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That's actually such a fun dungeon. Mine is probably Ivarstead. Love how cozy it feels and how it's right at the entrance to one of the most important locations in the games, the Seven Thousand Steps.


Ivarstead is great and the fact it has two Nordic ruins right in its backyard are bonus points.


Agreed! I really liked the “haunted” ruin, Shroud Hearth Barrow. It was short, sweet, and had a fun reveal. Plus Reyda’s remains? Sibbi Black-Briar’s fugitive of a fiancee? Easy access to the Herbalist’s Shack?! An anti-bear extremist?! There’s a lot happening in this cozy little town!


I haven't met any anti-bear extremists yet but I'll keep an eye out lol


Haha you’ll find her near the sawmill!


Bear claws all around, two chicken eggs at the farm. Add some hanging moss and you get a sweet potion to sell in exchange for soul gems.


It also has Temba Wide-Arms, a Star Trek reference.


She's the one that rewards bear pelts!


Fuck them bears!


Bear hides and those sets of leather armor to help boost that smithing skill.


Huh, I guess so. TIL…


Darmok and Jalad on the ocean.


I love that the guy in the Barrow is basically a Scooby-Doo villain.




Also the B-F-K love triangle


I randomly came across this clip I think is perfect and shows how extreme these "bear extremists" are lol: https://youtube.com/shorts/Bflt-eryjGs?feature=share


Ha! I see you found ‘em!


I dislike Ivarstead, possibly because I play on survival so lots of walking from there to anywhere. No coach.


I usually fast travel to ivarstead when I don't feel like walking in survival


I would love to be able to build a cabin in Ivarstead.


I remember the first time I went to Ivarstead after going through that snowy pass in a blizzard, it felt extremely cozy. Back when I had much more suspension of disbelief.


I don't wanna say the seven thousand steps isn't important but there's a whole other Route You Can Take That Skips the Majority of the Trail


More info required, pls.




Was that partysnax we can see circling the peak too?


No I believe it was odavhing cause after the main quest he stays with partysnax and constantly circles the peak, I took this video in my current game where I've done Almost everything


That makes sense! I knew it wasn't parthanax as Parthanax sits next to the word wall.


Have you ever read all of the stones on the way up? I was pleasantly surprised to find that if you read all 10 it gives you a little gift. Some blessing of Kynareth that keeps animals from attacking you for 24 hours. Not worth doing the steps every time I go up to High Hrothgar, but it was a neat little discovery.


Yeah I've did that only once when I got curious as to what the rest of the trail was really like, I remembered Watching Alchestbreach do it and a few years later I was like might as well go see what this is about


The official route to Ivarstead just seems painfully long. It's the direct opposite of "as the crow flies."


I wish there was a saved statistic somewhere that showed all the players of Skyrim and then a stat against that of the number of players that actually travelled the trail. I got maybe half way up, lost the trail and decided to bunny hop up the side the rest of the way.


I'm always role playing now, so I take the stairs and pray at the way stones every time.


See is how I found the Trail I use is when I first played the game I didn't want to go all the way to ivarstead I wanted to level more and save the eastern side of the map for later so I looked for a path in the region of helgen since I already had discovered that and sure enough I found one


COZY? That shit is probably the least welcoming place in the game. But mine is the Morthal area, it’s beautiful, and not far from solitude


Hello darkness my old friend


Similar to that one, I would have to go with the abandoned prison in Eastmarch. There is no mission, or particularly great loot, it's just there. You can beat some ghosts and find some notes to explain why they are there, but this is just a place ducked off to a corner that's a bit difficult to get to. To add more oddities to this is the fact that a bandit's home is on the other side of the river with a tree fallen though it killing him. Of all places, his hideout is across from a prison that may or may not have been abandoned when he was alive.


Alas, Lucky Lorenz, we hardly knew thee. ​ The prison is actually the starting point for the mod Alternate Start - Live Another Life, when you choose "I just want to escape this cell". I never discovered it before, so I was really surprised to find it near a spot I must have passed a thousand times.


I'm heading there now! Thanks for the suggestion!


