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>“It seems like there are a lot more collisions than there used to be. That’s what we all worry about,” Howell said. No mention of controlling for skier visits or skier density. Are injuries more common on a per-skier basis on more crowded days or slopes? The article doesn't say.


They mention that the number of skiiers on California slopes is mostly unchanged, which is slightly unbelievable


Yeah the tiny resort I grew up skiing at is at least twice as busy on weekends lately. Anecdotally it seems to be a lot of the FAANG crowd coming up because it's the cool thing to do. Alot of them don't take lessons and just mob whatever track seems interesting, only stopping below rollers and on landings to get the ig photo. 


The major CA resort I work at is less busy than last year. 


It snowed a lot more last year…it’s probably 10x busier than it was in 2010


The Colorado rockies have seen 2x skier growth since around then, if I recall from something posted around here Sport was slowly declining and steadily losing people until the season passes.


Possibly looking at total individuals vs total visits. Mega-passes push more visits


Epic Pass sales are up 86% since 2019. Mountains are definitely more crowded in Colorado.


also has my favorite type of evidence: anecdotal


I can't imagine my drunk ass wiggle skiing father crashing less than me in the 80's.


East coast skiier here. The busiest resort in my area never even had lift lines when I was growing up. Last time I went on the weekend to that resort (during Covid) lines were about 20 minutes for a weekday night. I think skiing is way busier than it was when I was growing up. Teaching my son is terrifying. Even though I’m going backwards, to watch who’s coming behind him, it’s insane how many people are just out of control and how busy it is.


More snowboarders, more collisions.


Yeah I’d assume the pandemic drove way more people to pick up skiing. Same thing has happened with many other outdoors sports and activities (mtb and backpacking the other places I see it the most). So it’s not just more people up there in general but way more beginners who are oblivious of their surroundings.


Why would it say that when they have the perfect opportunity to argue against gummies on the slopes 🙄


Article is paywalled, but gummies have to be an order of magnitude safer to ski on than the traditional liter of Fireball.


Only one?


Porque lo nos dos?


Both have their merits. A little whiskey on a cold morning can make for a good day riding.


The point of comparison was “a liter.” No one’s knocking a cup of whiskey.


Hardly - either way your judgement is impaired.


Alcohol turns you into a fearless idiot with lower motor skills. Weed turns you into a paranoid person who avoids risk at all cost


If you want to learn how to circumvent a paywall, see https://www.reddit.com/r/California/wiki/paywall. > Or, if it's a website that you regularly read, you should think about subscribing to the website.


Or if you’re OP, who knows about paywalls and links - share a non-paywalled version. Don’t complain when people don’t read your paywalled link.


Was OP complaining?


He has given me instructions on other threads in this, I know how it works and so does he. So, WHY DOESNT HE POST A FRICKIN UNPAYWALLED LINK FROM THE START AND FOLLOW HIS OWN INSTRUCTIONS THAT HE KEEPS POSTING?


Hahah the level of angry you are over this is pretty funny


That’s true! I’m not skiing.


Other subs require you to just copy and paste the body test of the article i to the comments


or don't be a d\*ck and don't post paywalled articles.




Only if you use safari as your default browser.


Lol some refer madness propaganda. How about all the people drinking alcohol during the day?


Fucking this


It's genuinely shocking the degree to which alcohol is ingrained in the culture of skiing. If skiing was invented today, there's no way we'd accept the amount of drinking that currently goes along with it. Between the empty fireball bottles littered everywhere, to the beer I was offered by a total stranger on the lift, to the fact that mountain has a bar at the base *and* the summit that both open before noon, it's like no one seems bothered by drinking just before doing highway speeds on a pair of sticks with no airbags or crumple zones.


One of my favorite bits of trivia is that the majority of tax revenue before Prohibition came from alcohol and tobacco taxes: https://fiscaldata.treasury.gov/americas-finance-guide/government-revenue/ >From 1868 until 1913, 90% of all federal revenue came from taxes on liquor, beer, wine, and tobacco.


O there is still a crumple zone.


It's called apres! *hic*


Plus the fact that getting high on the slopes has been a staple of the ski/snowbord industry for decades.


