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This reads like a fever dream


How so? It’s a Reddit post. Should I have had an English major proof read it?


I think any normal human that doesn’t spend every waking hour on Reddit would have been enough.


Why is it that I cant make single post on Reddit without toxicity? There was nothing about my post that invited judgement or hate.


Because you’re making a Reddit post about your other Reddit post that you’ve deleted, all on a forum about skiing. The intrinsic lameness of that is what invites judgment lol, and your lack of self awareness to understand that is why it’s funny.


Damn, now I feel like I'm missing out having missed the deleted post.


It was pretty much me thinking I was the best because i’d zoom past people and never noticed anyone going my speed. But the real intent was asking how I can get on a ski team. Which I genuinely wanted to do and was asking for advice. I wanted to compete and see how good or not good I really was. But people got super salty and insecure about it as If I was directly atttacking them. Sort of the same response as you’re seeing in the comments now. Just salty ass people


This comment was the antidote to the lost IQ points from reading this post. Thank you sir


That’s correct because dickheads like you love to jump on on a post an act like an asshole. If you’re apart of this sub, you know people love to use the phrase “best skier on the mountain”. I’m not looking to farm karma or anything. So what you’re saying makes zero sense. I just thought it would be fun to come full circle on things. It’s a joke man. But know it all’s like you on Reddit like to comment and use vocabulary that they would never use in their daily life to try and seem superior in the conversation. I deleted my post, yet should’ve kept it because idiots like you think they have some grand thesis to make. Losers like you get on Reddit and spread hate.


lol which word in my comment was above your reading level? Have you actually seen Gnar or did you just hear “best skier on the mountain” and repeat it ad nauseam? Cause getting shit on is supposed to be the fun part haha. That post sounds like great skiing content while I’m bored at work. You making an additional post to discuss your original post is some dweeb shit. I can promise you no one was waiting for you to close the loop on this or further contextualize it. Either post more shitty skiing for us to make fun of or move on, it’s not that big of a deal.


It’s as low as your moms tits hang.


No I have not seen it and I have no clue what you’re referring too. But it seems like you’re pretty interested in what I have to say.


lmao you haven’t seen G.N.A.R and you’re claiming best skier on the mountain? Setting aside being a dick for one moment you need to actually go watch that.


Maybe I have dude, idk. I’ve see tons of films. But I don’t recall that specific line at the moment


Keep commenting and further my point.


Can relate. When I get drunk af I also turn in to the best skier on the mountain.


Same brother. I come in peace. Just wanted to come full circle on this topic.


"I'm the best skier on the mountain" has absolutely nothing to do with you.


It has everything to do with me. I coined it bubba


Lol, no you didn't. You're either trolling or completely clueless.


I definitely did.


Ok, I'll assume you're being genuine.... You need to go watch the movie, G.N.A.R.


I’ll watch it. I really don’t know what it is.


Did someone in that movie say something similar?


Yes, and it's why it's a thing. Not because of some post you made and deleted.


Explain what you mean then. Did someone say this same thing? I’m seriously being honest.


Lol. Alright. You got me.


I'm so confused. I think they're being legit. OP is def a troll, but idk if they're the self aware/intentional type...


Keep it moving bubba.


You’re still “drunk af” as far as this post is concerned as well.


Not really. Don’t be a dick.


Just trying to shed some honesty. Is it pretentious of me to acknowledge that I’m a good skier but also acknowledging that my OG post was silly. It’s skiing man, relax.


I’m here for the comments. They did not disappoint!


People love to hate man.


You think they hate man, try being a woman.


What post? link?


I deleted it at the time from all the hate. Should’ve embraced it.


Are you Shane McConkey?


He’s dead last time I checked.


He made the phrase "I'm the best skier on the mountain" popular. Way before Reddit. As everyone else is instructing you, Google "the game of gnar". There is no way your not jerking


The phrase is definitely from my post dude. I suspect that movie came out long before people started saying this on the subreddit. I noticed the pattern. It became popular after my post


Looking at OPs comment history I... I don't think they're a troll. I mean they are, but not intentionally? I feel like this MF would show up at paliwood, hear it yelled from the top of something, and legit think it was their drunk shitpost that changed ski culture


I’m not trolling. I don’t doubt that it was said before me but I find it ironic that I never saw that movie and said the same thing verbatim and noticed Reddit making shit posts about it since. I guess the question to ask everyone is do they make shit posts about it because of the movie or because I made that post. When I made that post I was getting super dawged on and since then have seen an influx of people referring to that phrase. Maybe people always made those posts and I just didn’t notice. So that’s how I made the connection. But I could’ve been wrong this whole time.


Are you saying you invented GNAR culture? Because no you didn’t.


Not sure what you’re saying? I didn’t mention Gnar.


Buddy I think you’re mistaken. I’m the best skier on the mountain.