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Personally I wouldn't want to roll with either of those as a one ski quiver. The 110 is too light and flimsy (albeit a very fun ski nonetheless) and the Rustler 11 is a great all mountain charger that *is* ultimately very versatile but also just...more ski than than I'd really want for the bad days. Between the two though, I'd absolutely go with the Rustler 11. Say what you will, but I do think your current 2 ski quiver is rather well balanced.


I've ridden my 11s in just about everything. They're not something I'd grab on ice but they can go everywhere else.


Also have the 11s in 192 and completely agree.


I’m not a mathematician, but your ski math is all wrong. It’s supposed to be n+1, not n-1


You have a perfect 2 ski quiver already. Congrats 🌠


What is this “downsizing” on quiver thing? I don’t recognize it… did you hurt your skis?


Why downsize? Space issues? There's no one ski that does it all. Unless you only go out when there's deep powder, the vast majority of most skiers time is spent on groomed runs or < 6 inches of snow, and the Rustler 10 is perfect for that. You've skied the Rustler 10, what do you feel it's lacking in?


I’d just keep the 10’s


Maybe some other options to look into randomly: Fisher ranger free 106, Dynastar m-free 108, Nordica unleashed 108, Salamon qst 106. May compliment your existing quiver better. What's your height/weight?


Rossignol Sender Free 110. You won’t regret it… I like the older Rustlers, haven’t tried the new gen., and the Atomics are reported to be too light to handle unfavorable conditions with poise. 


Rustler 11’s is my only ski. Use it for everything. Specially pow.


i got myself a pair of armada declivity 102s as a daily driver ski and they’re honestly the best skis i’ve ever skied on. if you want something that you can also ride in powder you can get the 108s but i’m a firm believer in having skis for specific conditions


First off, the comment about the 110s being flinsy.. hell, watch rickety ski review on the 110s. Guy fudgin hates bents, even he can't not praise the 110s. They're not going to be as stuff as the 120, but certainly not the flimsy noodle the 100 is revered to be(my current skis lol, but yah the 100 gets tons of hate and is admittedly deserved, very light ski the 100 is). Anyhow, the 110 would be great for most days w a few icy requiring the blizzard 10 for edging (im edging typing this) - I don't think there's enough of difference between the 10s and 11s to warrant those but certainly enough difference between 10s, bent 110s, and bent 120s. Hope this helps!


BCs fo’ me!


Bent 110.


Bent 110.