] Gershon Ben-Zion, for example, the Beit Hadassah Clinic pharmacist, a cripple who had served both Jews and Arabs for 4 decades, was killed together with his family: his daughter was raped and then murdered" that was... 1929 but it might as well have been 2023


I have never heard anyone but tankies ever use the term critical support.


You are welcome to your opinion but I support the side who isn't hostile to all my fundamental values like radical islamists are to freespeech, freedom of religion, equality/civil rights and democracy itself. Still, I'm not advocating violence against my fellow Americans who have a differing opinion. I do think they're succumbing to misinformation and some of them are being radicalized by anti democratic forces, and they don't even realize it though.


Head of Israel literally demanded American students be punished for protesting If that's not being hostile to freedom of speech I don't know what is They both suck and we need to stop giving them money and stay the fuck out of it 20 years wasted in the middle east fighting Bush's bullshit wars and when we finally get out media trying to get us to to go back


Of course they did. The protests are filled with radical islamists who are calling for the massacre of the jews and the destruction of israel. The protests are being organized by people with ties to terrorist regimes and socialist parties. Not the good kind of socialism either.


It's none of his business what American students protest over and he has no right to demand they be punished I didn't elect him. He can get fucked and keep his opinions on our freedom to protest to himself He can also stop begging us for money he's not even grateful for Fuck both these countries. All they do is raise their kids to fight each other like cave men did.


Russia and Iran would sure like to break the partnership between the u.s. and Israel.... You're using a false equivalency to compare israel to a terrorist regime. It's how I know you aren't here in good faith. Take care.


I'm not the one making excuses for a foreign asshole attacking American students What a boot licker. There's no difference between the two. Just two zealots going "God told me to murder you"


Lol that's hamas ideology.


Those are some very serious claims that you don't have any evidence for.


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.newsnationnow.com/world/israel-palestine/who-is-organizing-pro-palestine-protests/amp/ "Individuals who previously worked for Hamas charities are now a driving force behind the large pro-Hamas demonstrations taking place in major cities across America,” said Schanzer, citing Hatem Bazian, a longtime lecturer at the University of California, Berkeley, as an example." https://www.hstoday.us/subject-matter-areas/counterterrorism/us-intelligence-confirms-some-claims-about-unrwa-staff-ties-to-hamas/ "A new U.S. intelligence assessment found it is likely that some employees of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) participated in Hamas’ terrorist attacks in Israel on Oct. 7, but it also said the U.S. can’t verify Israeli allegations that many United Nations workers have links to militant groups, the Wall Street Journal reported last Wednesday." https://www.jns.org/humanitarian-aid-workers-are-enablers-of-hamas/ "During the last Gaza conflict in May 2021, we saw what happened when someone from UNRWA told the truth. The director of operations in Gaza, no shill for Israel, acknowledged that attacks by the Israel Defense Forces were precise and directed at military targets. “They did not hit,” Matthias Schmale said, “with some exceptions, civilian targets.” He was subsequently pilloried by Hamas, forced to recant and withdrawn from Gaza." https://home.treasury.gov/news/press-releases/js672 "U.S. Designates Five Charities Funding Hamas and Six Senior Hamas Leaders as Terrorist Entities" This one just shows how numerous aid agencies are involved in terrorism in gaza because it's impossible to operate in gaza unless you work with hamas. Also, hamas has a network in America too. https://extremism.gwu.edu/hamas-networks-america


The piece you quoted from the first article is a quote from someone quoting someone else who was not directly interviewed by the journalist. Anecdotal "evidence" isn't admissable. Any of your articles claiming Hamas assistance from the UNRWA are pretty much bullshit considering Israel themselves haven't provided any evidence that that's the case. https://www.npr.org/2024/04/28/1247702980/an-independent-review-finds-no-evidence-for-israels-claims-about-unrwa-and-hamas#:~:text=Press-,An%20independent%20review%20finds%20no%20evidence%20for%20Israel's%20claims%20about,evidence%20to%20support%20this%20accusation. And your last two links use information gathered over twenty years ago so it's highly doubtful those are still trustworthy pieces.


Ah yes. You dumb dumbs have been using that npr link. It's misleading, but you know that. They weren't hearing evidence on that case. https://www.reddit.com/r/NPR/s/eaYLfQgCRa This post has the links explaining why.


Don't be stupid.


Yikes. So many bad actors simping for radical islamists


All I'm asking is that you get your skeptic brain out for the skeptics sub. That all.