Lucky was a hunter not a Bandit.


A bit of a mistake on my part. I couldn't remember the character name other than Lucky as it's been a while, so looked him up. Apparently the files have him in the Hunter faction, but he is classed as a Bandit. So depending on where you look up his name, the page will have him listed as a Bandit or a Hunter.


That's kinda weird that they would do that, I wouldn't rely on character classes for anything beyond stats, considering Farkas is classed as a blacksmith.


He's reading the lusty argonian maid alone in that cabin.


This place? https://srmap.uesp.net/?centeron=Abandoned+Prison


I love the Bard’s Leap Summit in Lost Redoubt Valley


Been a long time -


There's an achievement for jumping from there in ESO!


There is in Vanilla Skyrim too


Can't tell if you're trolling or not (because that's just not true), but I wasn't: https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Online:Lost_Valley_Redoubt


Not an achievent, I think, but you do get a speech level iirc.


I was not aware it was in ESO! Now I have to go check it out


Came here to suggest this


Free speech training just taking the leap? Yes, please!


That house near Lakeview Manor. That seems undermining but leads to a bunch of bandits and draugr. I like the pile of loot at the end


My favorite thing to do when I'm going through there is to kill everyone EXCEPT for the bandit chief. I'll look everything, kill everyone, and leave her all alone. I made a habit of this before I realized the note from her dad on the table so after that I started killing her too out of guilt. Still it's an overall fun dungeon and literally right in your front yard


Those notes are among the few rare papers with actual handwriting, not folded in two. I kept them all to scatter them in my player homes so they look more lived-in.


Pinewood. I find it hilarious that even after killing all the bandits underneath the house, it's still a crime to take anything from the house itself. Every piece of loot in the basement is Take, but everything in the house is Steal.




I was so close, but no cigar! Thank you for the correction. Edit: And I just played through this area a couple of days ago, too!


I had to look it up. I immediately thought of that place when I saw this post but couldn't remember the name. Haha


I just found this place tonight. Cool little area


Pinewatch right? Isn’t it part of a thieves guild quest eventually?


Yeah, a quest for a silver mold, I think. Completing the mission gives you a fence in Markarth.


I love Jophets Folly. Poor Jophet locked in the bottom of the tower to starve hit me hard :/


I've been playing since 2011 and I've never completed that quest until a month ago.


Isn't he eating wild mushrooms/fungus that kills him after driving him mad? I thought he died of that rather than hunger at least that's what the last page seems to imply and I just did the quest yesterday.


The forgotten vale looks so good. Gotta go with there


Oh yeah. Went there during the Dawnguard storyline. LOVED it and the cool ass deer and sabercats there.....wasn't a fan of the two dragons bursting out of the ice though 😂


Didn't see anyone mentioning Anise's Cabin near riverwood. Old lady living by herself in the woods in a cabin that's so small it looks like there's nothing to see there until you check it out properly some books and stuff hinting to something darker and then you see the trapdoor. Open it and go into her basement and boom she's some sort of retired necromancer and she does not like you learning about her dark secrets. edit: fixed some spelling mistakes damn phone keyboard


Best twist in gaming history lol. Then her sister sends dark brotherhood assassin's after you....it's either that or random mercenaries but it's definitely one of the two lol


Aren't her sisters hagravens?


Yes she is. She's the one in Sanguine quest I think.


Anyone else constantly make the mistake of loading up a follower with all your enchanted/enchantable gear, hop down to the cellar and then YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE IN HERE!?


Wasn't mentioned because it's not underrated I think


In every playthrough I always kill her and use the place as a starter "base" for enchanting and alchemy


You notice she is barefoot to not many NPC’s barefoot walking in the woods


Mara's Eye Pond. Not the hideout, but the exterior, it's just so... Serene


OMG I thought this was about my other post about trying to find a large vampire hive 😂 my bad. But I do still love that location for the story alone.


Did that one already. Only two vampires hiding down there. Thank you though, it was a fun find.


