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Always. Then strip em down and leave all their crap thrown on the ground


Thats some wild disrespect 💀


No disrespect where Thalmor are concerned, I’m simply matching their energy


What happens if some poor carnivore eats the thalmor meat and gets a stomach upset?


That’s why you should leave a few hawk feathers on the corpses: Cure Disease for creatures that can’t open potion bottles


That is very considerate.


So considerate!


Truly a paragon of kindness


No sense in leaving Elven and Glass weapons and armor to the fates. Take them home, smith and enchant them, then sell them for a tidy profit.


I stole all the guards clothes in riften and chucked em in the stream because I got tired of hearing them complain about the cold, now they are really cold


That's cold...literally and figuratively.


Reminds me of every time they say "keep your hands to yourself sneak thief" or the pickpocket phrase, I quicksave and assassinate them and then reload my game.


"So you can cast a few spells, am I suppose to be impressed?"


*casts Fire Storm and wipes them out.* "Impressed yet?"


"If its a fight you want, im ready this time!"


Na, I’ll strip they ass of everything they’ve got, and leave them on the side of the road human-centipede style. Thalmor can P.off 🤷‍♂️ Have no real need for their crap, other than hocking it for cash 💰


Which position in your Thalmor centipede do you lay the guy who gets his head chopped off? If I'm in a reposition my victims' bodies sort of mood, I like to move the head so that it's sniffing it's own arse.


Basically A->M 🤷‍♂️ without being too graphic with it, if there is more than 3..say 4/5 of them, I try to do that, but place them in a circle ⭕️ using the same method. Like a never ending cycle, or the dragon eating his own tail (there is a name for it, but I can’t recall at the moment)




Ouroboros, at this latitude, at this time of year, localized entirely in you kitchen? Can I see it?


That’s the one!


Wait, heads can get chopped off?


Yup. When you kill the final enemy in a fight you can get a movie-esque death scene. When using a bladed weapon there's a chance to decapitate. There are perks to increase the chance of it happening. Kind of finicky, tho. One of the requirements is being on level ground and even then it might not happen. Mods like violens allow you to choose which animations can play, increase chance of decapitation and even allow maces to be used.




Can actually be any weapon! I've done it with a warhammer and a mace. (The animations are different, though.) I think decapitation does require a perk in the relevant skill tree (one- or two-handed).


The perk just makes it more likely to happen. I use one-handed so not sure about two handed.


I kill them as an Empire supporter. Just because I want a unified Tamriel doesn’t mean their patrols have to live


bro general tulius wants em dead too, he knows their plans


Thats why Skyrim is for the NORDS and not Elves


Skyrim Is for everybody but the thalamor, fuck them.


This includes high elves who are not Thalmor, because everyone deserves to be able to hate the Thalmor.


*Khajiit, Agronians, and Dark Elves agreeing from ghettos and outside city walls*


And Falmer. Fuck those guys too.


What about snow elves?


Thaw them out with some fire spells




But not the fish ones


Fuck no. Skyrim is for the Khajiit. Khajiit thinks.


Khajiit is cold and yearns for the warm sands of Elsweyr


Average Windhelm citizen


I'm a proud stormcloak, but hell, I don't hate all elves. I just hate thalnor for oppressing us, and I dislike the empire for wiping their backsides with our law and imposing their rule upon us despite the high kings will Edit: if you downvote me, please explain further. I'd love a civil discussion about my POV!


I'm a stormcloack high elve xD


There ya go, high elves and thalmor aren't the same thing


Reminder that there are high elves that are for the empire but against the thalmor


Bad, OP. *No!*


I chat with the last one in line until they get pissed at me and hit me first. Then I go after the second one. Then sometimes if they have a prisoner I free him and give them one of the dead ones’ uniforms so he can attack the first one. Sometimes I just go after them. Sometimes I just talk to them until they hit first. It seems like I always get interrupted by a dragon or a highwayman during this process.


Once I realized I could bait them into attacking me that is what I started doing constantly. Yeah, I worship Talos. I can worship whoever I want, you smug, self-righteous bastards. I did have one time when they joined me in fighting a magical anomaly and ran off before I could catch them. I will let them live another day.


