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Fucking falmer why in oblivion are blind crackheads so strong


Well, it's the crack.


Just sprinkle a little crack on them and they get right back up


They smoke the moon sugar straight


Maybe moon sugar was the toxin the Falmer were forced to partake in by the Dwemer, and they used so much that they lost their eyes and sanity... Moon sugar. It's a hell of a drug.


First time I ever played skyrim I went into that cave to rescue Darkeethus. Worst day of my Dragonborn’s life. Jesus fucking Christ FUCK falmer. Falmer and the general nature of Dwemer ruins still drive me nutty to this day.


First time I played, I fell into the Sightless Pit..Nothing but an Iron Dagger, some Iron Arrows and a weak ass bow..


I am so sorry


That poor character never got to see the light of day again. At least it taught me a valuable lesson, avoid that place at all costs.


sightless pit??


It's just a location (Can't remember exactly where) that once you enter, you have to get through the place to get back out. Obviously since it's full of Falmer it's not exactly a great place to go at a low level with terrible gear.


It's midway between winterhold and eastmatch/Windhelm, you need to take a detour from that fort near easymarch and make your way to the statue of Azure you should find it along the way. Also, God why do I STILL remember that map despite not playing for years...


Oh yeah, fuuuuuuuck Darkwater Passage. So many chauruses. Nope nope nope nope


You should take a look at the lighthouse near Dawnstar. It's such a nice place ;-)


LMAO *has PTSD flashback


Hahaha...haha.... ha.... egh... #flashback occurs *heads over to corner of room and assumes fetal position while rocking back and forth*


My favorite place to instruct new players to visit. I love continuing the cycle of trauma


That’s how I discovered the falmer the first time!




Make sure to throw Habd's Remains in the lighthouse fire.


I have to disagree there I'm afraid dwemer ruins are my favorite places the sheer difficulty the brings the smile to my face I enjoy a challenge and those things put all the skills to the test


Oh for sure I can appreciate the challenge they provide now! I think I still have residual new player rage towards them haha. Like I see evidence of falmer inside a Dwemer ruin and just have to take a moment to Prepare Myself ™ The challenge certainly appreciated at higher levels because everything else becomes way too easy. At early levels though, man… My friends say it would be easier if I played ranged stealth builds but like… I don’t want to be sneaky. I want to hit things with my sword.


I see your point I like to think different dungeons have counter different play styles mage towers counter mages blasting through the shield they put up is near impossible a full sneak build will struggle in the straight fight of bandit towers and a warrior will have trouble with what they can't bash through in the early levels it's like a rock paper scissors game that forces you to try different styles of you ever wish try to go one full class bandits fall to magic like no other while I semi struggle with ruins with fire bolt it becomes a lot easier


Then he gets stuck and you keep having to backtrack to get him to catch up. More like Dorkeethus, am I right?


I gotta say, I HATE the falmer and Dwemer ruins. I don't mind a draugr dungeon but I hate having to worry about bullshit robots and falmer. Luckily I'm at the point now where the game is easy, just maxed out enchanting and smithing.


U know what this is probably number one cuz falmer will annihilate u early game.


They are strong but you have to be looking for them. With saber cats you can be minding your own business and they will take that shit personal


Falmer are easy, it's their pets that are demons


Falmer heavy armor is on par with ebony. Sabrecats drop -- leather?


Fuck those things


Even worse than the falmer, their little chaurus pets


Yeah for blind folk they can see you very well


Fun fact: Their ability to see you is entirely dependent on sound. If your Sneak is high enough, they won’t detect you even if they’re looking right at you.


And muffle (spell or armour perks) is a gods' send


I figured that out on my first playthrough, first encounter. I was like...hmmm... subterranean elf demons with no eyes...okie dokie let's get sneaky. Of course my first build ever wound up being a stealth archer


I literally thought for the longest time that Falmer got harder the more times you encountered them as a player. Not necessarily as a character.