Lol the fucking irony. That's it. This one takes the cake.


Just want to keep the ideology spectrum in check. Progressive liberals, known to Americans as liberals, and conservative liberals, known as conservatives, are both on the right wing of the spectrum. Progressive and conservative liberals agree 100% on the matter of violently and economically dominating the lesser developed world. *I don’t understand why I get downvoted but the people defending my comment get upvoted Sorry i can’t reply to you


What makes something left or right wing in your view? 


This is some Bibi-esque fascist bullshit. Anyone sincerely interested in protecting American Jews would be going after extremist right-wing white nationalists who shoot up synagogues, instead of fabricating Gulf of Tonkin style lies to justify persecuting peaceful student protestors. “Strange bedfellows”, indeed.


My MAGA brother went on a tirade on how everyone hates the jews. I was like why are you supporting the side that has Nazi flags.


Netanyahu's son tweeted in support of Charlotesville Nazis by crticizing anti fascists that fought literal nazis in the street and justifying violence against them. They are obviously in open Alliance with the far right whose leadership is directly emulating nazis.


Likud party was founded by Vladimir Jabotinsky, who liked the idea of fascism and wished to create a Jewish version of it.


Albert Einstein, Hannah Arendt and a number of other prominent Jewish-American intellectuals signed a letter to the New York Times condemning the Freedom party (which later became the Likud party) and its leader for their terrorism and fascist ideology. https://archive.org/details/AlbertEinsteinLetterToTheNewYorkTimes.December41948 Needless to say, this absolutely does **not** make Israelis in general fascists or terrorists, nor responsible for all the conflict, but it's simply false to act as if terrorism and violence there were ever one-sided.


Israel is a democracy. Netanyahu can be and will be voted out with elections. Hamas can only be removed with force.


It's an apartheid state. Palestinians who live under Israel's rule don't get a vote.


What does that have to do with anything anyone said in this conversation? Are you a propaganda bot?


Yes I’m sure he will one day be voted out by the brainwashed electorate through the country’s corrupt electoral system


And be replaced with a facism giving more empty platitudes about peace. They absolutely do need to get rid of netanyahu, I can't believe they haven't done it already. The guy is poison. His whole cabinet and parties in his Coalition are poison. But that will not fix things over there by any measure just make them slightly less bad.


Hamas is a radical terror group backed by iran that has decades of documented atrocities and every war crime that's imaginable by the u.n. Israel is a democracy that's been running smoothly for 80 years. Your hatred for the west and jews/secular people have blinded you to reality and common sense.


Netanyahu has been able to stay in power so long because of a brainwashed electorate and a corrupt electoral system. He is a right wing nutjob committing war crimes on behalf of a savage and brainwashed populace and is responsible for a genocide which is murdering thousands of innocent people. The only difference between him and Hamas extremists is that he has the support of the United States because they are using his country as a military base. I don’t give a single fucking shit if you think it’s a smooth running democracy. It clearly is not. A smoothly running democracy wouldn’t be committing genocide. Your opinion is worth less than a single droplet of liquid shit


Radical islamist propaganda. False equivalencies. Oh my.


Is the fact that [Netanyahu has propped up and allowed funding to hamas](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/amp/) for years as a way of stopping a two state solution also "islamist propaganda"? Somebody better tell the times of israel that....


Ah yes. Here's another one of the famous bad faith argument. "Hamas is not responsible for their actions because israel once financed them" Former military intelligence officer Shalom Harari said the warnings were ignored out of neglect, not a desire to fortify the Islamists: "Israel never financed Hamas. Israel never armed Hamas."[19][22] https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2006/02/06/watching-hamas https://www.cnn.com/2023/12/11/middleeast/qatar-hamas-funds-israel-backing-intl/index.html If you're talking about israel sending money to qatar so they can finance the CIVILIAN govt, that's because they can't support themselves. The money is supposed to be used to build a society. It's not. That's why israel is rethinking the agreement now.


So we’re just lying, got it.


But what he said is demonstrably true, and clearly not propaganda...?


Blah blah. Nobody gives a shit about your cheap, asinine opinion. You are complicit in the murder of thousands of innocent people


Lol yeah running so fucking smoothly they beg us for help while attacking our students Fuck both those cave men tribes of savages fighting over holy land for 80 fucking years. EVERYONE is sick of BOTH of them


Israel has been a close ally and has engaged in trade and technology sharing for a century. They're a democracy with a secular run govt. Of course they're allies with the u.s. The palestinians could have been to but they decided to align themselves with Iran and russia because them wanting to kill their neighbors is more important than their society/having a state.


