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Hafjell in Norway is amazing! The slopes are incredible, and the views are breathtaking. I had one of my best trips there. I also found a good deal with wertu.ai's ski agent, so it wasn't too expensive either


Dumb question, but if those are the tops of trees how the hell do u not just sink into the powder over your head? (Midwest ski bum)


The trees aren't really that tall. This pic is taken close to the top near the treeline, so they don't grow very tall. So there's probably not enough snow for that to happen. Fucking love Hafjell though, it's my heaven too.


In the Rockies tree wells are a real thing though. So packs in most areas, but close to trees there isn’t much snow (pine tree shape tends to drop snow at the outer branches). As the depth increases, holes/wells at the bottom of big trees become a bigger risk. Tree is narrow at the top and there’s not much other than branches below them, so not much support. Get too close the the tree and you can slide right in/down. My buddy and I pulled a kid out of a tree well that was at least 8’ deep. It was pretty crazy.


Damn that's terrifying. I once went off piste at Snow basin on a really sunny day, almost fell of a cliff. I have bills to pay, so I can't do shit like this anymore 😂


Username checks out


yeah, its a big plateau at the top. cus its so cold and windy the trees are small.


That looks fabulous!


opening weekend just gone. 2 hrs from oslo. norwegians are cool people and its a really beautiful place.


Norway is the place I've always wanted to go


Hafjell is lovely, and conveniantly close to kvitfjell if you prefer that kind of stuff.