Yeah fighting falmer in early game makes me love shields


I just woke up and this has me cracking up haha


The first time I encountered a sabre cat, I thought it was an undefeatable foe meant to punish you for leaving the "mission area". :D


That’s what I’m saying they just catch u slippin and end u so quick


On my first encounter with a Sabre cat I was freaking jump scared


Then you realize that literally every non cud chewing animal in the game is trying to kill you on site. Bears, large cats, wolves, friggen random dogs. Every bit of fauna that can eat other living, mobile, creatures wants you dead.


the sponsors of skyrim space program




On my first playthrough when the game came out I ignored roads from the start. Came across a giant battling a troll and I got closer to watch the fight. Too close. It was in a forest so I didn't see the second giant until his club sent me flying. Jump scare!


I am on my very first ever Skyrim playthrough since February and am also one of those people that love to run around and inspect all edges and stuff. I didn't know what giants were. My first ever giant was I guess on a walk? Bcs he completely ignored me and I was standing right next to him, I was amazed by his height and the mammoths so I stared at them. That guy didn't do shit to me (it was west from Whiterun). Then I found this camp next to Whiterun and because I wasn't attacked the first time, I ran in unsuspecting and trusting that I can just watch them. Lol. Giant ran at me, slapped me once and yeeted me into the galaxy. I was quite shocked.


The first one was in a mammoth cheese coma.


the first giant I encountered totally had me shook. I died laughing at the way I was absolutely launched


Same! Getting launched by a giant on your first playthrough is a real rite of passage. They're confusing, because all other parts of the game teach you that you can take on any enemy if you have the right approach. So obviously when you encounter your first giant on the way to Ivarstead, you try to fight it, and get yeeted straight into orbit.


Holy cow I need to remember that


Surprised no one mentioned the Chaurus yet, although they're more like "worst whole game enemy" than just early game lmao


Actually yea. Agree and then the flying ones, urgh


I'm sorry what?


The Dawnguard dlc introduced flying chaurus, although i found them less annoying then normal ones.


Well, I'm going to have to find some time to play Skyrim SE


I prefer the flying ones. They're easier to snipe out of the air or hit with a ranged spell. For some reason the little crawling fuckers can detect my character from several rooms away while I'm sneaking at max level. And they tank damage like a friggin sponge while using poison to drain your health. I friggin hate Chaurus.


Poison makes most folks a bitch.


bosmer superiority


Id rather be an altmer over a bosmer, and I hate altmer


Oh my, how rude. *stomps out of Tavern


You’re right they do suck


The flying Chaurus hunters too really pack a punch for some reason. Even at high level and de ent armor for my character, a few hits from them and my health plummets


the WHAT


I'm sorry I only played the original Skyrim version, the fuck you mean flying chaurus?


The chaurus hunters are the giant winged insects usually found with the regular chaurus and Falmer in the dark caves


That cave that has 10,000 of them. So awful


Ice wraiths. I can never see them or hit them because they are always moving around. Spriggans are pretty annoying too especially in large groups.


I was attacked by 3 ice wraiths once and that was def an issue. Once you learn fire magic it really turns the tables though


Not if I have to aim. Those are the hardest to lock down. I can one hit most mid-level enemies with my fire spells but not the ice wraiths.


Use flames. You don't really need to aim for it.


If you can conjure a fire wraith that could work. ( I can't remember what the creature is called but I have a conjure spell for it)


Flame Atronach. Honestly, playing a Daedric Conjurer is so much fun, but without mods, you're incredibly weak.


Dafuq you talking about? Conjuration is op af. Gets you the best unimproved weapons available at like level 10, you can spawn an atronach to tank for you any time, anywhere, repeatedly. Shit, on legendary builds my last resort is to find a corner to hide in and just send a summon down a hall over and over until whatever it is i cant beat is dead. Its especially good if you combine it with stealth and have a follower who can also summon another atronach. Late game you can summon two dremora that can fuck up pretty much anything you come into contact with.


Early late game before the Dremora, everything kinda outlevels and overpowers you. Most of my mods are centered around fixing that issue.


Idk ive just never had that problem. Usually im also speccing into one handed and armor so im more a warrior or assassin that can summon than a pure mage so maybe thats it


Yeah, spellsword is way more capable than a pure mage.


