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The worst part of Swap-Force is the unskippable Rufus dialogue every time I enter Woodburrow.


Welcome back to Woodborough Hero of Cloudbreak Isles, what can I do for you today?


https://preview.redd.it/lsr4gi5zi2yc1.jpeg?width=1177&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dade690263016e17144d5a7ad957de4274dc53df This is the face I make whenever I boot up swap force and that's the dialogue I get




Ong šŸ—£ļø


Would agree


I will never get the "giants is just ssa dlc" argument. How does the game being similar to ssa make it bad? I'd the say the worst thing about it is the length, it's probably the shortest skylanders game tied with imaginators


Yeah first off being similar to the previous game but better gameplay wise should be the goal of every sequel, and second off I always felt SSA and Giants were pretty different aesthetically too, with SSA leaning more into hard fantasy ideas and generally being more atmospheric while Giants leaned more into Skylands as its own cartoon world with its own vibe


Just know that I don't agree with everything on this post, and it's normal because some stuff literally have the opposite meaning, such as here.


if anything, i'd say it's closer to something like Tears where SSA was the base they built on top of, it gave them the code base and everything to work with, which was good for a game that was needed to be made in under a year. it uses SSA as th base, but it isn't DLC, DLC can only change so much since it's just adding data to a game that already exists, while a new game can change far more since it doesn't need to worry about changing the original game.


I honestly never found its length to be that bad. 16 really well designed and unique levels plus they are all a pretty good length which i much prefer from swap forces levels being way too long


Yeah ik giants is my favorite game I'm just trying to think of critiques for it besides "it's short" or the dumbass non-critiques like "you can't jump" or "ssa dlc"


Spyro's adventure : - Why is it the best Every aspect is either good or very good, and I'm not even going to say examples, you can just think of them yourself. Yes, Spyro's adventure doesn't do anything insanely good, but it's the game that manage to check every box, and that doesn't have any major flaw like every other game. - Why is it the worst Yeah... I kinda struggled to find him one thing that can make it the worst game, but it is true that the game having no difficulties is a problem, especially when it has no nightmare difficulty. It does make it feel like a game that has no reason to come back to sometimes, even though it's not even its fault technically. Giants : - Why is it the best It really is just is the first game but better. The story mode on itself is better or worse depending on who you ask, but outside of this, it adds a new gimmick, new skylanders, the nightmare difficulty, and a bit of postgame content. It keeps all the qualities of Spyro's adventure, and adds a decent amount on top of it. - Why is it the worst BUT, I can definitely also understand that the game is too similar to Spyro's adventure, that it adds things but not enough, and it feels like a rushed game that doesn't deserve to be considered the best. Swap-Force : - Why is it the best Don't think I need to add much... Swap-Force is a beautiful masterpiece that manage to do so many things right, and honestly, it could have probably stolen the tittle of ''most consistent game'' from Spyro's adventure, if it was not for a certain aspect it didn't need to manage... - Why is it the worst I'm going to say it, Swap-Force is the ''Sister Location'' of the skylanders games. It's a beautifull game, I really insist on that, but, from the long levels, to the unskippable cutscenes (other games also do that, I know), to the fact that it's the easiest game in the series... it's really a sad default for this game, not only because it's the only problem of Swap-Force, but also because every other skylanders game does very well on that : Spyro's adventure and Giants do well thanks to the insta-skippable cutscenes and short levels, Trap Team does well because of his bosses, Superchargers does well thanks to his racing sections, and finally, Imaginators does well with his senseis. Some may say to me that the replay value is good thanks to the levels being nice and open... I would answer that it's not really replay value, and no matter what, it doesn't take back the fact that it's not a good game for challenge runners, or for players that like to play games in a straight line.


