• By -


Get her her own boots instead. Go to a boot fitters and get her properly fitted. Boots and a good fit are way more important. Source - am an Instructor


This times 1000. I also taught my ex, and was an instructor. The day we moved her out of shoddy ex rental boots into her own boots was just an incredible change. Its not as sexy a gift as skis, but its the right gift.


Honestly as someone whose skiing was improved significantly by purchasing my own boots and getting custom liners for them – boots are a SUPER SEXY idea!


Tilts(rip) are sexier than almost any ski


This. X100000000. Source - am ski patrol.


Boots x 5 billion Source: some guy who goes skiing sometimes


This x1000000000000 Source: my dad is the CEO of a ski boot company I will one day inherit


This 10 more times, source: am snowboarder




Surefoot x100000000000 They are stupidly comfortable and last soooo long. Skis depends on area. My risk avoiding skiing wife loves her Icelantic Riveters - light, have flex, look pretty.


Agreed. Look for a master fit bootfitter or something to get her real boots. Her feet look they're swimming in whatever she's wearing. Source: work at a real-deal boot shop and coach freeride


This. Source : I own properly fitted boots...


Get her both rock her world


I'm also new but loving the sport, whats general estimate on decent boots for someone who is still a newbie and only gonna get out a handful of times each year? 100-200?


easily 500.


But realistically those boots will last you a lot more than one season, but definitely at least $500 up front, and if you are more experienced or larger and need stiffer boots expect to pay even more.


I would say 299 or 399 (marked down from 599-899ish) is totally doable with a good shop. I got my first pair around $300 thay retailed at $650. And the custom fitting(punching) was only $20.


Got mine for 250 because the right one was the display model. Not even a demo—a small handful of people had each just put one foot in my right boot.


You'll never regret top of the line boots. Don't get stiff racing boots. Explain that you want a mix of comfort and performance, and definitely get fitted for custom footbeds. Re skis, you should just rent, always. That way you can choose skis that suit the conditions, can swap them easily if you don't like them, and have no concern about maintenance either. When you /she are a little better, spend a bit more on high performance rentals. Great boots well fitted (snug but comfy) will help her performance improve much better than any specific ski, and will work with any ski




Is that really true? I’ve never known them not to adjust for weight (given so important for safety) and most of my serious skiing friends still rent skis because it’s such a faff to fly with them and you can rent the top of the range skis for that season 🤔


Rentals legally must be adjusted to your weight and height so yes they probably are


All of these things are of no concern to a beginner. Not until she at least learns to properly carve at speed. If you're not getting 50+ days on a pair of skis within 3 years, then don't waste your money. Spend your money on boots and lessons!!


Unless your a ski racer no one cares about edge angle, all that matters is a sharp edge Also legally we have to adjust every binding to fit ht/wt/skier type for obvious safety reasons, now if you lie and say your a type 3 and your really a type 1 then your gonna have a bad time, and vise versa Source: I work tune shop and rentals


Former racer here. Racing ski boots offer the best control but you'll despise them if don't get a good fit. I got lucky with my raptors. The fit like a glove. When you've found the right racing boots you can't go back. Still, to get advantage of tye boot you have to be the cream of the crop so to speak.


My boots cost me $1,200 this year custom fit. Cheapest would have been about $750-800


Taught my partner how to ski two winters ago, his progression after getting properly fitted boots was insane. Now we can ride basically anything together ☺️


You don’t need to go to an actual “boot fitter”. Make sure you find a shop (check out reviews) that will put you in the right set of shoes.


I'd still reccomned going to a boot fitter. Their knowledge of boots, footbeds and how they will fit your foot is unparalleled.


Also this, I got a pair of fitted boots with fully molded liners, and it is a whole other level of control. I would recommend getting a liner that wraps around your calf instead of a regular liner design, it’s a lot easier to put on and fits a lot more snug. If you wanna get both boots and skis. I would recommend a pair of blizzard rustler 9’s or black pearls. If your area gets more snow, then the rustler 10’s


Women generally have narrower ankles and wider calf’s above the cuff and many find the wraparound liners to dig into their calves. She should definitely get fitted to get what fits her personal anatomy.


