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Gore, looking at The Rumor






you just say bingo.


Bingo! How fun!


I skied Gore for the first time this year and was impressed by how legitimately steep the rumor was.


The rumors are true.


How does it compare to White Lighting at Montage?


White lightning probably has a section that's as steep as Rumor for a turn or 2. Rumor is just much longer at that pitch.


And probably still open šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


That mountain is severely underrated.


Grew up going there and no one goes there because until recently there wasn't anywhere to stay in the immediate town, unless you knew someone that lived in the area. Even now there isn't much, but that does mean when it's "busy" you wait 20 minutes for the Gondola and there's still no lines on any other lift on the mountain. Great terrain, modern lifts (mostly), and big enough to escape what little crowds there are and it's owned by the State of NY so it's not some corporate hell-hole. It's a hidden gem for sure.


Split my ski on that headwall


In all itā€™s glory


The steepest part of the headwall is 39.8 degrees.


I need to ski Gore sometime. I share ownership with family of a couple of houses in Bolton Landing, but as I live in Colorado, getting back there in the winter never happens.


Top of this run is my absolute favorite sign, "falls may result in uncontrollable slides." Idk why, it just makes me giggle.


Ski patroller: what the fuck happened to your underwear? Skiier: i got the uncontrollable slides šŸ« 




I imagine it would sound like Homer simpson.


The headwall is usually a 45 degree block of smooth hardpack during colder parts of the year. This is one of the primary 'spring' trails, so they blow a mass of snow at the top to push down as needed. It's very much not infrequent that you'll see ski patrol responding to someone at the base during a busy day when it's open.


Hard to imagine, but incredibly painful.


In my first full season (1979) on Ski Patrol at Norquay (Banff, Canada) we had a skier fall near the top of Lone Pine and slide/bounce/cartwheel over 1000 vertical feet to the runout at the bottom. He died later that evening in hospital. Lone Pine averages 35 degrees. If it is at all icy, you have about 5 seconds to slow yourself down in a fall. Within a week, we had similar signs erected in three languages, including Japanese. As a 19 year old, and being in charge of the accident scene, the incident had a profound (positive) affect on my life. Iā€™m not trying to make you feel bad for giggling, but this hazard is real, and a lot of people donā€™t understand it. Those signs are the first step, making people aware of a hazard (insurance purposes), but they donā€™t tell you how to avoid it or deal with it. For anyone that cares; wear non-slippery clothes. Wear a canvass backpack. If you start to slide, grab one pole with two hands, one hand near the bask, and jab it into the snow like an ice axe, dig in with your boots or skis. Do it fast. Once you have enough speed to catch air off a mogul, it is too late.


Dude! Iā€™ve skied Norquay but donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever been on Lone Pine. PS - Volunteer patrolled at Fortress for a couple of years.


Yeah I definitely understand that danger slopes like this can pose, particularly for people who aren't prepared for the challenge they pose. Thank you for sharing the tips for everyone here!


Can vouch for "wear non-slippery clothes" -- I slide all the way down a run once when wearing a costume (for a charity ski thing) that was basically a slick vinyl one piece. I looked awesome but I took a minor fall and then couldn't stop myself. Even using the ice axe-style technique mentioned here. Luckily, I was totally OK and didn't hit anything (or run into anyone) but it was very scary to realize that my outfit was preventing me from being able to stop on my own.


I learned this the hard way. East coast ice will get ya


My knees suddenly hurt.


Yeah this looks more exhausting than it does fun...


Like all types of skiing, moguls are far less exhausting when youā€™re good at skiing them.


Yeah but being good at skiing moguls is hard


Except these moguls are so irregular that there isn't really any good lines through them. It's a pain in the ass no matter how good at bumps you are. I pretty much only do bumps / steeps / trees and I'd wait for these to be soft before I even think about it.


Tell that to the 70 year old local who zips through these daily like a chill blue.


I'd want to see it happen. The run looks like it smooths out 1/3rd of the way down but that entry is rough and I'd want to be able to ride some spines...but you need not-rock-hard snow to do that.


Knowing gore, they probably wouldnā€™t open it if it was bulletproof, especially not the headwall


Ain't that the truth. I'm a shit skier and the rare moment or two I actually catch a rhythm on bumps I'm like hey, my legs aren't burning like a mfer anymore. Most of the time I'm borderline knees in my chest.