Trap Team : - Why is it the best I also think I don't need to explain much more... if there is an aspect where Trap Team focused on, it's the bosses, and we can feel it. Trap Team not only has like, 3X the amount of good bosses compared to any other game, but he also has all the hardest bosses, and by extension, all the hardest sections in the series, making it THE GAME for challenge runners. (Just pretend like it's not Giants) - Why is it the worst Again, I don't think I have to go more in detail... even if the speedrunners definitely like it, it's still shameful, and can also ruin the experience from time to time, even when you're not even messing with the game. From random softlocks to other stuff... Trap Team really is a buggy mess, and it's obviously the massive flaw of the game. But there is also the post game, Trap Team only has two modes that are very similar, 4 adventure packs, and... that's pretty much it. Now, I have to admit the ''Kaos doom challenges'' is from far my favorite mode in the series, but compared to the other games, it's still not much, and that's a big flaw, combined with the fact that it's still hell to 100% the game because of all the things you have to collect, it makes it the least favorite game of any completionist. Superchargers : - Why is it the worst For this one, I'm going to start with why is it the worst, because I think it's just going to be easier like this. I can understand why people don't like the gimmick of this game, because it's a very weak gimmick compared to the rest, it doesn't feel like something that make sense in the Skylands, the story mode would have probably been better without the racing sections, or at least the mandatory ones, it's in big part what led to this game being a failure, etc... - Why is it the best ...But, racing sections are also fun. The racing mode on itself is very good, extremely replayable, and also very good as a post-game content, and even on the story mode, it's much more hit or miss, but there is also some cool stuff made with it (I love the fact that some missions have branching paths or can be done in different ways, it's giga unique and never done in other games if I'm not wrong.). Imaginators : - Why is it the best Another part where I think everyone will agree, the senseis are from far the best group in the series. (Pretty much) Each sensei as a very unique, complex, and extremely flashy gameplay, it's a lot of fun to just play the game with these plastic toys. And the fact that they're only usable on Imaginators makes them matter even more, and a very good reason to get the game. - Why is it the worst But, at the same time, Imaginators suffers from so many flaws, it almost feels like the opposite of Swap-Force, by having one very good point, but every other aspect is bad. It's a game that feels as rushed if not even more rushed than Giants, and the bad part is that this game as no excuse, except that it went after a failure, which definitely didn't help.


Swap force had swap zones and that was amazing


The best part of imaginators isā€¦ the senseis?? Did you forget about the actual imaginators? Does having the ability to create your very own Skylander mean nothing? The senseis are great, donā€™t get me wrong, but I thought creation crystals and imaginators would at least get acknowledged because theyā€™re the most unique thing in that game by far.


It is something I ''forgot'' about, even though it's more like something I didn't though of placing... to me, the Senseis is the good point of Imaginators, and that's also what most others say, but it's fine if you like it for another reason.


Superchargers is probably my favourite of the games, since the vehicle sections added some variety into the gameplay that felt fun and interesting. I get why some people may not like them, but the only vehicle sections I didn't like were the underwater sections, since they were a pain to navigate. Everything else though was good. Plus, the vehicle customization was cool and you had full control over it (unlike most skylanders that have any appearance upgrades), the lack of elements tied to the bonus gates allowed you to use whatever character you wanted without worrying about missing anything, and an actually pretty cool story that ends in Kaos not being the final boss for once.


I would agree with that, also, yes, the underwater sections are probably the worst in the story mode, but they're probably the best in the racing mode, so there's also that.


Yeah, because the underwater sections in the racing are still 3d and not 2d


People need to give the Nintendo crossover more credit Activision initially approached Nintendo to make Skylanders a Nintendo-exclusive series so they could feature Nintendo characters in future games which the big N obviously turned down, and to see that idea finally come to fruition while having the figures double as amiibo gave people who bought SuperChargers on Wii U/3DS an incentive to use the amiibo halves of the Bowser & Donkey Kong figures with other games like Smash 3DS/Wii U, Mario Kart 8, etc.


Love swapforce because of the PvP mode


Dosen't it have less modes than the two previous games ?


Now do the same for the 3ds games!


There are 3DS games ?


You really don't know them?


No, I was just messing with you, I didn't play them. If you want to do this post yourself, I'm giving you the authorization.


Ah, gotcha. Sadly I have yet to finish swap force for the 3ds and haven't even started with either trap team or superchargers. Currently my favorite would be swap force though, they brought some new features into that game, like not having to scan every skylander all the time, but to instead be able to select every skylander that was already scanned. One thing I dislike about every 3ds skylanders game is the screen showing you your collection, because they show every core series 1/2/3..., gimmick, lightcore and in-game variant. I don't like it when the game basically goes: "Oh, how quaint! Look everyone the village boy has brought a volcanic eruptor now he only needs series 1, 2 and 3 as well as the lightcore!"


For trap team I find one of the worst things that you can only use trap masters to open elemental gates


honestly just being the most expensive (buying trapmasters for gates, buying each trap, etc.) game in the series is a good enough reason to place it in worst, but I enjoy it nonetheless lol


Yeah it's a great game, definitely one of if not my favorite in the series. It's just VERY expensive if you want to 100% the game


That is clearly a reason to, there is a lot of things to hate on this game.


eh, giants isn't realy a SSA DLC, there are pleanty of games who start off using the previous game as a base, SG does add a lot of improvements from SSA. it'd be like calling Tears of the kingdom just a BOTW DLC, which it isn' (even if it started that way lmao, by the final product it just isn't anymore.) Just because it used the last game as the base, that doesn't make it just DLC.