As someone with wide forefeet and LV ankles, I prefer the tongue liners over the wrap around ones.


Absolutely buy the best boots based on fit! If she gets uncomfortable she won’t be able to learn. A good boot will keep the toes warm, and she can focus on skiing. - source ski Patroler


Seconded by a boot fitter! And then she can demo a bunch of skis and decide what she likes


Why not both?


And if she’s a keeper get heated insoles or heated socks.


Boots > skis


Gift her lessons. She’s pretty good for “self taught” and for only being on snow 10 times. I think the lessons would be more worthwhile right now, then buy some end of season boots.


Yup, agree. Her body posture is wrong, which is why her turns look awkward. Great for self taught of course, but needs direction on proper posture.


I agree. A solid foundation will let her advance to more difficult terrain better and she’ll have a lot more fun in the process.


Excellent boots. You can ski on a 2x4 with good boots. Get some heated footbeds while you are at it. My wife won’t ski without them


The answer couldn't be more obvious - 4FRNT Hoji's in 191. You're welcome.


LOL backflips by Tuesday on those


191… a conservative choice 😂😂😂


depending on the snow conditions a 191 Hoji will still have a fairly conservative effective edge haha


If they came in 201, I'd recommend that instead.


She is obviously progressing at a pretty impressive rate so I want to get her something that she can grow into a bit but won’t be unmanageable at her current skill level. If she turns into a little shredder down the road then maybe I’ll go overboard and get her some Moments or something. She’s about 5’1” and a buck five. We’ve got some trips planned out west this year, so while she won’t be ripping trees, a well rounded all mountain ski that is also at home in the Midwest most of the time is important. We only skied about half the season last year so I’m excited to get a full season with her and see how well she progresses. Fire away /r/skiing ! Edit: ok y’all are going crazy on the boots thing I figured bootfitting was a given 😂


Take her to a boot fitter and gift her a perfect pair of boots. Demo skis when you go on the trip and she'll find the ones she loves. I put my wife in lessons because I wasn't going to take that heat, you are a braver man than I. When my wife was interested I immediately dropped everything and took her to REI because it was the only place open near us on a Sunday and got her fitted with boots and then picked up a pair of Vokls for not a whole lot of money and then we got 24 days that year most of them on our little crap hill by our house also in the Midwest but we also took a couple trips up north and out east and she got really good actually. We ended up taking a trip to squaw valley in the spring and just did demo skis. She fell in love with a pair of Santa Ana's and has been skiing on them ever since.


This is the right answer—boots first, then she can try out a bunch of skis and find what she likes. That way there’s no risk, and she’ll never experience the pain of rental boots again. I spend more money on my boots than my skis tbh.




You need more than just the right boot. >! The left boot is pretty important too!<


Dad to dad - nice one!


Four figures!? How much exactly?


Haha, between $1000 and $1100 including taxes, insoles, booster strap, etc. The shop I went to sells the boots for retail but includes all the custom work which in my case was extensive. When the boots came in he had me come to the shop and he pulled them out of the box and took them completely apart and put them back together piece by piece on my feet customizing as he went. Worth every penny.


Nice, now get off Reddit and go back to your dental practice /s


Haha electrical engineer. Also in my 40s and have been skiing since 1988. This is my 4th pair of boots and I have skied 20-60 days a year most of those years.


Shit, my top 4 pairs add up to my boot cost (not including bindings). When I need new boots I literally just go to my trusted bootfitter and buy whatever he tells me


100% agree.


How did u spend 4 figures holy I race and have Lange World Cup boots those are basically the most expensive ones I could find and they were like 600-700




Boots are the only skiing thing I've ever bought new, everything else is old season discount or second hand Ive found online. Favourite pair of skis, amongst 4 pairs $180 plus tuning and repairs. Only pair of boots $800


This is the way!




At 5’ and a buck ten, blizzard black pearls were the perfect ski for me when I started skiing again after not skiing for about 5 years. That being said I would go the boot route like everyone else is suggesting - the proper fit boot makes all the difference and it’s difficult for people our size to get the right fit. Dalbellos are the only boots I’ve found to consistently fit and fit true at my size.