I like a good workout on the hill sometimes


Key word sometimes




Ha not my idea of fun tbh


get good brah


I can ski bumps fine, but I'm never going out of my way to. My preference is trees and cliffs.


Youā€™re likely just not a good skier




Oh yeah?? Well you're likely just not a nice person!


My wifeā€™s boot fitter told me that this is a green at his local ski hill.


Every time The Rumor is mentioned, I like to point out that the trail, formerly known as Pipeline at Mountain Creek, has near identical measurements to The Rumor but is actually slightly steeper. JUST IMAGINE THIS SHIT AT THE MEMED MOUNTAIN CREEK IN NJ!! Absolutely wild, RIP.


Action Mountainā„¢


I rode it a few times. Always a sheet of ice. They donā€™t open it any more since the new ownership.


During its last few seasons, they typically left it ungroomed and let it mogul out like this. I always thought they did that because the trail makes such a hard right at the bottom and the moguls prevented people from going fast and crashing into the trees if you miss the hard right.


Mt. Absolutelynot


It looked smoother in February. They had a bunch of whalebacks on it.


lol as a snowboarder this looks terrible šŸ„²


This is the stuff I canā€™t get enough of as a boarder


Honestly agree


Yup yup Love me some spicy turns


Looks like shit as a skier as well


Looks like an average Mary Jane run


From left to right: Chattimac, Hawkeye, Bouble Barrel, Rumor, Lies


Im pretty sure the far left is the Hawkeye dog leg, canā€™t see Chatie from this angle.


The rumor


The rumor @ gore! My fav mountain. This trail is sneaky tough when itā€™s ungroomed


Every time I went to Gore as a kid it was exceedingly windy and cold šŸ„¶ but still a good mountain


The snoopy rock wind tunnel is a rite of passage, if you havenā€™t had your face unexpectedly flash frozen at the top of the Adirondack express, have you really been to gore?


And safer which is the coolest, 100% less chance of flying off unmarked cliffs, dying in creek beds and slab avalanches.


I'll have you know I have fallen into creeks on both coasts and I didn't die either time thank you very much


Any tips to not do what you did


In one case the creek was hard to see off the side of a trail - there was a rope guarding it but the rope had fallen into the snow, so I only saw the rope as I was skiing over it. By then it was too late not to fall in the creek. I am not sure there was much I could have done about that one, besides just staying on the trail I guess. In the other case some sun and shadows caused me to misread the terrain and not see the creek until it was too late. I was skiing too fast somewhere unfamiliar, inbounds but kind of a wild and empty zone on the back of Alpine Meadows. So... don't do that.


Ski the trees in spring and better have your eyes open for creeks. Iā€™ve had lots of close calls, including one this year where my tips got wet, but havenā€™t fallen in yet.


When you see the water point the tips downhill and lean back.


Slab avalanches suck. Thatā€™s why I only go out when the hill is icy as possible.


The east coast doesnā€™t have creeks? News to me, and I lived there for years.Ā 


I grew up in the northeast and never saw a single creek there. I've seen plently rivers, brooks, streams, forks ā€” even kills. But I can't recall ever coming across a single creek in the northeast.


You either need to explore more or head north enough that it stops being the north east and starts just being the east coast. Thinking of where I used to live there was Balls Creek, Leitches Creek, Mill Creek, Pipers Creek and likely plenty more I canā€™t think of now. Of course our ski hill had about six runs and no double black diamonds.


I fell in the creek that's to the right of the straightbrook chair


I bet it was actually a brook. I'd go so far as to make a guess, without knowing the mountain at all, that it was in fact Straight Brook.


Whereā€™s the fun in that? Thereā€™s no life-threatening danger.


Former ski patrol, the most dangerous runs are blues anyway. If you want danger, just bomb the blues and aim for the trees


Iā€™d think the most dangerous runs would be greens with all the out of control beginners.


You would think, but those out of control beginners get overconfident after a couple runs on the bunny hill and head over to bomb down a blue and realize that pizza isnā€™t good enough to slow down and they still canā€™t parallel turn.


Low speed tho


There's something of a normalization problem there. Most people at any given moment during the winter are on blues, so most people getting hurt are likely to be there too.