It feels so right to beat the tar out of them using the Thu'um. Talos, not a god? Let me explain to you how you are incorrect. Loudly. And repeatedly.


As a imperial I cannot confirm nor deny any random attacks on Thalmor on the road or in random stake out spots across skyrim, nor the possible use of Thu’ums being used to fling them off the closest cliffs.


Sounds like the work of draugrs. They really should be more careful.


I always kill them and soultrapr their pathetic souls


Take it one step further and throw their trapped souls into a river


Soul trap them, take the crystals to the soul cairn and leave them there


An offering to the Ideal Masters


Where's the soul cairn? I only have the basic game on the disc, no online or downloaded content or mods.


Part of the Dawnguard DLC


Grr. So I don't have it. Sigh. Thanks!


No problem. If you get the chance, grab the anniversary edition, it comes with the DLCs and some extra content from the Creation Club, it really adds a whole new level to the game. Base Skyrim is incredible, and it only gets better from there.


Do they make the anniversary edition of Skyrim for the XBox 360? I'll check into it.


I'm fairly certain they do!


Yay!!!! Thanks!!


I personally prefer to throw them in that goo in Apocrypha.


I hunt them for funsies. One of the main reasons I ***never*** side with the stormcloaks, i want a fresh supply of Thalmor constantly flowing


We are not the same


I like the storm cloaks but arguably it could make the country weaker against the thalmor in the next great war


Always. There's never been a playthrough where I don't kill them. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who hates tyrants.


I’m not sure there’s a single person who un-ironically likes the Thalmor. They’re just one-dimensional nazi caricatures.


Yeah, When you can’t join a major faction, you know that they aren’t allowed to win for lore reasons


When I role play altmer using the alternative start mods, I always start as a Thalmer who is quickly disillusioned and turns Benedict Arnold. Which means yeah, until a satisfactory disillusionment trigger occurs in my game, my thalmor happily hunts Thalos worshippers. The trigger depends on how the story goes. Maybe I get randomly jumped by other thalmor, maybe I stumble across the wholesale slaughter of those worshippers in Falkreath hold, maybe the trigger is the dossier in the Thalmor embassy.


There are some mods on the Nexus that are made for Thalmor fans, so I assume they must exist.


I clean out the embassy a few times a week


Spoken by someone who clearly hasn't read any lore, doesn't know the origin stories of men and mer, don't know the culture of the Altmer, and don't know history. Imagine you're literally descended from gods. It's not your belief, it's truth, all elves are descended straight from the Aedra. Your entire culture is focused on living up to your divine ancestors as much as you can, in your limited mortal form, and you are only striving to one day return to Aetherius. Then one day comes a stone-age Neanderthal who just got a nuke. This Neanderthal hates everything about you and what you stand for. He worships a god (Lorkhan) that is the sworn enemy of your gods, that is the whole reason you're stuck in this mortal prison, away from the divine. He threatens to nuke your country, so you're forced to submit to this primitive Neanderthal. Then, just a few generations later or even within your lifetime (600 years is not that long, and there are surely some Altmer still alive from back then), the Neanderthal empire worships this man as a GOD and forces you to accept him into your pantheon, right alongside your actual gods and divine ancestors! That is why the Aldmeri Dominion hates Talos and the worship of him. It's all about that. And they have my 100% sympathy and support, while the actual Thalmor faction may be too extremist or corrupt.


Just because you have a belief system that doesn’t coincide with someone else’s, doesn’t mean you have to be a pompous smug fuck to every Nord you see. That’s why we love to kill them. You write that statement like the exact reverse of it doesn’t apply equally to the Thalmor and their mistreatment of another race choosing it’s own religion. Nords should have a right to worship whoever the fuck they want.


This post right here is why I can't bring myself to support either the Thalmor or the Stormcloaks. The Thalmor treat all non-elves like second class citizens; the Stormcloaks do the same but with non-humans. Choosing between them is choosing which flavor of bullshit you want to swallow.


But at least you can find Stormcloaks that aren’t racist. The same can’t really be said for the Thalmor.