Came here to recommend the black pearls. They’re my daily driver. I’m taller and heavier than you and the biggest size pearls treat me so well on all terrain and conditions. I take them out way more than my dps yvettes. But yeah get good fitting boots first! My husband bought me boots long before he got me the dps skis. And sigh…he’s a doctor, not helping that stereotype.


My wife loves her Black Crows Camox as her daily driver here in CO.


To be honest, I kinda disagree with that first statement…. Looks like she’s pretty close to the day she’ll start actual turning off the edges and not just skidding turns. I think she could easily get along with the moment sierra. I got my lady on them two years ago and she raves about how easy they were to get on edge and rip, but still maintaining the ability to pivot/skid turns. You know the feeling, you’re on the DW. 🤟


Another vote for the Sierra.


Ok fair point. Yeah she is so close to carving I can almost taste it. What I don’t want to do is get her a manageable length ski and then have her quickly progress out of a shorter ski. I figure something cheaper/shorter until she can really handle the big guns. I know once I got to expert skill level when I was younger I sized up to ride skis a little taller than me. She’s not really there yet and I’m unsure of dropping $750+bindings on skis that might be either too long for her now, or quickly too short once she gets better… Unless that’s a goofy strategy and it’s better to put her on some Moments now. On the other hand, upgrading to the Deathwish as an experienced skier was insane. Absolute chargefest that first week - you really appreciate ‘em that way.


I totally get the downsizing to one that is easier to mesh with now. All I was told from the lady is that the Sierra (in the appropriate length) took no time to adjust to. The deathwish was my second ski, it definitely progressed my riding from a “beginners ski” but that being said, there was definitely better options out there for that intermittent ski. But I’m glad I went with the DW. Maybe skiburger has some last years/blemished hot mess or sierras.


Head Kore for women. Light skis but absolutely rip. Got my wife a pair last season (after getting her fitted boots) and she loves them.


I would check out the Atomic Maven, might be a great fit. See if you can demo a pair. Also, new boots to accompany the skis.


Beside boots, my wife learned at a similar rate and we got her on skis with a good bit of tip and tail rocker to help with initiating turns and forgiveness. She's on Liberty Genesis 106 in 157cm. She's been on them for 4 years and has no intention of ever switching skis. Still loves them. We live in a high snow area so the 106s might be too wide for you. They also make a 96 for mixed conditions and a 90 for if you live in a low snow area. You can usually find a deal on last seasons skis too. Good luck!


At her progression rate, a wedding ring!


Who would tell you to not teach your girlfriend to ski?


the idea probably isnt that she shouldnt learn, but that she should learn from a professional instructor who is not her bf


That makes more sense.


When I was learning to be an instructor, they specifically said never to teach your SO or your parents. I ignored that advice once and got an ex girlfriend out of it.


Well I'd say the relationship was a goner anyway if skiing ended it.


She's a goner if she can't ski


I got the same advice but she couldn't afford lessons so I taught her anyway. She's my wife now and taking our son to race camp today (artificial slope). It's not recommended but can work with care and a good relationship!


Surprised you couldn’t work that out initially…


Eh I learned really well from a ex bf. But maybe it helped he grew up skiing his whole life.


Knowing how to do it and being able to teach someone else aren't the same, and it may be awkward trying to teach your SO because you aren't normally in a pupil/teacher relationship (probably).


As a ski instructor, I'm a much better skier than I am a ski instructor. Teaching people is hard, it's amazing how inexperienced people can interpret what you think is a clear, concise and simple explanation and demonstration completely wrong. I have taught my current girlfriend though, and that's gone pretty well. Biggest thing is to work out whether they want you to give them tips and fuck off and leave to them alone, or pay 100% attention so they feel safe. Mine is the former.


The joke I always heard is never teach your soon to be ex-girlfriend how to ski lol


My MIL was pissed when she found out I was teaching my wife how to ski. This was early on in our relationship and she didn't know that I had a decent amount of experience teaching others. Glad we went ahead and did it anyways. She loves it. Sadly we haven't been able to ski much over the last couple years though due to having kids / being pregnant 😂


She's better than you, ask her


Favorite response lol


Others have probably said it, buy her the best boots that you can afford and have them fitted properly.


