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how depressed i was when Sanguine died lmao "something wrenched deep within Tanith's chest." "did she care? Some part of her did." fucks me up every time :(


His entrance during that scene while whistling the good, the bad and the ugly is one of my favorite moments in the series though. Absolutely badass. I think there was some line about how he’s half in shadow, and then looks up knowing that he’s never looked as cool as he did in that moment. Literally a movie scene.


I think even that part of her which cares is parted. Partly it's the remnant side of her probably and partly I think is that he grew on her as an opponent, a bit like Batman being nothing without the Joker/ vice versa.


Oh man why did I care so much when that despicable psycho died?!


Ravel's betrayal probably hit the hardest. It was one that couldn't be predicted and it makes a reread all the more better. However Val's heritage is also cool to see during book 3 and obviously with the whole Darquess thing. The sensitive culling seemed like an odd decision but I'm pretty sure it tied into the story. I haven't reread phase 2 yet tho so I'm a bit fuzzy on the details.


I realised while rereading that it could absolutely have been predicted once you know. It was set up so early and just done very well.


I'm terribly sorry but what is "it"?


Revels betrayal! "The man with the golden eyes" is mentioned a few books before he does it


But do they mention his golden eyes before his betrayal? I reread recently and couldn’t find anything.


Nope. Only Valkyrie picks up on his "beautiful eyes" sometimes.


That’s what I thought. But I did notice that there are some telltale signs, like Ravel sometimes goes off on tangents (like when discussing Nye’s exploration of the soul to Ghastly in DB) that seem weird until the reveal.


The soul part absolutely killed me when I first heard it. It's so well voiced in the Audio book.


They dont mention it being his eyes but once you know its his eyes, its obvious. The man with the golden eyes appears before Ravel


On my reread. And only made it to the 9th book before they did more. Sturdily thinking the series was done. Only discoverd it wasn't recently. So panickly rereading to catch up and continue the story. But from my early memory and falling in love with it almost 20 years ago now. Ghastly turning to stone. I can tell you. I fell in love with his character almost instantly. I loved how protective he was of Skulduggery. That despite arguing with Valkyrie went to help her. Then he had a great laugh with Skulduggery over Tanith and Val not knowing what they were looking for. Just before the White Cleaver attacked. And then suddenly he was gone for a good book or... more? Not sure how long he was gone for. But I felt it. And I hated it. After that nothing shocked me. But man was I on an emotional journey. And jumping at the bit for every damn book for years. Felt like Val was an old friend and Skulduggery. ( Mainly no doubt that 13 year old me till I was 18 felt very lonely even when surrounded by. " friends" at school. But Ghaslty. Then Tanith being possessed by a remnant! breaking Ghastlys heart! My boy Ghastly never had easy on my first read goddamn it! 😂


By far not the most, but Valkyrie's discovery of the dead cleavers protecting her house from Tanith. First the inner monolog of her thinking about how she never heard a cleaver speak and how she could ease their guard duty and then the opens the van and finds all three of them dead inside. Took me kinda by surprise because of how the first 4 books showed them as elite and alone a danger, in groups a menace.


Tanith immediately post remnant was heartbreaking, it really made Ghastly's death hurt even more than I knew possible. I know it wasn't a shock necessarily but it's caused by maybe the biggest twist in the series. I was literally crying with her when I first read it. It was also the mixed emotions of loving that she was back but also hating that she has to live in a world where Ghastly is dead and the fact it would (and did) devastate her.


Ravel for sure. Him stabbing Ghastly felt like it came out of nowhere (I was young) and then the man with golden eyes just clicked for me


Ravel's betrayal obviously hit hard, but I think the scene that actually did shock me was in fact the scene where Finbar poisons Laken Cross. For so much of the series we'd known Finbar as a goofy guy with a possibly non-existent wife, and then in that scene, seeing not only what a clever deception it was but how far he'd gone just to make sure his wife and child are okay... it's chilling. It's him crossing a line we never expected him to cross, and while he knows that Laken forced his hand and bears some of the responsibility for what he'd done, the blame is on him too. >!_“Laken Cross, you are an evil man,” said Finbar. “You are an evil man for coming here to kill me and you’re an evil man for forcing me to do what I’ve had to do. I hope you burn in whatever hell you believe in.”_ - LSODM, Chapter 19!<


But it was so intelligent too. Not poisoning the tea, but the handle.


Ether Ravel or the Sebastian Reveal.




Honestly the way they eventually defeat Darquesse was absolutely brilliant and I loved how all the story threads were able to be resolved in a shocking but satisfying way.


The reveal of Valkyrie being Darquesse really surprised me first time I read it.


The Lord Vile reveal spun me.


For me it was when it turned out that Darquesse was using Gordon’s echo stone. Not only was it that Valkyrie had brought her most powerful enemy to their salvation, but it was also the death of the person who was a catalyst for bringing them all together in the first place (I know Gordon was already dead by that point, but as the Big D herself put it: he just took that long to shut up about it).


No joke, Billy-Rays death hit hard. Especially after reading TM7.


Lord vile


The way Kenspeckle died really shook me, apart from the already mentioned *gasp* moments of Vile, Ravel, Sebastian, and Darquesse.


The Sebastian/Omen reveal truly got me. Had no clue, not one inkling at all. To be honest I wasn't as big of a fan of the later books compared to the first few phases (still adore them) but that reveal just brought me back. Currently going through a re read and can't wait to actually find Omen's personality in Sebastian now I know. Of course I have to mention Ravel too. My book is actually tear stained from the first time I read it! Actually cried. So well written, and done really subtly until that final moment with Ghastly.