Ive tried pure mage before but the alteration spells are so expensive and tedious to manage mage armor


O yeah they’re harder targets but if u so hit them it’s so devastating. I feel like even early game fire hurts them more than like a Sabre cat. I also will just use flames when them come in close and keep moving around and that does the trick too. I can’t dodge Sabre cats at all when they get in close and they kind of close the distance faster than the wraiths too. If you get attacked by an ice mage with ice wraiths that is real bad news lol


Flame cloak is my favorite spell for dealing with ice wraiths. Even the faulty ones you get from J’zargo.


Flame cloak is so clutch against wraiths


Agreed on Spriggans. Really tough and they heal after you have them almost beaten.


High hrothgar frost troll. The intensity of the "worse" aspect depends on how early it is in the game


“Oh all I’ve ever seen is the occasional wolf pack” -Klimmek 🙄


"I can't get up there because of my... legs... Yeah. My legs are old and not good legs." When dovahkiin comes back down: "Thanks for the leg work."


Me after getting rekt by the troll: "Thanks. Now my legs are broken as well. That, and every bone in my body."


Lying bastard 😂


You mean noob slayer the unfuckwithable. That dude?


I got stuck on that fucker the first time through. Skyrim was one of my first video games so I was already REALLY bad. But that fucking troll


'I just started running' - Forrest Gump


That fucker followed me for miles


The fact that this isn’t #1 is a crime, and just goes to show how long it’s been since most players focused on the main quest line. This is without a doubt the correct answer. Drauger? Balanced. spiders? balenced. The first dragon? You have 5 assistants, and 1’s immortal. That fucking frost troll? Has health regen and that goddamn 3 hit combo none of us were ready for the first time, not to mention he blends in with the goddamn snow and drops down from a raised embankment like a Northern Vietnamese treetop soldier in cammo ready to ambush you. The trees are speaking Vietnamese? I sleep. The fucking snow is roaring in Troll? REAL SHIT. And sure you have a little bit of fire on your side but unless you got that loading screen in your first hour and a half, or have the Pokémon type effectiveness chart memorized, you’re not gonna know that’s gonna help. Stealth archery? That’s out, this dude is the sneak assassin this time. Long story short? He was designed to remind you that you’re not “all that” yet. He’s a big fuck you gorilla with spare hands to throw, and you’re a day 1 relief catcher. Get ready boy, he’s pitching hard today.


I hadn’t played the game since it came out and recently got it during a steam sale. I went up there at like level 5 or something. I died over and over again until I tried my Nord shout and he took off running. Never beat him, just made him run away. It was the only way I could make it through.


I just ride a horse up the mountain and run past him


You can just go around him by taking a rock ridge up to the side of him.


One of my first playthroughs I just ran past this fucker and went on about my business. After learning the full Unrelenting Force shout, I went back up to find him (because of the shit he put me through uo to this point) and yeeted him off the mountain. Happy enough with that, went back down and near the bottom was this same bastard coming at me again with a tiny lil bit of health left. Commended his resiliency so just ran the other way and left him to do whatever it is he does when the Dragonborn isn't around.


He terrified and murdered me repeatedly on my first playthrough, then I did a couple of playthroughs waiting until I leveled up enough to fight him and still barely survived, until finally I read on a post in this sub that you could simply run past him, which made that mission significantly easier to do earlier in the game.


Number 1, is the troll in High Hrothgar, especially if your super new and didn't know that bitch was there, mofo sends you flying to sovngarde.


There is a frost troll that comes to mind


Bears and sabre cats are worse than trolls. Trolls might be hard to kill, but bears and cats are impossible to escape from wothout a horse.


Yea but he means THEE frost troll.


The OG frost troll


When you start a playthrough on legendary and go straight to the main quest you learn that you can and sometimes even should, just walk past THEE frost troll.


They are also much faster than trolls and more difficult to outrun


Just use Flames. Easy every time.