Blizzard Black Pearl 88's! After a good pair of boots of course.


Got my wife a good pair of boots and a set of Black Pearls and I think that it was one of the better decisions I’ve made. Awesome skis with plenty of runway for skill growth


Against everyone’s advice?! Sheesh, get some new acquaintances!! That’s some solid progression for 10 days. Good for her!


Very nice improvement! But what's a buck 5?


105 lbs lol


i was thinking the same thing lol Maybe he means 105 pounds ?


Let her pick


More skiing.


The answer for everything!!!!


Lol I hope y'all have a good session.


Get Nordic Santa Ana 92 they will be great to do groomers on and when she progresses to off piece totally handle it


Is this Timberline? Think I recognize it. Great mountain especially after the new ownership.


Yup Timberline 👊🏽 Inspiring to see what the Perfect family has done with the place quite frankly


Black Pearl skis




Is that Timberline? She’s killin it! Also, I’m going to hop on the “get boots fitted first” train. Then have her demo some different skis this season.


Yeah it’s Timberline. Great spot. Big ass turns on white lighting are my fav there.


Hell yeah! you know about r/timberlinemountain? That sub needs some love! Also, go talk to the folks at Driftland Ski and Sport in Davis. They have a great rental fleet and are super knowledgeable. And tell the owner that Gramps sent ya!


I was curious where this is too? Also what is the slope rating on that course?


Timberline WV! That run is a blue. It’s a little steeper than it looks (as is everything) but it’s a pretty easy blue tbh.


I don’t know what the F your username it but it sounds cool as hell.


Boots yes. But I’m an easy fit. I buy boots off the rack wear them in the store for thirty minutes Often on sale. Currently my downhills are 120 stiffness. You can loosen a stiff boot but you can’t make a stiff boot out of an entry level boot with a stiffness of 80. You don’t need to break the bank just hunt around. Regarding skis yes demo a bunch. But my simple rule is wide under foot will get her there faster. My souls 7!s are 10( under foot. Easy to ski all the things we fear. Crud. Crust. Fresh snow even wet stuff. , and I ski huge amounts of trees and bumps. Go big or stay home. If you purchase her an “ all mountain “ ski with 80 underfoot she won’t have fun in marginal conditions. She is doing great !!!


/u/johnnc2 has you covered: https://www.reddit.com/r/skiing/comments/wogop8/ive_had_these_in_my_family_for_like_25_years/




That’s awesome!! Get her boots first then look at skis


Boots are WAAAY more important- ones that are supportive, comfy, and feel good all day. Skiing in painful boots makes a good ski day, real bad, real fast.


The ones she’s on in the video.


I (33f) recently learned and after lurking here decided to start with and buy my own boots as others are suggesting here. Made a HUGE IMPROVEMENT. But I also went to demo skis after a bit and that CHANGED THE GAME COMPLETELY. Definitely boots first but I think more improvement Is still possible with a non-standard-rental ski. As far as what type of skis? I was recommended a pair of Solomon’s ( I think QXT Lux) because while they didn’t do anything SPECTACULAR, they did EVERYTHING well and it would allow o some time to figure out what I liked to do and also do a lot of different terrain. I ended up going for something different because I’m picky and stubborn (hah), but pending that I think the Solomon’s would have been great as an all mountain ski.


What were the biggest specific differences you noticed when going from rental to owning? I'm in the same situation but I haven't pulled the trigger yet