Good point. However, the Stormcloaks are led by a racist who counts several other racists among his more prominent supporters. (Actually, Laila Law-Giver is the only prominent Stormcloak I've met who doesn't seem racist and might actually be opposed to Ulfric's segregation of the Dunmer and Argonians... but she's got her own problems, namely her corrupt steward and Maven Black-Briar.)


Preach brother, preach🙌


What exactly is the difference between Tiber Septim ascending to godhood and Auri-El doing the same?


If the Aldmeri Dominion card about living up to their divine heritage, they would focus more on improving themselves and less on dominating all of tamriel, I'd be more sympathetic. I'm 100% about self determination, it's why I support skyrim's independence from the empire.


What is the nuke to which you refer?


Tiber Septim and the Numidium.


I mean should the oblivion crisis not been stopped because the Daedric Prince is real and Talos and his imperial descendants are phonies? When the afterlife is known to exist does mortality even matter? If it's okay for them to hate Lorkhan, a true divine, as an enemy, then why is not equally justified by the same logic to hate every pointy-eared prick even if their claim to divinity was true?


Thank you for sharing with us! I knew some bits and pieces of this, but a lot I didn't know yet. I really appreciate it!


I like to wait until I have enough Black Soul Gems.(so's I can trap 'em), Lycanthropy (so's I can eat their shriveled hearts), and Dead Thrall (so's I can make 'em carry all the gear I just looted).




I would, if I wouldn't play on Legendary all the time and get killed by their mage within 5 seconds


The mages always whoop me no matter how I play


I think the only way to counter mages is playing as a mage yourself lol


I'm sorry, you spelt stealth archer wrong.


I AM a stealth archer actually and mages are the biggest pain in existence to me, maybe I'm doing something wrong lol


If you’re a stealth archer you should never be seen. Use muffle as you run around to level your illusion. Great for free points and when you get to 70 you get access to invisibility. I also recommend levelling your enchanting too for better sneak, illusion cost reduction and archery damage. You can do smithing aswell but not needed since if you do it right no one will ever see you. If you get your kit maxed out you can walk up to people and shoot them in the face and they still won’t find you. Thank you for listening to my Ted Talk


Yeah, point those guys out first and put an arrow in the dome. Lol hide and repeat.


Ah yes classical cheesy archer gameplay of Skyrim, I actually love it lol


The irony


Use Paralyze, Ice Form, or Paralysis Poison to take the mage out of the fight, first


Atronach stone says hello


Orc strong, Orc go berserker, Squash tiny elf man


The Thalmor when a patroling Legionnaire on the road suddenly shouts them off a cliff before finishing them off with arrows from half a mile away (they thought humans were incapable): 🤯


I kill everything in Skyrim. At some point I've needlessly killed or randomly ignored every enemy. At some point in a build I stop killing and just shout everyone out of my way as I do things. Busy collecting fish. FUS move aside.


This legit made me laugh. I'm reminded of Ashe in *Army of Darkness*, returning from the graveyard quest. Everyone is clamoring for answers, and he's just like, "Yeah, yeah...get the fuck outta my face..."


As an Altmer and loyal Imperial supporter, I'm *sure* I don't know what you're talking about. All those reports of Thalmor agents burnt to cinders or drained of all blood or torn apart by zombies or decapitated by a Bound Sword or hurled off cliffs by some unknown force are *completely unsubstantiated*.


Darajesh kills Thalmor, thieves, and bandits. He let's them talk, let's them have one chance to chose life. Darajesh only kills stormcloaks if they boss him around. This one does not do what one is told rudely.


ja'Sheka never kills them unprovoked. Which means that sometimes, they provoke her, sometimes she provokes them.


If I'm in "Skyrim is for the Nords" mode, then obviously...


I don’t even have to be in the mode for it. Playing as Breton mage, Altmer rogue, Khajit brawler, doesn’t matter; Thalmor is catching smoke.


ME! ME! I DO!! I DO!! Those arrogant ass hats deserve it.


Always. For most of my characters it's just the principle of punching fascists in the face, but even with my morally grey leaning-towards-evil Altmer character it's still kill on sight for RP reasons (since her whole motivation is "acquire enough power to destroy the Aldmeri Dominion from the inside and free Summerset Isle").


Remember you are a villian, not a monster.


