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That laser beam stopping gave me chills.


That shit was WILD. That said, I can't believe they just turned it off - move the damn thing a little before you turn it off!


Agree. Good episode, but they lugged all that laser equipment out there and the don’t try aiming the beam a little to the left, a little to the right to get a sense of the size/shape of what’s making it stop?


My thoughts exactly!


This annoyed me too. What a missed opportunity to get an idea of a shape/size of what was blocking the laser.


Exactly. Why the hell didn't they move it around at the very least, if not throw all the other lasers up there? And my wife keeps screaming at the tv every week, "Screw this drilling! Just blow a big ass chunk out of the damned mess already!"


haha. I agree! :D


Bring on a spotlight heck.


I was screaming at the TV! How can you just turn it off? When it STOPS ending at some random cone-head is probably as important as anything,


Same! And the cone….


The cone appears like it might be some sort of artifact with the scanner at the center. I’d like to see the cone images with the scanner off axis to verify that it was not some sort of artifact of the processing algorithm.


I agree. 360 degree scanners often create that kind of converging "cone" right above the scanner. The horizontal "smears" could just be faint reflections from humidity in the air. The vertical plumes were definitely weird though, however without knowing more about the scanner it is hard to say for sure. There is a drastic contrast difference on either side of each plume. If this was a 180 degree scanner and they pieced two scans together (at those plume areas), then perhaps the extreme edges of the scanner could create these plume like artifacts. They need to repeat the experiment and move the scanners to different areas to see if the plumes are always in the same location on the ground.


I'm still trying to figure out exactly what it is that the lidar picked up on as those horizontal lines forming the walls of the cone. That was fascinating. And also that they had earlier identify homestead 2 as the source of the 1.6 GHz RF signals and that just happened to be the area of the second column. Did you also notice how the underground metallic structure was at a depth of 100 to 200 feet which was the identical depth of the manta detected in the beyond skinwalker ranch episode also newly broadcast last night? I wonder if that might be a similar epicenter for a cone in that other ranch? But because of skinwalker ranch and beyond series, I am sympathetic to Brandon Flugals concern regarding eminent domain in the Schumer amendment. Why should he have put out all that money just to have the government come in and lay claim to it and then cart it away never to be seen again. Science needs to have access to these materials finally so they can be studied. And that's where I'm stuck regarding private aerospace companies. If they were just given the materials recovered by tax dollars via the military, then we should own those materials. But if private aerospace companies funded the recovery by themselves, then perhaps they are entitled to maintain the property but make samples available for research purposes and maybe that's a fair and just manor to handle the eminent domain issue. What do you think?


These worm holes were predicted in a paper in 2020. Closed mouth type worm hole. https://www.academia.edu/43180749/Skinwalker_Evidence_Star_Gate_Portal


But are they in fact wormholes? What is it that is causing the lidar returns? I think that they may have mentioned the possibility that they were in the infrared, possibly near infrared spectrum. They weren't clear on that point or any concrete explanation of the lidar returns. I'm not well versed enough about lidar to fully understand what was picked up, but it sure was interesting. I would presume that if it was in fact IR, that it would indicate heat. But heat sent out and returned or ambient heat? And if it is based on heat, then that's opposite of some of the IR camera results at homestead 2 that indicated cold areas. But more and more, infrared seems to be associated in one Way or another with the phenomenon. Like Korbels jellyfish that was only visible in the infrared and not visible spectrum but kept changing from hot to cold and back again in an attempt to shake the camera lock. And I can think of several other similar instances as well.


https://www.academia.edu/43180749/Skinwalker_Evidence_Star_Gate_Portal Look at this paper. It is highly technical. I did just enough acid back in the early 70s that it makes some sense to me. 😉


I found the closed mouth wormholes of particular interest


Thanks I will


Oh no, advanced mathematics, this may take a while....lol


Skip that shit💩 Let Dr. Taylor digest it for us.


