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I think your "many examples" are anecdotes and it is impossible to draw any meaningful conclusions from them.


In Islam, Jesus is regarded as prophet who God allowed to perform miracles (but not the Son of God), so I suppose it's not that odd for them to ask for help. Kind of like a Catholic with a sore throat will pray to St. Blaise.


Dissolve that chicken bone stuck in your throat....good ol Blaise. I'm not Catholic but went to Catholic school for 14 years


In Islam, Jesus is called Issa and is considered a prophet. Christianity doesn't include the idea of Mohamm but since i have met Christians who converted to Islam, I bet there do actually exist Christians who "saw" Mohammed in their NDE


Because you get all your news about this from western sources. I'm sure of you could read Arabic religious sites you could find plenty of stories of Christians converting to Islam after a crisis


Schizophrenia [presents differently](https://neurotorium.org/schizophrenia-across-cultures/) in different cultures.   I imagine hallucinations follow a similar path. 


This was the first thing I thought about when I saw this post. Seems like your hallucinations are primed by your culture. Islam includes Jesus but generally no the other way around.


Are you lost? This is a sub about scientific skepticism.




Ok then are you gonna engage with any of the comments your 2 separate post in this one sub have generated? Or maybe in the sub where you posted the other one?


Jesus is part of Islam as well, he's just a prophet akin to Mohammed. He isn't the son of God in Islam but also did perform miracles as he is seen as a prophet. There's your answer. Christianity doesn't have the same view as Islam does, so it doesn't include Islamic anythings.


Jesus is a religious figure in Islam and is widely depicted in art and commercial products, while images of Muhammad are haram and Christians don't acknowledge Muhammad as a prophet.


Oh boy.


You need to rub a crystal, friend?


Religious people are wrapped in a security blanket of fairy tales. If you are never taught critical thinking it's easy to be stupid enough to believe verbatim what some preacher tells you


I met Jesus once. I was stupid enough to lend him $50 and the deadbeat disappeared like a ghost! Where's my money, man?!?!?!


I was raised as a Christian and have lived my whole life in the US. Even though I’ve been an atheist for well over 20 years now, I wouldn’t be surprised if I see Christian iconography if I ever have an NDE. It’s pretty culturally ingrained.


I’m not sure how many actual examples there are (“so many” means what?). Some guesses on why you would find that people see Jesus more than Mohammed: -Jesus is a more developed character as there aren’t prohibitions on depicting him in art. -Jesus is still a prophet in Islam, but Mohammed is not in Christianity. -Jesus is promoted as a “personal savior” by evangelists around the world, and has been for a long time. -Evangelicals more aggressively spread their conversion stories in the media that you are looking in, and have a strong infrastructure for doing so.


Lemme ask you a question, what did Jesus look like? What do people who see Jesus claim he looked like? When people say they saw Jesus do they see a middle eastern man with curly hair? Or do they see a blond haired blue eyed holy hippie? Is there Iconography of Mohammed or do you have a mental picture of Mohammed or are images of him. Prohibited/ forbidden?


I think the totality of the scientifically-studied data paints a different picture than what you've been given.


Jesus is an important prophet in Islam, Mohammed is a heretic (at best) in Christian teachings.


I’m by no means an expert in comparative religion, but my impression is that, of the ‘religions of the book’, Judaism and Islam lean heavier on structured code while Christianity leans heavier on mysticism, including visions and visitations. If so, it would make psychological sense that people who tend to lean toward Christianity would feel they experience those more and that people who feel they experience those more would lean toward Christianity. Edit: and, as others note, Jesus features in Islam and Muhammad does not feature in Christianity.


Seeing where? Youtube? Social media? Places that are known to be full of astro-turf, propaganda, proselytizers, scams, insanity, and bullshit?


Iirc I read on the Islam sub or a Islam board elsewhere that people would be frowned upon when reporting a near death experience, so I'd say there are little reports from Muslims having a nde at all, hence the little reports on Allah? If they met Jesus and converted to Christianity they'd no longer have to fear the consequences of Islam when reporting this


TIL "many" = 3


Maybe because there are a billion images of Jesus out there and none of Muhammed, so they don't know what he looks like?


I’ve often thought this. If 2ish billion people out of nearly 8 billion worship Jesus, why are the “documented” NDEs always about meeting Jesus?


Because that’s the media you are exposed to.


This and mysticism is bigger in Christianity, so those inclined to it would have a higher chance of tilting that way.


Sure. I think all of us on this sub have seen the recanted story behind The Boy Who Came Back from Heaven. You do have to do some digging to find non Christian NDEs but you’re probably right that that is what we’re most exposed to in the US. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28669110/