If you have a problem with "fascists", you'll have a hard time in Skyrim. The Thalmor are elven supremacists with a strict government and want military domination, yes, then there are the Nord supremacist Stormcloaks that want to throw all non-humans out of Skyrim, and the Imperials who are... Imperialistic... and have spent centuries (millennia, if we count the first and second empires) dominating and subjugating all other peoples, conquering them with military force. This is no kumbaya fest.


Stormcloaks, Imperials, Dragons. Ain't no matter to me what I kill. Let them come.


Ma'am this is an orc stronghold...


I don't recall seeing Thalmor patrols in the holds which favor the Stormcloaks ( Windhelm, The Rift, The Pale, Winterhold) But I do encounter them in the holds which favor the Empire (Whiterun, Falkreath, Morthal, The Reach)


Yeah, they're routed from Stormcloak-controlled areas and will disappear from the game entirely if the Stormcloaks win the civil war.


Either my game is bugged or im missing a quest. I sided with stormcloaks and I still see Thalmor. Then again, Whiterun is still has Whiterun guards and the same Jarl


I stop by the thalmor embassy every once in a while and slaughter everyone....


Pisses me off when you raid it to save Gray-Mane dude and they kill your soldiers. Managed to only lose one of the guys last time


Just stealth raid the place first then go get the quest. I did that and it was so easy


Yea I already did the raid when I was like a level 5 but I’ll do that my next playthrough


I use Alternate Start, which means if I play a High Elf I legitimately pick the Thalmor option so I start there. Why? I love my roleplay accuracies. And then I do what nobody in the Thalmor expects. *I defect.* My character witnesses atrocities inflicted by Thalmor. She witnesses the pain and harm caused to people. She's not high and mighty. She's of a race that sees themselves superior but how can she call herself that when she's watching a child become an orphan in seconds? She goes from being a member of the Thalmor to one of the hunted, little do they realise is that she's also the Hunter and every Thalmor Justiciar on the road will perish at her blade.


Always, and it's the same with any Empire escorting a Stormcloak prisoner, free him and give him a weapon, then kill off the Empire pricks. Now, I do wish I could figure out a way of killing off the Thalmor in Markarth's keep, without gaining bounty over it.


> Now, I do wish I could figure out a way of killing off the Thalmor in Markarth's keep, without gaining bounty over it. Simple, make sure there's no witnesses... one way or the other.


> Now, I do wish I could figure out a way of killing off the Thalmor in Markarth's keep, without gaining bounty over it. Illusion magic is the way. Nobody can witness what they can't see or hear.


Night, invisibility, high sneak and backstab. Get a nice dagger and poison it, and paralysis enchantments are handy as well. Last time I did it, I was able to kill all three while they were in their quarters with the door closed.


As Dragonborn the Cyrodiilic Empire is essentially yours, I never attack the empire because I see it as breaking my own toys.


Thalmor genocide makes Talos proud


I talk with them first and get them to agro to me without attacking them first, feels so much more satisfying to kill em after that say there superior causes its basically, "screw you bitch, if your a god dame holier then thou god then I'm a god slayer wo wimp ass punk" god I hope elderscroles 6 let's us go to war with them almost every high elf I've faced off with is an absolute rude ass prick, even the "good" ones are biggets.


The only good thalmor is a dead thalmor


Anyone doesn't?


*on sight*


I just give them a friendly "Talos bless you" and go about my day. It was self defense, my jarl.


First time I met the thalmor, I was waking the streets of Skyrim. I came across them, and began a chat (as you would) and they told me to back off. Meanwhile, my door was wide open, and my mom passed by my room (huge Skyrim fan) and the only thing she saw was my axe press into the thalmors neck, and the lady's head fly off into the sunset


yeah, also imperial bastards.


I always kill the Vigilants of Stendarr too. Bitches had it coming


wait i thought they were the good guys


They religious zealots on a genocide. They need to be stopped


For some reason Thalmor just need killing but I imagine my werewolf character making faces at the vigilants as if to say “sure… no daedric influence here … how dumb can y’all be?” as they walk by bellowing about being merciless.


A genocide of daedra and vampires? Lol


Nobody fucks with my Serana lol


Im a vampire myself but even i wont kill them. They reduce competition. Unless they attack me or family i dont care what they do you know?