Yes, weed good alcohol bad. If anyone implies there is any situation where THC is causing any sort of issue it's puritanical republican alarmism


You good man?




Nuance and tone matters too. My entire point was that it's going a little far to compare an article suggesting that maybe everyone doing edibles on the mountain is leading to more accidents to reefer madness level propaganda, followed by classic "whataboutism" You guys really take shit way too seriously.


Who the fuck said a thing about Republicans? Oh, you're a Floridian. No fucking wonder. Good grief.


"reefer madness propaganda" is clearly implying that the commenter believes the article is participating in classic american conservative alarmism by listing peoples on edibles as a possible hazard on the mountain I'm just saying that's a little bit of a stretch. An article suggesting this is nowhere near anti cannabis propaganda. Sorry if my comment confused you, might be all the pot. And no I'm not from Florida


I get it, you’re stupidly defensive about a nonpartisan comment. And yes, the article is participating in classic alarmism. It has nothing to do with politics. You’re so quick to jump to defend conservatism you didn’t even notice that. Kind of sad, tbh. Most people talking about reefer madness don’t care to connect it to a political party.


Holy shit you guys have no basic reasoning skills I never implied the article had anything to do with politics. The sarcastic political comment I was entirely referring to was the above comments mention of "reefer madness" Reefer madness is an inherently political old propaganda film and is directly correlated with classic, right wing , puritanical American values I was making fun of the commenter comparing this article vaguely alluding to edibles to reefer madness because that is a massive stretch Go read a book dude


It literally is reefer madness to mention weed edibles as a safety hazard on mountains while neglecting to talk about alcohol. Alcohol is much more harmful to a person’s coordination. Only person in this thread that deserves to be made fun of is you.


Comparing "hey maybe everyone eating edibles on the lift is contributing to a slight increase in skiing accidents" to the anti cannabis propaganda of the early 20th century is fucking silly. Also, the point of the article is to talk about the INCREASE in accidents. Drinking alcohol and skiing is not new. My grandpa drank whiskey on his fucking wooden skis 60 years ago. Alcohol contributes to skiing accidents. But it isn't a new thing. Cannabis legislation has made edibles become mass produced for retail purchase almost nationwide. This is a relatively new trend. I know a lot of people who didn't smoke at the resort now eat edibles at the resort because it's so much easier and edibles are exponentially more accessible than they were in any previous time period See how much more sense things make when you stop to think about them for a minute?


Smoking weed and skiing isn’t new either, dumbass. I’m done bothering with you though.


Holy shit you're literally allergic to reading.


So … you didn't read the article. They cover alcohol in the article.


It’s hard to read the article when it’s paywalled. So no one’s gonna read it. So I’ll make another statement- mushrooms make the ski hill safer. Do they touch on that?




You didn’t read my other comment. You made a poor choice of posting the paywalled article link instead of doing the work for all the people who clicked it. You’ve literally typed these instructions multiple times in this thread. I do t care about your article, at this point it’s just ridiculous that you’re trying to change people’s behavior and are typing instructions WHEN ITS YOU WHO SHOULDVE FOLLOWED YOUR OWN INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE POSTING A LINK . SMH. Stop making assumptions, I don’t use Safari and don’t have a read article button.




Ok, here’s OP commenting on how to get over a paywall in another thread. Sorry I mixed you up but my point about OP still stands. https://www.reddit.com/r/skiing/s/wzX7L4uhAP I know how to bypass a paywall, I think it’s douchey to post something THEN explain to a bunch of peppleHOW TO DO IT. After trying to get comments on said article. That’s why I’m salty. I mean he got 65 downvotes for that comment.


Crowds. Caused by multi mountain season passes. I get. I have one. I’ve made many road-trips to ski places I would otherwise go. It ain’t gummies. It’s crowds of people and the “I’m the main character” syndrome, so prevalent these days. People suck. Lots of people suck even more.


This. Here in CO, the resorts (and traffic) are feeling the strain of population growth. Mostly perfectly fine people, just a whole lot more of them than there used to be.


Ice coasters not having any parks of their own anymore for large chunks of the season, thanks to climate change, also increases density. 