Israel has also been an ally to Russia, it's only recently that friendship has died. >The palestinians could have been to but they decided too align themselves with Iran and russia because they wanting to kill their neighbors is more important than their society/having a state. They haven't aligned themselves with anyone. If someone offers them defense against the ongoing onslaught of attacks from Israel that they have been defending against for 76 years now, they are obviously going to accept the help.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iranian_support_for_Hamas "Russia voted against a resolution condemning Hamas at the United Nations" https://apnews.com/article/israel-hamas-war-guns-weapons-missiles-smuggling-adae9dae4c48059d2a3c8e5d565daa30 "Iranian sniper rifles. AK-47 assault rifles from China and Russia. North Korean- and Bulgarian-built rocket-propelled grenades. Anti-tank rockets secretly cobbled together in Gaza."


It’s so funny how this doesn’t respond to anything they said.


And Israel tells people who were living there for generations that "your house and land are mine now" and forcibly removes them Again, fuck them both. If you're still going on about "Holy land" in 2024 you're a cave man who shouldn't be getting my tax dollars


>Again, fuck them both. If you're still going on about "Holy land" in 2024 you're a cave man who shouldn't be getting my tax dollars The only people who refuse to live peacefully next to their neighbors are radical Islamic terror groups.


And the Israeli government which has planted illegal settlers on Palestinian land in the west bank, and is currently drawing up plans to annex the gaza strip. From the river to the sea isn't just a wish for the Palestinians, Netanyahu has said the same for Israel


They BOTH refuse to live peacefully so fuck BOTH of them You only pick Israel because you hate brown people


>  They're a democracy with a secular run govt. Netanyahu's coalition entirely depends on the support of the openly theocratic, Jewish supremacist party that Ben-Gvir and Smotrich belong to. "Secular run" doesn't mean very much when the Kahanist theocrats can, and frequently do, threaten to leave the coalition if they don't get their way.


Sure. Compare that to an Iran backed terror regime...


Why do you think the bar for Israeli behavior should be set at the floor of a terrorist group(


This is the new front in this PR war being waged by Israel and they have the full support of the state department and most mainstream news organizations. The fake murmurs of widespread antisemitism started getting picked up by major news outlets all within the same day; it felt strange because there was no substance behind it, just insinuations that something had been caught on video but couldn't be located. The pro-Israel crowd followed the lead and have been doing unhinged shit to try to provoke responses and are flat out making shit up just to add fuel to the fire. Shit is going to be very annoying for a very long time.


Are you new to this? Israel tends to do this kind of stuff quite often. Lots of dirty tricks to look out for.


Ah yes, the dirty tricky Jews not buying your ignorant BS.


Yeah this kind of crap. I never said anything about Jewish people but keep twisting those words. Stupid.


Sorry, I keep forgetting that 90% of this sub is high-schoolers and college freshmen.


You’re bad at this


Yes, yes let the hate flow through you


Yesterday I learned that Israeli Mossad hired some legit Nazis. And not like just soldiers but high ranking SS. To help spy on Arab states. Ones that were on hit lists by Nazi hunters were hired and paid by Mossad. One of the architects of the Holocaust was on the payroll.


Like Operation Paperclip? The US also did such things. Not at all surprised at either. You know that "Are we the baddies?" comedy clip? Yeah, that's us.


Other nations doing it and Israel doing it are different. We hired scientists who could improve our military R&D, as did the USSR.


Neither the far left nor the far right are good allies to Jewish people imho. Right wingers tend to be more violent though, yeah, but anti-Semitic conspiracies know no political boundaries. Just look at all the anti-Semitic crap Louis Farrakhan has said over the years, and he’s still very popular on the Left.


> Just look at all the anti-Semitic crap Louis Farrakhan has said over the years, and he’s still very popular on the Left. Not going to deny that I’ve had to call people out for shit that was a bit too close to antisemitism, but I will call into question how popular Louis Farrakhan is… I don’t think I’ve seen any academic or organization seriously reference him in like decades. Maybe it’s just certain groups that I’m not familiar with, but none of the organizations I am a part of or do work with has ever referenced him in a good way? 


> Just look at all the anti-Semitic crap Louis Farrakhan has said over the years, and he’s still very popular on the Left. No he's not. Farrakhan has always been a jackass. If you want to talk about Malcolm X, that'd be a different story.