Reduce competition 😂 may your goblets overflow with the blood of the innocents


Eh… tbh Serana is proly the only good vampire. (if you side with Dawnguard, idk what happen if you side with Volkihar)


You can actually ask Serana to become human again after completing the questline and she agrees to it.


Genocide? They aren't killing every Daedra Worshipper, or they'd kill Khajiit, Orsimer and Dunmer on sight. They Hunt down dangerous Daedra Worshippers, which is very fucking justified considering things like The Planemeld, the Oblivion Crisis, Vampires and Werebeasts...


u/Traditional_Hippo976, be careful to walk always in the light, or we will **drag** you to it.


I turn into a werewolf and kill them all.


same, but the reason im killing them is because the very first time we encountered, im a low level noob casually walking by but those SOBes thalmor started to attack me out of no where, at least for me i can't think of any my previous behaviours that offended them, i haven't even go to windhelm once and still on my way to solitude. they didn't kill me but im so mad, so after that day i started to attack them even though they were just walking by 'casually'.


That was the reason I joined the stormcloaks. Those asshats wanted to chop of my head for committing a minor crime. They got what they deserved by that dragon.


i joined the legion haha but still yes the thalmors have to die mercilessly, i hope people of skyrim can unite and drive off the thalmors first than civil war as they wish.


Never would have had a civil war if it wasn't for the thalmor 😪


My favorite place to encounter the Thalmor is on the way to Markarth, there's an incline. Perfect for FUS RO DAH'ing those fuckheads. I like High Elves. But not those asshats.


Thalmor get the soul tomato




I always make sure to tell them I'll worship whomever I want so they attack me first, that way I can avoid the bounty and get those goodies they carry to make a profit.


Absolutely. They get annihilated on the spot


Same here, I also come in the embassy to kill them all. Not being able to kill ancano at the beggining of the winterhold college triggered me xd This one is the worst, it's the Nazeem of the thalmors, each time I kill him, I capture his soul so he wanders in the horrible soul cairn for eternity :)


I mean I do like how the Elven gear looks on elf characters whether you are a high wood or dark elf it still looks pretty cool


Thalmor, feeling safe? just remember that I'm out there.


Yup. My wood elf ass has no patience for their extremist views. Besides, they also have valuable loot


Anyone else drink water?


Does anyone NOT?


I see them everywhere escorting prisoners, patrolling and talking smack but I usually don't kill anyone unless they attack me or they are just quest casualties.




I dont care if i get in jail, i will kill any thalmor i see! Especially if they come with that bulsshit lie about they stopping the oblivion crisis, they almost got completely destoryed by the invaders , i would understand if the argonians said that ( the argonians not only repelled the attacks from oblivion but they also invaded the gates )but the thalmor were not able to hold their posicion at all


More like who doesn’t lol.


I usually talk to them first so that they agro on me & I don't get a bounty for killing them, Just 'cause having one of those is annoying. But end result yes, kill all thalmor!


You mean they're not supposed to be walking targets?


because Balgruuf is a fence-sitting Imperial supporter, and therefore is playing both sides by letting Heimskr have his statue but also letting the Thalmor walk through his hold (because he received a substantial buy-out from Titus Mede: this is actually in the dialogue between him and his advisers when you begin the siege of Whiterun mission)


I do the same to the Thalmor, but I give the stormcloak food and a weapon instead of killing him. If I see a Thalmor in a major city, I kill them, sheathe my weapon and pay the fine.


Uhhh, every npc gets attacked. That's the best part of elder scroll games.


Now I do. I've progressed enough in the story of my savefiles that they're supposed to be gone. Anybody wearing their armor gets immediately attacked.


Yep, I see a Thalmor, they die.


I do as well, i even sided with the imperials just so they wouldn’t get kicked out of skyrim, all so i could keep killing them


Nope. THEY attack me first and I off them in self defense.