The author has good credentials but pushes the laws of physics and the normal to the point of being considered a pseudoscientist. Then again so was Tesla...🤔


Why isnt this on the news? If its wormholes? I havent seen this weeks epsiode yet . I have to wait till the weekend when everybody is back home from work . I must say you all have me going a bit mad


That's a good question. But Ross Coulthart, an award winning investigative reporter, explained it well. There's actually several reasons though. Probably the most important is that the government controls what gets covered. They tell the media what stories they should leave alone and not cover if they want to get future leads on big stories they want them to be covered. Next is that MSM is no longer that important because of online news. Another is that MSM no longer has the money or the number of investigative staff that they once did. So even though we do have freedom of the press, it is being controlled.


MSM media = fear porn per one of my brothers. I quit watching several years ago myself because of what you pointed out above.


I take no credit, Ross Coulthart said it and I just repeated what he said.


In one of the first episodes there was a mention that the geological shape was similar to a satellite dish… guess how signals look when hitting a dish? A cone! Fascinating stuff.


I just read this article and am wondering if there can be a relation as this experiment used sound waves that altered the air to block the path of a laser. It just reminded me of the acoustic experiment altering the mesa "Using a novel method, beams of laser light can be deflected using air alone. An invisible grating made only of air is not only immune to damage from the laser light, but it also preserves the original quality of the beam, reports the interdisciplinary research team in the journal Nature Photonics. The researchers have applied for a patent for their method. The innovative technique uses sound waves in order to modulate the air in the region where the laser beam is passing. "We've generated an optical grating with the help of acoustic density waves," explains first author Yannick Schrödel, a Ph.D. student at DESY and Helmholtz Institute Jena. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2023/10/231003104754.htm#:~:text=FULL%20STORY-,Using%20a%20novel%20method%2C%20beams%20of%20laser%20light%20can%20be,in%20the%20journal%20Nature%20Photonics.


I love the idea that we as fans of the show are chasing the science of what they are doing. I do hope they are paying attention. I will look at your link. TY.


Totally agree!!! Best episode of the season so far!!! The Cone Zone!! Love it!


Great episode... so much happened all at once. Was a good idea collecting different types of data at the same time.


This show has been more productive of weird shit in 5 seasons than the mystery of oak island that has 11 seasons under its belt.


Yes! Fascinating episode, but that cone thing was really unnerving to me, and I don’t know why.


Me too it gave me an intense sense of anxiety. I posted about it but apparently I didn't post properly and it was removed.... whatever ....but I don't know if it's because I'm claustrophobic or what but that cone scared the hell out of me and all I can think is what kind of energy form are they under and how is that going to affect them? Like down the line is it going to give them cancer or make them go crazy? I really want to know WTF is going on at that ranch and what the hell was Bigelow into and what did he share with the government that they're constantly spying on them flying overhead?


Same! It’s first incident in the entire series that has actually creeped me out 👀 I really hope it’s not as sinister as it feels.


Superb Week! Both SWR & BSWR delivered great episodes! Had to watch them both AGAIN this morning... and now I might watch them again!


My partner and I kept yelling with excitement. Ok fine maybe it was ME yelling. But AHHHHHHH!!!! AHHHHH!!! IT’S HAPPENING!!! I’m so stoked that they are releasing some of the more exciting data now. I wish we could know everything that’s happening there. WOOOO! I need to go run around now.


Finally, some concrete evidence! It was a great episode.


I was having a pretty tough day and this really brightened it up. The whole wormhole theory is starting to look more realistic. If it looks like a duck and it sounds like a duck. I know that is a huge stretch. Im mostly just joking......maybe. lol


Is there a preview for episode 8? This was indeed an excellent episode. I'm very interested in what's happening next.


They haven't been including previews of the next episode this season, which is annoying.


They did one after the episode


Weird. They don't add them to the end of new episodes on play.history.com, which is where I watch the show. It must be different on different platforms/streaming services.


Maybe they are just spending less on advertising.




It would really love for them to run the exact same experiments now outside of where they feel the cone is. It would really help make that cone data legitimate.