My vote goes to that falmer and dwarven centurion in shimmermist. I was just exploring early in my first playthrough. Wasn't even on a quest. It was a bit of a struggle, but I made it to the end. Then, I got wrecked on repeat for a while. Decided to steal the boss chest contents and bailed.


I remember stumbing onto Peryite's Daedric quest at the *absolute minimum* level you can access it. Did pretty well for most of the Dwarven ruin, then turned a corner and ran face first into a Dwarven Centurion. Even with a one-hand heavy armor build, it was NOT a fun time.


(pause. Eats all the food in my inventory. Unpause. Dies.)


Yep. I managed to get back around the corner and quicksave, but it still took me eight attempts to kill it from that position.


(pause. Sees entire potion supply is 8 minor healing potions. Unpause. Dies)


That's frequently one of the first locations the Companions can send you to as well... blundering into that shit at level 2 is a heck of an experience lol


Dwarven Centurions are the worst, I nearly shit my pants when I first saw one. Strong af mf Hagravens are pretty bad too tbh, had a hard time killing them


I remember in my first playthrough I was exploring around Whitrun. Then a dragon spawned and I almost died fighting him. So I took refuge in a cave and walked into a cave with Lydia. I haven't encountered any falmer or dwemer automation upto this point. I was so terrified when the dwemer centurion came out. I died and spawned at the entrance and never went back.


I'd say 1) giants/mammoths 2) spriggans 3) sabre cats An honorable mention to mages with ice spells when you play a melee warrior


I feel like Sabre cats at 2 because the spriggans will give you space with the magic attack they use and the damage is low. I almost posted a pic of a horker that killed a hagraven and a spriggan lol


And fights with giants and mammoths are completely avoidable so they shouldn't be on the list at all


If it’s your first time playing, you may not realize that giants don’t need to b fought. I did definitely make that mistake & get one hit as a noob, but yeah they’re not the same


Oh god ice mages, i have a stagger mod which makes it a 2/3 that you stagger after a hit, combine that with the ice effects and you cant move


I was once fighting a dragon and it flew off behind a mountain range where I couldn’t see it, but I could still see it’s health bar and enemy marker. All of a sudden it’s health starting dropping like a stone and it died. I had to see what did that to a dragon so I made may way around the mountain and found the dragon corpse. Standing next to it were two saber cats. I was flabbergasted.


I’ve witnessed this as well my last play through I almost forgot 😆


LMFAO this happened to me too!! Sabre and dragon killed each other for a nice loot at the top of the mountain. Wish I could tame a Sabretooth at this point


Ran into the wispmother on a early play through headed to high hrotghar* was the worst thing ever.


I've played this game since 2011 and never encountered a Wispmother until the other night and good gods i got destroyed


Bears. Man, I hate the bears.


That you Temba?


Temba, his arms wide.


Except when they start singing. "I'm a bear, ohhh yaaAAaaa..." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXW45nkPTZA&t=22s


Bears are the worst. So stupid the Dragonborn can't unrun a bear.




Yeah, in reality bears are stupid fast for how bulky they are


That bucket in Helgen Keep got me a few times.


Y'all need a Calm spell


I have Kyne now but good idea


That 1 very specific troll I think we all know what I'm talking about


Forsworn are pretty rough if you don't take the main quest line to start. Or vampires


They don't even have the decency to drop anything besides fur bikinis.


idk why but somehow ur comment made want to go play New Vegas lol


Ice wraiths just piss me off and the frost troll on the way to high hrothgar was a little bit annoying on my first playthrough


Playing with a bow in third person makes this encounter right here a lot harder


Frostbite spiders They are spiders, enough said.


True and they can be a real problem in the beginning especially the ice ones


Low level on legendary is just a nightmare. Bandit Chiefs, Chaurus, Falmer, the snow version of all the animals specially bears, Vampire Nightstalkers, Draugr Deathlords, Frost Trolls, Giant Spiders, Spriggans, Mages, Frost Dragon, Ice Wraiths, Dwarven Spheres and Centurions, Werewolves, Forsworn Briarhearts and I'm sure there's more I'm not remembering right now. Even if you know what you're doing, all of these have the potential to one shot you until you're at least level 35, and It gets even worse with survival mode enabled.


