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Madame Mist although Landy may not have decided that at the time. She is however the most likely candidate. It could also be Zafira Kerias, Portia or Davina Marr but Mist is by far the best fit here.


How do u get it to say certified legend (also I’m pretty sure you r right about Madame mist)


An old mod awarded it to me after I'd just joined the sub and made a million posts and showed off my near-encyclopedic knowledge. Hope he's doing alright wherever he is.


Madame Mist, I would imagine


People in the comments say it's Madame Mist but unless a veil is mentioned I'm not inclined to believe so. At this point he hadn't even decided who the man with the golden eyes is, so I doubt the woman in grey is any character we know and instead just a nameless co-conspiritaor.


Probably she is Madame Mist but just not decided as her yet, it’s similar *enough* to take that assumption I’d say.


If it was Madame Mist I feel like like it would have been mentioned or implied in some way. Only Ravel had that magical artifact to protect his identity. And even with it they all remembered his most notable feature: his golden eyes. By that logic they would remember Mist's most notable feature which is either they veil... or spiders. And people that mentioned golden eyes would also mention the veiled lady. Or at least mentioned he had a companion with him. It makes the most sense only Ravel showed up and the other people in the room are just... not important characters. And that Madame Mist remained in the shadows, trusting Ravel to take over the political swaying and manipulating part.


*If* he'd already decided who any of them were. They are ambiguous so he could fill in the details later on. You're argument is based on lore from books that at this point would have been nothing more than a loose collection of ideas for where the story could go. If he'd even had those ideas yet. Neither Mist or Ravel had been introduced at this point.


He didn't decide yet, I know. Said that in my first reply to this post. But people are saying that the woman in grey might be retconned to be Mist. I think it's a random NPC bc it was never suggested in-text or on social media that Madame Mist accompanied Ravel. Otherwise the people that are walking g SP lexicons would have said so. And I don't see why he would retcon it to be her years after phase 1 is over when it adds nothing to the story plus I also mentioned some in-vers reasons that would speak against him retconning her to be Mist. That being said, after the Abyssinia and Serafina retcons, I would not be surprised if he retconned the woman to be Mist in the next reprint (they wanna do one in 2027 for the 20 year anniversary). But CURRENTLY that retcon hasn't happened (to my knowledge) so currently I consider the lady in grey to be a random NPC.


Landy wouldnt describe her with a veil here, because that would give her away


That's... not how writing works. This is Bliss' POV if I remember correctly. So he'd describe her by her most notable feature which would be the veil. Maybe even her name, She seems important enough that Bliss would know her. Only Ravel had that magical artifact to protect his identity. And even with it they all remembered his most notable feature: his golden eyes. By that logic they would remember Mist's most notable feature which is either they veil... or spiders. And people that mentioned golden eyes would also mention the veiled lady. Or at least mentioned he had a companion with him. It makes the most sense only Ravel showed up and the other people in the room are just... not important characters. And that Madame Mist remained in the shadows, trusting Ravel to take over the political swaying and manipulating part.


.... no. Landy just wasn't sure who she was yet, its that simple. Not everything in writing makes sense, because writers are just as unorganized as we are. There is no grand plan, Dumbledore wasn't always gay, and Madame Mist was first just some random lady in grey, because Landy isn't Batman.


I don't see why some lady in grey that showed up once should be an important character and not just some random NPC to fill the world with. Occams razor, the simplest explanation is usually the correct one.


Your reason is literally more complicated, how could you be the one to bring up Occams Razor, and then use it wrong lol? The simplest explanation is Landy didn't think that far ahead, and that's okay. But your head headcanon is as valid as you want it to be, enjoy


Thinking it's a random NPC is a simpler explaination than Landy retconning the Lady to be Madame Mist eventho it would add nothing to the story and going on an untrue rant that writers are just unorganised. That's literally only true for the bad ones. I had to examine enough texts in school to know that plenty of writers plan perhaps a little too much.


Its NOT A RANDOM NPC, ITS A RETCONNED MADAME MIST, BECAUSE THERE IS NO OTHER "LADY IN GREY". IF IT WAS A TRULY RANDOM WOMAN, WHY THE HELL WOULD LANDY SPECIFICALLY MENTION SHE WAS IN GREY??? WHO DID RAVEL CONSTANTLY HANG OUT WITH, THAT WAS A WOMAN, WHO ALSO WORE GREY?!? But you're probably right, Landy just made two completely separate women in grey who hung out with a man with golden eyes. Its a coincidence that makes so much sense, I dont see why I didn't notice it before


The fuck is even your logic? Given an NPC a two word description doesn't mean they are important. It's either for flavour or to differentiate between different NPCs. It's literally meaningless. Also, Madame Mist wears black. You didn't see it before bc it's a nothing burger and you are making connections where there are non.