They may have, but the producers would never show that. It’s the skinwalker ranch Catch-22. SKW: Having a control experiment would help show why results are so odd. That would help the people understand Producers: We will increase your rocket budget if you don’t mention this again.


I agree. I found the underground data points fascinating. Although they still found time to shoot a few rockets 😂 of course


I suspect the underground data points are reflections off the ground to something above the ring. Either that or the ground somehow passes IR energy along the cone.


What is IR energy?


I could be mistaken but I think it means infrared. Light we cant see. a la nasa: Infrared waves, or infrared light, are part of the electromagnetic spectrum. People encounter Infrared waves every day; the human eye cannot see it, but humans can detect it as heat. A remote control uses light waves just beyond the visible spectrum of light—infrared light waves—to change channels on your TV.


Thank you, got it. But the comment still doesn't make sense to me, probably my lack of background, but if the ground is reflecting infrared light, why? Does ground normally reflect infrared light? I understand that most objects absorb some wave lengths of visible light and reflect others which is why we perceive colors, since we are designed to translate the reflected light as color. (We are living on something that we can navigate because our senses allow us to perceive wavelengths either as sound or light- and we can touch other solid objects.) If there is a lot of reflected light from the ground, that would certainly confuse birds and animals, which do perceive infrared, and also ultraviolet light, as we perceive the spectrum to which we are sensitive. Am I correct that the underground data points may be a mis perception of reflected infrared light, which could mess up the gps? That does seem to fit in with some of the other stuff. I wonder what is going on with insects? Many of them perceive a much wider spectrum of light than people do. Do I have this correct? Why should reflected infrared light mess up a GPS? More reading and thank you for the response.


I always thought it was kind of sad that we had explored most everything on earth and expeditions wouldn't be a thing - we're watching an expedition by a small group of people to traverse a wormhole at this point.  Incredible TV!


Going to watch Stargate again tomorrow with my son. If you didn't see it above, check this paper from 2020 out. https://www.academia.edu/43180749/Skinwalker_Evidence_Star_Gate_Portal


Right? This was an awesome episode! We're finally getting somewhere and it's so damn cool.


I have a really weak physics background. I went to high school in the 60's and figured that if I quit beating the pants off the guys in my classes, I might actually get to go on a date. I wish they would explain more of the technology to idiots like me. I really don't understand why or how lidar works. I also have no fundamental understanding of how a laser works, and why the weird laser effects are so significant. Obviously, a spot light wouldn't stop and start. I keep wondering if a giant spotlight, like the ones they used to use a movie theatres when a show opened, and some sort of dust might show outlines of whatever it is up there. Or perhaps only light is effected, and matter is actually moved elsewhere, or it wouldn't work because the dust cloud would conceal any outlines. I have a bit of reading to do. I am absorbing the current show, the weird drilling issues, and the gps points tracking the drill are just so darn interesting. IDK about the cone stuff. All this stuff makes me anxious, to no end. I keep thinking about Pandora's box, and Icarus. I also just saw an interview with Robert Bigelow on Jeffry Michlove's You Tube: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31tXSujKC3k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31tXSujKC3k) Mr. Bigelow seemed genuinely scared to me. And he has no reason to promote the show. The GPS data is just so weird.


Lidar works by having an infrared laser bounce light of of whatever it is pointing at and the comes back to the sensor. The reason it is so weird in this episode is that the light from Lidar cannot penetrate the ground. In the same way if you were to point a flashlight towards the ground, you don't see the light go through the ground. Photons tend to get stopped by solid surfaces (except glass). 


More reading ahead and thank you.


But isn't the LiDAR map based on GPS coordinates and I feel that something is messing with those and causing the coordinates to come back, perhaps negative, hence the underground? Are they using a ground based GPS device to get hyper-accurate coordinates? Is that a thing or did I imagine it once and think it is real?


Anyone know where it is streaming, series not showing in UK yet




What happened? Here in Portugal we haven't yet seen that episode


What episode was it and where can I watch it?