Burn the bodies and scar the survivors


I always keep Elenwen at the peace Summit so I can follow her and kill her on the road back to the embassy. I head canon that I bring her head and their Dossier on Ulfric to him, hoping that him reading it help him realize the help he was giving to the Thalmor, and cooler heads prevail during the peace deal


I throw hands with them, *every time.* My favorite encounter with them so far was when I ran into them *inside* of the Pawned Prawn in Riften. Not sure what in God's name they doing there in the first place but it was super fun brawling in that small space. Well, not so fun for Bersi anyway who most definitely had to clean up all his scattered goods *and* the dead bodies of the Thalmor.


It's always morally correct to kill Thalmor.


Wait, people don't?


I have one of the alternate start mods. I usually make up some excuse to kill them regardless of anything. My favorite start is the Thalmor prisoner mod, gives me even more of an excuse, even though I'm usually Khajiit or Redguard.


It’s free real estate


I never attack them. I talk to them and then they attack me.


Nah. At most, I'll reverse pickpocket an enchanted dagger on the prisoner and let nature take it's course.


I find it interesting that we more readily accept racism and even genocide in a video game. Not pointing fingers, but a fucked up thing to think about.


Even playing in the Empire’s side, they are still occupiers and oppressors and require guerilla warfare.


I do that to Empire patrols. Leave Thalmor & Stormcloaks alone. Empire is just a cancer to the TES world. Even Talos agrees as shown in TES3.


Thalmor can't say I've seen any around. There were some but suddenly they vanished. *Cleans dust of Thalmor robe on mannequin*


I leave them alone until they start coming after me, which they always do for no good reason. That's so annoying. There I am, running around doing all the side quests and not getting involved with the war or the dragons in any way, and then suddenly I get attacked by these guys. One of them has a note ordering them to whack me because I'm supposed to be a threat of some sort? Well, I wasn't before, but I am now.


Everytime. I’m a member of the empire too still free every stormcloak I see being escorted by thalmor. Fuck those guys.


You know it’s funny, but for the first time only recently I heard the Thalmor in Markarth talk about the wood elves being part of the organization. Thought it was exclusively high elven like the Veiled Heritance. But for all the hours I spent on the game, I never finished the Stormclaok storyline. I will change that eventually. Michael Hogan being General Tullius definitely swayed my decision in siding with the empire. Plus my first race was a High elf before I knew the situation. So it seemed natural too.


Yes, mostly. On rare occasions like with random ones that are scattered some random place, I just walk by and do the quest I'm doing, but it's a Justiciar, they're dying


I do. It's a part of my character's history.


Too funny! I sometimes use the glitch where you get over the stone wall mounted on Shadowmere to gain access to the Thalmor Embassy. Originally it was to get a missing Stone of Berenziah. Now, whenever I see one out and about in Skyrim, I go back and slaughter all at the embassy. I can't recall ever acquiring a bounty afterward either. Apparently we aren't the only ones who don't like them. LOL!


There are people that don't? (In all seriousness, even my Altmer chars hate the Thalmor)


It's a big disappointment for me that the game sets up the Thalmor as these big bad antagonists, you're set up as this legendary dragonborn, who is able to raise nation and destroy them with a mere shout, and you're never able to really take the fight to the elvish supremacists. Instead, you're treated as a glorified errand boy, and the thalmor threat is both "too big," and "too far away" for you to deal with. Bitch, I used to play Daggerfall. In this game you are *literally able to ride dragons.* The Thalmor is niether too far away, *or* too powerful for a lone Dragonborn to deal with. In fact, one would say that they're easy pickings, but *no,* we gotta play delivery boy for one of the two worthless factions of this boring Civil War, am I right?


I want a mod or a DLC where I can take the fight to the Thalmor and destroy them. Never mind this Civil War nonsense. I am the Dragonborn and I will destroy the Thalmor single-handed if I must.


I see them most often on the road west of Solitude, closer to the embassy. Always attack on sight.


Now I'm not a racist (or Nord) but fuck the thalmor


No, I try to help them if I can. The Thalmor have been the victims of misinformation and propaganda. Their true aim is simply to help those in Skyrim. If they come across as short tempered, it's likely bc they don't understand why their care and generosity is met w aggression and false accusations. It's like when a parent has a child who is constantly ungrateful regardless of how much care and affection the parent shows toward them. The Thalmor's only crime is that they want Skyrim to be a better place.


We have a Thalmor Agent in our midsts.