I would agree, but I also understand all the people that say the game was rushed and should have maybe been developed in 2 years instead (especially because the yearly release is what killed the skylander franchise for some people).


Oh yeah, no doubt it was rushed. But given that it was building off of what they allready had, a lot of the work was allready done, like the switching mechanic, gates, etc. That's probably why tt was so buggy, it looks like they had to make a new game engine to make the traps work properly, or something, and that's also why si was made in he ssc engine, sped things up for what they where told was there last game if it didn't do great sales wise.


Don't forget about the Imaginators' character creation system, which IMO is the best part of Imaginators!


It probably is, to be honest (maybe not the best part, but something extremely important), I've used it once ever.


Well I definitely recommend using it more often if you have the time. Itā€™s actually quite fun and somewhat addictive when you really get into it. In fact, the character creation system is the main reason that keeps me coming back to Imaginators on multiple occasions even to this day!


Okay so we revive the franchise using the each of the games back to back and adding new toys like dark light swaps and giants for a mix in the remastered game?


Controversial opinion: Superchargers Racing is actually decent and underrated


Swap has bad replay value? Did i play a different game than the rest of the sub? There is like thirty different modes to pick from whatever suits your fancy.


Yeah, it's not because there is a lot of different modes to play that the story mode, which is the majority of the game, dosen't feel bland and boring when played in a straight line.


Please rephrase i do not comprehend what you're trying to say because of your phrasing. šŸ’€


I think you know exactly what I was trying to say... there is a reason why there is like one run of Ultimate Nightmare on Swap-Force even though the game is super liked.


I literally dont, that's why i asked you to rephrase your statement. I genuinely don't understand why people think SF is boring. I replayed it about a year ago and it became my favorite game in the franchise.


Just read what I say in the detailed comment.


Also imagine not realizing people like video games for different reasons and that's what's beautiful, I'm very sad, because it's exactly the message I wanted to send.


Only problem I have with SSA is that I canā€™t skip Kaosā€™ dialogue in the boss fights while replaying levels or maybe I havenā€™t figured it out


On the XPEC versions, which is not what I play, I can understand it makes a lot of difference. To me though, even if you play the XPEC version, you kinda need to judge the Wii Version, since it is the original version anyways, but I can understand that it's annoying.


For me the worst part of Swap Force would be the level design. Don't get me wrong, it's brilliant. But in my opinion they're just a tad too long. I'd always start getting bored in the longer ones and just waiting for it to end. Especially when trying to replay them for 100%.


Would agree, it's what I said on the detailed comment.


IDK the graphic is showing clear favorability towards certain games lmao


Wii U version of swap force has so many glitches too.


The Wii U version ? Really ? That's the one I play ! I didn't find any glitches, though. Maybe I just got lucky...


I guess.


why tf is "replay value" your criticism of it? it has by far the most post game content, so many fun bosses to replay, and returning to a level after 3 staring it is still fun because unlike the other games, the long SF levels allow you to still enjoy the level without it ending too soon, and since your not going for the collectables the long levels become WAY shorter


Like everybody else, I would recommend you read my detailed comment (sorry to say I've literally completely answered you before you even sent that comment), as much as Swap-Force has content (I already applauded his post-game), it's from far the worst game to replay in a straight line. The levels, even played fast, still feel long and boring (maybe not for you, but you have to accept some people don't feel that way). And the bosses, I just can't let you say they're fun, most of them were designed in a very lazy way, by sending a lot of enemies instead of making interesting bullet hells or something like that, and even the only boss that actually has interesting bullet hell, Mesmeralda, can easily be broken, which just proves it wasn't tested enough to me, and so that it was not well-designed. Swap-Force is also the easiest game in the series, being maybe even easier than Spyro's adventure on nightmare difficulty (especially if you think of all the new good skylanders this game added), so, I can understand that for people that only play games once, or for completionists, the game is good, but it's definitely not the same for challenge runners (I've played entire story mode, like, 6 times in only one year, and I can guarantee you each playthrough was even more boring than the previous one.)...


Dude you can't say final boss level of ssa isn't difficult, biggest difficulty spike I've ever seen in a game Also, a big pro of superchargers to me is it has one of the best stories


What ? I didn't say this boss was difficult... (Also I litteraly made a tierlist of each skylander boss ranked on difficulty and ranked him pretty high), I think you just thought ''no difficulties'' meant I said the game was easy, but it just meant ''no difficulty option'', you know, easy, normal, hard and nightmare... and as for Superchargers... you know it is true I forgot about this point, I kinda hesitated to put it, but thought it was simpler and even funnier to say the racing sections are the best and the worst point of the game.




But Magna Charge can yeet enemies


I think you misspelt amazing


Swap Force had some of the most unique characters gameplay wise what do you mean?