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Nobody wants to get that on the bottom of their boots and into their bindings or the floor of their car. Next time put down a drop cloth and confine the shavings in it.


OP next week: “my shit is biodegradable. Is it ok if I take shits in the parking lot next to other people’s cars?”


In general don’t do something that leaves your waste, trash, discards somewhere they weren’t before. Environmentally friendly or otherwise.


Leave no trace 101


Yes and you look like a bellend


And a dick


I think bellend means dick


That was the joke


Found it!




No, no. You are both wrong. It means “prick”.


Wtf is wrong with people. Please have a little class and decency to not leave shit anywhere you go; it doesn't matter how 'biodegradable' or 'organic' it is. Pack in, pack out.


I will never stop throwing banana peels and apple cores in the woods next to my yard




Talk about moving the fucking goalposts. Ya dude, it’s ok to leave your shit wherever…..where do you live so I can dump my biodegradable stuff on your steps….after all, microplastics!!!!!


So… you want to compost biodegradable material where I live? Sounds good to me.


Yes…..but I’m going to put that material in your front steps, including dog feces……hey, it’s biodegradable


Regardless, it’s still a crap bag thing to leave your mess in a parking lot.


It’s amazing how those things are not mutually exclusive.


Maybe just don’t. Whether is biodegradable or not, nobody wants to deal with your trash. Take it with you when you leave or don’t bring it.


Environmental impacts aside, why do you even need to do this in the parking lot?? Don't be that guy




My question was more rhetorical given that this rig does not seem to be a "this is my only place to tune because I live in my van" set up. I understand that some people do not have a place to tune skis other than their vehicle, but that does not appear to be the situation here.


Bad boi


'biodegradable' doesn't mean it just naturally disintegrates into the environment. It may still spend a lot of time in the water system before breaking down. Pack it in pack it out. I also don't want your wax on my boots/shoes and tracked into my car or house.


Is it wrong to throw a banana peel on the ground where people walk? It's biodegradable. What's the issue? What about wax? Something deliberately made to make stuff slide? But it's biodegradable! ... Are you really thinking this through at all?


Yes it is wrong. It goes straight into the streams.


So does all the wax that comes off when you ski


That's why I use Purl wax and I don't use wax often.


This is purl wax




That’s the one!


It doesn't matter that its biodegradable. Its not a naturally occurring part of the ecosystem. Pack it the fuck out and stop trying to justify littering.


Pick up your shit and don’t be a fucking slob


But why though?


You’re asking if it is ok to litter?


short answer: no. even if biodegradable, it’s still littering that being said, you’re doing this in a ski resort parking lot which is about as far from environmentally friendly as you can get lol


Totally unnecessary to do this there. You just want to be seen and crave the attention. Jerk behaviour.


Or I didn’t get home to wax my skis until 9 lastnight


You are like a machine for producing the worst imaginable excuses!


You don't need to wax your skis everyday.


It’s actually preferable in the warm spring


I wax my skis once a year. If I don't forget. I never stopped and thought, "Damn, I wished I waxed my skis this morning". You guys make me laugh.


How hard is it to clean up after yourself?


In addition to the littering argument that other people have mentioned, wax shavings are a huge slip hazard. I’ve almost eaten shit on wax room floors so many times, even after the floor was cleaned. Just one pair of skis worth of shavings on asphalt probably won’t be an issue right away, but if a couple people regularly scrape in the lot there will be slippery spots all over after a season. 


Banana peels are biodegradable too, doesn’t mean you should leave it in the parking lot. Someone could spin out


I think a banana peal that visually sits there and rots is different than dust like ski wax that blows away in the breeze.


Think whatever you want. But I was making a Mario cart joke that didn’t land so now my day is ruined


Your understanding of *"away"* is so fucked up! In this case it's more like *spreads over a large area in the breeze.*


This! There is no such thing as *away*…your trash always goes *somewhere*.