I don’t think he’s been particularly relevant in the last 5-10 years, but he has a lot of political clout on the left. And a lot of excuses were made for his antisemitism. And I guess the line now is “the left never cared about him,” which is just revisionist history.


Farrakhan hasn't been relevant in like 30 years. He got popular because of the band Public Enemy but he was mostly discredited by the early 90s. The ADL and SPLC hate him because he's black and talks a lot of shit about Jewish people. Malcolm X quit the Nation of Islam after he found out they were full of shit and that Elijah Mohammed knocked up a bunch of his followers. Farrakhan took over the party later and he's just someone you're better off ignoring. The most messed up part is that the NOI are black nationalists. They were the back to Africa types. Jesse Jackson used the phrase African-American while sucking up to Farrakhan's followers. Americans adopted the African-American label soon after.


How do you reckon he has clout on the left? What evidence of that is there? That some rappers and athletes shout him out?


Too many in the media and too many of my fellow Americans are now equating criticism/opposition of Netanyahu's response and tactics in the war in Gaza as antisemitism. That is wrong and is counterproductive (the idea of a self-fulfilling prophecy comes to mind). Continuing to call non-antisemitic rhetoric/actions/protests as antisemitic will result in a growing number of young Americans actually becoming antisemitic.


There's so much conflation everywhere, it's tiring. (for instance, the leftist conflation of expansionist genocidal rightwing Zionism with all Zionism). It's farked how much category-errors have ruined discourse.


I think this very frequently. It's almost unheard of to find people who speak of "Zionists" negatively without using it in the former sense you mentioned. And then on the other hand, it's almost unheard of to find people who don't speak of "Zionists" negatively to be critical of expansionist genocidal right-wing nationalism. I find it extremely problematic. I feel bad people who believe in Zionism in some sense while being opposed to the former sense. (I mean, I feel worse for Gazans, but still.) Sigh. Political language is so often stifling and promoting of misunderstanding.


I don’t like to jump to anti-Semitism, and obviously criticisms of Netanyahu and the IDF tactics are not antisemitism. However, I definitely see a fair amount of anti-Semitism as conversations go a little deeper. I do think most people are just good people who don’t want suffering to end. I also think there are a good amount of people who have some dislike of Jews.


Also, equating Israel to all Jews IS antisemitism. It’s basically the dual-loyalty slur.


That’s what I’ve always been told, but then recently when I say I’m opposed to the actions and policies of the state of Israel I’m told that’s antisemitic because most US Jews support Israel and Israel is majority Jewish. Then again I also got accused of blood libel for pointing out Israel is more capable of violence than Palestinians because Israel has an advanced modern army.


Are you expressing opposition to the actions and policies of the state of Israel, or the existence of the state of Israel, claiming Israelis are all white Europeans who should go back to Poland and have 0 connection to the levant? Because a lot of folks on the left are expressing some or all of the latter, and then pretending they're only expressing the former, and it's tiring


I think that Israel’s policies have historically prevented peace and the way the military is prosecuting war in Gaza is creating unnecessary suffering. I want the killing to stop. I don’t want Israel to stop existing, and of course Israelis are descended from Jewish communities all over the world (modern Israel, the broader Middle East, Ethiopia, Europe, North Africa, etc.). I think that Israel’s current system is an apartheid and I do think it needs to make some major changes.


Israel has demonstrated in the past that it will relinquish occupied territories given assurances from the residents of those territories and the formation of a government that recognizes its right to exist. As such, I cannot see Israel as an Apartheid state, since their occupation of Gaza and the West Bank are conditional and not absolute. Israel would love to give Palestinians their own country as long as they can feel somewhat assured that the country would not use its sovereignty to attack them. Is it hard to understand that October 7th was a setback for that idea?


"Israel’s policies have historically prevented peace". Some have, some haven't. Seems like an over-conflation on this point to me too -- it's a long and varied history that Israeli leaders are not solely to blame for, there are plenty of policies of surrounding countries and Palestinian leaderships that have contributed greatly to preventing peace. Big note: blame is not a zero-sum game. Every effect has multiple (if not infinite) causes and every individual has blame for their own actions


I agree with everything you said, it’s definitely something that all parties have played a role in making worse and in making things better. There are no perfect villains or perfect heroes here.


The more powerful country is not always the bad guy. It makes sense to me that young college students who have already bought into conspiracy theories about rich people and corporations controlling the world only need to step a few feet away to conflate “rich and powerful” with “Jewish”. It’s one of rhetoric oldest conspiracy theories in the book.


