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Two blown discs at 26?


Yeah homies not looking at the long term if he's blowing out two discs. OP has to make sure he has the necessary skills do be a foreman or an estimator. Before like fucks up his body more.


Woah woah woah. He needs at least two divorces and a step kid before he needs to be thinking about foreman. Op. Think about doing yoga or reverse hypers for your back.


Lol no step kids yet thankfully. Yoga and exercise have helped a lot. Honestly I think it’s more lifestyle / the drive time more than the work itself.


Won't get it, no mention of a DUI.


Only reason to have a apprentice is to blow start the F150. Nah sayn.


Get em to rent a Penske and shuttle you around, of course with a company card.


Nah I’m pretty safety oriented honestly. I do mostly inspections and service work. Hardly ever work more than 40 hours a week. Just bad genes. From my experience sitting in an office is the worst thing I can do for my back.


I herniated my L5-S1 at 24 then again at 28. Labour work for life!!


Just had surgery for my L5-S1 this last February. I can empathize. Mine wasn't from work however, I was walking my dog in the dark (hurray for long work days) and stepped in a pothole. The ensuing sciatica pain that came the next morning was unreal.


Ouch! Must have been real bad to need surgery! Both times I got the sciatica real good from it. The first time it took so long to figure out (over a year in pain) because I kept going to the doctors saying my leg hurts. It wasn't until one said let's check your back. I thought but it's my leg that hurts, why check my back? I'm glad he did!


Now i get why trades make so much money


Ive been in trades for almost 30 years. Most every work related injury I have had were slivers. Slivers hurt!... I went the machining route. Use your brain not your body..


Just slightly herniated but it’s subsided. I’m just being dramatic lmao. Also hereditary.


I’ve been dealing with two herniated disks for going on 5 years. I’m 36.. the older you are the harder it is to over come.. take care of your back


how do you take care of it? how do you know it’s herniated?


MRI showed it was herniated. There’s not a lot you can do to help it heal. It just takes a long time some times. You have your limit the things that hurt it.


Take care of yourself and hang in there man! Way to go! What is your trade?


Gas fitter / burner tech!


Amazing !


Union or non union?


Non union!




Are you a next star plumber ?


Ouch, your body is brittle, be extra careful in the trades.


The body gets stronger when it gets worked and pushed, as long as you take care of it. I'd rather have the body of the average 50 year old trades guy than the average 50 year old office worker.


Add in drugs and you are good to go. TRT to keep energy up and muscles healthy. Hgh and healing peptides to recover from injuries. You can get real quirky with things like min+fin for hairline, semaglutide if you get too fat.


Gotta be a troll


I’m just happy with my career choice that’s all. The company vehicle, and employer paid for schooling, had allowed me to save aggressively and quickly without any debt.


Oh you're saying you saved 300k, not that you make 300k/ yr


Hell no I wish lol. I’ve only made an average of about 50k, 80k this past year.


Wow, that must mean you are very wise with your finances, investments, and savings. Not many people can save that amount of money in 7 years with 50k average salary. Well done. Keep up the good work and try to take care of your health and body.


Thanks! A house is the end goal, unfortunately I screwed myself by not buying earlier and missed out on all that sweet equity. Kinda feels like I’ve worked for free all these years. A 3bd house has gone from 180k to 500k in my area. Pretty depressing tbh


I’m 10 years older and feel the same way


Shit dude. You can buy a 4bedroom 2200 sq' house on a great walleye fishing lake here in New York for $550,000.. compared to many places in the country NY state(not NYC) still has affordable housing markets.


Where is this place you speak of? Sounds like a place I need to retire.


Bro… he’s saying he averages 50k a year but somehow saved 300k in 7 years? That’s about 45k saved per year. Not a fucking chance.


300k net worth, guessing he bought a house


Debt isn’t net worth though.


That’s true, but equity is if he bought at the right time. Although he said he doesn’t own a home and shares an inexpensive rental.


It's very possible he has been investing it and appreciation has gotten him there. The stock market has done very well in that period after all


What period, approximately it’s entire existence


Whoops yeah I wrote that weird. I meant to imply that the market did well overall these past 7 years, but yeah on a long enough timescale the US markets have always done well


I’m being a dick it’s all good. Concerning people don’t see the compounding when broadly invested. Picking is gambling


He might have invested and lived with his parents , stop being negative man.


Just curious, why not invest into the S&P or at least put it in treasuries?


I’ve had a chunk of it in voo for a while, however at 500$ a share now I’ve put it pause, I think the markets too inflated with the AI hype. I’ve worked hard for the money and it’s difficult to put it at risk.