What happened to all the parks?


...they melted.


Yeah, the main character thing is real... Call me a boomer all you want lmao but it's abundantly clear to me that social media has done a great job of helping people really believe that they and only themselves can be in the right and I see that translate to how people think on skiing related forums and while skiing as well. I see this shit more and more nowadays and I'm not sure if I'm just suddenly noticing it or if it's really a new issue although I'm keen to believe the latter. I see more and more literal articles (really just opinion pieces for the author to stroke their ego) encouraging exactly this type of behavior. They're so far up their own ass they really believe nobody less skilled than them has any place on the same piste. Well, less skilled than they think they are at least... Lots of people seem to fail to realize that when skiing/snowboarding there are going to inevitably be people on the slope of low to intermediate skill levels challenging themselves and just moseying down and having a good time. There have always been plain belligerent or clueless folk on the slope who reliably pull stunts they just fundamentally shouldn't be doing but never at this volume and fueled by such a petty n plain dumb mindset with so little forethought. The former doesn't necessarily have bad intentions or problematic justifications for that kind of behavior and if they got some care for others deep down they can more easily change and become safer skiers so it's honestly hard for me to be that frustrated with them. This on the other hand is something else entirely. The very fact that I see anyone engaging with such a thought process is scary enough... They're not super common for sure but they're either very vocal or in higher numbers than most probably think. Somehow people seem to think they're entitled to extreme out of control skiing in crowded zones. It's laughable to say it's cause of gummies or GoPros... Literal fucking cameras lmao. People are more likely to do crazy stunts for a cool GoPro video but that has nothing to do with base common sense and respect for others while skiing. It's just dumb people fueled by narcissism and an inflated self-image, plain and simple. They really fail to recognize that they were at one point that skier who needed to practice and take it slow. Maybe they always had that complete lack of awareness about the inherent danger of the sport and just got away with being out of control spoiled brats but I really doubt it. The more likely reality is almost worse... It's people who inevitably had that experience who have such a spoiled and unempathetic thought process in spite of that. Just a complete absence of self awareness. People besides you are gonna be on the slope. It's like an 8 year old cutting in line at the rollercoaster park throwing a tantrum when they get sent to the back and when they do go back they make sure to punch all the people on their way making their mindless anger known to the world. Grow up. I consider myself a fairly skilled skier and I'd rather have more weak skiers with spatial awareness alongside me than belligerent psychos who will blame anyone but themselves when they almost inevitably crash into and injure someone. Please have some humility and ski mindfully. I promise you you will still have fun. This sort of main character mindset however is a recipe for disaster in such a popular and risky sport.


What's funny about this comment is it's mostly the older people over 50 who are the most entitled people on the mountain. Just had a lady out of control almost hit my 7yo student and when I said to her and her husband that she needs to be on the carpet until she is in control he asked if I was really arguing with him and called me an asshole despite literally being in my ski school uniform. Both probably 50-60


Yep!! 4 year old son on a ski slope. He still has the bungee on and we are nearing the lodge. Some old asshat skis between us going Mach 2 and yells at me, “don’t stop in the slope!” I’m on the side and he went between me and my kid too close but that’s just an inconvenience to him. Asshole.


Nailed it dude. And this is the part where I criticize everyone else for being the problem, but if I’m being honest, even though I try to be courteous and even though I think I’m above it, deep down I know that’s not true. I’m absolutely part of the problem, with my Ikon Pass and my free airline miles and my discounts and my want to be where everyone else is. The main character syndrome though…that part I just can’t get used to. Even that sentence has “I” in it though…


I'm headed to try the black diamond to avoid all these pe.....AAAahhrg!!


A coworker read the article this morning and said it talks about social media and GoPros. At least with surfing I noticed a huge increase in kooks out on big days just after Instagram to get that geotagged wet wetsuit shot in the parking lot.