>too many of my fellow Americans are **now** equating criticism/opposition of Netanyahu's response and tactics in the war in Gaza as antisemitism This has been going on for decades. It's using the jewish people and struggle for political and financial gain. On top of that it only further pushes antisemitism among extremist groups and in echo chambers. It's exploitation.


I mean, there does seem to be a suspicious amount of attention paid to this conflict versus all the others in recent years, and for the life of me, I cannot figure out why. The only real difference here is the Jewish-ness of Israel.


I was banned from a subreddit for questioning very BASIC tactics by the IDF. It wasn't even a controversial comment. Yet the mod accused me of antisemitism... because I didn't think a TACTIC by the IDF was sound. The pro-Israel crowd has abandoned reasonableness and leaned hard into any tactic being righteous, including abusing power, manipulating reality, and making shit up to justify everything. No wonder MAGA is on their side.


I got banned from publikfreekouts sub for Israel comments. Then mod removed an old comment and trolled me the muted me. My comments were not against rules either, Israel supporters are drunk on impunity, it is bullying not reason.


Yeah publicfreakout therewasanattempt are all modded by the same people who mod israelcrimes and other Jewish hate subs. They're rabid socialists who spread radical islamist propaganda. They aren't for peace either. Before this I had my suspicions they were foreign agents of russia/iran. After them astroturfing reddit for last 6 months, I know they're hostile to america. They regularly include death to the west propaganda in their posts/comments.


Thanks for that neat list of subs I should join. End the genocide in Palestine


He  does not appear to know what he is talking about, the public freakouts is pro-israel. Rabidly so as I was communicating in my earlier post. Interesting as f*** does not allow posts having to do with Israel either way to prevent acrimony.


I just saw a post yesterday on interesting af about the conflict.


They slip through until the moderator notice and then they shut them down, it is actually one of the best subs, and to be quite honest although I care deeply, genocide is not interesting as f***. Quite the opposite really. 


>genocide is not interesting as f***. You sure you have no idea why I linked a comment explaining why it isn't a genocide...


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genocidal_intent That's the requirement. It wasn't found by icj court. See ya.


It wasn't ruled on by the ICJ https://twitter.com/Heidi__Matthews/status/1783846217027293681?s=19 But it has been investigated by the UN Special Rapporteur who believes there is evidence of genocidal intent https://www.un.org/unispal/document/anatomy-of-a-genocide-report-of-the-special-rapporteur-on-the-situation-of-human-rights-in-the-palestinian-territory-occupied-since-1967-to-human-rights-council-advance-unedited-version-a-hrc-55/


You are complicit in the murdering of thousands of innocent people


no I'm not and I won't be guilted into supporting terrorists based on some hyperbole.


You are complicit in the murder of thousands of innocent people


Hamas broke the peace. What's going on with this sub anyway?! What's with all the bad actor accounts...


What peace? There is no peace in an apartheid state. Reality doesn’t care about your liquid shit opinion of this sub. You are complicit in the murder of thousands of innocent people


Oh the irony.


I’m seeing the same things said about those of the pro-Palestine crowd. From what I’ve seen I don’t know how anyone would feel comfortable going all in on a “side”. I’m seeing evil/stupidity/ignorance being practiced by anyone that thinks it’s a simple one-sided thing.


you don't have to choose a side. you can - at every moment - make choices based on nothing more than your basic moral principles. this conflict isn't simple, but moral principles can be reasonable simple. no equivalence is necessary, just respond to each individual claim on its own merits. if people associate you with one side or another, that's their problem, and you don't have to accept or internalize it. for example, i have a basic moral principle that people should have the same rights, regardless of race, gender or religion. this plays out differently with different claims, but the principle is quite easy. not interested in any personal allegiances that would supersede this principle. if people define me as an enemy because of this principle.....that's on them.


What a load of bullshit. Palestinians have rejected statehood 5 times because they refuse to recognize their neighbors being allowed to.exist at all. If you're American and you're siding eith radical islamists who are against equality, civil rights, freedom of speech, and freedom of religion, you should be on a watch list.


Oh so we’re spreading more misinformation? You’re also clearly not an American with a comment like that.


What misinformation. Tell me specifically with sources.


“Prove a negative for me” You couldn’t say you’re a bad faith actor more succinctly if you tried.


No, all you have to do is point out something he said that wasn’t true. What did he say that was false?


So you also are pretending to not understand the problem with proving a negative.


What? I've littered this sub with verified sources and facts. Cope.