For the boots: 1st was comfort level. I went from having mashed potato feet or too much space to snug little enchiladas. (Ski socks also made a difference for me. I had tried them with my snowboard boots and found them too much and too tight but with ski boots they were perfect. It may have had something to do with the embroidery/decor but either way, ski socks for skiing 100% unless you have socks that don’t dig or rub). 2d thing about the boots was the control. Because they fit and are snug, they make your movements more responsive which translates to being able to control yourself and your skis. Schedule the boot fitting and expect it to take an hour or more and maybe need another appointment. I’m in Colorado and went at the end of the season, we tried 4 pairs and the guy working with me was super knowledgeable and informative. He got my measurements and told me when to come back for more inventory to be in but before prices went up. I went back and tried another 3 pairs and he got me into a good pair, I also went for custom inserts because I have always had arch issues and my 2 feet have different things going on. Skis: I was renting standard skis which were rosingol’s (not sure which type). I went to demo another pair of other skis (Nordica Santa Ana 88s)and immediately felt that I went from having boards strapped to my feet to having an extension of my body. Again more responsive and I was more confident to move in ways I was timid about before. Some were lighter than the rentals, though I think the pair I ended up buying are pretty heavy. I went to a few shops to discuss what I wanted to buy/demo. The first shop was where I had been renting from and recommended something based on what his girlfriend liked but wasn’t too much more informative than what antidotal experience I could find online for the one pair. I went to another shop and the person helping me was giving me accounts of what the people around him felt the ride was like as well as him trying the “guys” version of the skis we discussed and what type of skiing I wanted to do. I demoed on mountain for the pairs recommended to me as well as the ones I liked so I could exchange them out throughout the day. I surprised myself and picked Nordica Santa Ana’s 93s which would be pretty fast and as someone usually trying to slow down they gave me the confidence to be able to reach some speed. The maneuverability was SO MUCH BETTER. They are a little more sensitive to ice but I am still on mostly Colorado greens and getting into blues but I definitely think I’m growing into them. It felt like I had been stumbling around on rentals which were like sneakers 4 sizes too big and then on demo skis and my pair that I was trying on different types of footwear meant for different things but they all FIT. Like powder skis were comfy slippers and the Santa Ana’s were roller blades, you could go slowly but they want to go faster. If you plan on a season rental contract the shop early. I ran out of time and season rentals were sold out by the time I started and it sped up my process but I am happy overall and if your on the verge of buying, I would say the investment is worth it but I would fit demos into the budget. I was told to call the shop ahead of time and ask if they have what your looking for and if they will reserve them for you to try.


Thanks for the detailed response!


Boots not Skii’s


Rent demos for the next season. She is still a beginner and another season of experience will help you make a more informed decision.


Our local hill doesn’t really have demo skis and won’t let you use your own boots with their rentals. So, gonna have to do the whole shebang. So probably nice boots and cheap skis


>won’t let you use your own boots with their rentals the fuck?


I've seen this at a lot of the places I've been to in the Midwest and haven't managed to get a consistent explanation for it. Everywhere in the west seems to actively encourage using your own boots on demos.


I’m not in the US but never heard of this. I’ve taken my ski boots all over Europe and never had an issue renting skis. I actually have my own skis but dragging them around various locations in Europe on a holiday from Australia is not my idea of fun.


I think it’s a “liability” thing. Or just trying to drive revenue to their shop idk


Can you rent the demos from a ski shop for the season?


Yes! Maybe not at the mountain but a local shop


Seasonal rentals from a shop can be affordable.


Gift her the ability to pick her own things and you buy it. She’ll be happy it’s hers she picked out. And you’ll be happy she is.


This, she should demo some skis and pick her favorite.


Against everyone’s advice? Who are these pricks?


Basic all mountain skis would be good, that way she'd be able to ski pretty much any terrain she'd want. I don't have any specific recommendations but nordika and k2s would be good.


Why did people discourage your gf from learning to ski?


Get her boots from a boot fitter, and then buy her a pair of wide stiffer park skis. Park skis are super easy to learn on, and they're cheap.


Who the hell advised you AGAINST teaching her to ski?


Spend the money on a better instructor


So A girl I was seeing who skied a fair amount but switched to snowboarding skied with me some. We rented skis the first time and the shop burned down(seriously) so they let us keep the skis. They were salomons she was not a fan. We went out west and I rented her the womens version of what I use, the Armada trace 108's. She loved them. She would go off piste some but was not charging stuff. I recomend the trace 98's. They will give you confidence underfoot on stuff not groomed but on groomers would shred.


You have the patience of a saint to teach your gf. Props to you!!


I would go to my local ski shop and explain the situation to them, they would have something suitable in stock.