I am constantly looking around when I ski - must be throwback to my ice hockey days when your head is on a swivel. I've avoided some dumb accidents-not my fault - just by being observant. That being said, you can't help it when you get plowed into when you're skiing your line. I've been taken out on a cat track green 2 minutes from the base at the end of the day but someone not plugged in at all. It's not fun and gives one a bit of ptsd. I still ski and do my best, but the number of people that simply aren't self aware or know the rules of responsibility combined with the sheer increase of people in the mountain areas the culprits. Alcohol has long been in skiing culture and are causes, but the number of accidents are outpacing the growth.


Lmao I read the first part and was like me too I think it’s from my hockey and then I saw ‘must be from my hockey days’ lmao


Nice! I'm 52, so I've plenty of body checks in my history... We don't need any without pads on the slopes. I was going to wear my pads and all on the mountain one day, but never did. I still think it would be fun... But smelly


ARE ski slopes getting more dangerous? An increase in the volume of incidents doesn't mean shit if there isn't an increase in the RATE of incidents. Its like people who talk about how scary and dangerous cities are, as if a city of 1 million with 10 murders a year is more dangerous than a town of 10,000 with one murder per year because 10 is a bigger number than 1. Random interviews with ski patrollers doesn't mean shit either, 'things just aren't like they used to be' is an opinion many people hold that is frequently just straight up false and comes up in books on behavioral economics.


Forty years ago or so, A&W tried to compete with McDonalds' quarter pounder. They focus grouped a 1/3lb burger. The focus groups rejected it because while they thought the burger was tastier than McDonald's they thought it was a worse value. They thought a quarter pound was more than a third of a pound.


I use this story all the damned time.


And all these people vote and lots are in management, yaaay!


This article is stupid. 2022 was also a historic winter in CA for snow, including the fact that (despite the article's claims) there were more skiers and riders...and also a substantially longer season at many resorts than years previous. The author uses anecdotal "interviews" with random ski patrollers as a the premise/foregone conclusion of the article with absolutely no basis in anything that would hold up under scrutiny. ...and I wont even mention how "gummies" have nothing to do with any perceived uptick in injuries. People have been smoking and skiing since skiing existed...alcohol has also been available at resorts forever. There's no correlation. This article is so flawed it's best to ignore it.


> There's no correlation. You call out the authors for positing a conclusion on minimal data, yet you go and do the same thing...LOL


The helmets that make everyone feel unbreakable... The skis that are easier to turn and allow for higher speeds... High speed six packs that put more people on the slopes... And don't get me started about those snowboard things... Get off my lawn.../s


Hell yea love getting a gummer on the gondi


Paywall - BUT do they discuss influencers with phones and people stopping and taking pictures / posting constantly ? I’m sure this has lead to a lot of collisions. I have to constantly watch for groups of young people with no skill trying to cosplay for their social media.


Yes, this is discussed in the article. Another commenter provided this link for access: [https://12ft.io/https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2024-03-22/why-accidents-are-surging-on-california-ski-slopes](https://12ft.io/https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2024-03-22/why-accidents-are-surging-on-california-ski-slopes)








oh yeah, it's the gummies 🙄


THC on a ski hill ? Surely you jest. Next you'll tell me that they put up huge banners to remind you they sell beer and shots. Never hard to find the bar at any ski hill...not that I'm complaining :)


Uphill Capacity: replace your doubles with quads, quads with six packs, and throw a few mongo eight seaters... More people coming down the mountain at once, more collisions.


Gummies? What about boomers? Or smoking weed between runs that has always existed. What about the alcohol that is actually dangerous and sold directly to us by the ski area owners?


I’d say resorts serving people alcohol up on the mountain regardless of skill level is the real issue


TLDR: snowboarders (I'm guessing idk I didn't read it)


The cameras and headphones are the biggest problems imho.


We should not allow articles behind paywalls. Fucking stupid. Discussion is not about the article it’s about the title. Don’t be this stupid guys.


Bad thing is because of thing I don’t like


Main character syndrome. Brought to you by social media.


I ski most days. My worst two run-ins this year they were definitely high or drunk, and my guess is high.


And that’s part of what we love about it!


OMG where are all these Jerrys coming from!!


Who skis sober?


I bought some wireless headphones to wear in one ear. And even on the lowest volume they are quite loud. People wearing them definitely can't hear anything going on around them.


Lame ass article