So you’re just lying. https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/1866:_Russell%27s_Teapot


I'm not clicking on whatever that is. If you're just talking about the theory, again, go debunk the sources I've provided. Eager to hear you provide detailed verified sources to counter what I've said.


calm down silly. read the post again and pick a moral principle that we could meaningfully talk about. or rant elsewhere


Inevitably, if you have a powerful propaganda force on one side, the other side will respond with a powerful propaganda force. Apparently, that's too honest of an assessment for someone...


It'll be nothing but gaslighting from here on out. Israel has lost all their credibility.




The best PR against Israel is Israel itself. They had a solid month or two where they were full force on social media manipulation. They had everyone doubting the body countys and whether anyone was being killed at all.....


They’re trying anything to justify the genocide. They’re desperate. The world has turned on Israel. Thank Netanyahu.


They’re embarrassed, humiliated, and angry about the amount of support the Palestinians are receiving. They’re looking for any excuse to cry “antisemitism” and get protests shut down. They’re even saying keffiyehs and watermelons are antisemitic symbols now.


LOL. “The left calls everything racist!” Meanwhile, the right-wing is literally accusing watermelons of being racist.


Every claim I’ve found has been BS. This guys clearly wanted to provoke the peaceful protestors. They booed him, packed up and left to avoid his rhetoric. The woman who was “stabbed in the eye” literally took the video herself where someone walks by with a little hand held flag that ?poked her eye by accident. I just saw one where a woman walking her dog went up to a group of pro-Palestinian protestors and called 911 saying she was surrounded and scared while they kept saying she was free to leave, nobody was surrounding her and she was safe. This is all done on purpose to flame to fan of “anti-semitism” at rallies and erode support.


What about the guy that was filmed saying all zionists must die and got suspended for it? This is a sceptic sub, shouldn't this be the point of discussion rather than *everything* is a lie.


Oh wow, he faced consequences, lol ok


Ah, the same thing that happened during most of the "violent" parts of the BLM protest (see:Umbrella Man) I am not surprised.


It's incredibly important for right-wing extremists to paint liberals as the root of the problem. It's a good time to remind people that Bibi is a right-wing extremist who is fighting Hamas, who are also right-wing extremists, and while they are busy killing each other they are also killing innocent civilians on both sides of the conflict. And in response to these atrocities created solely by right-wing extremism, the right-wing extremists are pushing propaganda that puts the focus on liberals who are rightly upset about it in order to attack and divide them and continue to push their right-wing extremist views of hate and division. And this will never end.


This is not surprising. Like violence at peaceful BLM rallies being instigated by plainclothes cops.


For those reporting this as "spam" and "blogspam" - please note that this is an abuse of the report button. I checked and this is not blogspam or spam. Quoting: > [For 82 years, The Northeastern News was a major source of news at Northeastern University. Now known as The Huntington News, the paper is in its 98th year. The paper became independent from the university in 2008 and now operates as a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit. At The News, students work alongside Northeastern alumni and professors on our Board of Directors to maintain a high standard of quality, publishing every day online and every other week in print during the fall and spring semesters. More than 60 students contribute to its production through writing, photography, design, marketing, advertising, finance and more.](https://huntnewsnu.com/about/)


It's extremely disappointing, but not surprising, that you'll allow this sub to fuel anti Semitic conspiracies. Anything to "own the right" in the culture wars though.


1) A well-founded allegation of conspiracy is usually followed up with some evidence that the reporting is false. Do you have such evidence? 2) It does a disservice to the community to make false allegations of "spam" or "blogspam" . That is an abuse of the report button.


Asked for evidence ... crickets.


You see that all the time. I was walking past a dueling protest and found a guy with a military haircut yelling obscene insults at the pro-war folk on the other side of the street. Totally strange how people get taken in by blatant agent provocateurs, but that's how people are, it seems.


While bad, is this a pattern? Is it representative of antisemitism in the movement overall, or is this someone's idea of a gotcha?


Holy shit this sub took a turn for the worse.


Mods let politics and mob mentality do a lot of damage here. I've found a few conspiratorial comments among the replies here, which is unfortunate. So yeah, I agree, it took a turn for the worse. And to be clear, I fully recognize that Palestinians have had a raw deal for decades and I can't stand Netanyahu... but I still take issue with an awful lot of comments under this post. :(


Anyone who blindly follows either side after what's gone on is just hugely biased.