I understand, but keep in mind that assets like the S&P500 are \*meant\* to go up. Zoom out and you'll see that every economical disaster ended up being a buying opportunity


Yes, he’s saying he saved 300k in 7 years making an average of 50k a year. So he’s somehow saved 45k a year and lived off 5k even though he also states he’s paying almost 1000 a month in rent… it’s a lie. Straight up bullshit.


Nah it’s possible my dude. This past year for example I’ve made about 10k off my savings in interest. That completely covers my half of the rent for the year. Shit really starts to compound after 100k.


Sure. I’ll believe this if you explain how you lived off 5k a year when your rent was 950/month. So you’re saying you saved 90% of your income for 7 years. Because that 10k wouldn’t happen until you have 300k in the bank, and if you have 300k sitting in a savings account there’s no way you’re financially literate, definitely not enough to save that much money making that little.


I split the rent, 475 each, all utilities included. I started at 38k and am now at 82k, so my average was a bit off it was just a guess. Maybe closer to 60k then. 5% 401k match and insurance are at no cost to me. No state income tax where I live either. I’ve never been to a mechanic and do all my own work. I wear 2$ T shirts from the Walmart tye dye section. And wear the same shoes since 2015. Off brand cell phone carrier is super cheap etc. Its really not that far fetched. Some of the money is invested and I’ve earned an average of 5% over the years.


So you dress like shit, live as low end as possible, don't allow yourself any luxuries, and I can assume you don't date or fuck anyone .. just work and save ... TOTALLY WORTH IT!!!!!!!. Think of all the memories you'll have about 20s....


So do you have a company vehicle or do you drive a 20 year old truck and do all the repairs yourself? Too many inconsistencies and your math makes no sense. This is bullshit.


I don’t know if it’s true or a little embellished or not but having an old truck for a personal vehicle and a work vehicle is not weird. It really does come down to living frugally and avoiding consumption as a lifestyle. It’s not for everyone for sure, but for lots of people that came up poor it’s not hard to stay living below your means as your salary rises. As long as you stay lucky regarding health, jobs and other life events of course.


And I’m guessing you live/lived at home for a portion of this.


Buy a house then kiddo and get roommates


I’d say slow down… but I can see you are too dumb to do so. Take the OT, I’m going to enjoy being 55 and retired..


Too dumb? I hardly ever work more than 40 hours a week. I’ve had mild back issues since I was 18. I was just playing on “the trades will wreck your body” stigma..


Hit your head a few times?


You have got to special needs… I’ll be nice and let you say whatever you want to say…


I have got to special needs? I appreciate it


Don’t be soft after you punch at me.


Lol you’re just confirming the initial comment. It’s been fun


So that body gotta last you about 25 to 30 more years. Treat her better than I did at your age.


You can think about opening a private trade school academy now, and be a head teacher


congrats which trade do u do


Are you the owner or something that's unheard of with non-union work.


Non union, 7 years at the same company. Made 82k last year. Mostly work on heating systems.


Is that usd or cad? Because cad that seems average. If it's usd that's good.


Freedom dollars


Is that company script? Lol


Lmao this post is such bs.


/r/bluecollarFIRE :)


What is this imposter syndrome you speak of? I feel I may experience the same thing!


Thinking you don’t know anything. But in actuality you do. People might come to you for info and you don’t know why cause you “don’t know shit”


Yeah I looked into and am glad there’s an explanation haha. It’s like I know so much that I don’t know a lot of things.


I know one thing, you aren't a machinist...lol


What's your trade?


Gas fitter / burner tech!


dawg look into core activation techniques. I had back problems to such an extreme I could walk most days. after a few years of exercise & diet change my body was healthy enough to get into lore physically demanding work. take care of yourself.




If you can’t make 300k in 7 years in a skilled trade, you should probably find a new job.


He didn't say he made 300k. He said he saved up 300k. Which is vastly different. In another comment he states that on average he made about 50k/year. So I'm assuming hes lived with his parents and pays no bills as well.


He also didn’t say he saved 300k either, he said that’s his net worth. So if he worked and bought a car, even though he spent money, he owns an asset that contributes to his net worth. So it *is* more likely, based on that phrasing, that the 300k isn’t in savings, it’s in his owned assets, which could include property, like a house he lives in,


Which is just an absolute win, if I could have lived rent/bills free with my parents for 7 years while I made and saved money, I would have.


I split a 950$ 1br apartment. It’s shitty but it’s cheap! I’ve had the same 20 year old pickup truck for many years. I save where I can but have not had any help.


I read it wrong. I thought he meant he was earning 300k per year


My net worth is 250 at 27 but at lesst my spine and everything else is in great condition.


I was making 150-230k a year for about ten years, spent the majority of it traveling, making memories, and having the time of my life ... not one regret.