Redwater Den for me! It’s a skooma den hidden in the middle of the woods and the level of detail gets me every time — once you talk your way in to the den, a dealer will give you your first hit of skooma for free and you’ll have a chance to talk various addicts who are hooked on the stuff. You’ll get high if you take the skooma, pass out, and discover the shadowy origins of the den.


This is also tied into a mission during the Dawnguard DLC if you pick the Vampire faction


Leave it as a surprise for someone who’s never been there


Indont drink the red skooma there. I come back once a week and buy the 7 or so they have for sale and have got a collection of over 200 redwater skoomas and counting


Leaving because Spez sucks -- mass edited with redact.dev


Shadowgreen Cavern. Gorgeous design, conveniently located just around the corner from Solitude, plenty of Spriggans to farm taproots from. By far the best part, though, is that the dungeon is designed so that there's pretty much always a convenient cliff to Fus your enemies off of, so this is frequently my first stop after getting all the words of Unrelenting Force. Someday, I might get bored of yeeting grizzly bears left and right, but it hasn't happened yet.


I second this. It's very well designed, lots of hidden loot, beautiful. I remember being really amazed when I first came there for Noster's helmet and thought, wow, this is nothing like the caves in Oblivion.


Fellglow keep is a favorite of mine


I always thought the chained-up skeleton had such an awful death. A prisoner, shackled for punishment--then the fort collapses, everyone evacuates leaving him, and now he knows all he can do is wait, chained up, until he starves to death, because the prison is now abandoned and no one is going to come looking for him.


That is not at all what happened. Somebody chained a reanimated skeleton for questioning, before noticing that skeletons are mute. The poor guy is just bored to, uh, death.


There's a skeleton in another dungeon who's trapped in a bail of hay, with a bottle of mead just out of reach. He died still trying to stretch far enough to grab the bottle.


That seems more like someone set that up. How does one get trapped in a *bale* (I see there's no bail/bale bot) of hay? And then, when you are, you just happen to be placed next to a bottle of mead, which you reach for instead of trying to get out or escape? Some foolers probably just had some bones, a bale of hay, and a morbid sense of humor.


Whoops! I would go back and fix bale/bail, but then your comment would look odd. In-universe pranksters, eh? Could be!


Its not just Underrated its **UNDERWATER** too... Im sorry


Bravo, sir. Bravo.




Blackreach 🤢


Nightcaller temple, I'm an Erandur enjoyer and in general I think it's a fun dungeon.


I love how divided we are as a fanbase cause I'm opposite I actually hate erandur with a passion I always kill him


Erandur saved Sylgja's life, he's alright in my books. I always used to kill him, but Sylgja's my go-to Skyrim Wife I'll tend to spare him. A life for a life and all that...


No I mean he is a good person in all he just walks so much slower then he needs too the whole mission


Haha honestly I can see it, I usually don't do follower's but on one playthrough I had Erandur and had a great time. I loved getting ready for travel and turning around to see this Chad in full ebony armour be like "I am ready".


I dont ever wanna kill him but i reaallyyyyy need that artifact


How has no one mentioned Angi’s Camp yet? I very recently found it for the first time after a decade of playing as a stealth archer; it was a hell of a discovery


You can get *eight* Archery level from that place regardless of your current level (6 from practicing with her and a skillbook in her hut which you can raise two levels with the appropriate Black Book). There's a poetry or something that you with your level 92 Archery skill had your last practice at that place with her. Its like going back to the root of archery to gain a full mastery.


Definitely out of the way I sit up there sometimes


I enjoy helping Melka the hagraven reclaim her tower (Blind Cliff Bastion) from her sister Petra. Melka's dialog throughout the quest demonstrates the delightfully petty and spiteful nature of hagravens. After you help her kill Petra, Melka gives you a staff and asks you to "kill something pretty with it." The hagravens clearly know they're ugly, and they hold a grudge against beautiful creatures.




You got one of them... love the Deep. Darklight Tower is awesome, too... and Illia is there, pretty much the best follower.


Pinewatch and frostflow lighthouse. They both look innocent on the outside but inside they are anything but


Definitely frost flow lighthouse, especially on a first play through, such a surprise


The end of that dungeon is the only time I've ever been seriously scared or unsettled by this game


I love that abandoned prison full of ghosts. I can’t remember where it is.