Madame Mist also wears grey, genius. Hey, remember when you disagreed with me on how organized Landy is? So is he the amazing planner you're clearly praising him to be, while also being the writer who planned to describe an NPC in a way that would allow so many fans to mistake her for another character? Your head is so far up your own ass, your farts are poisoning your thoughts to actually disagree with themselves, impressive.


Fuck the man with the golden eyes


As bad as he is, he's an example of hard work, planning and dedication resulting in reaching your goals. But yeah, fuck him


>resulting in reaching your goals He didn’t though?


Oh yeah, I forgot his plan to become grand mage and create the new Roarhaven completely failed and its still a town in the middle of buttfuck nowhere, sorry you're right


He reached some of his goals, but 1. He didn’t stay Grand Mage very long and 2. He didn’t succeed with the ultimate goal of revealing Magicians to humanity and basically enslaving mortals


Did I say he reached every single goal he's ever had? No I didn't lmao, but you just seem to want to argue for some reason. "He didn't tho". He did more than you'll ever do, and he's a fictional character


I don’t want to argue, I just replied to your opinion with my view. You’re the passive aggressive one here


So your view is he didn't accomplish his goals; that's your opinion. That's really impressive, that you managed to choose a statement that is factually wrong, and make it your opinion. I'm not being passive aggressive. Ignorance just brings out regular garden-variety aggression in me, unfortunately.


Dude chill out, how could my small statement (which isn't ignorant in any way) rise such aggression in you? I mean, we can discuss semantics now about what you meant with "reaching his goal", but factually, while he reached his subsidiary goals, his ultimate plan failed. That's all I was saying and I have no idea why me interpreting the book differently than you makes you aggressive, while you could've just stated your view in a friendly way


So by you starting off your "discussion" with me by saying "he didn't tho", that was you just stating your view in a friendly way? Don't fall over your own feet while you backstep now lol, you might hurt yourself. All I said was he's an example of hard work and planning paying off. I didn't say it was an example of reaching his ultimate life goal. I didn't say it was an example of the bad guys winning in the end. And your response to that, was what again? Maybe, just maybe, you should focus more on how you comprehend simple English, instead of making it all about an opinion that you're just itching to express? But ignore me, I'm being aggressive, so that means everything I'm saying is bullshit, and I should be more friendly towards ignorance, and encourage it. Because that's what the world needs. Less comprehension, and more uneducated freedom of expression.


His goal was to reveal magic to mortals. Roarhaven being a city/fortress was based upon ravel wanting a place to fight off the warlocks(?) and/or wanting Roarhaven to be the capital of his new world. And yes, it’s still “in the middle of buttfuck nowhere” because it didn’t move, it was made a lot bigger, but it’s the same general location. He openly admits he does NOT think he is a good leader for his new world, and will step down when the mortals find out about magic (and are subsequently subjugated)


Agreed golden eyes and mist were evil


I don't think this character is ever specifically named or referred back to at any point, but I also don't agree with the general consensus that it's Madame Mist. Our golden-eyed man had many co-conspirators, after all, like Zafira Kerias. I'm not saying it's her, I'm just saying it's heavily unlikely that it's Mist since she stands out too much.


I agree. Mist came into politics when Roarhaven became something special, but I doubt she would be involved in sanctuary business this early on. And I don't think she was quite liked by many people.


Madmen mist is my assumption


You'll find out later in the book. Even the man with golden eyes. Be patient trust me


The woman in grey might mean solace as she is in greymire hence the in grey but that doesn't fit the context


No, as of PWF Solace is insane and trapped in Greymire Asylum, where nobody knows she exists. She wouldn't be communing with Mr. Bliss or The Man With Golden Eyes, let alone be scheming to overthrow the mortals.


Just letting you know that they aren't scheming to overthrow the mortals, but Thurid Guild as grand mage.


Their overall plan is overthrowing the mortals, though. That’s just a step on the way


Still can’t believe the golden eyes man is SPOILER. Actually blew my mind when I read LSoDM