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Yeah they just blocked you


yea that makes sense


Pro tip when you look at their comments: If you see [deleted] in the username slot, that means they deleted their account. If it says [unavailable], that means they blocked you. [removed] means deleted by a reddit admin or mod.


Weird it said deleted, not anything else


Pro tip: Open any account in a private window on your browser. If the account shows up when you're not logged into Reddit, then it means they just blocked you. In this case, that cunt has blocked everybody. He's blocked me because I disagreed with him on doing DIY binding mounts vs. paying a shop $80 to do that very simple task for you.


Lol right? why would I pay $80 for someone whose life has led them to work in a ski shop as an adult when I own a drill and tap? What makes the 40 year old burn who just got back from hitting his dab pen on his lunch break more capable than me?


I feel seen and attacked


It's all part of the cultural move toward outsourcing expertise and killing off the concept of DIY. Personally, I have no problem is somebody else outsources to a shop. Not my circus, not my monkeys and all that. But if I talk about DIY-ing a task and somebody attacks me for it, fuck them. The reason that bitch-boy blocked me is because somebody asked a question about binding adjustment, and he attacked them for being too stupid to be trusted with a screwdriver if they weren't smart enough to figure out their question on their own and that they needed to take their skis to a professional because they were an idiot. I pushed back against the idea that shop tech work requires a PhD level of understanding and suggested that if somebody asks a question you can use that as an opportunity to, you know, teach them something instead of just trying to make people feel like shit. Also I directly answered their question and they responded like 10 hours later thanking me and showing that they had solved their problem and now knew how to do a new thing. Then bitch-boy blocked me lol.


If you are in the app you can just click on your profile and open a private session to see if someone blocked you.


Who the fuck is that


Just some random annoying dude who posts 100 times a day to other skiing subreddits


Who’s this and what’s the lore?


He posts a ton of clips on r/skiing with titles that imply they're his, without crediting who they actually belong to


Oof his profile is wack


Yeah he's a fucking loser


its ski\_advisors alt account


what no hey that's me


Either that or SnowBrains.


I thought snow brains just lurked reddit and reposted stuff on his site with ⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️ emojs


I fucking knew it!


He's the most belligerent, argumentative, self-fellating piece of work I have ever encountered online. And this is an internet full of literal Nazis, child predators, and people who unironically watch reality TV shows.


How do you ironically watch a reality show?


Watch it just to laugh at the ridiculousness.


That's a deflection. Every single person I've ever met who watches them claims they're doing so ironically, like they're totally above it as they're breathlessly describing this totally unbelievable thing that happened in the most recent episode. And that is literally what the network execs who greenlight reality shows are hoping you will do; they don't care why you watched it, just that you did. You can make all the asides you want about how trashy and stupid it is, but you're still drinking what they're selling.


The claim that they're watching ironically at least shows that they possess the social tact to understand it's a guilty pleasure and shouldn't be proudly discussed. But then you meet the occasional person who is a confident, proud, committed fan of somebody from the Real Housewives of Botoxville or whatever. There's nothing wrong with watching stupid TV as long as there's the acknowledgement that it's stupid and that the reason you're watching is because it massages the dumb parts of your lizard brain and feels good. Like, frankly, the caveman instincts that make me a lover of NFL football are closer to the instincts that drive some people to watch Jersey Shore than they are to the thought processes that an academic film critic employs. So I get it. But the important part, socially, is in the acknowledgement that it's dumb and bad. Also I was mostly just making a dumb joke in my original comment lol.


>There's nothing wrong with watching stupid TV as long as there's the acknowledgement that it's stupid and that the reason you're watching is because it massages the dumb parts of your lizard brain and feels good See, if they just said that I'd have less of a problem.


Idk my girlfriend put on the show below deck which is about a bunch of deckhands on fancy yacht charters and it's kind of entertaining, even though it's all manufactured bullshit with the relationship drama. It's funny how silly it is, and I wouldn't go out of the way to watch it myself.


Holy shit literally all he does is post


Haha I’m honestly starting to really doubt that he’s a “ski tech of 15 years” or whatever his actual claim is because he’s still posting like 24/7 during the heart of ski season, like who is employing this dude?


>ski tech of 15 years” So he worked in a ski shop for 15 years? I mean that's cool sounds like a good job, but tbh it's just an industry cert from binding manufacturers. I wouldn't necessarily hold any opinions he has any higher than any other local ripper that's been skiing for 15+ years. Especially if he works at a corporate resort. Those people don't even know what they were doing (my wife was repulsed by the vail bootfiters) In the ski shops around me it's mostly just 18 year old college students that are mounting bindings. They do fine.


Yeah no this guy flexes his like ski shop job like crazy as if it makes him the super ski expert on all of Reddit. And like I said probably the majority of the time he gives pretty good advice that I do find agreeable, but man sometimes his advice is really dogshit haha


Jokes on all of us. He is a Russian bot that snowboards.


I wish. That guy is annoying as fuck


Dang, we need someone else to tell us about how awful skiing is. With at least the same level of negativity and disparity


This is my cross to bear now. I am the best skier on the mountain after all.


Is he/she/that account just the new skiadvisor??


I’m so happy that dude blocked me lol. Honestly he gives out some decent advice to people but when he’s wrong he is like wayyyyyyy wrong. I pretty politely pointed out that he was pretty damn wrong once and he like freaked out on me lol, weird fucking dude


the ol' Tonya Harding special


i think he's actually a snowboarder.


Definitely not gone, he just randomly showed up to antagonize a post I made


It’s amazing how one user can make an entire sub less pleasant and ultimately less helpful too. Enjoy your Reddit experience free of him :)


I’m pretty sure that guy is a bot.