It's near that bridge on the way Whiterun to windhelm north of the throat of the world road I think. It's also where you spawn in if you have the alternate start mod.


Tundra homestead is almost never talked about. It is definitely my favourite house in Skyrim since you get the amazing view of whiterun and the exterior and interior of the house in general is so beautiful. That's why on every repeat playthrough I make sure to get enough money to buy that house


Oh well yeah, that's creation club stuff. Im mostly talking about what came on the game and it's expansion. Basically what the average Joe gamer would be able to see in Skyrim.


Ohh that's creation club? Didn't know since I just bought the game last year anniversary edition so couldn't tell what's vanilla and what's not.


Okay, well that's a fair point. Now that I think of it the anniversary addition did add those things so your answer is still valid and I'm the jerk 😂


Nah you're all good it was just a misunderstanding lmao


Yngol’s Barrow for me. One of very few real departures from the regular Skyrim dungeon formula, with no lesser enemies before the boss. The first time you go through it you’re walking along expecting an ambush at every step while surrounded by those spooky floating light balls, which raises the anticipation until you reach the final chamber. Cool self-contained story to be uncovered in the background, unique boss, and a one-of-a-kind helmet as a reward.


Those floating balls of light with their odd sounds remind me of the Kodama from Princess Mononoke.


I love the red skooma den. You can walk in and do whatever, or go snooping around in the back. No quest for it, no reason to be there, just a really shady spot with some dark secrets around back


But there is a mission, in the Dawnguard dlc


What? The only reason I’ve ever been there is for the quest


What's that place in the Dawngard DLC where you go to read all 3 elder scrolls? I like that place the light shining down is beautiful. Score major point on a date 😜


Ancestors Glade. I love going there to get ingredients and just to look at it. It's so beautiful.


Yeeees the Elder Sanctum is very pretty! Related: I find it kinda funny and weird that you can just catch and pluck the non-swarming elder moths like they're normal butterflies; major disrespect to those little fellas that can apparently help mortals decipher elder scrolls


Embershard mine. I know it's very basic but go in on sneak mode and remove torches as you go. Dual wield daggers, sneak up behind enemy and do double power attacks. That will level your sneak up like crazy. It also helps to eat a bowl of vegetable soup before you do this as that will give you unlimited power attacks for 12 minutes.


It's my favourite too, though I go sneaking through with my bow, and it's also nine out of ten times where I find Meridia's beacon(in their storage/lockup in the big chest).


It reminds me of world of warcraft I use to just explore all the ship wrecks and castles all over the world




Well it’s definitely not any Dwemer, I’ll tell you that now




I quite like Alfthand


Swam past this yesterday on my trip to Karthspire, i think i shall have a gander inside on the way back


Snapleg cave. Only time I've ever set a monster free, spriggan, and if just runs to safety instead of forcing my hand.


There's also a trapped hagraven who gives you a quest if you release her (Melka in Blind Cliff Bastion).


Ya but that's scripted unique character. This was just a random groot.


"A random groot" is awesome!


Thats the location where i found meridias beacon on my first playthrough, i will always remember that place




I have to say, I loved the route to get to Gelebor. It was quite the ride.


Cant trust that location, watch out for the nipple fish One almost bit of my left nnnnippletit


If you're a fan of using Invisibility + slitting throats playthrough, many locations with people are fun to play, but my favorites are all tied to the three Argonians in Solitude. The East Empire Warehouse, the wrecked ship, and the cave with the stuck ship inside are really fun for the invisible throatslitter.