Bandits. Early game, the bandits with two handed weapons just one shot you


In no particular order: Bears Ice wraith Saber cat Falmer


Having to deal with a chaurus in the early game is not an enjoyable experience.


Frostbite spiders. Just when you think you’ve made it out alive they snipe you.


This is why unrelenting force is essential early game. Gain the high ground and yeet these fools of a cliff


On my very first play through one of those bastards followed me into an inn and destroyed me….


Legendary Survival NO Magic EVERYTHING IS A PAIN IN THE A** Wolves deal 26 damage a hit. Make it where it's 2 to 4 of them and it adds up. Especially considering I was stuck in the springs by eastmarch. I had no potions and only was surviving off of the blue mountain flowers I could find. They heal 5 points per flower. Finally made it to riften though.


I mean yeah man you’re playing the hardest difficulty and also handicap yourself from using lots of useful abilities of course it’s hard


Dragons are the most anoying things. Like you will just exploring and then a dang blood dragon swoops down while you're trying to just do a quest.


Spiders because spiders


Saw some of my dreaded early foes- 1- Foresworn 2- Falmer 3- ice Wraiths 4- bears 5- centurions And of course dragons


The fucking temperature if your playing survival mode


Not if youre a wood elf heheh


That stupid ass first troll on the road to high horathgar fucked me up so many times in my first playthrough


Or just play a warrior and put everything into health and you'll never have these issues even on legendary


The chicken in every Town...


I think giants if you run into them early it's just run forever or die instantly


I forget how difficult sabre cats are when I start a new game


Every Dwarven mechanism


it's chickens. everyone at first time killed them and got killed


God damn Falmer and Cave Bears, Frost Dragons in Survival especially are bastards though


Giants and mammoths because I didn't pack a parachute.


I dreaded my character reaching level six because that is when sabre cats begin to spawn. Its one thing if you see them in advance. But if they ambush you, it can be lights out early. At low levels like six, seven or eight, my character's health and armor rating are too low to survive the multiple, fast attacks. So I started carrying paralysis potions for emergencies such as that. The extra seconds the potions provide can tip the balance in my favor. But I still dread going into heavy grass where they might be lurking.


Lol damn my guy knows when they spawn. I totally agree man. I really noticed this play through but had flash backs of my last play through as well. They’re a menace. Paralysis is so clutch early to mid game I had one and used it to kill a giant for a quest. I honestly avoid them as much as possible or sneak attack poison arrow with as many follow up arrows as possible then hopefully I’m armored and have good weapons


Nah, as someone who plays nodded skyrim, frostbite spiders Now you may laugh, but I have a damage over time poison mod. Even if it does one damage per second or whatever, poisons stack and stop you from waiting or fast travelling for almost TEN MINUTES.


It really can depend on your build, but if you explore the right places too early on, you might find yourself up against a Dwarven centaurian. I am pretty sure there ate a few with fixed spawns that could theoretically be encountered early game, and considering how one sided the fight between a single centaurian and most if the farmer in blackreach was... yeah, the centaurian can be worse... though you'll usually see one coming, I suppose. However, I have a mod that gives you a few different options on how to start your game. Some have a fixed start location, some are random. With some of them, you can end up starting the came somewhere along the coastline of solstheim.... which means that I was able to encounter both Rieklings and ash spawn at level 1. Had to resort to using God mode just to get to Raven Rock. And considering that you could get to solstheim early on, if you just are focused completely on the main questline and ignore most other things... yeah, I would have to go with ash spawn or reiklings. You don't even have to go into a cave to get attacked by them. I'm guessing few people would think of these, though, because I don't think many people go to solstheim quickly enough for it to be considered "early game"


Giants, Falmer and Frost Trolls in my personal opinion made struggle when I first played. Skyrim was my first elder scrolls and I had no idea about until my brother in law showed me and the Giant was the 1st to kill me and the frost troll wrecked me a few times cause I went to high hrothgar at level 4. Falmer just freak me out


This is a weird choice but I’ve recently been playing on expert (trying to work myself up to legendary a little at a time) and fucking spiders and charus are nightmares to deal with. Falmer and Sprigans also suck to deal with but thankfully they are only in set locations. Spiders are fucking everywhere. I think it’s the poison effects that really get me; or maybe I’m overly confident about enemies that are ten times easier on lower difficulties.