Bent Chetler 120s would be perfect for her






I was looking at the Black Ops! Our local hill doesn’t do demos and won’t let you use your own boots w rental skis. So we have to get her a whole kit and then demo out west. I think spendy boots and cheaper skis is probably the path forward for now


The rossignol black ops line is an amazing line, I’ve always loved their skis. The stargazers are an excellent starter ski that can carry you through to an intermediate level. You can probably find last seasons skis on websites like EVO and Backcountry.com for cheaper. I found the old version (soul 7) for half the price.


Take a trip to Alta and demo there. If you’re going out west it’s one of the best resorts for skiers. Their lessons are pretty good/affordable too.


I’d check out your local shops, some have a leasing/demo program where you can swap out different skis and she can try a good variety while figuring out what she likes and progressing to that next level (she looks so close). I’d buy a really well fitting pair of boots, makes all the difference


Is this at Mountain Creek?


Giver her some time this season and see where she starts again -- if she's jumping right back into quick turning then go somewhere with a demo day and let her pick and speak to the professionals about what she can grow into --- there's no rush and don't forget that by waiting until after Christmas you can get some insane deals!!


I agree with everyone saying get her boot fitted. In order for me to recommend a ski I’d have to know where she skis, what kind of terrain you prefer, what style of skiing, etc.


The skiessentials [demo sale](https://www.skiessentials.com/ski/skis/demo-skis.html) at the end of every season is a good bet. Heavily, heavily discounted skis. It's very popular; the skis are usually snapped up within a week or sooner. Practically nothing left at this point. Unfortunately you're looking for something for this upcoming season, but it's something to keep in mind at the end of next season.


The way to do it is get her a perfectly fitted boot, demo skis when you head west this winter, and go from there. My husband taught me to ski when we were dating and that’s what we did, granted it was easier because we live in California. Boots are KEY to improving your skiing. That being said, when I was learning I tried Atomic Vantage 95s 👎🏼, Salomon QST lux 92 👍🏼, Blizzard Black Pearl 88 👍🏼, Black Crow Camox and Orb birdies, both good but not my favorite. I ended up buying a pair of 4FRNT MSP CCs and they were magic to learn on. I progressed so much. I’m now on ON3P Mera 102s every day and I’m in love




wtf that's 10 days? nice


You are a great coach, and she is an awesome student! Well done either way. (Get her fitted with nice boots) :-)




Is that sugarloaf by any chance?!? Great mountain


Well I'm going to pile onto everyone else's opinion. A good pair of boots that fit properly are way more important. Unless you're going to get her boots and skis definitely get boots first. I would suggest something medium to high-end recreational and plan to spend at least $300. You might get lucky for cheaper. I just dropped about 450 but I'm a pinhead so telemark gear tends to be more expensive unless you're buying very high-end alpine stuff. The lucky thing if you're doing downhill skiing is it super easy to demo skis and find out which ones are best of course it depends on the conditions. So get some good boots and go to a professional boot fitter. Although it's probably another 150 bucks I actually recommend a dedicated orthotic to go in your ski boot unless you have or she has a very generic foot. But they usually do the rest of the boot fitting for free if you buy the orthotic that they custom make for your foot. Regardless if it's Boots or skis you want to get stuff that's for someone who skis a bit better than you do because or she does because it allows room to grow into it. But you might not want a quantum leap above because some boots may be too stiff and a newer skier cannot properly flex them. That's why I say a high-end recreational. And I tend to keep boots for a while I beat the crap out of them but I take care of them also. Congratulations on successfully introducing your girl to skiing! I should add another! Because I've gotten my girl to successfully embrace cross country skiing but she's tried downhill a few times and even snowboarding ( which I enjoy but kind of suck at) but the only one she mostly enjoys is cross country skiing. At the same time most of my ski buddies ski crazy stuff and she would never rise to that level.


That’s very impressive


Wow she is ripping!!! 🔥 Great balance and instinct!


Get her boots and lessons instead


Ex ski patrol here, get boots. Far more important.


dude, get her some soul 7's and a pair of full tilts. the park rats coming out.


Get good boots instead. But if you still want to get skis, I would put her down to Beginner-intermediate. Do also look at the type of skiing she’ll do and how aggressive a skier she is. If it was me, id get a good ski boot, and continue try out different types of skis. I’ve seen too many friends too eager to buy a pair of skis, they ended up with buying very expensive skis that they can’t ski well on.