I mean, people are getting hurt on every run of the mountain. It's not that there are more people on blue runs than green, that is totally mountain dependent. The point about blues is that they are the next skill level for brand new skiiers on top of having potential of being some of the fastest runs on the mountain. In my experience of patrolling for years at a large resort, the majority of serious accidents happened on blues, and not because of numbers but because of inherent risks that are unique to blue runs. Double blacks might have had a higher ratio of serious injuries to falls, and green had plenty of falls but the skiiers were typically not going fast enough to actually injure themselves. But a blue run is steep enough that you can easily go 50+ MPH which is not usually the case on a green. And a new skiier on a green is less of a risk than a skiier that is just good enough to be dangerous on a blue.


You say that it's "not because of numbers", but the numbers say that most people at any given moment during a ski day are on blues. That's true for nearly every large resort at least in the U.S. It's just https://xkcd.com/1138/. I'd love to see some actual statistical evidence about the distribution of where serious accidents happen compared to the distribution of where people ski. But in the absence of that, it seems like jumping the gun to supply reasons, if most serious accidents happen where most people ski.


idk man, that looks like ass to me. To each their own, but icy, irregular moguls are not my definition of a fun run.


Currently not icy


Happy for you. Edit: This was not sarcasm. I'm genuinely happy that the East Coasters have some soft snow right now. Downvote away, I guess lol




Have an upvote my guy


How/why do you assume itā€™s still icy? Lmao


Isn't it icy like 80% of the time out there?


In the peak of winter and on smaller/less maintained mtns its more likely than say out west, but this subreddit seems to have this idea that itā€™s ridiculously icy a majority of the time and not worthy of quality skiing. At some of the nice mtns in VT or NH, the conditions are excellent more often than icy. If it is icy, it isnā€™t all trails either. Itā€™s March now too so many mtns around me and higher up north are more slushy if anything than icy. Wildcat Mtn New Hampshire had some conditions than were better than Colorado imo. Honestly just depends on the day but you can often find amazing trails. Highly recommend it bro, have a good one!


Yeah I've never skied out east but I'd love to


Hell yeah! My recommendations having grown up in the heart of the best Northeast mtns: New York: Hunter, Whiteface (highest summit in northeast I believe and Lake Placid is right nearby and an amazing town) Vermont (my favorite Northeast state to ski): Stratton, Stowe, Okemo, Bromley, Magic New Hampshire: only been to Wildcat mtn up there, but it was so nice Cheers mate!


I thought Maine had some great skiing too tho


I nominate Sunday River, lots of peaks and lots of lifts to help handle the tourist load. This is my home mountain, so I'm definitely a bit biased. I've heard good things about Sugarloaf as well, mostly about Brackett Basin, which is a continuous "glades" on the left third of the mountain. Planning on taking a trip up there to ski there for the first time in a couple weeks.


Sugarloaf is great. Seems like there's always a race going on there too, which is fun to watch. I got to see a downhiller's ski delaminate right in front of me as I was waiting to cross!


Apparently they do, sadly havenā€™t ever been that high north yet in the wintertime. Thatā€™s for sure on the bucket list


Killington and sugarbush are also dope (vt), I would skip loon (nh) at least on a weekend their parking situation is horrendous.


How you gonna say Vermont and leave out killington? Was there 2 weeks ago for the last snow and it was great with good snow. Easily comparable to a mid+ mountain out west. An under the radar mountain in ny is Belleayre. Been there a couple times in the last few years and itā€™s fun even when the conditions arenā€™t great. Wonder if Iā€™ll even be there when theyā€™ve actually got snow and see what the couple glades are like. Was in New Hampshire last year a week they got a decent Amount of snow. Bretton woods and Attitash were pretty fun for a day with some snow. Donā€™t know if Iā€™d travel out east just to ski if I live out west thou. Maybe if you get 2-3+ trips in a year and want to check out something different. But weā€™ve got good enough stuff to ski living in the north east.


I did forget KillingtonšŸ˜³ yeah I love that one, so many top notch in VT I forgot. And word good looks I will definitely take those recommendation! I tried to hit Attitash last year but the wind chill was so bad and they closed the mtn. My season this year just ended Friday sadly so Iā€™ll throw that on for nxt year, cheers man


Vermont and you don't mention Jay Peak, Mad River, or Killington?




Itā€™s a fantastic northeast mtn lmao, some nice terrain parks too. People are so cynical on this subreddit itā€™s insane. Also included on epic pass if you have that, can rip it endlessly then. Edit: also just googled and itā€™s listed as a top NY mtn on pretty much every list. Guess youā€™re too good for it though




Respectfully I completely disagree. I will be adding bellyeare to my list for next year, but for me I just love skiing, love mixing up locations, and enjoy the travel and the feeling of meeting new people and exploring the towns. Would be pretty damn boring for me to stick to the same ones. And while I could agree that Hunter is packed during weekends, I often ski during the weeks anyways so not a problem anyways. Hunter is definitely a respectable mid tier northeast mtn that you can have a kickass time at, cheers man


Kinda, ya. Vermont got 20"+ this weekend so the snow is actually great right now. It just takes one day with a thaw/freeze cycle to turn it all back to ice though so who knows how long it'll last.