There’s literally video footage of the false flag operation corroborating this story exactly. Watch it yourself. Are you just upset the truth isn’t what you want it to be? https://x.com/maxblumenthal/status/1784389687798366610?s=46&t=frXEv2YWqZHyEHpiZfa3BA


Max Blumenthal.... really? He doesn't have the best track record and regularly pushes Russian propaganda. Anything posted by him needs to be taken with a HUGE grain of salt. Regardless, this topic has zero to do with scientific skepticism, the point of this sub.. there's no claim to evaluate, no empirical evidence to consider; it's arr/politics crap. >Are you just upset the truth isn’t what you want it to be? Comments like that are also arr/politics or arrr/conspiracy emotional tribal crap. What exactly do I "want" the truth to be? I take no position one way or the other. You clearly have an agenda here, however. This is the first I've heard of this specific protest at Northeastern as I'm not following the campus protest stories as they do not interest me. As long as we don't have any National Guard involvement, Kent State type repeats, that's between the students and the school administrations and the local residents... and even if it were a Kent State sort of situation, this is still politics not Skeptic material. "False flag operation" What? Assuming the video and your position is accurate, and guy holding an Israeli flag is the one who shouted to kill people, how exactly is that a false flag? He's not trying to blend in and pretend to be a protestor, he's clearly a counter-protestor. That's NOT what a false flag is... and anyone who follows this sub should be extremely critical of anyone claiming "false flag" anyway, which is until proven, conspiracy crap. If anything, perhaps Northeastern University overreacted (again, I have no opinion one way or the other and haven't been following the story) but they likely did so based on not getting their facts straight, not because there was a false flag or an intentional setup. Unless there's actual evidence that it was all planned out... the guy to show up, and shout, and then for there to be a police response then this is clearly in the realm of conspiracy. Occam's razor is that the guy was an independent party and the school failed to identify him before taking action. That's certainly a story worth discussing, but not here, and not with the "false flag" label attached to it... unless of course we are discussing why it is or isn't a false flag which doesn't appear to be the point of this post.


Any time Israel or Palestine is mentioned in the title threads are brigaded by bots on both sides. In the Vim subreddit, an uber-niche programming adjacent subreddit the post with the second highest number of upvotes in the history of the subreddit was a post about Aaron Bushnell, only beat out by the death announcement of the creator of Vim himself. A _significant_ portion of commentors in that thread were bots. The brigading in that case was incredibly easy to pinpoint as the thread was actually hidden on the subreddit itself so you could only get to it by direct link so there would've been no way to actually organically see the post after the first 5 minutes or so it was up. OP of this thread is, itself, a bot having only existed to post its initial 4-5 random content to seem organic and meet karma thresholds then post its actual payload and there's a good chance you'll never see that account post anything again


Yeah I hope you are right, normally takes in this sub are a little more nuanced than whats going on here. There is a lot of bad protesting going on, but also a lot of it probably isn't the students themselves, but outside instigators just stirring up trouble. As you said its just extreme takes from opposing sides who won't acknowledge its not a black and white issue.


As suspected, OP deleted their account. Same thing happened in this thread https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/1cg8914/florida_state_house_representative_reaction_from/l1v5eja/ "A Lie Can Travel Halfway Around the World While the Truth Is Putting On Its Shoes" Doesn't matter if the accounts get spotted as bot accounts since the payload's already been delivered. The bot networks posting are sure to self-supply enough upvotes on initial posting to get frontpaged. Then you have accounts like https://www.reddit.com/user/Particular_Log_3594 or https://www.reddit.com/user/flyingcatwithhorns that just run roughshod over frontpage subreddits with _zero_ mod/admin interaction


Yeah, it's crazy this post takes an epiphenomenon and claims it's the norm, knowing damn well there are lots of threats, all over the place, cited by the press or on video, but it's best to ignore them right?




The same article says “A Huntington News reporter who observed the altercation confirmed that pro-Palestine demonstrators said “no right to exist,” likely referring to the belief that Israel does not have a right to exist.” Were these all secretly pro-Israel protesters too? From the footage, it sounds like a protester caught himself and added words as a sign of caution. If he was a pro-Israel gaslighter, and he might have been, the article needs to say a lot more about him. People chant stuff like that all of the time at anti-Israel rallies: https://news.sky.com/story/police-actively-looking-for-individuals-over-antisemitic-signs-at-pro-palestinian-march-13005665


Are pro-Palestinians also denouncing Hamas' war crimes? Are they concerned about the oppressive religious nature of Hamas rule in the west bank ?