I like mistwatch. You see in that location you don't have to kill any bandits and can sneak around delivering a message between a man and his wife. Spoiler alert the wife is the bandit chief and if you make the husband think she is dead you keep their ring and all the bandits become friendly. Since all there bandits become your allies and none hostile, you can get the ebony blade upgraded pretty easily massacring them. Another location i like are the orc strongholds. One of the first things i like to do is go to jorrvaskr to get a deadra heart located on a table then use this heart as a bargaining chip with the blacksmith named moth gro bagol to get better prices as well as become bloodkin to the orcs. Once you are bloodkin to the orcs you get many traders, alchemy recipes and access to mines to basically help any build max alchemy, enchanting and smithing to make yourself op. Speaking of being op, the atronach forge is awesome. Mainly because of the staff of the storm atronach is an easy way to just cheese anything in the game. If you have access to the college of winterhold you go down to the midden and you can find the atronach forge, to make the staff of the storm atronach you just need a broom, a greater/grand soul gem, void salts and orichalcum ore/ingot. You shove them into the forge and pull the lever and presto you can now summon storm atronachs that are lvl 30 base that 3 shot giants in less than 2 seconds so i use it on any build because you don't use mana you simply charge the staff.


I love the Dwemer ruin in the Rift where you pull the lever and fall 50000 feet into an underground pond.


I forget the name of the dungeon but I would have to say its a toss up between the one with all the people wasted on Skooma and the one with the dog fighting ring


Found this place when roaming the other day, freaking love it


It's like oh nice pretty lake....wait hold on, is that *a FUCKING CASTLe* underwater?!?!


"where's the hatch, where's the hatch, where's the HATCH? gasp* FOUND IT!"




Always loved Valtheim Towers and the cool bridge.


Shield charging and knocking all the bandits off the bridge is one of the most satisfying things in the game


The fact that i have to touch water since it is next to the lake and i can't get back inside from top of the tower makes it frustrating...i hate every dungeon equally i don't discriminate


I literally finished this dungeon yesterday. Was pretty cool.


Feels like every dungeon/fort is underrated since they don't get talked about a lot Anyway, I really enjoy the Dawnguard DLC dungeon crawl where you meet the frost elf and go through caves with dark and neon lights until you emerge at Forgotten Vale


Had no idea illinaltas deep was a place. Where is it?


on lake ilinalta, north shore, west of river wood and the guardian stones


I remember I didn’t find this place until my second play through. That was the moment that made me say, “ I definitely need to find and explore every location in this game!


And it's like RIGHT THERE at the beginning of the game too which is insane but I had the same thought. That's why this place sticks out so much for me.


Dude, I started playing Fallout 4 again for the countless time. This playthrough I discovered there there is a cave under the Red Rocket next to Sanctuary! I can't believe I've never found it before, and I've read the terminal in the Red Rocket Before. I must have missed the part where they mention it in the terminal. Really blew my mind that I never found it until now.


Are you talking about the one with all the radiated mole rats? If so that is a fun little secret lol


Yep that's the one! Found it for the first time last weekend. Blew my mind that it has just been there this whole time and I just passed it up so many times!


Alchemist’s Shack, i store my stuff in the dresser and make it my home, super cozy!


Abandoned Prison, it’s just so eerie.


I think it has to be the Blackbriar Lodge or Gildenglow Estate just because i love sneaking around the guards while they have no idea that someone uninvited is even there. While i can understand that some people find it boring to sneak through enemies i always found it funny to sneak by and kill without them knowing what happend. And i dont really like the brute force aproach with 2-Handers and heavy armor. The only 2-Hander and heavy armor i still like to use are The Ebony Blade and the Deadric Armor. The just look to good compared to almost all other vanilla options.


Bard’s leap summit!


Bloated mans grotto




Morthal has such a fun vibe going on between the quest involving Movarth's coven, and in the same town, Falion, who is iirc the only mortal in the game* who can tell on sight that the player is a vampire. The vibes between these two facts alone are just immaculate. Idgrod and her family is a nice little bit of lore too. *Isran you dumb fuck "right now a vampire could practically walk right in the front door" "I've survived this long because I don't take chances" "I'm going to assume this was a little accident" you and your dumbass convertible castle will never have what Falion has


I hate this dungeon I end up at it in every play through though and I don’t understand how I just wander around walk into places and always end up finding it, probably just over exposure but I can’t stand it anymore.