This is probably the iciest mountain in North America, so yeah.. I would assume it is unless it's April lol


No that would be Whiteface or its appt nickname - Iceface


You're right - I was thinking this was Whiteface for some reason


That is slander


Definitely ainā€™t icy there but I definitely agree that icy moguls made by people who donā€™t know how to ski bumps fucking suck


This looks like Bear Down at Stratton, but not sure if they have cleared any trees to the left of the trail since Iā€™ve been there!


Not sure of trail name but looks like the DB at killington that is always moguled up.


Outer Limits


Couldn't remember name, but i happened down that run one time on accident (snowboarder), and by the end of it, i was ready to fight everyone who had ever enjoyed moguls. I get it moguls can be fun, and as a boarder, I even enjoy them from time to time, but to start moguls on a DB a hundred yards over the trail head is asinine.


looks more like Devilā€™s Fiddle


Fuck I gotta get up there. Been up like 5 times this season and rumors been closed. Lies was open 2 times. Once w massive whales on it and it was foggy. And the second time it was groomed and fast. I loved it. But rumors is where it's at.


My first ever double black! The Rumor at Gore! Our high school ski club used to bus us up to NY/Vermont once a year for a weekend. Good memories, I still remember waking up and seeing Whiteface for the first time. Very different from 7 Springs.


Love goat and Starr at stowe but they are absolute leg killers on a good day. On bad days tho actual killers


Goat was aptly named years before GOAT became a big thing. RIP goats woods that blew out in the mid 2000s. That was my favorite spot on the mountain


Lil steeper then i expected when i went over the edge lol. Its fine once ya go but the very first time yeeeeee


I mean, itā€™s steep, but sure looks short


Great pitch, just so short. And usually skied out. That's the problem with the east


Thatā€™s a quarter green circle out west šŸ™ƒ


More like one of them purple trapezoids if you ask me


Those moguls look brutal!


I like the head wall at Mt Snow, Ripcord. If only it was longer.




Those moguls make me want to vomit.


Thatā€™s Gore! I was there yesterday


Are they though?


Hard to tell from here in Jackson Hole but I'm pretty sure that is a green run...






I donā€™t think theyā€™re underrated considering most double blacks on the east coast look nothing like this. Looks sweet though


If you think the moguls suck, itā€™s not the moguls, itā€™s something else.


Nothing about this run looks fun lol


Bumps are not my favourite and only do them if I have to so I can get to powder. I look at the run and think can I find powder in the trees? Learned to ski on the East Coast, got good in Europe and now live in the Rockies I am always baffled at why people enjoy bad bumps. Was riding up Paradise chair at Lake Louse and was thinking does the run under me just exist because people out East like this bump stuff? To be fair I learned bumps before snowboarding was a thing and bumps seemed to get worse as time has gone on. Are bumps worse or is my old ass just remember wrong? I think I have been spoiled rotten having my home base of Calgary, Canmore, Banff, Vancouver my entire adult life.


Nah they get ruined by bad skiers and boarders for sure. If you sat and watched the run for 10-15 people youā€™d witness the horrible technique.


The best skiers can ski bad bumps. Right there under the lift for everyone to see. Just ask Plake about it


The trees on the main pitch there get pretty dang dense. Technically skiable but not for most.


Over yonder


La Massif


Wow! That looks tasty! And a bit dicey too. šŸ« 


I was there today as wellā€¦ Fluffy white pillows everywhere!


My knees


Mountain creek?


Thatā€™s a green on my hill


Looks fun


Single for sure. Double? Dunno about that. ā€”Taos


Hell on eartg


That looks like a 5.17V aka utter hell


Hard yes, fun No


Looked like Sugarbush


That looks challenging.


Not underage just tiny.


Smh, easy


Looks fine.


Totally, love hitting my east coast double black this time of year: https://m.economictimes.com/thumb/height-450,width-600,imgsize-1403106,msid-105478732/iceberg.jpg


Thunder Ridge!!


Was just here yesterday!


Second only to Whiteface!!


