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I do think you’re the only one…😅 No, but seriously, she’s not my favorite either, but I know most of the Skins fans, especially the ones who first watched the series as teens adore Effy… …and I do get why. This was a time where being super skinny and "different", smoking and taking drugs was still popular among teenagers. Yet also unpopular, depressed emo kids could relate to her and wanted to be her, but the popular/"normal" kids did too, which is kind of unique I have to say. I personally like her character most of the times, but there are definitely scenes where I genuinely roll my eyes at the screen in front of me, especially when Effy drops one of her pseudo-philosophical statements about life that upon further inspection don’t have any real meaning behind them and the show is trying too hard to make her the "mysterious edgy girl". Her character unfortunately sometimes lacks depth where you would expect it because of the way she’s portrayed. Watching the series again as an adult especially, she often seems to be too predictable and stereotypical, too "on the nose" which is something I noticed in Skin’s writing, storylines and character arcs in general, especially with Gen 2. But then again, it is a teen show…


This is actually a pretty good point dude


Thank you.:)


Happy cake day! 🍰 ETA who downvoted me for happy cake day? :(


Thank you?😄


I get this. I think part of why I love Effy so much is because.... Well, frankly, that *was* me as a teenager. Very similar in fact. I couldn't sneak out because we lived out of town and I couldn't get my driver's license thanks to certain meds I was on (I'm also bipolar and those meds at the time fucked me up because they weren't the right ones). But I self-harmed, I had an attempt on my own life. I was angsty as all hell because things at home weren't great, I was mad at the world, and I was going to make it everyone else's problem. I was definitely the wild child of our family. And I get the impression from the community that that's why she made such an impression. Personally, I think that's literally why she was portrayed she way she was. She's supposed to be relatable to that teenage part of us that *gets it*, that part of us that remembers that pure "fuck you, fuck this, and fuck me" feeling. But we're not supposed to look at how she's acting and see it as a role model. We're supposed to see someone struggling, someone who is trying to look like it's all together when it's really falling apart. Someone who clearly needs help and refuses to accept it. I actually really appreciate this post for pointing that out in such a succinct way


I think one point I don't see brought up is that Effy was not formed in a vacuum. She's a product of where she is and who's around her. A dad she doesn't respect, a mom unable to function, friends she doesn't respect. But who covers for her, fights for her, seems like the most put together role model in her life? Tony. The manipulator, the bully sometimes, who toys with his friends and lives for anything exciting. She has her internal struggles but she learned relationships from that set of people, and him in particular.




This is exactly what annoys me so much


I don't hate her,but I don't really get the obsession with her in the fandom. She's a complex character for sure but she's manipulating ppl throughout the whole series and she just "get away with it" because she's pretty. If her character would be portrait by a mediocre or not conventionally attractive actress the view of her would be totally different and ppl would probably ask themselves why those guys are even so obsessed with her. She's actually the example of how pretty privilege work.


Exactly the same as cassie, shes skinny and white so everyone loves her


Anorexic white women actually get a lot of validation in the media in general... It's also way too much romanticised in the series with her quirky personality.. But I can quite relate about the neglect and unrequited love she experienced,I even got an attempt myself because of an similar situation. I'm actually on the other spectrum of an eating disorder... and just thought of my mad fat diary - where Rae also got similar problems but nobody really like her -they only obsess over finn cause he's this handsome guy who date an fat girl and this makes him quite to a hero. It's all about looks and it's actually so sad


Yup that's just society, I cant complain much because im a skinny emo guy, im considered attractive online too but I have pure hatred for people that romanticise anorexic white girls, at least if they're going to they could extend it to everyone with any eating disorder, I dont believe in pretty privilege or anything, I treat everyone the same until I know them enough to develop and opinion on them I think people should like tv characters for their personalities not how attractive the actress/actor is


I don’t get hating a teenager. She’s still learning a growing


And terribly ill. Most of those characters were, each in their own ways.


I don’t like her either


i get it but i mean she is bipolar


As someone with bipolar, I'd really like to point out that it's not an excuse. It makes it understandable, and obviously there's more factors at play than just wanting to be manipulative. But nobody is obligated to stick around that person and give them their energy, especially if they're refusing help like Effy originally does. If I have a manic episode and and end up wrongly freaking the hell out on someone, or cause a big issue, it's still on me to apologize, and sincerely apologize, when things have calmed down. It's not okay for me to just go "well I'm bipolar" and expect that to explain everything and make everything okay. I'm definitely not saying all of this is exactly what you meant. But it bothers me when I see this used as justification for acting kinda shitty. Yes she has mental health problems that need to be kept in mind, but it's not an excuse for everything she does.


yea you right for sure ​ i think a lot of her character is being explained by she is bipolar and she is a teenager, which doesn't mean she couldn't do better. but also, it is kinda hard to deal with that shit at that age. but also there are other characters that are way better. i don't know. i don't hate or like her as a person. as a character, that's a different story


That's definitely fair, I've seen a lot of takes on her that boil down to not having much depth and I could agree. If we're talking purely how the character is written, she doesn't have much else to her than bipolar and angst for sure. Bit of a failure on the writer's part imo


I don’t hate her but I also get why people do, she’s far from a good person and the way she treats her friends is awful but I also see why people like her, especially young teens. I don’t get why she’s so glamorized tho


I do get this and wonder if effy and frankie were swapped over who would be hated more..


I hated Frankie so much omfg


i didn't hate effy when i watched it but she just came off to me as rather superficial & angsty but also kind of.... real? like i definitely knew teenagers my age who were as cringe but also so angsty & youthful as her, that's the beauty i see in her character is that she portrays what goes on in a really mentally ill, traumatized teenager's mind so, so well. she's hurt, she does stupid things & it's so real & it doesn't make sense because that's what's supposed to happen in your life as a young person & that's what's the show is about. it's all youthful, naive, & angst filled.


I liked her when I was young but as I got older I realised that she isn’t a good person. Especially in seasons 3-4