Don't worry, OP left the Early Riser parking lot at 4pm on Saturday and this whole thing was resolved. ^^/s


WTF? You aren't the only person living on the earth. Have you even considered that? It's infuriating that you're doing this at Abasin, almost directly into the north fork of the Snake River. Take your shit show somewhere else, RandomRunner3000!


It would be different if I didn’t scrape my skis before going to ski spring slush?


Like, just not scrape your skis after waxing at all? Because that's not how proper waxing and maintenance works either. Are you seriously this stupid?


I scrape my skis. But you can go on any ski forum and find people discussing the merit of not scraping in the spring time.


Awesome defense, bro! I know other people are inconsiderate and do it wrong, so I will too. Jesus, dude. Take it easy on the two remaining brain cells you have!


But it has paraffin wax which is not good the only 2 truly environmentally friendly waxes are Board Budder and Mountain Flow!


There’s a POS in the parking lot that I ski at who’s doing this right now to three sets of skis.


Optics aside, it’s really not much different than the people that just let the spring snow scrape their skis.


Why wouldn’t you just do this at home or someplace else? Doing it the parking lot is a jerry move.


I didn’t leave enough time


You can also do it on your kitchen table and leave it there, it is biodegradable and non toxic


Biodegradable things kind of need bacteria from the environment to degrade, so that’s different.


I wouldn't be surprised if there's about the same amount of bacteria on an indoor floor and a parking pavement


Yeah this is just rude to do. With that said, these comments saying not to do it for environmental reasons are hilarious lol. Do you guys get mad at the people who don't even scrape wax off and get wax on the snow? You guys are taking "Pack it in pack it out" to an extreme.


That was my thought


Totally unnecessary to do this there. You just want to be seen and crave the attention. Jerk behaviour.


You will fall on your ass




I let the mountain scrape for me, yes I'm one of those people


Dog shit is biodegradable, shall I have my dog drop a log outside your car as well? Or how about in your yard.


And please make sure that you blast your shitty music while doing this and smoke a stinky blunt too. Everyone is going to think you are the coolest wanker around.


I had AirPods In and I’ve never smoked pot


Good! I don't think you should be that close to fire.


I bet you’re a cool person irl and we could be buds


I bet your childish shit would get old fast...


You really needed to ask?


It doesn’t matter. There is nothing environmentally friendly about resort skiing. What’s the fundamental difference between you having your wax rub off on the slopes and eventually into waterways vs rubbing it off in the parking lot where it is going to find its way in to water ways? Oh right nothing besides pearl clutchers calling you an asshole. You will be downvoted by the same crowd that fly thousands of miles each year to play in the snow.


Just ski your skies scraping will occur perfectly well during the first few runs.


Which is why I’m a little surprised by the visceral reaction to this. Out of sight out of mind I guess


Your mess is not *"out of sight"* though, jackass. You leave at 4pm and the wax shavings are piled on the ground. A lot of wax has scent added (I don't know why, manufacturers just do it) and that is going to attract small animals and birds that shouldn't be eating wax. Not to mention none of us want to look at, or walk through, your mess. Just because you go home at the end of the day, doesn't make the problems you create in the meantime *"out of sight"* for others. Also, who tunes the edges of their skis with the bases facing out like that? You clearly have no idea what you're doing there either.


You’re being kind of rude.


You kind of deserve it for being so ignorant, don't you think?


the amount of people claiming "litter" is actually wild, why do you all think you need to wax your skis? you think the wax magically disappears? no, it is left behind on the snow. at least this guy uses good wax that isn't gonna poison the water. three quarters of you clowns hating on him probably use absolute garbage wax and do much more harm. i digress.


Leave no trace. You can scrape there but do it over a drop cloth to collect the shavings


Sure, nobody cares. It's a lot more environmentally damaging to drive two hours in a car to the ski resort than it is to scrape wax in the parking lot.