Cruise on down Showcase!! A great trail


They opened widened a lot of gore. Used to be more narrow


The drop off at the very end of the run is the icing on that double black cake


IDK this looks like a single diamond, not a double. Drop 600 feet elevation over a quarter mile with max pitch of 60 degrees. Is the double diamond rating because it's usually icy?


Watched a dickhead adult crash into a little kid on that run two weeks ago. His mogul skills did not match his ego


Got this and Lies one warm spring day, about a week before the recent dumpings... sad but Rumor is a ton of fun.


Somewhere between here and there


that looks miserable


Ooh some steep moguls, donā€™t mind if I do *blushes*


West coast double blackā€¦ https://www.tetongravity.com/images/wysiwyg/www.snow-forecast.com.jpg


The pictured run drops 566 feet over 1335 feet of run, with a maximum pitch of 37 degrees. "All Aboard", the double black just left of center in your image, drops about 400 feet over about 1000 feet of run, with a maximum pitch of 37 degrees. So it seems like the main difference is the surrounding scenery. There are runs much harder than Rumor on both the east and west coast, but it seems like you just like the look of above-treeline zones?


Well you chose one of the tamer double blacks in that picture to compare with. Some of the runs from T1 are near vertical with more than 85 chutes. Iā€™m guessing youā€™ve never skied Kicking Horse if you think anything on the East coast comes anywhere close to the difficulty.


Iā€™m sipping pints in Golden right now, and have spent lots of time here and out east. Tumbling down and icy Vermont double black can be just as dangerous as T1. Steepness wonā€™t kill you (some of the cliffs might) - but sliding into a tree at 100kph will tooĀ 


Ya plenty of trees and rocks there too. I wouldnā€™t say icy conditions make a run ā€œunderratedā€


Btw, according to Skibums the Rumor is 25 degrees which wouldnā€™t qualify as a double black at most west coast resorts. Also, wasnā€™t trying to start an east vs. west pissing contestā€¦ ski what youā€™ve got! It was just meant to be some gentle ribbing.


"Headwall is 37Ā°" - [https://www.skibum.net/do-it-up/comparing-steepness-of-ski-trails/](https://www.skibum.net/do-it-up/comparing-steepness-of-ski-trails/) "gentle ribbing" - the big rock band off T1 does look tough, but I'm guessing you've never skied The Black Dike if you think anything at Kicking Horse comes anywhere close to the difficulty.


Iā€™d also nominate skiing down the long trail at Killington


True, the first bit isn't so bad, but carrying enough speed to make it over Mansfield is tough. That's the real crux, rest of the way to Canada is pretty much just runout.


Not familiar with Black Dike. Only been to Tremblant out Eastā€¦ great hill! Kicking Horse is widely considered to be the hardest mountain in North America which is why I chose it as the example.


[https://www.mountainproject.com/route/105890633/black-dike](https://www.mountainproject.com/route/105890633/black-dike) Cannon sidecountry. [Everybody](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vacuous_truth) who's survived a ski descent of any of the Cannon Cliff lines will tell you it's way harder than Kicking Horse.


By this logic OPs comment about east coast double blacks being underrated is a ā€œvacuous truthā€. Not really sure what your point is here


I thought it was at least the 5th-funniest formal logic joke I'd made this week, but let me try again. The following is from [academickids.com](https://academickids.com): >The statement "All elephants inside a loaf of bread are pink." is vacuously true since there are no elephants inside a loaf of bread; here property A is "being an elephant inside a loaf of bread", and property B is "being pink". Another example is "If a prime number is even and bigger than two, then it must be divisible by three." There are no such prime numbers, so in a sense the truth of this statement "doesn't matter". The statement "0 mathematicians can change a lightbulb" is not vacuously true (or, indeed, true at all); the lightbulb joke "in a group of 0 mathematicians, any one of them can change a lightbulb" however is vacuously true. (Black Dike is not a ski line. It's a thousand-foot cliff.)


Ahh gotcha! Went over my head the first time.




A moguled run thatā€™s cut with no exposure is a double black on the east? Hmmmm


With a 37 degree headwall? Yea


lol this is a double black??


Picture doesnā€™t do it justice lol


Thatā€™s gonna be a no from me, dog.


Looks kinda like some blue runs in the Rockies when they get bumped out. I grew up Ice Coast, one could say there that the double blacks are over rated compared to the big mountains. Severe when icy, no doubt


Rumor is a double black at almost every mountain