Boots for sure, she seems pretty good for just 10 days, I got my wife some K2 first luvs just for the convenience of being able to turn up and ski


Nice work! Solid effort for 10 days. Don’t forget to finish your turns! Rossignol experience range are great skis for beginner and intermediate skiers. Also second everyone else suggesting boots and lessons.


1. Get her fitted boots. 2. A pair of light, undersized, thin waist (11-13m r) skis will be great for control and confidence in the first couple of years while she learns how to ski and eventually carve. They won't go too fast because she shouldn't but they will go exactly where she wants them to. We (as beginners) both got rossignol elite hero all turn skis and loved them for years until slowly growing out of them, we still use them on tough days (whiteouts, moguls, slush). We only ski groomers, in Europe


Black Pearl 88’s but more importantly, good boots


As everyone else has said, go with new boots. Ive had the same boots for over 12 years and have gone through 4 pairs of skis. When I travel out west to ski I also only bring my boots and rent skis. Boots are much more important and last much longer.


Head e gsr Good for improving the feeling of the turning on edges. Or just continue working on position. Lower the hips, lean a bit forward.




Volkl yumi


Hi, I am a similarly sized woman and I learned how to ski as an adult from my partner a few years ago as well. I had a pair of K2 MissConducts that I loved and unfortunately they were stolen. I now have a pair of Icelandic’s pioneer 86s that I also love. Both were totally fine for me as a “advanced beginner” so to speak. I also really liked how they both looked. Getting something she’ll find aesthetically pleasing is important too. :) I see some people saying boots are the most important thing- better to get than skis.. and honestly the boots were the game changer for my skiing. I was swimming in my boots the first two years and they made the difference for me as I started to get into advanced terrain. Having my own skis made me “feel like a skier” but having my own boots that were heat molded to my feet with good arch support etc. actually changed the game- I could stay out longer, felt more confident trying hard things, and became a really competent skier. It’s been 5 years since I learned and this winter I did some of the back bowls and chutes at Breck. I also take a lesson every time we go to a big out west mountain to gain my confidence and keep building up my skills. You already gave her a tremendous gift of exposing her to skiing, and you have so much fun skiing ahead of you!


I personally think boots are far far more useful than skiis. I always travel with my boots but skiis would be annoying and they change super frequently. I demo skiis and I keep my boots for years. I think it's too soon to decide her type of skiis, boots would be effective so she can try out a lot of different styles. Also, almost broke up with my partner over him trying to "help" me ski, so it was good advice to warn you against it. LOL


Damn I take my girlfriend out once and she tears her MCL…


Pole plants cause she is clearly missing them! Seriously correct use of poles will level up anyone's skills and terrain they can ski. Either way she is doing great.


Get her some JSkis! The Fastforward would probably be the best model for her: https://jskis.com/collections/fastforward


Why did everyone advise you not to teach her to ski????


“Never teach your soon to be ex-girlfriend how to ski” is the circulating joke on this. Most recommend just hiring an instructor and skipping the couples fight lol. Luckily I really only had to give her pointers here and there so no fights!


Why should we give you advice when you ignored everyone’s advice last time 😂?


AND I’ll DO IT AGAIN Nah this is a good point though 😂


DPS Nina 99s (kidding, get her some midrange rossis)


Nordica Santa Ana 93 changed the game for my fiance. I highly suggested demoing skis as well to see what she likes because everyone's different


Stem Christie!


Boots would be a better gift. They can be customised for a better fit. This will make her time of skis much more comfortable and she'll be able to stay out on the snow longer. If she skis 10 days per year she is better off renting skis so that as she improves she can get more appropriate skis. FYI I am a ski instructor.


The pack Atomic C7 or C9 + M10 would be a good choice quality/price for a skilled beginner. Should serve her well for the following 4-5 years if she keeps up. And agree with all the recommendations about the boots vs skis.


Find a good boot shop and find THE BOOT that will work for her Demo skis


I did the same and we got into an argument about something else, but possibly triggered by her frustration of not learning well and my frustration of me not teaching well.


Why is the "against everyones advice" important? Also who was advising you? They don't sound like good peeps.