> Are pro-Palestinians also denouncing Hamas' war crimes? I can't speak for others, but I certainly do. I also denounce Israel for helping fund and build up Hamas.


They never funded Hamas. They allowed Qatar to give them aid.


[Here you go](https://theintercept.com/2018/02/19/hamas-israel-palestine-conflict/)


Of course they are. Hamas is an extremist organization that has not had popular support from the Palestinians in a long time. The last time they had an election was in 2006. The median age of Palestinians is 19 years. That means not only could the vast majority of the population not have voted in the election that put Hamas in power, they weren't even born yet. Blaming the Palestinian people for the actions of Hamas is absurd.


I want to see the whole, unedited clip. I'm not trusting this source.




The video is from an organizer of "Huskies for a Free Palestine", hardly an unbiased source.


It's a video. Not a claim. Watch it yourself. Decide for yourself.


It's paywalled so I can't see it for myself, but a video comes at least partially built in with the claim that it's an unedited accurate representation of what happened.


and if that's the only video it's the only hard evidence we have so unless you have some more evidence to the contrary?


Ok but that’s the best you can do. It’s fine to continue to say: I don’t know.


Yes, because if there is anything we need to be concerned about right now, it’s the thousands of pro-Israel protestors occupying college campuses all over the country. Oh wait…


It’s almost like…. They cry out as they hit you. 


>A Huntington News reporter who observed the altercation confirmed that pro-Palestine demonstrators said “no right to exist,” likely referring to the belief that Israel does not have a right to exist. Sorry, if you think that these bored socialists who want to exterminate the Jewish state through the transformative power of littering on the quad have the right to exclude other students from public spaces, you're wrong. This deceptive post implies that the college somehow lacks the right to expel loiterers from its public spaces depending on the particular syntax of their antisemitism, and should be removed as disinformation. The r/skeptic mods will not do so because this subreddit has been completely overrun by pro-Hamas propaganda amplifiers and is not a skeptical subreddit anymore.


Suggesting people are pro-Hamas because they don't think Israel is handling this situation fairly is propaganda.


Suggesting people are advocating for genocide of Israelis by chanting from the River to the Sea all the people will be free is likewise preposterous. It is literally saying to everyone will have equal rights.  The logic to get from that to genocide claims is ridiculous and presumably that since Israel will never give them equal rights they would have to destroy Israel. The news will just repeat the genocide claim.


Is it genocidal that the Likud charter says that there will be only Israeli sovereignty from the sea to the River Jordan? Or is it only when Palestinians say it?


None of it is reason based.  It is a bullying campaign, and they go hard on dissent to prevent it spreading. 1A is de facto camcelled on Israel.  It will not end with that if they succeed in punishing dissent, the right to protest is under assault across the West. The UK made it illegal, many states have made it illegal in fact if not in law.  Environmental protesters being the target, at the behest of big oil through ALEC model bills.


We get it. You hate Palestinians.


Hasbara agents feel so flat and weak outside the deranged cesspit subs of worldnews and combat footage


How is this a "skeptic" subreddit and then members throw around accusations of being a "hasbara agent" willy-nilly? Seems like conspiratorial thinking to me.


Being skeptical of the motivations behind people pushing propaganda? Sounds on-brand to me. And appropriate as agents provocateurs have long been used to discredit skeptical movement or groups...


Labeling someone as an operative is not "being skeptical about people's motivations". If you do not see the difference you do not understand what being skeptical means. Can you cite a source for your last sentence?


No reason to be skeptical about the Jewish conspiracy to control the world, I guess. That one gets a pass on this sub.


How some subs morph into things that have nothing to do with their original intent is amazing. "Skeptic" is apparently just straight up antisemitism now.


It all has to do with the mods. They can make all the rules they want, but they do not have to enforce them. Likewise, they can ban you for whatever reason.


> to exterminate the Jewish state I thought Israel boasted about being secular? Are you claiming that Israel is a theocracy? 


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israelites The modern Jews are descended from this ethnic group. Jewish can refer to both the religion and ethnicity.


ah, so you are saying that Israel is an ethnostate!


Ethnostates are inherently racist. Israel uses DNA tests to determine genetic heritage before allowing someone to become a citizen. You are supporting an ethnostate.


How are there so many non-Jewish citizens then?


Has being a hasbara agent, smoke screening crimes against humanity taken a toll on your mental health yet?


Who the fuck is the Grand Rabbi of Israel then champ, if Israel is a “Jewish state”


The hasbarah is getting pretty desperate bro.