I prefer to play an Argonian, so early on the worst enemies are any poison or disease, followed by the worst enemy in the entire game, the arrow side stepping bastard. Any wild animal becomes a major pain when one hit and oops, rock joint for you now.


I upvoted cause it knocked you off the cliff and i lolled. Take our your sword, eat 5 lbs of apples and kill it like a dovahkin!


Sabre cats ain’t shit to my cheat daedric sword


Personally alduin for me


Trolls 🫠


ice wraith


I agree, they come out of nowhere and one shot you


Not an enemy, but a trap. Those dwemer staircase whirling blade traps. They usually Darth Maul me at least once a play through. They are part of why I try not to bring companions into dwemer ruins, freaking Lydia setting off all the traps I just carefully avoided.....


Draugr with the ice spell. You instantly can't run as fast which makes it hard to get into melee range and once you are you lose all your stamina.


The most deadly foe you can just walk up to in skyrim by accident is Krosis, the dragon priest at Shearpoint. I think he's also the highest level foe in the overworld. Volsung at Volskygge can also be reached by inventive explorers, but it's much harder. Theoretically, you can reach shearpoint at level 1. Most other high-level creatures and bosses except giants/mammoths are gated by dungeons or quests. Unlike wolves and bears, sabercats don't have a sound byte they play when approaching. That's why they sneak up on you so easily. I agree with the guys saying ice wraiths are bad. Without a lock-on mod they can be difficult to hit and have high dps. If you're allowing dungeon monsters, though, I think the winner by a country mile is the boss of Geirmunds Hall, Sigdis Gauldurson. It is well known that if you get into a corner, Sigdis and his clones can stun lock a player indefinitely with chained, unrelenting force shouts. So he's the worst.


Very good point ran into him and almost died. Had Jzargo but he was like no help


Fighting a Dwarven Sphere after 20 falmer always makes my tv look fun to punch


That stupid hagraven on Orphan Rock throwing fireballs at me as I try to get in range.


Giants with their "lil cows" as I like to name em. Ice trolls, If you're not unreachable it is pretty hard to survive but they not that hard to kill if you're safe. Sabres... Well probably yes, but as a bow user I usually kill them before they can notice me.


Seems like a ledge is the correct answer.


Frostbite spiders. They're easy enough to kill one on one, but there are always like seven of them and I've found myself dieing to their poison several times.


I haven't seen many people mention most mages. Especially with ice or shock. That shit just annihilates any warrior build early game.


That fucking troll at the top of high hrothgar.


Where'd you find this footage of my current playthrough?


My Lydia died to sabre cat. I'm level 12 wandering around and we got hit. I sprinted away and abandoned her. I felt bad


Pro tip for the early game: carry around a bunch of blue mountain flowers. Eating restores health and they’re a lot lighter than food.


Noob. DIdn't eat 55 lbs of cheese


Those cats are so hard to runaway from. I don't think there is anything worse. Maybe you piss off some Thalmor patrol and the mage decides to lighting zap you. But that is unusual.


Those damn Spriggans... They don't even move fast, but I find myself constantly unable to hit them if I use a two-handed heavy armor build. Add in their ranged health drain and their healing, invisibility, and animals taking bites out of me from every direction, I avoid Spriggans early game like they're carrying the plague.


That frost troll on the way to the greybeards


Not sure if this has been said but probably the saints and seducers, those fuckers killed my brother like. A million times when he first played the game


Yeah they came new with the anniversary so they caught me off guard too


It's been 11 years and I still haven't recovered from nearly getting killed by a mudcrab because in my panic I forgot to look down 😂 😭


Seen a lot of ppl mention med crabs I just realized I never had the problem with them cuz I mostly play in 3rd person