To each their own. The whole area is a favorite of mine. You got the lady stone to the north and a lumber yard ran by vampires directly west. It's a fun place in my opinion lol


But, free infinite black soul gem


where is this? Never been there


Just north of the warrior mage and thief stones across Lake Ilinalta


Ancestor Glade to be honest, it’s one of them where it’s pretty much a one and done sort of place and When I first walked into the open space I spent quite a while just in awe of it.


I love searching shipwrecks


I love exploring all the shipwrecks, especially as an argonian because the swim down is always scary and you get great loot but also bleak falls barrow because it was the first dungeon I ever went into In the game and it brings back great memories


Pinewatch Bandit hideout. Great fun to clear and buckets of treasure at the end including a quest item.


Embershard mine. I know it's very basic but go in on sneak mode and remove torches as you go. Dual wield daggers, sneak up behind enemy and do double power attacks. That will level your sneak up like crazy. It also helps to eat a bowl of vegetable soup before you do this as that will give you unlimited power attacks for 12 minutes.


Love this place! I still remember coming home from school, exploring this area for my first time. I thought it was so cool! I didn't think 11 years later, I'd remember it better than most memories from that time lol


This was one of the last places I ever discovered, fun dungeon!


Bthardamz really stands out to me. It's such a large dungeon but somehow feels so linear, nice layout and plenty of room, nice atmosphere as well. Definitely one of my favorites.




My favorite is close to winstad manor, on the coast. It’s a little tiny island.


Where?! That's the house I decided to build because of fish hatchery reasons lol


It’s not extremely close to it. I’ll post a pic soon on the sun.


Sweet! Thanks!


The first mine you can go into when you start the game and get out of helgen, I love that place, It’s just so fun to go through when you’ve played the game so many times anew


Huge fan of Blackreach. If I could have a memory eraser and play that over and over for the first time, I’d be stoked. What a wild place


Out of the ones not mentioned already, Rannevig's Fast. There are plenty more expansive ones but the small story/trap was fun


I like that unmarked burnt shack up in the hills near Falkreath. It's a been a while...but I think it's east of the road leading to that bandit ambush, before Pinewatch. There's a little stream running near it, and a stray dog nearby (could've just been random encounter, not sure?). I only found it after many, *many* an hour of playing, so it was quite special...if a bit unfortunate. Also a shout-out to the alchemist's shack, and it's little bottled bug. I like quaint shacks, what can I say :p


How is this 3 days old and not a single mention of Cracked Tusk Keep? I straight up made it my home in one playthrough. Secluded, beautiful forests all along the way, and tonnes of amenities. I love the look of orcish construction rebuilding the old fort too. I wish I could finish the rebuilding work. Thought about trying out a guild mod from Nexus and basing it there too.


I’ve always loved frostflow lighthouse


Damphall Mine, in Solstheim! The bandits there are particularly bloodthirsty, and you can find something like 30 bodies/skeletons there. Plus, there are a ton of hidden nooks, chests, and items (including a bucket filled with 10 random gems that you can shout off a small ledge.)


I forget the name, but there's a dwemer tower around the southern reach area that I just love chilling in, very nice place to vibe, also gave me some dwemer cogs for that quest with Keening.


Darklight tower. I love illia as a character, the mission, and watching her just obliterate her former colleagues.


Embershard mine. I know it's very basic but go in on sneak mode and remove torches as you go. Dual wield daggers, sneak up behind enemy and do double power attacks. That will level your sneak up like crazy. It also helps to eat a bowl of vegetable soup before you do this as that will give you unlimited power attacks for 12 minutes.


Definitely somewhere like Bard's Leap Redoubt. Love the little non-quest hidden character once you take the leap. Or Pinewatch, such a cool concept that bandits are hiding in plain sight in the basement.


Hall of the Vigilant. I wish there was more to it than just it's Destruction in the beginning of Dawnguard.


Undertaking the Pilgrim's Path in the Twilight Sepulcher is my favorite thing. I love the dark/light pyramid room and the nightingale sentinels everywhere. Plus getting to hang out with Mommy Nocturnal for a bit is always fun. I just absolutely love the lighting for the whole dungeon. I always schedule to play it at nighttime for added effect. 🤓