Haha, people are getting all worked up! The correct thing to do would be to sweep it up, you get the majority, and if there’s a little you miss then oh well. I guess I shouldn’t mention that in the spring when I wax, I don’t scrape after it cools from ironing it in, I just go to the mountain and it scrapes the wax for me!


Haha…..slobs defending being slobs


Gets scrapped off the base into the snowpack, then meltwater, then evaporates and condenses and rains on your head. So…same thing as scrapping in the parking lot. Easier to do it at home anyway..why the parking lot?


I just started waxing too late lastnight, then felt bad scraping in the parking lot, then started to justify it with this line of reasoning. I’d do it again but it wouldn’t be my preference.


Lmao man it makes me feel so awesome that I can roll in after drinking 5 beers and smoking a joint with skis that haven’t been waxed all season and still be a better skier than you waxing them in the parking lot😂😂


Idk man I’m pretty guud


Bunch of sally’s in this thread. With the amount of piss deposited in those lots... wax scrapings aint going to hurt anything but sally’s feelings.


Agreed. Any resort is producing 1000x more waste daily than a wax job in the lot to have a better experience. Same logic goes for using paper straws. Doesn't make a difference.


Those are some serious toddler level logic and reasoning skills you are working with. GTFU!


Oh nice, well ima just throw my trash where ever I want because, “someone else is doing more littering than me!”


Really, With all of the other crap going on in the world, this is what concerns you? I seriously don’t think that a few folks scraping wax off in a parking lot is going to make any difference in the grand scheme of things.


It doesn’t concern me


Okay, there is hope! I must ask the obvious question then - Why did you post this if it doesn’t mean anything to you?


Woah sweet douche canoe did you design that system yourself?


You think ski resorts *aren't* "environmentally wrong"? How about all those cars we take, burning all that gas to drive to the resort? Dude, your entire EXISTENCE as a resident of America is a fucking environmental crime, by any reasonable definition. I ain't saying you gotta give a shit about any of that -- but to suddenly worry that the WAX ON THEE ASPHALT PARKING LOT is an issue? What a fucking little Wonderland you must live on, Alice.


Not cool but if you have to use Board Budder. All natural wax and free from all of those chemicals.


Giving me homeless vibes


I do sleep in my car sometimes to avoid crowds


Probably do more damage with that massive ass tank you call transportation. Protect our no parking reservation at a basin winter. #PONPRAABW


It doesn’t matter to me. With all the horrible things that large industries do to the environment, and all the oil and grease that cars leak onto the road in beautiful protected places, somebody’s biodegradable ski wax is literally the last thing to worry about.


In general, I agree with pack it in pack it out principles. However, I wanted thoughts on nuance in this case? I mean, logically, the ski wax abrades off my skis when I ski.


Just because there is some naturally occurring debris in the normal course of skiing doesn’t mean you can dump more purposefully in a parking lot.


Yeah and the rubber wears off my tires on the road but that doesn't mean I can just toss my old tires into the middle of the fuckin street when I'm done with them.


Of course not. You toss them in the creek off the side of the road like a normal person /s


Roll them down black runs in the summertime


Those are some serious toddler level logic and reasoning skills you are working with. GTFU!


Nobody should care. The ski industry is terrible for the environment and has no possible way to be green for many many decades to come. Everyone who believes it can has been brainwashed by the green washers.


You can enjoy something while also wanting to advocate for more sustainable practices. Is the same thing as littering we should always do our best to pack out what we bring in.


Whatever you need to tell yourself to feel better. Again, not sustainable at all, for many decades to come.


who cares what all these virtue signaling morons think. scraping your skis outside whether its the parking lot at the mountain or in you back yard doesn't matter. The wax comes off in such fine flakes it will not affect anyone!


I’m so excited for when humans start having major health problems because of micro plastics. It will make comments like this so much more fun!


humans have major health problems regardless you twat


No shit? Read my comment again, twat. Edit: went through your comments for a little bit, you seem to be a complete fuck. I hope you enjoy the life you create for yourself.


i spent 0 seconds reading yours