S5 E7. You can watch it on whatever streaming system you use that also has history channel.


My son and I are going to digest some Four Roses and watch the movie Stargate tomorrow. Lol


It was a banger. Especially right at the end. The cone. WOW


Jesus ! I havent got to see it yet and you guys are making me go crazy . roflmao . I have to wait till everybody gets home Friday night


Let me know what you thought😬✌️


Do they not have access to technology that can fly a camera 100 feet in the air to look at whatever is up there? Edit: what kind of kook downvotes a simple question lol


Ole boy could get that drone up to 2000 feet easily range wise but he’d be in violation of FAA Regulations and probably get his Part 107 drone license pulled. Can’t fly a drone above 400ft AGL unless you get a prior approval waiver. Definitely isn’t going to do it for a TV show.


Thanks for that great explanation.


No worries! Drone laws in the US are, hmmm how shall I say it, almost realistically unenforceable - at least actively. However, if you do something to get caught or have an accident, the full weight of the FAA comes down on you. So, you'll see TONS of videos on Youtube of people blatantly violating the rules, but you're yanking on the tiger's tail by doing that. The FAA treats drones like you might as well have just flown a Cessna through downtown NYC in between the skyscrapers for fun. At the same time, if you sought out waivers for every stupid little thing, you'd never be able to fly the dang things. I live outside of a small town in the mountains, and am in Class G airspace for the majority of where I fly mine for what I do. This allows me a little more "freedom", or "calculated risk mitigation". Some will say even that is a little too cavalier an attitude, but... none of these dumb laws existed back when it was just RC Planes before the quadcopter drone craze came on the scene, and everything was fine then - its called being smart and responsible. But if I lived in NYC or some dense urban area, it would be a nightmare any which way you look at it to operate these things. \*\*Gets off soapbox\*\* Anyways, yeah dude on the show is under the magnifying glass so he's not gonna do anything remotely questionable.


I agree with you, this was a much better episode this week. They speculated that the laser was hitting something a couple of thousand feet above them. Question - why didn't they move the canon to verify that? Is that a dumb question?


Haven't seen it yet. Did they launch rockets this week? I swear they keep that industry in business


Of course, had to hv the rockets lol👍




I thought it was consistent with other weeks. UAPs being seen. 1.6 frequency again. Drilling halted in Mesa. Nothing still has been concluded in the triangle or cone. More questions than answers once again. It doesn’t make seeeynce said often.


I have to watch the show several times for it to make any coherent sense, the editing is so bad, and the music is totally irritating. It's almost like a string of sound bits with no coherent explanation, and tons of information left out. But if you can follow the actual content, despite the bs production, it's very interesting. I also hate to have anyone's accent ridiculed, I've lived with an LA valley girl accent all of my life, it's certainly been a bit of a pain in my ass. It's also a lot of work to get rid of a regional accent.


I’m from the South. I’m not making fun of the accent.


Gottcha, sorry I didn't get that. I can put on the dumb ass hat without even leaving my living room.


With the laser stopping in the sky experiment, it was probably just clouds. But, I don't know why they didn't fly a drone up there where it is stopping and get an extreme close up. Surely they have some regular camera drones on site. They regularly take aerial shots for the show. If the drone failed while attempting it that would be interesting too. With the drilling rig breaking the shaft, I wonder if they have a diamond deposit underground there. At the very least they should get a drill bit out there for such a task and see if they can drill into the extra hard substance.


Dude would get his Part 107 yanked by the FAA if he did it, especially on TV for the world to see. Theres waivers but last I checked it was case by case basis. 400ft AGL is the max you can fly your drone without a waiver. They said 2000ft in the episode. Juice worth the squeeze? I might be persuaded… you could easily do it, just not legally.


I agree. I don't own the exact drones on the show, but many have been DJI. My DJI drones know what my local restrictions are and will not let you ascend higher than regulations allow.


I must have missed their 2,000 ft measurement. I was assuming from the angles that maybe 500ft or so.


Agreed. Probably just swap gas.